Prophecy 24 part 2:
Beware the yeast of the Pharisee's, it is in a multitude of the churches. The yeast causes the Pharisee's that I called snakes or vipers to manifest a spirit of religion. I the Lord your GOD hates the spirit of a Pharisee. They speak Holy when it's convenient and when it's not offensive to them, yet they do not live what they speak. The yeast causes the Pharisee's to rise up and speak words of truth from the Bible yet throws in a percentage of lies from Hell and doctrines of devils. There are two different Pharisee spirits beware of both of these I now warn you those with spiritual ears to hear and listen. I do not want MY Sheep and Lambs to be led astray. The Pharisee spirit tries to destroy MY Prophets speaking. This Handmaiden of MINE speaking, battles with those that come to her as enemies with the spirit of Pharisee. She has been hurt many times from the spirit of a Pharisee.
Told because she is a woman she can't be a pastor, because of her looks she can't be MY Pastor, because she exposes the wolves in sheep's clothing, those out to deceive and devour MY Sheep and Lambs, she is accused of judging them. Yet she does NOT judge them, MY Word does judge them. MY RUACH ha KODESH speaks forth convicting words and those with the spirit of the Pharisee do not want to be convicted nor exposed. This causes the yeast of the Pharisee's to rise up and try to destroy this ministry as well as many others. Yet these Pharisee's speak vain words. Their words do not fool YAHUSHUA who knows their hearts and true intents. There is no mercy for the Pharisee's without repentance.
So be forewarned this day. Beware the yeast of the Pharisee's will contaminate the entire congregation if left to continue to rise up. The very elect will be deceived if possible. Beware of the demonic spirits of the spirit of religion. I am not a religion, I am a loving relationship. The spirit of the Pharisee's say only certain denominations will be saved. There are no labels in Heaven only the redeemed of YAHUSHUA will enter into Heaven. The spirit of religion comes forth out of the yeast of the Pharisee's. They quote MY Words and do not even know ME. The Pharisee's try and destroy and discourage MY True Prophets.
Pray for the people to intercede so the congregation will not get deceived by the yeast of the Pharisee's or deceived by the cloning spirit. What better way for satan to deceive MY Elect than to enter in someone that once preached MY Gospel and brought multitudes to the Lord your GOD. Beware these ministers boast about their Rolex watches of fine gold. Tailor made clothes on their back, take the Holy tithes and offerings and use it for their personal salary and boast about it. The tithes and offerings belong to YAHUVEH. You are to give your alms where MY RUACH ha KODESH leads you and not always where you attend Church. Plant where I tell you to plant. Hear MY voice and open your ears and you will be amazed I am not telling you to pay for bigger and better buildings, redecoration, luxury gifts for the pastor.
This admonition is not for all pastors. I have MY remnant also that love MY Children and are there to serve the congregation in every way. These pastors go without and are in lack. For these have the poorer congregations. But great will be these pastors' rewards in Heaven. These Pastors are rich in faith and gifts of the RUACH ha KODESH. I will reward them openly one day very soon.
These tithe and love offerings are to preach the Gospel around the world, and speak forth MY Prophetic messages, bringing Souls into MY loving arms. I, YAHUSHUA am VERY angry for you sit in these churches that only preach one side of Almighty YAHUVEH, the side that is love and yet refuse to speak against anything that might offend others. They don't weep over the lost souls. The yeast of the Pharisee's only wants to rise up and speak about redecorating the church, building bigger and better buildings. Paying for ministers to come and hold seminars, or musicians to sing, all the while MY People in the congregation go naked, hungry, or homeless.
These same pastors would never think of inviting these people into their own homes. Many have congregations so large they don't even attempt to recognize faces or know their names. This is not a pastor. They should be there when you need them no matter what time of day or night. The yeast of the Pharisee's says they cannot be bothered to pray for just anyone. They forget a pastor is a servant. They are to weep with MY People, rejoice with MY People; they are not above MY People. They should bear one another's burdens, encouraging the congregation to call upon them when prayer is needed. Home numbers should be freely given.
