After YAHUSHUA (Hebrew for JESUS) appeared to me early
morning February 27th, 2016 during Shabbat and after the
midnight hour, this is the dream I had.
It is not common for YAHUSHUA to come to us in this way,
and I say this even as an apostle. This is not an
everyday thing.
But I went from grabbing YAHUSHUA’S garment, telling him
“I won’t let go,” directly into this dream. It was as if
this dream was YAHUSHUA’S response to holding his robe
that way. I want to understand more what it means.
Please share your discernment in the comments below! Dream begins.
I was the mother of many children. I had taken in many children. I hadn’t
given birth to these children, but I was still their
mom. I was taking a walk with a little boy, about 5
years old.
We were walking down a country road and it was beautiful. There wasn’t a car or anything like that around. It was just a country road in a remote area.
Then I saw a mason jar, like the kind that you would can vegetables in but
something white was stuffed into that jar. It was at the
side of the road in the long grass, tipped over on it’s
side. I thought, “Wow, that looks like a bunch of white
fur that is just stuck inside that jar,” and I was just
walking right past it wondering what it was, and the
little boy had my hand.
I noticed the gold lid.
And then I saw something—I saw it move. I went over to the jar and I
looked—and whatever it was, was alive in that jar. And I
was so afraid to open that jar, but I did. I opened the
gold lid of that jar and there was a little white kitten
that somebody had stuffed into a jar—a little, tiny,
little kitten. You know how little it must be to get
into a mason jar—just jamed into that jar!
And when I opened that jar, using both hands, I thought, “Oh it’s going to
die. How do I get this out?” I turned it upside down and
I shook it out. That is the only way I can describe it.
And I was praying that that little kitten would live.
It was solid white. And then I was so relieved because
the kitten started standing up. And I knew that I had a
miracle. I said to myself, “I’m going to take this
little kitten home.”
Now the strange thing is that when I looked up—I tried to tell the little
boy what I was looking at—what was happening. I thought
the little boy was watching all this time, but he wasn’t
I was going to tell him “We are going to take this
little kitten home!” Instead when I finally saw that he
wasn’t there, or wondered where he was—the little
kitten, it just ran away.
And I knew it was going to go back to the place where it
was abused, the owner who jammed it into the jar because
that was the only thing that little kitten knew, to
return back to the owner. And I was very sad.
I went home and it wasn’t a fancy house or anything,
just a country cottage house to tend to the many young
The floor was a mess. Inside my house, my kids—I had a bunch of little kids
like I said—they had been eating. I was hungry and it
looked like french fries on the floor here and there.
As I took a broom scooping it all up, I said, “No matter
how hungry I am, I’m not going to eat that because they
are on the floor!”
That was my dream.
I know when the kitten dream started was after I was holding on tight to
YAHUSHUA’S robe. When I did that, is when the dream
started! As if the dream was a response.
End of Dream.
have more than one meaning in a dream. Please share your
thoughts, prayers and comments below!
The little children come to AmightyWind and I pastor
them, they consider me a blessing, thank me for leading
them to YAHUSHUA, teaching them, nurturing them as a
“Momma R.m.” as they call me, but some after getting on
their feet, they return to the abuser again.
I know have been used to rescue many kittens that would
be suffocated or starved. But sometimes when delivered
they return to their former lives because abuse is all
they were familiar with. Usually it is by their own
choice, especially when I speak of adults—but literal
children, it is sometimes by no choice of their own.
The little boy and the kitten in the dream were one and
the same—both disappeared at the same time. Please share
with me what you discern about this.
Initially I didn’t get discernment of the food on the
floor. Although I was hungry, I had to take the time to
clean up the mess the kids made when eating. Praise
YAHUSHUA someone pointed the meaning out to me. I swept
up the mess and now I understand I am used to do that,
to help my spiritual children when they have make a
mess. It is not because they are bad, but because they
are children, still learning and growing and I
understand that.
This is what was shared with me:
French fries are junk food – so can mean doing junky things
Sometimes when you are ministering to one person, sometimes problems arise
from others during the time you had been preoccupied. You were not angry with
the children.
You do your best to minister to everyone, but you are only one woman so we
need to understand this and pray for you to have more help, especially
ministering to those who are young in faith, even those who are more mature, but
still they are like your spiritual children and YAH will raise up more helpers.
We must also accept it when you are not able to help us directly and YAH
sends us other AmightyWind ministers—and remember that you and YAH love us all!
French fries may also relate to the French ministry and YAH’S preparations
for greater outreach to the French speaking world.
Beloved ones, I truly treasure each child of YAHUSHUA I am told to mentor
and nurture. It is a honor greater than just giving
birth to a child! I love you very, very, very much. I
want all my spiritual children to know that none of you
are being neglected even though I cannot reach out to
each person individually at all times. Each one of you
striving to please YAH, you have the attention of all of
All of you are loved so dearly, more than words can
convey! The love we have is YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA & the
PRECIOUS RUACH HA KODESH’ tri cord that is not easily
broken (Eccl 4:12)!
The enemies hate me because they know the love we have
for each other is a spiritual bonding, and it is
stronger than an umbilical cord! Remember when I am used
to deliver any personal Word from YAHUVEH & YAHUSHUA to
you, and especially if it is aWord of Rebuke, it hurts
me, more than it hurts your flesh!
Many times I feel like I am used as Heaven’s Boot Camp
instructor! I want to quickly add how grateful I am that
you realize it is not words of my flesh. I truly pray
always you will recognize the voice of YAH even though
my vocal cords are being used!
YAHUSHUA is showing me the reason I continue to live on
this earth is for HIS Glory and for all of your good!
YAHUSHUA gave me the dream , after I grabbed a hold of
his robe! HE reminded me, I am a spiritual mom of many
children that I didn’t give birth too but love and
nurture, mentor them all.
There is still work to be done! Enemies, listen up! YAH
isn’t finished with me yet. There are Prophesies,
revelations not yet released, Books to be released,
other languages and people groups to reach! Many others
who are trapped and suffocating from abusers—satan is
the worse abuser of all! Everyone needs deliverance from
his hand!
Not all the white kittens will run back to the abuser! I
praise YAHUSHUA for all who allow me and those in this
ministry to help them get free! We are the hands and
Mouth of YAHUSHUA to help set the captives free for the
for this dream, to see if it is what I have heard."