This Word [] came forth because on the Sabbath,
Elisheva was led to read Ezekiel, Chapters 9-16. She was also praying for a man
she had seen in a dream a while back. The man called "Caleb" in this Prophetic
Word is the man Elisheva had seen in the dream. He is distinguished by a snow
white beard without a line in his face. He has a smile that wouldn’t leave his
face no matter what the soldiers did to him, meaning he was being tortured and
starved. Also he wept, but nobody saw it.
In the dream Elisheva went to him. She just appeared to him. He had been praying
and wore a prayer shawl. She gave him a little communion wafer, like unleavened
bread. She said, “Don’t worry, I’m coming back and next time I’ll bring you more
bread and wine.” The man loves YAHUSHUA. She knew he was in Jerusalem. He had a
job where he needed to encourage others, thus, always the smile on his
face—hiding his own personal sorrow and suffering for YAHUSHUA’S sake.
When Elisheva awoke from the dream she was amazed at the love she felt for this
I was in a glorified body because I could get right past the guards. When they
left I came right to his cell, and we embraced and we kissed and he says, “I
recognize you” and we both said we love each other. I was so sorry to see him
suffer although he kept a smile on his face because he was happy to see me.
There was a concrete floor and there was a big ring in the middle of the
concrete floor connected to chains and heavy shackles on his feet. On the side
of him was a pile of straw. The furthest he could go was just far enough to
reach the straw to urinate and defecate.
Everything else is already written—how I left and woke up shouting, “I love you
Caleb,” but I never mentioned the details of that love or how I embraced Caleb,
because of a reprobate, now ex husband that shall be left unnamed, “no name” as
YAH calls him.
Now I am no longer ashamed to say Caleb’s name is Ezra because many years later,
we met. I married him October 2, 2016. But I know that he has a choice in what
he does in this ministry. Whether that dream will come true that he will become
that Caleb and I will go to Heaven before him and get my glorified body and then
wait for YAH to do whatever HE has to do.
I know Ezra wasn't even saved when I had this dream and I had immediately asked
all the “YAHUSHUA’S demon stompers” (YDS) to take communion three times a day to
call forth “Caleb”—to come to me—to go to the AmightyWind Two Witnesses
() video. We know there are so many video online on the topic of the
Two Witnesses, or about who people think they are, or people claiming to be
them. And he only went to one that came from AmightyWind.
His testimony is on the website where he says he listened to that video, time
after time, as in it, I spoke with new revelations that the Two Witnesses are
husband and wife. Ezra then said he had to go and find out more about this
woman. For he knew this woman was of YAH.
Ezra then saw my picture and said I must write and get to know this woman. So
our communication first began in email and then it went to Skype as two
Anointings became one on March 7, 2016.
I knew it from the moment I first saw him—as the reprobate stormed out the door
and said he could no longer stand the Holiness on my face. I had taken that
abuse and hate for seven years. You can read the Bone of MY Bone soulmate
Prophecy and you can read how YAH rips them out of your soul in .
I do know this. When I shouted “I love you Caleb,” and I asked YAH for his full
name, YAH said, “You can just call him Caleb for now.”
The ex husband lay right by my side as I sat up and yelled it. I am sure it
shook up the whole spiritual world and maybe even some of the guests at the
hotel. And the devil knew who Caleb was.
It took seven years of constant prayer of “YAHUSHUA’S demon stompers,” who were
the old ones and only a few have remained faithful, but they were at that time.
YAHUSHUA says the YDS are like Gideon’s Army—those who remain, they are the
Bride of YAHUSHUA.
YAH has assembled a brand new group of “YDS elite, best of the best,” as HE now
calls them. HE brought each one to me as they have written and proved their
faithfulness and all of them are very anointed.
They truly love the ministry and defend it. They are the true shield warriors—30
thus far and more to come. They have visions and dreams. They are spiritual
warriors during the worst battle that is here now in my life, but I know
YAHUSHUA will win the battle. For this Ministry belongs to YAH, YAHUSHUA and
And judgment will come down on the one who tries to take THEIR place. For Nahum
1 says YAH is a jealous GOD.
Nahum 1: 1 This is a prophecy about Ninveh, the book of the vision of Nachum the
Elkoshi: 2 YAHUVEH is a JEALOUS & VENGEFUL GOD. YAHUVEH avenges; HE knows how to
be angry. YAHUVEH takes vengeance on HIS foes and stores up wrath for HIS
enemies. 3 YAHUVEH is slow to anger, but great in power; and he does not leave
the guilty unpunished. YAHUVEH’S path is in the whirlwind and storm, and the
clouds are the dust of HIS Feet.
I own the domain because I was chosen by YAH to give birth to
this Ministry on the Internet in 1994. The Internet had just begun. When it
first began online, I was preaching “JESUS” as a Pentecostal pastor & prophet
from April 1994 to 1995.
In the year of 1996 my then web manager taught me about being a Messianic Jew.
Even though she called him “YESHUA,” I quickly learned that you don't take the
I started out even many years before preaching and prophesying since a teenager
going to the churches. AmightyWind Ministry was actually founded many years
before it became an Internet ministry.
Caleb and I were married Oct 2 2016 and we are co-leaders to this Ministry.
Neither one of us are the HEAD. For that would be an insult to GOD. It only
belongs to the GODHEAD.
Ezra is the “spiritual head PRAYER leader,” which means he is supposed to be
protecting me and this Ministry. That is why before every Prophecy we start
praying together and he begins by praying many prayers of protection. Yes, it's
about the prayers of protection. As YAHUSHUA protects the Bride, Ezra is
supposed to be protecting his bride, me, Elisheva Elisheva.
YAH declared who this Ministry belongs to in Prophecy 105, I, YAHUVEH, Say, “In
2009 I’m Going to Shake Everything that can be Shaken!” and I have obeyed YAH to
put the excerpt above every Prophecy on the website. It belongs to the GODHEAD,
If it had been done by my hand, it would have failed long ago. Those words have
nothing to do with my salvation, but with the fact that I have always allowed to
the HOLY TRINITY to be the TRUE LEADERS of this Ministry. YAH spoke those Words
at a time of persecution because from the birth of this Ministry until Ezra came
into my life, persecution had been so great to a woman without any Holy
husband's covering.
My Caleb worked for the betterment of Israel which was bringing the testimony of
YAHUSHUA to Israel. The believers in YAHUSHUA he knew would stand srong so long
as he kept that smile on his face and no matter what the guards did to him they
could not remove the smile from his face. And that was because he had the peace
The believers loved him and cheered for him and this is the Caleb that I wait
for to return because this ministry will always be about YAHUSHUA and in that
dream, Caleb was always about YAHUSHUA.