You see no signs wonders or miracles that follow after them that believe. So instead these Pharisee's must put on a carnival atmosphere to entertain the congregation. Beware the yeast of the Pharisee's. No wonder you count the seconds until church is over with. Can't you see MY RUACH ha KODESH is not moving there?
Can't you see the true gift of prophecy is despised? Can't you see if I were to send this Handmaiden Elijah to these churches she would not be welcome? If she were to speak forth this prophetic message she would be shown the door. Test this and copy and show your pastor what is written here and other prophecies I have spoken through Elisheva Eliyahu. You will be amazed for you will see if your pastor has the spirit and yeast of the Pharisee. Most of you reading this recognizing the voice of your Heavenly Father will be shocked to see what your pastor or spiritual leader does with prophecies such as I have given this Prophet. They may say they don't have time or just let you know they are not interested in Prophecy.
Can't you see satan sends his cloning spirits to clone a person that once was Holy. But they turned away from ME because of greed, pride, sin, or lack of faith. Yet now that cloning spirit now speaks forth MY Words yet no RUACH ha KODESH is within. Only a clone of Hell disguised as an angel of light. I will hold you responsible for sowing seed into ministries that lead MY People to false doctrines. These churches grow in abundance like a glutton they consume the wealth. Just because they are the biggest ministry does not mean they are the best. Just because they are on television does not make them better than a small congregation. These ministers who build Media Centers to reach the world and still beg for more to pay for their multi million dollar churches and studios, they are abundant in wealth, worldliness, but not in Holiness. You who helped them lead the people astray by not speaking forth will be held accountable. I will remove your blessings if you continue to deafen your ears. This is your last chance! Stop supporting the ministries and churches with the yeast of the Pharisee's. I will remove your blessings if you continue to promote these lies of the Pharisee's.
This earth has been worshipped and not the Creator of this earth. For this the earth has paid and will continue to pay. Creatures of this earth have been worshipped for this the creatures must pay. Man has been worshipped not the Creator of mankind for this mankind shall pay. Evil spirits of Jezebel and Ahab have been embraced in the churches, for this judgment comes to the house of YAHUVEH and on the earth. Flee from such places. Instead listen to MY RUACH ha KODESH. Listen to the Spiritual leaders with Spirits of Noah, Moses, Elijah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, John the Baptist.
Prophecy 26:
Do not be like the synagogues of satan, who do profess to be MINE and yet do not keep MY Laws and Sabbaths and have not truly received the gift of YAHUSHUA at Calvary.
Prophecy 28:
You see these wolves are not merely wolves with sharp fangs, they are rabid and when they bite once, their bite is deadly. So it is not merely a bite but your very soul and life is at stake. The snakes sent to surround you are not only one, but many. The snakes will try and surround you and their bite is not only a snake bite but there are cobras which inject venom into your Spirit telling you that YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA can't take care of their sheep, it is hopeless, they will inject you with a lying venom saying, "Trust the government not your GOD." Then they will use boa constrictor snakes to try and squeeze you everyway they can financially, spiritually, physically, and mentally the government will squeeze you like a boa constrictor at the same time using the cobra to inject the poisonous venom of lies to cause even the strongest in faith to quiver in fear.
Prophecy 31:
Beware those who call themselves MY Prophets and never speak the word REPENT and turn away from sin. Beware those who only speak of evil to come and yet give MY Children no hope. 'I AM' is not in these prophecies. There is always a way of escape for MY Beloved Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones, and Elect. I will provide a way when there seems to be none. Just because you know it not now, it is like a man with a ticket to ride, they don't need the ticket until it is time to leave. You don't need the wisdom now for if I were to tell MY Prophets of MY ways of escape then beloved, the enemy would know also. I have MY 'Hidden ones' that is all you need to know at this time.
