Your children will be and are being experimented on! Years ago I had a dream of
something similar. I dreamed I saw a woman going to a doctor for minor surgery
and she was having a chip implanted in her. I was given this warning that during
any minor surgery, the doctors are putting ID tracking chips in the patients. I
have a dear friend that I warned about this dream. I shall call her Ms. White.
I warned her of this, for she was going to have vein surgery for varicose veins.
She warned her doctor that she knew about the chips. She told him, "Do not put a
chip inside of me!" He was surprised that she knew and asked her how she knew.
She said, "My sister is a prophet and YAHVEH warned her."
My friend had the surgery but the stitches became infected. She, not being
sqeemish like I am, pulled at what was becoming black. We had prayed that if the
doctor had put a chip in her, it would be forced out. She pulled out the
stitches and out came a small chip. Now I know this is hard to believe but we
had the evidence and she put it in a small ziplock bag waiting to see what we
should do with it.
Shortly thereafter, she was in a health food store and met the owner. The owner
was saying how a former FBI man was exposing the government's secret plans and
one of them was putting ID tracking chips in the people. She said he could prove
it was going on for years. Ms. White got excited and showed her the chip she
carried around in her purse. The owner of the health food store said the former
FBI man was going to be holding a conference at a particular church and she knew
this man and she would call him and have him call Ms. White.
He did call my friend Ms. White and she agreed to meet with him and show him the
chip. But she could not attend the conference for she was to work that evening.
He assured her that he only wanted to show the people attending the conference
that the doctors were indeed putting chips inside people when they did major or
minor surgeries, and now he had the proof to show. He reassured my friend that
he would return the chip.
But the next day he called my friend and said he was sorry, he didn't know how
it happened, but the chip was MISSING! I don't for a minute believe that story
he gave. I believe he was a government plant and he stole that chip so we don't
have proof of this anymore. My friend did let her doctor know what happened and
he never even denied it. In fact she said he looked fearful.
I am telling this to you now to let you know that doctors are chipping people
unaware! Even children are being chipped for something so minor as circumsion.
I had a former website manager whose wife had just given birth to a son. When he
was given the form to sign, he read the fine print and it stated it this was
about 5 years ago. Now I am given another warning dream. Please take it
I had a dream of a young man named Daniel he was a partner in this ministry.
Daniel was also a devout believer in YAHSHUA. Daniel was drafted and forced to
go into the armed services. Daniel had a loving wife that was very concerned
about all of this, so I was helping her cope by encouraging her. I saw his
physical on what appeared to be TV but it really was an open vision. I know this
now because what I saw was to be a secret the government was keeping.
I saw Daniel getting vaccinations like Anthrax among other strange names. I saw
Daniel getting what he though was just another injection...but it was a Tracking
ID Chip. I was given the revelation he could die if it wasn't removed properly.
All the soldiers were being chipped and the soldiers didn't know it and their
families would have been furious. So this was being kept secret.
I saw Daniel yell the most curdling scream like "AHHHHHHHH!" as he was being
experimented on, and he thought it was like a blood test, but it was called
"ENGRAVING THE VEIN." These are the exact words. What it is I don't know and
didn't know then. A warning was given to him then not to touch it for 90 days or
it would hemorrhage profusely and he could bleed to death.
He was allowed to leave for a night and return home where we welcomed him. When
I told him what YAHSHUA had showed me happened to him and perhaps we could get
another doctor who is a believer to remove the chip, he said he didn't think it
was possible because he didn't want to take the chance of dying. Daniel didn't
remember what all happened during the physical and was told he would have to
return for more lab work the next day.
I had him call the military doctor, for he was given pills he was to take and
ask him questions. I saw the doctor's name and I thought it said Benny Hinn but
realized it was just similar to the name, like Benny Yenn or something like
I spoke with the nurse on the phone who thought I was his wife but I hesitated
and said, "No, I am his sister and I want to know why he is being told to take
these pills." She said it was none of my concern.
Daniel did not want to go back the next day and we knew we had to hide him or he
would be forcibly taken. I knew in the dream that both men and women were being
drafted when they became of age.
End of dream.
I awoke praying that this will not come to pass. And if it has been happening it
will be exposed and stopped. Our children are not lab rats to be experimented
on! Yet it has already happened. YAHUSHUA told me to warn His people and POST
this dream. So I am doing so whether this is already happening. Only the
government knows. If you have any information or interpretation to this dream
please email me.
Ezekiel 3:17-21
A child Warrior Bride of YAHUSHUA
Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu
One month ago on first day of Passover, 4/6/04, I was given a sealed prophecy
that has yet to be released. I am waiting for an angel to come and bring me the
rest of the message. Another Prophetess Lydia said she saw this vision and she
started weeping when she saw it as we prayed together. When the angel comes
perhaps Gabriel he comes to me in person to give me a frightening prophetic
message and she saw Michael the arch Angel standing by the Angel's side with his
sword drawn for it took Him battling for the angel to come to me with the
message. I wait for this visitation with anticipation and with dread for the news
the angel brings is not good news for this world. Feel free to post this
prophetic dream to others so they can't say they have not been warned.