Matthew 5:12
Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for
so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.
It is easy to brush the attacks of heathens aside, for they just don't know
better. But the most vicious attacks of hate have come from those who claim they
are Christian...who have a form of godliness but no Godliness within. They say
they are not satanists, but who else would want the destruction of a Holy woman
and Holy Ministry?
The fruit of this Ministry is Holiness and that is what we strive to teach the
people. The mandatory requirements of YAHUVEH right now is that the Godly are
getting more obedient to HIM and putting YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA first in their
life and love. This ministry never leads anyone to a religion or a human but to
a loving, obedient, Holy relationship with our Creator YAHUVEH and our Messiah
YAHUSHUA. To teach the people the Jewishness of our Messiah and that we are to
obey all the 10 Commandments, including the 4th Commandment, keep the Sabbath
Holy. Who but the devil would want to kill me for speaking forth these truths
and teaching them? Remember the warning in the Scriptures that in the end times
they would call good, evil, and evil, good!
Isaiah 5:20
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for
light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
Jack Barr and Raymond Arguello sell their so called prophecies. When I warn that
YAHUVEH's gifts are NOT for sale, I am hated and called all manner of evil.
Case in point...Zeph Daniel and Frank Whalen (who is a Howard Stern perverted
wannabe). The things Frank says on the radio program would make a sailor blush!
The newest Prophecy 79 speaks of the satanic orgies in the Sunday Churches
during the Great tribulation, and Frank made a nasty sexual remark on the radio
program and they labeled demonic curses a "whammy" which they were throwing at
me. Zeph laughed.
Christians, don't call for the death of a woman whose only desire in this world
is to serve YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and to be pleasing as Enoch was to YAHUVEH and
to be translated to Heaven with that testimony in the name of YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH as part of YAHUSHUA's BRIDE. (Genesis 5:24)
Zeph claims he went to Hell and removed souls out of Hell! Lies! Anyone who
preaches another gospel, let them be acursed, as the Bible says in 2 Corinthians
11:4! Not even if an angel comes from Heaven, preaching another gospel, are we
to receive them. Why then do those who call themselves Christians sit in Zeph's
lamb cafe, and not speak out and rebuke him?
Why do they not rebuke and run from a man that calls for my death and even puts
in my middle name to make sure his satanic cults get the whole name? These same
people listened when I was on his radio show and I was honored to preach and
teach and share under the anointing of the Ruach ha Kodesh (Holy Spirit). Why do
these same people, who say they were blessed to hear those programs and asked
Zeph and Rich Keltner to put me on the radio, turn away when I am being
persecuted for only doing what they know is scriptural? I am called a false
prophet and yet no one can say where I have prophesied falsely? Even I say if I
ever teach anything not backed up with scripture...throw it out! I have not
changed the messages about the Sabbath and observing YAHUVEH's feasts in the 10
years I have been on the Internet. What changed?
People are also threatening me because Angie Ray is getting exposed along with
Junita Bynum, Joel Osteen, Robert Schuller and Benny Hinn, among others. Who
will warn where the wolves are disguised as sheep if I don't? That is one of the
mandates of this Ministry.
How could anyone who claims they are a Christian attack me and call me a
pharisee and false prophet for Prophecy 79, just because I am standing on the
HOLY SCRIPTURES and the Torah commandments written by the finger of YAHUVEH. I
never said you would go to Hll if you don't keep the True Sabbath Holy and I
don't mean Sunday! But we desire to obey YAHUVEH because we love HIM and desire
to please HIM. Why would HIS SON YAHUSHUA cancel a law HIS ABBA wrote with HIS
own firey finger on a tablet of stone? All the disciples kept the Sabbath, and
the reason it isn't stressed more is because it was just assumed everyone knew
better to not break or change the Sabbath Day. Read the below scripture and
study for yourself.