Prophecy 32:
Satan sought to deceive then and he does the same now. He used a golden idol then, he uses a golden idol now. You with the spirit of a Pharisee you chase after flesh and not MY RUACH ha KODESH. You, I once looked upon with joy, now I turn away from in disgust. You say because this ministry or that person that you have put upon pedestal thinking they are more than what they are. Because they say this is an act of Heaven without even discerning what spirit they are speaking from. You accept it as truth though it be a lie from the pit of hell.
Woe be unto these that teach MY People to sin and accept what is not of MY RUACH ha KODESH. You are the same ones that have them rolling in the aisles and barking like dogs, and laughing in chaotic mockery claiming it is the joy of the Lord. You leaders I will bring you down so suddenly who have led MY flock astray you will not even be warned. Consider this your warning but so few will even hear MY voice for they have heard the voice of another that now speaks to them through satan. You leaders, you are held responsible and you are held accountable for what you know. You false leaders who lead MY People astray are the same ones that now use MY Word to claim YAHUSHUA is channeling through the people. Come out of the churches that do all of these things I have charged them with this day or flocks that once were MINE, your name will be blotted out forever in the Lamb's Book of Life.
You leaders boast how many are getting saved from this 'Gold Fever Revival' and yet do you not think I know the peoples true motives and see their hearts? Do you not know that satan uses a gold idol once again to lead MY People into false worship and you think you're praising ME and glorifying 'I AM' and yet you're insulting ME. Away from ME those who do these things REPENT TODAY or with your soul you will pay. Now I have further charges against you leaders, congregations, and churches who say you are MINE. During this time you even have the heathen's eyes upon the gold fever revival and yet I charge you with this.
Why are you not falling on your knees and fasting and interceding day and night for the atrocities being done in a war orchestrated by satan himself. Do you not know 'I AM' is going to judge in a harsh way all those taking part in NATO and doing these atrocities. Your eyes are on gold and not on the innocent men, women, and children you are bombing and murdering daily. Pastors, Prophets, Apostles, Evangelists and Teachers beware, you who once spoke MY Words and now play the game, Follow the leader, 'I AM' is the only leader you are to follow. 'I AM' follows no man or woman. They are to follow 'I AM.'
'I AM' is not in the popularity of the ministries you seek autographs from for shame. MY Servants are to serve the people and instead they are enticed to sin with bribery to stay silent from the government's who give tax exempt status and warn you if you speak you will pay for it financially. For the sake of money you muzzle yourself. You prove what God you serve when you do not speak that homosexuality is sin. Abortion is sin! This war is sin! The ways of the world is sin! Anyone who is a friend to this world is not a friend to 'I AM' or MY Son YAHUSHUA, BEWARE!
I charge you now, you who call yourselves spiritual leaders, you who march to the tune of the world's drummer. Why do you not hear MY voice tell you to speak out against unholiness? You teach MY People to sin by staying silent and no matter what is done by your political leaders you say, 'I AM' wants them not to fight against what is unholy, nor speak out against the leaders of the nations doing these things. Pray for them to repent. But do not let the spiritual leaders and political leaders lead you into the bowels of Hell. Do not let the blood of others soak your garments. Do not be blinded by the fame and fortune satan offers in this world.
I charge you spiritual leaders I once could trust, I cannot anymore.
Why are you not protesting and having your people protest this war? Why do you call yourself friend to the political leaders doing these atrocities? Don't you know you will be held responsible for not speaking out in fear of losing your tax exempt status? You Spiritual leaders you have accepted the bribery from the government to remain quiet. You have sold your birthright like Esau did for a handful of gold. The bigger the ministry the more you could have had MY People to raise up and speak up and tell the heathen no. Yet, for a bribe you remain silent and allow murders of innocents and the blood is on your hands spiritual leaders and all who follow after them and all who support them with your tithes and offerings.
