Purim Battle against our Hamans, we are Esther lets WIN!
Chag Purim Sameach! Happy Purim! See the animation above & whatever your
Hamans are, pray YAH will deliver you! Do not miss NEW teaching & revelations
Apostle/ Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu received! Be blessed our Hamans on this earth
may take more than 1 day! Remember poverty, disease, illuminatee, rich & famous
wicked of this world harming the innocent, Vengeance is mine says YAH & wait you
will see a red sea miracle in your life & hamans will be hung by their words &
Just wait until Wuhan virus, they think they are protected in Hollywood and find
out vaccinations did not work! Underground cities YAH will bury them with a
flood underground! I prophesy this as YAHUVEH EL SHADDAI HIS love is as great as
HIS wrath & destruction! Sodom & Gomorrah was no joke! It will happen again! I
have had an open vision of sealed prophecy 78! Not time yet to release it! Wuhan
virus is everyone’s Haman plus Bill Gates who kills with vaccinations!
We celebrate Purim because Haman gave orders to kill all the Jews. He forced
them to not fight back! Esther was a Jew as was Mordechai. Esther obeyed YAHS
orders spoken through Mordechai. The weapon formed against Esther & all Jews did
not succeed! Instead because of Esther’s obedience, her 3 day fast combined with
her prayers (Esther 4:15-16) she was able to approach the King without
permission. The King’s sign of permission to speak to him was he had a royal
scepter he held out to the person who wanted to ask a request.
The kings heart felt love, he recognized Esther. He favored her because of her
beauty & personality. The King held out the Jewelled Royal scepter so she could
speak (Esther 5:1-2). Esther set a trap for Haman & caused the King to demand
Haman, his wife and 10 sons all to be publicly hung, strangled with a noose on
the highest gallows (Esther 7:8-10).
All who Worship YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH are Jews even if not biologically, you were
adopted, grafted into YAHUSHUA symbolized as an olive vine (Romans 11:11-24).
YAHUSHUA calls us HIS Branch grafted in to be part of the only Vine. It does not
matter whether biological Jew or not! HIS Command is if the Branch does not
produce good fruit, HE will cut off the Branch and burn with Hells fire! (Matt
7:19, Luke13:9) You must confess you are a sinner & confess with sorrow the sins
to HIM, ask HIM to forgive your sins, to have your sins remembered no more. You
must humble yourself and asking HIM to become LORD means that you have declared
HIM ruler of your life.
You must desire to obey HIM & hate sin, turn away from sins and accept the only
way to Heaven. To live for HIM is to say please come into my soul and fill me
with the RUACH ha KODESH HOLY SPIRIT, to live inside of me, teaching me how to
be obedient & pleasing to YAH. ABBA YAH is the HEAVENLY FATHER of Creation with
no beginning or end. YAHUVEH is CREATOR of TIME! YAHUSHUA is the only name
anyone can be saved in (Acts 4:11-12).
In Hebrew, YAHUSHUA’S name means “YAH Saves.” Psalm 91 says there is protection
from disease, pestilences, to those who call upon YAHS Name! The scepter is
YAHUSHUA! No prayers are answered before the FATHER of Creation without praying
in the Name & sins washed in the Perfect blood of YAHUSHUA the only MESSIAH! Ask
forgiveness when you sin, run back into YAHUSHUA’S loving arms again! Do not
give up!
The way we prove our love for YAHUSHUA is obeying HIM! YAHUSHUA said "Why do you
call HIM LORD & not obey HIM? (Luke 6:46) HE knows no one is perfect just
continue to not give up & do not purposely sin. Ask HIM to help you to defeat
the sin where you are weak! Humble yourself do not become like the unrepented
Haman, his wife and 10 sons, even the youngest son was hanged so he could not
become another Haman.
The King wanted to introduce at his banquet his beautiful wife Vashti, but she
refused to come (Esther 1:1-21). Vashti the king’s disobedient rebellious wife
was cast out of his kingdom! Vashti are selfish narcissists who refuse with
great sorrow & tears to repent. They are called unrepented sinners, no fear of
YAH or YAHUSHUA. They shall have the Judgement of hell & the lake of fire!
Jeremiah 6:27-30 full of rebellion & say they will live their lives with no
respect for the 10 commandments!
There are beautiful women and outwardly handsome men but they refuse to live a
life of Holiness, purity, integrity, faithful to the HEAVENLY HOLY TRINITY! The
worst are the church of pretenders, with demons of pharisees with no desire to
confess their sins & repent with great sorrow, turn away from sin, instead they
embrace their sins living for today selling their soul to the devil, every image
in the animation above has done this. satan used their diaper salvation to
eventually use them to lead souls to worship a demon goddess teaching they
cannot go to hell because they are all gods & 14 planets! They all studied the
occult, mysticism, evil lies that drives people to insanity as they open
themselves to open the 3rd eye so they can say and do what you want, a god
cannot sin, they blaspheme with no fear!
