Posted August 8, 1999
Recently Restored
In 8/27/1986, I was attending high school and I was topless and since I was very
well endowed, the boys were scoffing and mocking me as I had no covering. This
dream has never been so evident like it is today. At this time I currently do
not have a husband to be my covering, therefore, Judah and Ephraim cannot yet
come together to reach Israel and the Jewish people.
In the dream I knew my covering was in LOCKER 827. But Locker 827 was on a very
high floor and I had to ride the escalator to reach it. I fear heights and
escalators in real life.
In my dream I ran to the escalator to go to LOCKER 827 and stood on the
escalator fearing the height and movement (I am actually fearful of escalators
in real life and getting on and off of it). Then I saw a woman in a red
wheelchair riding the escalators. She had just gotten on before me. I watched as
she came out of her wheelchair and held the banister with NO FEAR. I felt
ashamed of myself for fearing and she gave me the courage to ride the escalator.
I went up to the TOP and went to LOCKER 827 where I took out a covering for
myself like a beautiful very long WHITE linen blouse. I put on the garment and
knew no one would ever laugh at me again, as I had a new covering now. There was
also a Golden ROD that was in the locker.
End of Dream.
I was praying and asking YAHUVEH what this dream meant.
On 8/27 (August 27) I had a dream and I was taught how to use the ROD in the
air, water, earth. I awoke with a noise that sounded like a starting pistol as I
shouted "LEVEL ONE!" then I heard the noise after seeing myself battle demonic
forces in the air, with beautiful different feminine clothing for every level.
Then I heard the noise and I would awake and fall back to sleep each time doing
the same till it was LEVEL 12. That was the end.
My son saw the ROD. It was BENT in the center, and as I prayed, he saw the
vision of it as I held it in my hands and prayed. I asked YAHUVEH why the ROD
would be bent in the middle? HE said,
This ROD was first given to me in a dream. And although it is spiritual now I
received it again in a dream where I left earth in front of witnesses, went to
Heaven and YAHUVEH gave me a HEAVENLY ROD to bring back to earth where it was
used against evil.
This has been a secret I have NOT shared nor felt led to share except for what
I've written in "Anointed In Hawaii" where again the ROD was spiritually placed
in my hands. For those that want to know more, click on the link above. The
anointing came upon me for 2 and a half hours with so strong an anointing, it
literally made the skin peel from my face the following day. The greatest
anointing of my life was on me that day while ministering to many. People were
saved, etc. This date was 8/27/1996.
The ROD is the ROD of YAHUVEH's wrath, I am sure of this. Why am I holding it? I
have NO idea. I will NOT apologize for what I have written, for you see this is
the TRUTH and although I don't claim to understand what is about to happen, I
have had enough confirmation even from strangers that satan FEARS this Ministry
and YAHUVEH has promised to do what HE has said HE will DO! To Protect those
that are HIS and DESTROY HIS enemies!
I am picking up something so serious that is coming unless the hand of YAHUVEH
delays it on September 9, 1999.
I have been getting more parts to the coming prophecy even through dreams. On
Friday, 8/6/99, the Sabbath, I heard YAHUVEH speak audibly to me again. It was
after having a dream where crime is rampant and I saw people looting,
overturning cars, harming one another. One threatened to call the police and the
others mocked and laughed, for ALL communication with the police was GONE!
The next thing I heard was the audible voice of YAHUVEH that said,
"I will do all that I have promised to do!"
I awoke and felt blessed for I knew YAHUVEH was promising to BLESS and protect
those that are HIS. Yet ANOTHER revelation that sent chills up my spine today
was that I realized as another Sister was reading the past prophecies given to
me about what was going to be done to America, was that YAHUVEH is going
to do ALL HE said HE was going to do!
Please warn others of the coming date: 9.9.1999. On Aug 11, 1999, an eclipse
will be seen in Europe and various parts of the world. But unlike other
eclipses, the Bible astronomers have said that the planets and stars will be
aligned in a sign of the cross, nearly perfect like it was when YAHUSHUA was
crucified! I do not claim to understand Biblical astronomy and may have
explained it wrong. But they will be aligned as they were the time when YAHUSHUA
died on the cross. Remember, when you see or hear about the eclipse, YAHUSHUA
not only died but ROSE AGAIN ALSO!
"Remind them of the six eclipses!"
YAHUVEH said to me AUDIBLY, that would come as a sign of the coming of YAHUSHUA
again. These eclipses will baffle the scientists and will last longer than
anticipated and then YAHUSHUA comes again. Is it for three days solar and lunar
that baffle the scientists? I also have a mandate of YAHUVEH for today to remind
the people of the AUDIBLE voice for 3 hrs. between sleep and awake when He said,
"What IF Rosh Ha Shanah is the day I come?" (Read
about it here)
This happened in 1998 one day before Rosh Hashanah. Then before Rosh Hashanah,
HE said if HE had come, how FEW would have been called HIS bride and how HE
delayed, for satan would have mocked so. HE gave us more time.
Audible Words spoken last year,
"First one rapture, then another for those that I love" (Read
about it here)
Please ask others to help me spread the warning. Be ready just in case.
Much love to ALL