Your spiritual leaders who every week holds Church or Temple and yet do not lead the people to fast, pray and intercede against this. Two wrongs do not make a right. How can you condemn murder on one hand and yet applaud it on the other hand as long as your nation is doing the murdering. Hypocrites! How can you say we must support our political leaders when what they do is wrong? Yes, I put the political leaders in office. I also put the evil pharaoh as a corrupt ruler. Did I tell Moses to obey him when he was ungodly? Did I not tell the Israelites to flee this ungodly ruler? Did I not tell Moses to warn this ungodly ruler? Did I not create the evil pharaoh and yes, even Hitler and Mussolini for MY wrath and destruction for the evil they had done in MY sight.
You who read MY Words to the people, and yet do not act upon the words, faith without works is dead. You sing your praises to ME and yet I say, "Be gone with your praises for you show ME no praise in any other way than with the forming of your lips in song. Your hearts are far from ME. You speak of love and yet I charge you spiritual leaders where is your love? If you love ME you will obey ME. You will teach MY People to obey. Speak out like John the Baptist and not fear for your lives."
Prophecy 35:
Oh REPENT you wicked generation for I spared you when I should have destroyed you long ago. I spared you from MY wrath but for a short time. You are seconds away from midnight and you scoff and mock MY Son's coming. You scoff and mock the horror that is to come. You scoff and mock those that prepare for that time spiritually looking for their Savior to come and take them from the appointed time of Tribulation. You scoff and mock even when I give a date for catastrophe to come and because of the tears, fasting and prayers and the catastrophe doesn't come, you then label that prophet false. There are many false prophets but if that prophet or apostle lead you towards salvation and Holiness and teaches truth and not lies, how then can they be false?
If a prophet or apostle leads you away from Heaven and toward hell then they are indeed a false prophet. If they lead you to another god or false sign, wonder, or miracle then they are indeed a false prophet or apostle or teacher. If an apostle or prophet, or teacher leads you to discard MY old Laws and Books they are indeed a false prophet or apostle! (Psalm 1:2) You are to meditate on MY laws both day and night. Even if an angel comes preaching another way to Heaven or tells you not to listen to the old Book and only read the New Book, BEWARE for "I AM" is the OLD BOOK that was made FLESH in MY Son YAHUSHUA for not only was the old book read but was SEEN! MY WORD was seen in WORD and DEED and now MY true children, so too should the world see MY WORD both the NEW and OLD Testament should be seen in YOU!
Do not be discouraged, those who have been in bondage. For just like Shaul (Paul) was anointed to speak to MY people, it was because of his praise, although he suffered, he was tested and used to speak forth out of his afflictions. Just as surely as I freed Shaul from his prison by an angel so too shall I free those who call out to ME to be free of the goats they dwell with. "I AM" will deliver you as you speak this forth in faith and let not yourselves grow comfortable in the surroundings of the ungodly ones that call themselves family, but are no family at all. Your true family are believers and lovers of "I AM," YAHUSHUA and the RUACH ha KODESH. Those with a desire to live Holy and be Holy and love the whole word that was made flesh, his name is YAHUSHUA.
Prophecy 36:
As Lot was refused entrance by the angel warning him not to enter so too when I say flee from whatever country you're in, then OBEY! I shall send you angels disguised as men and women and they shall speak forth MY Words but be deceived not. If it doesn't line up with the word of "I AM," if the is not found in them, then do not listen to anyone that is not worshipping, serving, loving, putting ME first in all ways! For the enemy will send those that look holy and talk holy and yet listen close to the words they speak. Are they encouraging you to stay in faith, to remain living holy, to follow MY laws of old? Which have never become outdated for MY laws, MY Torah is ageless. Are they preaching another gospel that says there is another way to Heaven and you don't need the Blood of MY Son YAHUSHUA to get there? If they are telling you to follow man's laws and throw away MY laws then I tell you this, I have not sent them to guide you or mentor you in anyway.