On the website we screen shot what they had written & with your own ears you
will hear the before they turned reprobate & after giving their souls to satan
for occult powers. See on the front-page reprobate’s wall of shame direct link
The Bible warns in genesis Adam & Eve were allowed to eat from every tree in the
garden, but were not to eat off the tree of good and evil, YAH forbid them to
touch! (Genesis 2:16-17). If you opened your 3rd eye ask YAHUSHUA to forever
seal it with HIS shed blood for forgiveness of sins! Repent & ask YAHUSHUA for
deliverance of all forms of the occult! Real names are used at the reprobate’s
wall of shame, they have no mercy from YAHUSHUA there is no forgiveness for
blasphemy against the HOLY SPIRIT! Who in Hebrew is named RUACH ha KODESH!
You want to be protected from the Wuhan Virus or pestilence. Read & believe,
speak aloud over your home and family but you must first realize you must ask
forgiveness from YAHUSHUA before the HEAVENLY FATHER of Creation & time will
answer your prayers. We must be symbolized as Esther, to be able to claim psalm
91 or the Blessings of YAH in the Bible Deuteronomy 28! The only other choice
YAH gave to Haman, Deuteronomy 28 curses of YAH to the unrepented rebellious
children of satan!
YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH’s children especially HIS Bride of both women & men rev 14,
144.000, revelation 7, 144.000 are all 1 Bride of 288,000, just given different
missions & rapture departures. Remember do not believe the lies of tv
evangelists, not all people want to be set apart. Remember the 5 wise virgins,
the parable YAHUSHUA spoke (Matthew 25:1-11). Be encouraged for all who belong
to YAHUSHUA do their best to obey HIM, ask forgiveness quickly when they sin!
Can you imagine a Jewish wedding with no guests there to enjoy it? YAHUSHUA says
in the Book of revelation "Blessed are All who are invited to the Marriage
Banquet of the LAMB who is YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH!” (Rev 19:9)
Remember the old blood covenant under Moses was a foreshadow, the History of
what was to come! Moses warned there would be a new blood covenant as a sin
sacrifice. YAHUSHUA said "I did not come to cancel the laws of the prophets, but
to fulfill them! (Matt 5:17) YAHUSHUA is the scripture the so-called Rabbis
fear. In all ways YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH proved HE is the MESSIAH, Isaiah 53!
I have seen YAHUSHUA face to face! HE has the brightest blue eyes! The young
artist drew the image in the picture I use. When you get to Heaven, you can
remember I told you 1st. Arc Angel Michael as my testimony of May 24 2005 I saw
him face to face. I listened as 2 Angels stood farther away. I was looking in
awe, wide awake at Arc Angel Michael’s iridescent sparkling wing. I ran my
fingers through his wings, touching the feather like a 2-year-old! Arc Angel
Michael looked on me with love, he is not just my guardian Angel but Israel’s
also & protects all who labor with me in this Ministry.
His massive wing hovered over my edge of the bed as he stood there & Gabriel
Spoke to me saying, "good tidings milady." He said this Ministry needed a
special group of Prayer intercessors for I had no one I trusted to know my
needs. YAHUSHUA sent Him to announce the birth & name of uniquely anointed
Prayer Warriors. He called the name off of a golden scroll "YAHUSHUAS demon
I was told more, if you want to know more look in the menu Angelic Visitations.
Arc Angel Michael is seen in the image above the seal also called the Crest of
the Ministry. I have seen Him face to face but there is always urgency when
YAHUSHUA sends Him & allows me to see him. Cape Breton South Africa 2006 was the
last time in a crowded restaurant back to back with people, yet I saw him as I
read the menu. I felt eyes of spiritual love & it was no one sitting at my
table. The testimony is on the website & why the urgency to protect me.
In the ending I will describe him I do not remember if testimony is in Secrets
of RUACH ha KODESH Book soon to be 3rd edition. Arc Angel Michael is handsome &
built muscular like a body builder. He has dark hair, he is tall, look up old tv
series called Bonanza, a western you will see the youngest son is called Little
Joe his real name is Michael Landon. Arc Angel Michael also looks like young
age, Kirt Russell, who is married to actress Goldie Hawn. Both men appearances
together, you have my best description.
I pray that during this Purim that whatever your Haman’s may be, whether it be
poverty, enemies, disease, pestilence, whatever it may be, may your Haman’s be
hung on the gallows and may you gain the victory you need just like Esther did
in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH’S Mighty and Holy name, Amen.