Purim Instructions - How To Approach The Throne Of YAHUVEH
Given to Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu March 9, 2006
Beloved Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and those who truly love and worship
I share this new teaching with you with great love for all of you who have taken
the time to show your love for me and this Ministry...especially this month of
March. I have been so blessed as I receive your postal letters and emails. Thank
you for being a blessing unto us as you put action behind your words. We try so
hard to be a blessing unto you.
I have been given instructions from YAHUSHUA on what to do this Purim that you
won't find any Orthodox or Messianic Jews doing. Until now, when these
instructions are being released, some of this has been kept secret. I have never
even celebrated Purim this way before. In fact, I am writing this on March 9,
2006, under the Anointing.
It would be a desire of my heart that, if we could have, we would have been
honored to join with all of you who take this Holy time seriously. All of you
who will do this with great reverence and fear as we approach the Throne of
YAHUVEH on our knees or faces with a humble spirit in the NAME OF YAHUSHUA.
Doing this wearing HIS robes of righteousness, not going in our name, but in HIS
These instructions are really for those who have a desire to be called the Bride
of YAHUSHUA and who truly have been trying to live obedient and Holy, as a
living sacrifice unto YAHUSHUA.
Romans 12:1-2
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of YAHUVEH, that ye present
your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto YAHUVEH, which is your
reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by
the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable,
and perfect, will of YAHUVEH.
These instructions are for those who worship YAHUSHUA, our soon coming MESSIAH &
BRIDEGROOM, and who put YAHUVEH & YAHUSHUA first in life and love. Not
compromising with sin or the devil! These instructions are for those who desire
to be set apart and Holy and used for YAHUVEH & YAHUSHUA'S praise, honor, and
If that is you, read, heed and be blessed.
If you think this is foolishness and you are here to mock, for your own soul's
sake...stop reading now! If you don't believe this Ministry is truly Holy and
YAHUVEH & YAHUSHUA speak forth from it truths from Heaven, and that I am
ordained to speak forth these prophetic messages...then why would you want to
risk the wrath of YAHUVEH and continue reading? This Ministry is not for you. I
was not sent to you. I do not want to cast my pearls before swine.
For all others who truly do consider this Ministry a blessing, please read on.
Enter Into HIS Presence!
When Purim starts we shall enter into the presence of YAHUVEH & YAHUSHUA with
anointed praise and worship and prayer. I cannot stress how Holy of a time this
is. Reading the book of Esther and asking YAHUSHUA to unlock the mysteries in it
reserved for the Bride is another thing we are to do before approaching
YAHUVEH'S throne.
[This was in 2006] This will be the first Purim during which my I am traveling a
long distance to meet with others who are Holy. We are being led to invite them
to this Holy time before the Throne of YAHUVEH on Purim.
If you also are being led to invite others with this personal audience before
the Throne of YAHUVEH in the NAME OF YAHUSHUA. Make sure you know beyond a
shadow of a doubt they also share the same love and passion for YAHUVEH &
YAHUSHUA and realize this is so very sacred. If you truly do it with the right
heart, you should actually feel the Presence in some way, the Anointing, the
love, and yes, even the fear as Esther did. The Holy Scriptures say "The
beginning of wisdom is the fear of YAHUVEH."
See yourself before the Throne of the ETERNAL ONE, our CREATOR and ABBA (DADDY)
called YAHUVEH. Only through the Anointing of the RUACH HA KODESH (HOLY SPIRIT)
can this be done. It is not the counterfeit visualization. It is called
Anointing. I have felt this many times, and believe me it is not to be taken
lightly. Never go in your own name, only in THE NAME OF YAHUSHUA can we approach
the Throne.
Some may not feel comfortable with HIS HEBREW NAME, but this isn't the time to
use HIS Greek name Jesus. Now is the time to recognize that YAHUSHUA was born on
this earth as a Jew and given a HEBREW NAME by HIS Hebrew Mother for a purpose,
This is a constant reminder how YAHUVEH gave us an INTERCESSOR before the Throne
of YAHUVEH because, by ourselves, none of us can be Holy enough! That includes
any lies from the Catholic church that say you can call upon the name of various
saints who were born human, including "mother Mary". No! No name is Holy enough
to approach the Throne of YAHUVEH but HIS SON YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH (THE
Just as surely as why we celebrate. The Hebrew people had an intercessor named
Queen Esther and we celebrate this Hebrew, Holy celebration called Purim. Just
as satan tried to wipe the Hebrew people off the face of the earth then, so too
satan wants to kill everyone who worships and serves and strives to be Holy and
obedient to YAHUVEH & YAHUSHUA now!
We are Holy, spiritual Israel standing in the gap for physical Israel until
Israel comes with repentance and love, worshiping and accepting the only PRINCE
LAMB without blemish, born from a Hebrew virgin woman named Mary (in Hebrew
'Miriam'). When Israel receives the fact that YAHUSHUA was crucified at Calvary
as a sin sacrifice and arose from the dead on the 3rd day, proving HE is THE
ALMIGHTY that came to us in the flesh...Then true PEACE will come to Jerusalem.
We will approach the Throne of YAHUVEH at the beginning of Purim at sundown. You
will know when to approach the Throne.
After approaching the Throne of YAHUVEH, eat a special meal that is tasty and
have dessert! It is a time to feast and laugh and celebrate, for we know we have
the victory in THE NAME OF YAHUSHUA! When YAHUVEH is for us, who can defeat us?