To MY shame you have made excuses for lukewarm love toward ME. You have made excuses for lack of desire to obey ME or to live holy or to learn of ME or to serve ME. I accept NO excuses! I have told you that you are not to have fellowship with darkness again and again in MY Word. You are to be an example of MY holiness and yet so many now shrug their shoulders and no longer care of the evil in the land.
Prophecy 47:
TO BE FOREWARNED IS TO BE FOREARMED FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS! To be forewarned is to be forearmed. Beware of any Apostle or Prophet or spiritual leader that tells you 'I AM' is not the same yesterday, today, and forever. That tells you don't believe the Bible it is a outdated book full of stories, and although interesting does not apply for these modern times, any spiritual leader that tells you that satan is not a real enemy or only figments of your imagination.
TO BE FOREWARNED IS TO BE FOREARMED FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS! The evil ones say the Commandments are outdated and no longer to feel any conviction when ignoring MY set Sabbath Day spoken of in Genesis since the creation of man, nor fear when MY Commandments are not kept. Instead these evil spiritual leaders rewrite MY Commandments, and transcribe the Holy Word according to their lifestyles. These evil spiritual leaders play God and insist on taking YAHUVEH's Glory and Reverence reserved for 'I AM' and MY Son YAHUSHUA and MY RUACH ha KODESH.
TO BE FOREWARNED IS TO BE FOREARMED FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS! 'I AM' speaks now and forewarns you that any spiritual leader that teaches you to sin is from the evil ones who seeks your destruction and your soul. Again to be forewarned is to be forearmed for such a time as this.
Prophecy 48:
Trust no one but HaShem ADONAI, ELOHIM of your creation and YAHUSHUA, ELOHIM of your salvation. Trust HaShem ADONAI as you cry out for mercy to ME, and seek MY face, as to the truth of who is YAHUSHUA, I will faithfully send you proof of what MY Handmaiden speaks forth in MY NAME. Trust not all your rabbi's to speak the truth, for so many no longer speak MY truth but the truth the antimessiah will speak. The evil rabbi's and teachers, politicians speak what the false prophet will speak. The false rabbi's say they are a Jew and yet belong to the synagogue of hasatan. Beware you have been warned. They tell you to live in ways that cause you great sacrifice and yet the false rabbi's put burdens on you that they themselves do not carry only heap the burdens, and fears on MY People.
Prophecy 49:
I charge you Pastors and accuse you now. Shame on you! You have spoken what the government, congregation, who bought you, tells you what to say. Pastors you have warned who the terrorist of America is, but have not warned who the enemy of YAHUVEH is, and the true enemy of MY Children, the name is satan and satan comes in many forms, in various religions. Satan goads you into a war that he knows will be a war that will lead all nations to partake in one way or another. Beware when you next call this World War III that is exactly what it will be. America, you are being deceived. Wake up MY People and speak up against this, encourage your President to find more peaceful ways than war that will even include biological, and germ warfare. This is no longer a war with mere bullets. This will be a war of a magnitude that will shake this world and truly the words World War III will never be forgotten, nor will any nation remain the same. You have been warned.
Prophecy 51:
I, YAHUVEH am anointing MY chosen ones in a greater way than I have ever done before. Study and show thyself approved, so that no one can misguide you with the Scriptures. I, YAHUVEH am assembling MY troops on the wall to defeat satan, and the demons that surround you. The weapons you have are not carnal, but spiritual. No weapon can match the unusual anointings that I have imparted in each of you, though you know it not. In MY timing, you shall see the standard that I, YAHUVEH will raise up against those that seek to harm the Christians and the Jews. All Israelites who call upon the NAME of YAHUVEH, those who do not fear to use the Sacred NAMES, they realize that they have been deceived, and thereby taught wrong. There is anointing, saving, delivering, and healing power, in the names of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA.
