Let him that has an ear, hear what the spirit has to say.
OH, America, as I Ancient of Days looks across your land. The majority of the
churches are full of empty wine. Who do you think created wine? Little wine is
better than no wine yet the churches don't even have my wine. They have occultic
wine because they refuse the truth that will set them free. Instead gather
teachers to soothe their itching ears. I send the apostles and prophets to warn
before my judgment falls.
Those with large and wealthy congregation, I, I YAHUVEH point to you! You say
I'm rich but I YAHUVEH tell you, you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and
naked. Pastors you feed my sheeps drops of milk Don't you know solid foods is
needed along the way to maturity? Why do you compromise with my word?
My children you use to be infants so why are you still drinking milk? You ought
to be teaching others. Pastors you want to keep twisting my words to man's
image. By doing so, you are taking my holy words and making it unholy.
So listen! Rev 22:18-19 states 'I warn everyone who hears the words of prophecy
of this book: If you add to the words describe in this book, I will add you to
the plagues describe in this book and if you take away any words from this book,
I, Lord of Host will take your share from the tree of life.
If you take this route, you are only digging your own pit! You been warned.
I, YAHUVEH call your churches a spectacle, social event, a carnival because it's
all fun & games. It is written; my house will be called a house of prayer but
you are making it a den of thieves (Matt 21:13) My Son, YAHUSHUA is coming to
clean house so be warned this day!
Church of the pretender, you're a stench to my nostrils. You sing songs to ME
and gather in MY HOLY NAME, yet you do it in vain because your heart is far from
If you love me, you will obey my commandments How many of you have forgotten
Pastors, you say 'Jesus Christ' is full of love and mercy. Yet, I AM known by
many names. I am called the Lion of Judah, Consuming fire and Judge and
Executioner. But instead, you want to make ME one-sided? I, YAHUSHUA will
devour, consume and execute my judgment upon you. YOU WILL PAY!!!
TRUE! I, YAHUSHUA am Love but I am also a Warrior! Pastors, you want to make me
unbalanced? I, YAHUSHUA will repay you back (7) fold. You forget it is I, the
Rock of All Ages that teacheth my children's hands for war and their fingers for
Pastors, you are more worried about your reputation, image and tithes and
offerings. You fear man, more than you fear your Creator! I told you not to fear
man but fear him can destroy both body and soul in hell (Matt 10:28) I, YAHUSHUA
will teach you a sorrowful lesson if you don't REPENT TODAY!
"I AM" the word and my word says the light makes everything visible (stated in
Eph 5:13) I, YAHUSHUA is that guiding light. The wolves in sheep clothing
wherever you are, I WILL expose you for who you really are
I, YAHUVEH will send my Apostles and Prophets to expose you
Pastors if your living a double life, I will expose you to open shame.
Husbands or wives living in secret sin, I will expose you to humiliation. Judas
disguise as sheeps, I will rip your mask and expose you. I, YAHUSHUA will expose
everyone who claims to be of me, but is not.
Behold, it already happening.
OH hear me, Pastors and leaders of my flock. I, YAHUVEH put you in charge of MY
sheeps, but instead of feeding them, you starved them! I will hold you
accountable, as Judas sold Me for 30 pieces of silver, You have also sold me. I,
YAHUSHUA call you a traitor, I, YAHUSHUA will soon dispose you like a piece of
trash if you DO NOT REPENT TODAY!
My children who once sat in your churches and some still do. Will have the
boldness from the RUACH Ha KODESH to confront and rebuke you for not teaching
the truth and not speaking against Pride, Homosexuality, Abortion, Rebellion,
Lust, Anger, Slothfulness, Idolatry, Adultery etc. because it is SIN in my very
Pastors, I YAHUVEH the "Great I AM" is calling you out because I have given you
a great responsibility. Repent, pray to I, YAHUSHUA, learn my ways, teach the
truth or pay the penalty!
I, YAHUSHUA am that consuming fire that will scorch you to no end!
Some of you pastors have overstepped your boundaries. I layed down my five
5-fold offices for a reason. Stay within your limits or I, YAHUSHUA will take
your position from you.
Temples and churches, Your YAHUSHUA Messiah is coming. I gave you the words What
are you going to do with it?
Learn my true Shabbat and despise it no longer. Follow not the traditions of man
but learn from the Way, the Truth and the Life. My name is YAHUSHUA ha Maschiach
and I am Lord of the Sabbath. My thoughts are not your thoughts neither my ways
your ways (Isaiah 55:8)
You don't want to offend your family and love ones. You say it doesn't matter.
Yet your OFFENSE offends ME. I, YAHUVEH tell you this; Sunday Worship was
instituted by the Roman Catholics not I, your Creator.
Since they want to change my ways, I, YAHUSHUA will change their garments and
let you see their naked and shameful ways to prove alone that only I, YAHUSHUA
ha Maschiach is righteousness.
Don't you know judgment must first start at the House of YAHUVEH?
I send my messengers to warn you to flee and you ignore their warning and you
even grieve my RUACH Ha KODESH. Since you grieve me and ignore my wisdom, I,
Motherly Wisdom will laugh when troubles overwhelms you like a storm.
When my wrath falls upon these churches and upon these hypocrites and
reprobates, it will hit them and then bounce off and hit some of you! That
what's you get for rejecting my warning. This may sound funny, but to my enemies
its no laughing matter!
Do you hear ME now, If you hear this, this applies to you. You shall know the
truth and the TRUTH will set you free. If you REFUSE to listen, I, YAHUVEH will
keep you accountable and excuses, I will not hear.
When you keep my Shabbat holy which is Friday sunset to Saturday sunset which I
kept, than shall I,YAHUSHUA your MESSIAH go above and beyond for you more than
you can even imagine, otherwise you are in violation of YAHUVEH 4th commandment
The CHOICE is yours If that is what you want, that is what you'll get
(YAHUSHUA speaking) If the world loves you as its own, know that you don't
belong to me, but if the world hates you, than be glad because you are mine.
My children you have unspeakable riches! I, YAHUSHUA have made you the head and
not the tail. I will shelter and protect you as stated in my word. However,
learn to listen to my Ruach ha Kodesh so you will not miss your direction. Keep
your eyes on ME. Warn others and bring souls to me and great will your reward be
in heaven.
My enemies, I have unspeakable curses You come one way and I, Abba YAHUVEH will
make you flee in "7" I, YAHUVEH has made you less than a tail! I will MAKE you
drink of my cup of wrath so you will stagger like a drunk. Deuteronomy 28 will
be your lot. You don't even know the pain and agony you will go through if YOU
Spiritual and Political leaders, I, YAHUVEH point to you also!
You claim to be of ME, but you are filthy rages. All I see is Dead.
Man's bones in you REPENT! before its too late. Don't you know that I am
Let him who does wrong continue to do wrong.
Surely the day is coming; it will burn like a furnace All the arrogant and every
evildoer will be like stubble and that day is coming will set them on fire
(Malachi 4)
Let him who does holy continue to be holy.
But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness shall arise with
healing in its wings
The Day of indictment and deliverance is near! Selah
Behold, I YAHUSHUA Ha Maschiach am coming quickly and my reward is with me and I
will give everyone according to what he has done Selah