My son had a dream about the garden of Eden. He saw the Garden of Eden, and
it is under Jerusalem. Dream was 11/14/01. Please email me if you have
additional information, i.e., the interpretation. More interpretation at bottom
from a Prophetess.
[ Partial interpretation in brackets ]
Dream starts...
He sees the dome of the rock. He sees underground his vision sees down past
metal pipes, bones, very very far down and it was like he was a camera and he
could see underground and all of a sudden it stops. He sees a gigantic dome with
the garden of Eden inside of it . Two gigantic angels are inside with wings
spread and they are holding the dome closed so the garden of Eden cannot be
entered even if found. There is a force field that the angels create to make
sure the dome stays closed .The dome itself is like the force field.
[The Garden of Eden, a perfect environment created by YAHUVEH for His people. It
has been hidden since the fall of man, in a figurative sense, because nothing
like it has existed on earth since then. When Satan took control of this planet,
becoming the "god of this world," our planet has been under a curse. The forces
being controlled by the devil have used inventions meant to make this planet a
Garden of Eden again to instead kill and destroy. So the garden being hidden and
guarded by angels indicates something being held back from man until the right
time. It could not exist now because it would be defiled by the curse upon this
There are so many animals and plants that my son never saw before.
[The earth will be replenished with all the animals and plants that first
existed plus many more we have never heard of nor seen.]
There are two men one looks about 900 years old and has a long white beard, the
other looks about 20 years old, and both wear Yamaka's and despite the age they
both look the same minus the beard and the age. Same eyes, nose, expression. He
is guessing about the exact age. He wondered if it was Noah for some reason.
These men speak in a strange language to each other, maybe Hebrew. My son could
understand these words "HE IS COMING" how he understood this language he doesn't
know. He thinks it could be Hebrew.
[The Garden of Eden is symbolized by these two men as something very old and
something very new.]
The men stopped talking , the dome started shaking underground it started
raising up to the surface through the bones and pipes then it started coming to
the surface and lifted up the building of the dome of the rock. Then he saw the
building of the dome of the rock explode and instead now stands the Dome of the
garden of Eden in Jerusalem.
[This is a LITERAL explosion as well as a symbolic one. The PLO will blow up the
Dome of the Rock sometime in the future, blame it on the Israeli government, and
use it as an excuse to start a war. Arafat let the plans for this slip out
during an interview on CNN. When he realized what he had said, he took off his
mic, stood up and left the studio. This explosion symbolically represents the
removal of these violent people who have been struggling against YAHUVEH's people
and the heralding in of peace. That the Dome of the Rock is seen right over the
Garden symbolizes how the enemy of God's people have been suppressing peace, but
it will be removed soon.]
People were staring at it and the force field lifted and the angels went to the
entrance so no one could get through. The gigantic angels held 2 flaming swords
to prevent anyone coming into the Garden of Eden. But The plants started getting
bigger and the vines came out of the dome and started shooting through Jerusalem
, plants grew everywhere and hundreds of animals multiplied inside the Dome of
the Garden of Eden. My son says the angels yelled something when this was
happening HAKERA is what it sounded like hock her a short ah ... and lots of
people saw a bright flash in the sky, some people disappeared and reappeared
inside the Dome of the Garden of the Eden from around the world. The force field
reappeared on the the Dome of the Garden of Eden then it shot into the sky,
taking all that love YAHUSHUA/Jesus with them. Then he saw Heaven and the people
exited the Dome of the Garden of Eden.
[The new Garden of Eden is Heaven.]
This young boy is 13 years old and still prefers to call YAHUSHUA Jesus, so I
have included that spelling for this reason alone.
More from a Prophetess...
Prayed about it and YAHUSHUA told me that to look in Revelation chapters 20-22
and Chapter 4. Not only that I went back into the millennium dream a month or 2
ago, and they are similar...So what does this mean?
While doing this, I was hearing audibly from YAHUSHUA, here's the audible.
The Garden of Eden is the seed for the New Jerusalem. The dome of the Rock was
built knowing what is underground. The angels guarding the Garden of Eden, that
the abomination of desolation will come there (the dome) first and try to find
it. He knows that he couldn't find it so he bankroll the campaign to destroy the
The 2 men are symbolic of the 2 witnesses and also the 2 messengers that
believed to come near the return of Messiah, YAHUSHUA. I am hearing Him say
Moses and Elijah on this.
The people disappearing ended up in the dome in Eden. Is it symbolic of another
audible word that was given to you Sherrie? For I'm hearing the words: first one
rapture another for those that I love. Is this is the real rapture? For everyone
appeared here and bolted to heaven.
Also this is also again physical and symbolic of the restraint of the Ruach
HaKodesh. For once the bride is taken out of the world, then the tribulation and
the antichrist will be revealed.
The Garden is kept holy because it is a holy seed of the Heavenly Jerusalem and
remember, the New Jerusalem is the abode of the redeemed.
This is all that was given for now, if there is additional, I'll send it to you.
I'll post the dream to some Yahoo groups and to see more interpretations of it.