I have watched the tares, and the wheat grow side by side, and now the time is upon this world where MY angels shall shortly pluck out the tares, and burn them, where they will burn for eternity first in hell, and then in the Lake of Fire. MY eyes always are on guard, for I jealously love, and protect MY sheep, and lambs. Beware you who are unequally yoked, for your own spouses are wolves in disguise. A marriage not ordained by YAHUVEH will not stand in these evil days ahead, evil days for the evil ones. For again I have seen the evil in the churches, and in the ministries where I have watched as satanic plants grew in power, popularity, and taught doctrines of devils. Slyly, the wolves crept in, and played the game of the pretenders, as pastors, apostles, prophets, and teachers, and yes even the evangelists. You can fool the people, but beware you can't fool YAHUVEH. You use the name of MY Son, YAHUSHUA, and you name ministries after yourself, to glorify yourself, but you have kept an evil secret.
That secret is, you haven't given your sins, hearts, lives, and souls to YAHUSHUA. You instead use occult powers, and use MY Son's NAME to manipulate MY people, to build your towers, and mansions that you call churches. I look at these multi-million dollar mansions you call churches, and I call them mausoleums. MY RUACH ha KODESH is not in them. My true apostles and prophets that warn you are insulted, abused, and chased away. Away with your pretense of worship, I only listen to those that come to me with clean hearts, away from ME with your pretense of praise. The most off key singers that have hearts set to do MY Will, and live their lives in holiness, putting all that YAHUSHUA is, before their own wants, and desires, and needs. This is the highest form of praise music in MY ears. Not your choreographed praise dancers. True dancing in the RUACH ha KODESH is not taught, nor choreographed by anyone, but the RUACH ha KODESH. It is not done simply because you want to dance before YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA; it is your feet being anointed to do so. No one can teach this. I turn away when I see worldliness in the temples and the churches.
True apostles and prophets are not taught to be such by a mere teacher in this world. Even your so called prophetic schools are a mockery. How can you teach what you never were taught by a human? Only the RUACH ha KODESH speaks and flows from MY apostles, and prophets. Those in such schools had better repent and realize man cannot make a prophet, or an apostle, or even the office of an evangelist. It is the anointing of the RUACH that draws the people. It is nothing learned, nor taught. To be a good pastor, the example is the Good Shepherd. Pastors and evangelists, stop trying to build your mansions here on Earth. Stop storing your riches on earth. You tell MY people not to prepare for disasters, yet how many of you are storing up the best of everything? How many of you wealthy pastors have a secret hideaway, and have made your plans not caring about your own congregations? Why do you think I want the money given to you in tithes to build you crystal cathedrals, or to build the biggest church in America, or the world? Wouldn't the money be better spent helping MY people to prepare for disasters? You own your own diamond mines and yet you throw away the true gems, MY Beloved children.
You false pastors, evangelists, apostles, prophets and teachers, you sicken I, YAHUVEH. Stop fleecing MY flocks. Children when you see a minister that is a millionaire flaunting their wealth in your face, why do you only give them more, angering ME further? When you see a pastor bragging about his Rolex watch or Mercedes Benz, Rolls Royce, or other luxury car, or showing off his mansion, don't you yet see a wolf has crept in among you? Listen not to just his, or her sermons, instead, judge their fruit. Realize that if that were really MY minister, he, or she would give, more than take. Do you have a church you attend that has people unemployed, on welfare, or in lack? Then how can you put that money in the offering plate to feed the wealthy pastor, and to feed the spirit of worldliness, and greed? Do you not think I will hold them, as well as you, accountable? Wealthy pastors that have lack in their churches while they live in abundance are feeding themselves, and starving MY Sheep. These evil pastors fleecing MY flocks, taking all they have, and yet mocking their nakedness. Pastors that freely receive should freely give, and yet you will see apostles, and prophets selling what I freely gave them through the anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH.
