This dream was given to member on his birthday February 11, 2008
He was in a room with alot of adults, both men and women. Everyone was talking
to each other in conversation. He then noticed a man walk into the room that he
worked with at a adolescent treatment center. [He does not remember his name.]
The man looked at He but did not recognize He but He recognized him. So He went
up to him and said, "Did you use to work at .........treatment center. The man
said, "Yes" and He said, "I am He, I use to be your boss at the treatment
center." The man said, "Wow, I didn't reconize you. You have changed so much."
He jokingly said, "Is that for the better or worse."
As soon as He finished saying that, everyone in the room fell to the floor and
they were unconscious. They did not fall hard to the floor but very gently as in
slow motion. He was the only one left standing in the room stood and he was
looking at everyone laying down. He said to YAHUVEH, "Now what do I do Abba" and
YAHUVEH said, "Speak the words I put in your mouth." So He opened his mouth and
said, "Everyone in this room who has a true relationship with YAHUSHUA ha
MASHIACH I command you to rise now."
As soon as he said this he saw a woman stand up on the outskirts of the room by
the outside wall, then another woman stood up, then another woman stood up, then
another woman stood up and finally one more woman stood up. All of these women
stood on the outskirts of the room by the outside wall and were standing in a
line next to each other seperated by about 5 feet of space. He then pointed to
the woman to the right of him and started counting 1,2,3,4,5 as he pointed to
each woman in order. He then said, "The Five Wise Virgins." The women were very
excited and ran up to him and the first one said to him, "Will you kiss me on my
cheek" and He kissed her on her cheek but none of the others.
He was then sitting on a bench in the room and Elisabeth was sitting next to
him. There was a booth next to the bench and 3 of the 5 women were sitting in
the booth talking to each other. He and Elisabeth were sitting on the bench
talking to each other also. One of the women then turned around and started
talking to He and He said, "Wait, I would like to introduce you to my Beloved
Wife Elisabeth." The 3 women got out of the booth and came over to Elisabeth and
they said, "Yes, we know who Elisabeth is."
Then He was back in the same room but it was with a different group of people
except for just a few men from the first group that he recognized. This group
was all men though. He got up and started talking to the group and asked, "Are
there any men in this group that was in the previous group also." And a few of
the men raised their hands. He then said, "This is going to be very hard for me
to say" and he was suppose to tell these men from the previous group what had
happened because they were unconscious and did not stand up when He said what he
did. This meant these men did not have a true relationship with YAHUSHUA and it
was He's job to tell them.
As soon as he started talking some of the men in this group started to interupt
and disrupt what He was saying. One man even stood up and stood right in front
of He with his back facing He and he started talking. He grabbed the man by the
arm and spun him around and as the man was still talking, He yelled at the man
and said, "In the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH I command you demon to shut up."
The man could not say a thing and his mouth was now shut. The man fell to the
ground and was in a seizure with his arms and legs kicking all over and He said,
" In the Name YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH I command you demon to be still" and the man
was immediately still and could not move. Then He said, "demon you do not want
to mess with YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH do you." And another man in the crowd spoke in
a real low demonic voice, "No we do not."
End of Dream