Warning Received by Prophet Boy Elijah:
"And the windows
will be broken, the ships sunk, the high places brought down to the dirt,
the steel bent, the wood caught ablaze and the water poisoned."
BE DELAYED! Send this to everyone you know and take it to Churches or
Synagogues if you can. Time is running out!
Apostle Elisheva Elisheva
This morning I was awakened up by the Ruach and I saw a vision. I saw the world sitting on a power keg with a fuse lit and it was only a matter of time before it would explode. I saw people of the world standing around holding their breath in fear as they watched the powder keg and the lit fuse in fear. I was told by YAHUVEH to start praying and ask the people to pray for mercy of YAHUVEH and that HE would blow the fuse out and delay the judgment. I was told to repent for the atrocities and war mongering spirit that America is showing.
For the blood of the innocent lives that are on America's hands. I was told to stand in the gap for America and to ask others to do the same, to pray Judgment will be delayed, it will NOT be stopped for what is pre ordained will happen just as the book of revelations states, YAHUVEH is a fair judge and he will punish the evil doers of this world. All will reap what they are sowing, but rejoice for that means the righteous in YAHUSHUA will be spared YAHUVEH'S wrath!
Only the Creator of this world our GOD YAHUVEH can BLOW THAT LIT FUSE OUT! Otherwise this will be a lit fuse that will ignite the world for it will have a chain reaction and lit hidden fuses and powder kegs around this world! I saw the faces of the people of all races from all nations. The innocent everyday hard working people.
We didn't light the fuse, but it will be the innocent, meek people that will suffer and it is out of our control to stop the evil ones from doing this. YAHUVEH alone can delay this and in the name of YAHUSHUA we ask that YAHUVEH once again blows out the lit fuse to the powder keg that is unlike any ordinary powder keg for it will kill untold millions if it is able to reach the end of the fuse.
I saw a Bully then I saw Many Bullies and they were lighting fuses to powder kegs full of explosives. Only the people falling on their knees and repenting and praying for mercy would delay these bullies from destroying the world.
This is the prayer I ask you to agree with this day of and send it to others. I asked for mercy for the innocent people standing around watching all of this. We the people are not responsible for building the powder keg, We only want to live in Peace and we are not the rich, power hungry, greedy , bullies, of this world. We didn't light the fuse, but it will be the innocent, meek people that will suffer and it is out of our control to stop the evil war mongers, greedy, selfish, rich ones from doing this. YAHUVEH alone can delay this and in the name of YAHUSHUA we ask that YAHUVEH once again blows out the lit fuse to the powder keg that is unlike any ordinary powder keg for it will kill untold millions if it is able to reach the end of the fuse.
Please YAHUVEH you had mercy on Lot and yet destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah! Lot wasn't even a righteous man but he was under Abraham's covenant. Please seal and spare your bride, babies, chosen ones and elect. We pray that the angels of YAHUVEH go forth and seal all those that weep and grieve over the evil and unholiness. I was awakened from a deep sleep to pray and intercede on this day of Jan. 7, 2003 and told to ask for intercessors to raise up and beg for mercy for judgment to be delayed not only on America but for this world. Pray YAHUVEH will blow the lit fuse out!