Shame on you pastors; you are not a pastor when MY children can't get your counsel without first being a member of the church, and passing your tithing tests. One test being: a member is only recognized if they tithe in a certain dollar amount of donations and attend church a certain number of times. Stop fleecing MY flocks! Remember what a pastor is to stand for. Remember you're not the Good Shepherd. If I have ordained you to be a pastor, then you are to be a blessing to MY sheep. You should be there as the physical part to encourage them with MY words. Love and pray for them, and their deliverance and praying for the salvation of their soul, teaching them to obey
MY Torah, MY commandments, with you setting the example. If you don't have MY anointing then you're not an apostle, prophet, evangelist, teacher or pastor. I am not impressed with what seminary you graduated from, more appropriately now days it should be called cemetery. The letter killeth and the RUACH ha KODESH giveth life. If the knowledge that you have is your own, and you're relying on that knowledge to minister, then you're not ministering in fullness under the gifts of the RUACH ha KODESH.
Away from ME you who are pretenders, you who have crept in among MY sheep, taught them, fleeced them, and yet you are not even MINE. You don't belong in with the sheep, and the lambs. You are a wolf seeking to devour. You have been sent by the roaring lion that is not MY Son YAHUSHUA. YAHUSHUA is from the tribe of the Lion of Judah.
Prophecy 52:
MY hidden ones have the knowledge, and a way around every weapon of the enemy that seeks MY children's destruction, and this world's destruction. Lean not on to your own understanding, but in all thy ways acknowledge I, YAHUVEH and I, YAHUVEH shall direct thy paths. Your own understanding will cause you to fear the unknown. I, YAHUVEH do not sleep. I, YAHUVEH will not slumber. MY eyes are on the nations where MY people cry out to ME in prayer to save them. Listen not to the doom and gloom soothsayers. They speak and write that I, YAHUVEH will not provide a place of escape for MY beloved ones that are following YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH and are doing their best to obey MY laws. Why do MY Children seek to obey I, YAHUVEH? Because they love their Heavenly Father.
The soothsayers have slipped in to the ranks of the five-fold offices of the churches, and of the politicians, and the newscasters. They speak fearful things to MY children. They speak of defeat and not of victory. They plant doubts in your minds if I, YAHUVEH will rescue MY children. They warn that all must be prepared to be attacked, everyone will die or will suffer heavy casualties, without I, YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH on your side, this is true. What the newscasters and many politicians, and the soothsayers forget is that I, YAHUVEH have not forsaken MY Children. How will that bring ME Glory? Yes, MY Children will one day join ME in Heaven, this is true, but if I had not wanted to provide for a way of escape, why would I say so in MY Scriptures? MY Word will not return back to ME void, it will accomplish that which I purposed. I am YAHUVEH and I have changed not.
How can the very ones that say they hear prophecies, deny that I, YAHUVEH have always had a way to protect MY people. Beware of ones who prophesy these things that leave you feeling hopeless. No matter what the tribulation, I, YAHUVEH will provide a way of escape for those who trust and lean on ME in all their ways. Trust more in YAHUVEH, and your YAHUSHUA, than your wife, husband, friends, five-fold offices or government.
Prophecy 56:
Your churches make ME vomit. Your worship causes ME to deafen MY ears. You had better call on ME now while I can be found. Away with your hypocrisies, away with you scribes and Pharisees, you who know the letter of the law but have no love within, away from ME. I do not call you MY children, I call you MY enemies. Think not YAHUSHUA would not speak like this, for I call them snakes and vipers. You inject your venomous poison within those who serve ME. You try to kill them with the letter of the law. You throw out MY grace and mercies; therefore you shall have none of MINE.
Prophecy 58:
Butchers I call you, murderous butchers! Your fate shall be that of a butcherous murderer you doctors and scientists. What you call the Supreme Court in America, the heathen politicians have brought forth this judgment on America. You have no one to blame but yourselves. You are reaping what you sowed. Why do you think that I do not hear the silent screams of the unborn just because you have deafened your ears and blinded your eyes to this murder? Do you not know I created the souls of the unborn as well as the born? Heathens, Pharisee's, how dare you rewrite what I call murder? Who are your politicians to declare what I call sinful lifestyles.