NO ONE! Just as surely as Esther and the Hebrews had the victory then, even more
so do we have the victory through the SHED BLOOD YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! Through
Holy Communion
Before we approach the Throne of YAHUVEH we will do Holy Communion to make
ourselves ready. Anointing ourselves with fragrant anointing oil is another
thing we shall do at this time. Wearing something white stands for the purity of
Esther. These are personal instructions given to me. You won't find the Orthodox
Jews doing this or being taught this in Messianic Jewish Synagogues.
A white shirt and light colored pants for men will do fine. It is just a symbol
of being without spot or wrinkle as Esther was as she stood before the throne. A
white robe if you have one would even be better for women or men. Just do the
best you can to go before the throne in white...not a beige color shirt and not
an off-white shirt.
When you are kneeling before the Throne of YAHUVEH on Purim, you will know who
and what to bring in prayer before the Throne of YAHUVEH!
Pray To Be Counted Worthy!
We are to pray for the coming of YAHUSHUA this Rosh HaShanah, with the love and
passion of someone that misses their beloved. We are to pray that we will be
counted worthy to be called YAHUSHUA'S Bride of Revelation 14. None of this
should ever be take for granted. Never think that just because you are called,
you will also be chosen. This is just like Esther. Remember, she was also was
called...but feared she would not be chosen for she felt unworthy.
We are to pray that we are counted worthy to be called YAHUSHUA'S Bride, to be
kept Holy and walk in a greater Anointing each day...so that we can be taken up
in the clouds alive, called YAHUSHUA'S first fruit. Let this be our petition
before the Throne of YAHUVEH. Everyone should be praying that they will be
counted worthy to escape the wrath of YAHUVEH, and be empowered to live more
Holy unto YAHUSHUA, having a greater Anointing and boldness, and to clearly hear
YAHUSHUA'S Voice and instructions in all things.
For those I have personally shared secrets of the Bride with, you will
understand how important the communion cup is, which also represents the
marriage cup with YAHUSHUA. You will know what else to do. For those I have not
shared the secrets with, reserved for the Bride only, pray and the RUACH HA
KODESH (HOLY SPIRIT) may say,"Now is the time for you to know."
Mainly do as the RUACH HA KODESH leads you and really picture yourself before
OF YAHUSHUA. That HE receives us as His Esther of New is our prayer! What a
blessing that will be!
Pray at the throne of YAHUVEH in the name of YAHUSHUA that all our enemies as
Esther of new will be YAHUVEH'S & YAHUSHUA'S enemies and dealt with immediately.
Our enemies will be chased away in 7 different directions, and fear us as they
recognize the GOD we serve does protect and defend us.
Pray that we shall be hidden, protected and sealed from all harm in all ways,
given new Anointings, new revelations, eyes to see the enemy's traps from afar
and the way around them, to cause the enemies to be entrapped by their own
snares. Pray to be healed, blessed and prosperous as Abraham, Issac, and Jacob
were blessed without lack of any good thing...for the glory of YAHUVEH &
Those who have been chosen to be the Bride of YAHUSHUA will have the blessings
reserved for them listed in Deuteronomy 28, as well as those of you who truly
love and serve YAHUVEH & YAHUSHUA with clean hearts and lives.
Pray that the enemies of the Bride of YAHUSHUA will be dealt with as Esther's
enemies were that sought her destruction. Only this will be the vengeance of
YAHUVEH, the wine press of HIS wrath and our enemies will immediately feel that
wrath. I have enemies that say I am casting a whammy against them and they come
under attack. Well, I've got news news for my enemies reading this: That's not a
whammy sent from me, that is called ""VENGEANCE IS MINE" SAYETH YAHUVEH, "I will
repay!"" I only ask my ABBA to do it to you so you will reap what you are
Just as surely as when YAHUSHUA cursed the fig tree for not bearing fruit and
feeding him, just as surely Vengeance will come upon anyone that harms spiritual
Israel as well as physical Israel. Pray for divine health and our glorified
bodies, for the Bride of YAHUSHUA will not die but be caught up to meet our
BELOVED YAHUSHUA in the air! Is there a greater Jubilee than this?
I pray all who are called my sisters and brothers in YAHUSHUA will have a
blessed Purim. Please write me on the contact form here and/or guest book here
and let me know what your spiritual experience was like. Approach the throne of
YAHUVEH making sure you are cleansed with the shed blood of the Lamb and all
sins either in word, thought, or deed are washed away in the shed blood of
YAHUSHUA in the name of YAHUSHUA and you are determined to turn away from that
sin. Expect a miracle and it will happen!
From our house to your house, we pray blessings on all who receive this Ministry
as a blessing. We thank you for your love, encouragement, prayers, and financial
support. What a blessing you have been to us! Now we pray that this will be your
and our year of Jubilee in the face of enemies! Remember as we celebrate this
Purim together, we will be together in the RUACH HA KODESH SPIRIT before the
Throne of YAHUVEH in the NAME OF YAHUSHUA. We will be one in the HOLY SPIRIT!
Please write me on the contact form here and take the time to greet me in the
guest book here and introduce yourself to me as you feel led by the RUACH ha
KODESH. If anyone is hearing more to do on Purim, please quickly let me know.
In closing, our Prayer is this...
...in the NAME OF YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, FATHER YAHUVEH, may we be pleasing unto
you as Esther was pleasing unto the king, may we have victory over our enemies
in all ways, and be chosen to be called the Holy anointed beautiful Bride of