I had this dream last November, here is the transcript. [One of our Associate Asian Ministers]
has since told me that Singapore’s official languages are English,
Malay, Mandarin and Tamil. Singapoure is truly a nation that can be used to
reach many other parts of the world for YAHUSHUA’S (Hebrew for JESUS’) Glory!
We’ve already been reaching Singapore for many years, but YAHUSHUA is going
to bring the Anointing in a new way! If you are the pastor called to work along
side this ministry, please contact me.
This is November 18, 2015, Beloved Children, I was looking [at an email] and
then I wrote you […] I had written that email after YAH told me to take another
look at it, but HE had given instructions how it is so important…
I fell asleep immediately after and I had a dream. And ABBA YAH had already
given a word […] how special HIS [Asian Bride, the Chinese Bride and those
persecuted in Asia.] There is something so special about HIS [Asian] Bride. And
then YAHUSHUA speaking to me and HE was telling me about the price that they
pay. And how–just like what?—twenty years ago, I remember it was in my time,
they were standing them before the firing squad, if the even had a Bible, or if
they did not reject the Name of JESUS.
And so I had a dream and in my dream…It went into a dream and it was
[one of our Associate Asian Ministers]. I am so excited about this. We are calling this man or woman forth as
I speak this.
And in my dream I saw [her]. And she was with me, and we had to travel to
the Bride in Singapore. I was so excited about it and was making arrangement
with [her], which of course I don’t physically go [for now.] But I was so
excited about Singapore
And I don’t even know the language they speak. Somebody has got to tell me if
they are speaking the Mandarin [Chinese]…I don’t know anything about this. It’s
outside my Anointing to know all the countries and their languages […], but I
know I was very, very excited to reach—I don’t know if there is such a word as
Singaporean—the Bride in Singapore. And what nobody knows, not even my sister
listening right now—I’m not very good at remembering dates […]
Now the good subject, that you don’t know—a pastor I cannot tell you which
year, I think it was 1996 and ’97. A pastor from Singapore had read some of the
Prophecies and he wanted me to come. He had a huge church in Singapore. And he
wanted me to come to help in his church, to minister in his church, and to be
Prophet of his church. I was seriously considering doing this at the time. I
just wanted to run away [from the abusive household I was then held captive in.]
Thank YAH, HE blocked the door at that time, [because it was not yet time.]
There was no Joseph Wong at that time. I hadn’t yet reached anyone that I knew
of Asia other than the Singapore Pastor.
To try to convince me, he was even saying “We will find [him, your prophesied
soulmate.] He could be here somewhere in Singapore.”
He told me, he said—this is so awesome because look how many Asians we are
reaching now—he told me, he tried to convince me and he said, “You come to
Singapore.” And he wrote, “We have McDonalds, and we have Kentucky Fried
Chicken.” And he really thought that was going to get me to Singapore.
And what I’m trying to tell you is I am now praying that that pastor, who had
a large church in Singapore, that FATHER [YAHUVEH] will lead me to him, or lead
him back to this Ministry.
Is this the man I that I have just had a dream about? I don’t know. I only
know I was called to Singapore so many years ago. Of course it wasn’t YAH’S
Timing, but now, [as] in my dream, I am being called to find the Bride of
So this is exciting to me, and [this Associate Asian Minister] was with me. Just all of you
agree, we are going to reach the Bride of Singapore, and that’s all I know and
that’s pretty much it. […]
That’s what I wanted to tell you and encourage you. Another branch of the
Ministry, another Bride and that’s going to be Singapore.
Kathrynyah, do we even have…?
Kathrynyah: Yes! These are faithful people.
Elisheva: Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh, this is so exciting! […] This is awesome
[…] We’re already reaching them. Gosh, but I pray that pastor raises up though,
that came to me. […] Oh my gosh, this is going to bless them so much that
YAHUSHUA is saying to reach out to the Bride in Singapore.