WOE be unto you if you don't heed this warning. I speak through MY Apostles and Prophets, the ones that pastors don't want in their churches, those who refuse to compromise MY Words, refuse to be censored ahead of time and refuse to set their feet under any other table but MINE. Those who refuse to soften MY Words just so they won't offend. MY True Apostles and Prophets will not be muzzled. It only causes them to shout louder. You drive them out of your churches, and yet you only drive them into MY arms for comfort and they realize that most churches in America and around this world are whores for satan, sold to the highest bidder.
MY People are sold and considered personal property as the pastors sell their mailing lists and as they count the heads of the people in churches and claim them as their sheep. Woe be unto you, you evil Shepherds who are wolves in sheep's clothing. Woe be unto you, those that call themselves millionaires and look down upon others. Remember, 'I AM' jealous for MY Sheep and Lambs. You will pay. Oh, you will come to ME and say, "But Lord I cast out devil's in your NAME and Prophesied in your NAME, and 'I AM' will say, "Depart from ME ye worker of iniquity, I never knew you." (Matt 7:21-23)
You mock the Apostles and Prophets for they don't have a church. Yet the church is not the building, nor the pastor, the church, MY Temple, is the Body of YAHUSHUA, and that is MY People who hear MY voice and obey and love and put I, YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and the RUACH ha KODESH first in their lives. Even before the wishes of their families, even though it means a dividing sword separates them from their loved ones that deny ME and MY Son YAHUSHUA and the anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH. Woe be unto you if I did not send MY Apostles and Prophets to intercede and warn you like I am doing now. Woe be unto you for I send MY Apostles and Prophets to warn before I send MY wrath and judgment. But how few even bother to thank them? How few have even cared to try and help sustain the one even now that types MY Words.
Prophecy 59:
The Holy have grown more Holy. The evil have grown more evil. The cold have waxed colder and MY anger has risen to such a high level that if it were not for MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones, and Elect, it would all be over. Why are not the churches weeping and grieving at the things that are being done? Why are they not protesting at the things that are being done? Why are they silent? I will tell you why, for they have taken the bribe of mammon [money] to cover their eyes and their mouth and let the people think all is well. Why are they not grieving? Why are not prayers everyday going forth for the abortions and the murders, for the laws that are being passed that blaspheme MY NAME?
Prophecy 74: Beware of the doom Sayers that give prophecies without no hope interred. This Ring Maiden always speaks forth words of warning to the enemies but never do I ever prophesy of what will be, without also leaving you the hope that I have control, that I am watching over and I, YAHUVEH will protect those that are truly MINE. How do you become MINE? By accepting YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH who the Greek call Jesus Christ. For never do I do anything without first warning MY Prophets so I send forth this Ring Maiden now to warn you of what is to come. The greatest way for you to prepare is to seek MY Face, seek MY will, for I have safe pockets still. Picture the hand of the Almighty Creator YAHUVEH in a rock fight from Heaven. But you think that you have rocks to throw back and yet I say, "You have none," America I laugh at your red alerts, for destruction shall come on this nation. Those that I have deemed that are only worthy of destruction and it will come from the hand who created the Heavens as well as the earth.
Propehcy 90:
Satan has his counterfeit, she came as Jezebel and that spirit has invaded the majority of Churches where once I called them Holy. At one time MY HOLY SPIRIT, MY Holy presence, and Holy anointing power was welcomed as well as MY Holy Prophets and Apostles were sought after, but now most are insulted and driven away.
Prophecy 106:
See, this Ministry stands for Holiness. I will not allow this leadership preach a word that they do not walk. Elisheva knows she better walk the talk. The rest who are a part of this Ministry know they have to walk the talk or else satan will tear them in little shreds.