Purim is a festive time to remember YAHUVEH and celebrate being part of His
Holy Family. Remember being a biological Jew does not save you from Hell!
Countless multitudes of Jews go to hell because they have not accepted the only
way into Heaven and that is through the name and blood of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH!
Purim is also called the “Festival of Lots.” HERE IS A SECRET GIVEN TO ME, PURIM
THE ESTHER OF NEW! You will not find this taught anywhere else. I heard this
revelation from heaven. Instructions for the Bride of YAHUSHUA is take this time
of Purim seriously as Queen Esther did, as well as rejoice at our deliverance
from the hand of the enemies now and in the future. Just as Esther did.
Purim is celebrated on the 14th day of Adar, which is usually in March. The 13th
of Adar is the day that Haman chose for the extermination of the Jews, and the
day that the Hebrews battled their enemies for their lives. On the day
afterwards, the 14th, they celebrated their survival. In cities that were walled
in the time of Joshua, Purim is celebrated on the 15th of the month, because the
book of Esther says that in Shushan (a walled city), deliverance from the
massacre was not complete until the next day. The 15th is referred to as Shushan
It’s a historical celebration of victory over foreign enemies. Do we not need
the same victory for how many enemies now face us in all our various nations? Do
we not need deliverance even from our own governments around this world who are
being ruled not by YAHUVEH'S rules but by man and satan's rules?
Judaism teaches four ways to celebrate Purim. Each of these four mitzvah are
ways to experience the spirit of the season and the story. They are the reading
of Megillat Esther, festivity and rejoicing, Shalach Manot (sending gifts), and
Matanot L'Evyonim (gifts to the poor).
“Megillat” or “Megillah” is the Hebrew term for a small Torah scroll on which
one book of the Bible is written. Megillah are pulled open from one side and
read aloud.
Reading the Megillat or book of Esther is a big part of the day. It is
considered a great mitzvah to read the entire book and hear the entire book read
on this day.
What’s a party without feasting and rejoicing? Eating and drinking is just as
important on this day as anything else, this time we rejoice though because we
have a greater intercessor then Queen Esther, and His name is YAHUSHUA ha
MASHIACH! He is not only our Messiah, the Son of YAHUVEH, but He is our soon
coming Bride Groom!
Another tradition is to give gifts to one another on this day. In Hebrew this is
called “Shalach Manot.” Just like many holidays, presents are part of the fun.
If at all possible, these gifts should be sent by messengers, rather than
delivered personally because the Megillah uses the word mishloach (sending) for
these gifts.
In closing this is not a time for Israel to think of Purim as a Jewish Mardi
Gras. This insults what the celebration is all about. It is about Love, Mercy,
and deliverance. Our gratitude to YAHUVEH for delivering us from the enemies and
bringing our petitions before Him. It is not a time to wear masks as the
orthodox Jews do. It is a time to rip off our masks and bare our hearts and
souls to our Creator YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA our MESSIAH.
Much love to you all as we join with others who are part of the members of the
Bride of YAHUSHUA! Our hearts will not be far from you either as together we go
before the Throne Room in Heaven of our Abba YAHUVEH!
Purim is one of the most joyous and fun holidays. It commemorates the book of
Esther, a time when the Hebrew people living in Persia were saved from
extermination. The Fast of Esther or “Ta’anit” is a new tradition that has sort
of evolved concerning Purim.
The day before Purim is observed as a minor fast day, the 13th of Adar, in
Jewish tradition only, but I have been taught from Heaven that we are not to
fast but instead celebrate the Victory that was given to Esther and the Jewish
people at that time, and the prayers that have already been answered.
One source sites that, “The 13th of Adar is also the anniversary of the day the fighting against the anti-Semitic forces occurred; Purim is the day the victorious Jews rested and celebrated.
Over two thousand years ago, the enemies of the Hebrews had planned to subjugate and destroy them. The opposite, however, occurred and the Israelites ruled over their enemies. Read about this in the book of Ester.
The practice of fasting was observed by the people of Israel whenever they were faced by war. It has continued ever since.
On the 13th of the first month Haman issued a decree for the annihilation of the Jews which was to take effect later that year. Mordecai after reading the decree proceeded to inform Esther and to encourage her to promptly plead the cause of her people before her husband the king.
Esther 9:3--Fasting is mentioned as having had a role in the victory
Esther being concerned about approaching the king requested that all Jews
present in the city fast for the following 3 days, she and her maids would also
In Esther 4:16 agrees to see the king uninvited, and asks the Jewish People to
fast for three days beforehand. Why did she call for a fast? Because a fast
helps to lower the volume on our physical pursuits in order to focus more
acutely on our spiritual selves. This facilitates the process of "teshuva" --
literally "return." We return to our essential state of purity. Esther called
for a fast, knowing that through soul-searching the Jews would forge a spiritual
connection necessary to make her mission successful. And it paid off!,” reads on
unknown source.