Prophecy 149 Without the Conception at Hanukkah, There Could be No Birth at Sukkot of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH
Spoken under the Anointing of the RUACH HA KODESH Through Apostle, Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu
Received 21 October, 2019, Simḥat Torah Released 26 December 2019, Fourth Day of Hanukkah
Elisheva: Happy Hanukkah! Woohoo! This is a time to celebrate Hag Sameach!
Oh, oh beloved ones! I am so excited! This is Hanukkah! And if you don't know
what that is, this is the time of the—of not only the celebration of [how] in
the Second Century BC when the temple was defiled in Jerusalem; that there was
only a group of 5 brothers who went against the evil Antiochus who proclaimed
himself as GOD and forbid any Torah reading, any, any commandment keeping.
And he actually not only imprisoned but tortured and murdered the Jews who
refused to stop their belief in THE ONLY HOLY CREATOR so we also acknowledge as
we light these candles, the miracle of the Maccabees. And you can read about it
in the Book of Maccabees, which you will not find in the KJV Bible so you'll
have to look it up online and on our Hanukkah page [at]. I tell
you exactly where is it written that Sukkot and Hanukkah go together and they
could not do their Sukkot at that time so they had to wait until Hanukkah
because of the desecration of the Temple. They waited until Hanukkah.
Now we know that YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH (JESUS CHRIST) was conceived at that time
of Hanukkah and HE is THE ONLY ETERNAL LIGHT (Jn 3:19, 8:12, 12:35-36,46) and
that LITTLE BABY, that LITTLE FETUS was put in the womb of a virgin, young
Hebrew woman by the Hand of the RUACH HA KODESH [Hebrew for HOLY SPIRIT].
To see more about that read Prophecies 89 & 90 that was given to me and the Jews
know it is true [of a FEMININE RUACH HA KODESH]. I want to tell everyone this is
a time of miracles. All you have to do is repent! (Mt 4:17, 3:18; Acts 3:19,
20:21) Ask YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH [for] the forgiveness of your sins! And confess
them and tell HIM you're sorry (1 Jn 3:19). HE paid the PRICE for you at Calvary
HE was crucified for those sins!
And that's why at the very ending [of the video] I'm going to add the Salvation
Prayer that was given to me as well as the story of "One Minute until Midnight,"
a painting that is priceless—you will see the open vision that I had of Heaven
This is a time of miracles. So when you're lighting those Hanukkah menorah—Hanukkiah.
It's called a Hanukkiah [a type of menorah]. When you're lighting the Hanukkiah,
what you're doing is, you're also in prayer, remembering—expect miracles!
Expect miracles— of being delivered from the hand of the reprobate enemies!
These people— are the ones that YAHUSHUA was speaking of in John 10 They are not
of HIM! They were reprobates! (Jer 6:30 KJV) That means an unsaveable soul (Heb
6:4-6; 10:26-31). That means an unrepentant soul (Ro 1:28-32), who refuses to
obey YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH (2 Pt ch. 2). YAHUSHUA said, 'How can you prove that
you love ME? By keeping MY commandments' (Jn 14:15,21; 15:10; 1 Jn 5:3).
People have taken the word "grace" and "mercy" (because YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH is
the ONLY BLOOD ATONEMENT for sins[Ro 3:25]) and they think that it's cheap
grace; that now they can go and sin all they want; and then go back to the
Cross. Well it don't work that way! (Ro 6:1-2,15; 1 Jn 3:8).
And right now we are going to celebrate and show the video of everyone
celebrating right now. And YAHUSHUA is going to show you HE is WHO HE said HE
is, and it all started at a temple. Just like in—the Book of Maccabees says HE
is HE is that MIRACLE of the oil that did not run dry HE is our YAHUSHUA HA
The only way to Heaven is through HIS NAME (Acts 4:12, 10:43)! So YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH bless you!
I love you! To all AmightyWind congregation, I pray that you enjoy this video
and the singing because it's all coming from this Ministry. So YAHUSHUA bless
you. Shalom. Happy Hanukkah! Expect miracles! I know I am! Amen.
* * * * * * *
Below is the Prophecy as it came forth
—with Prophet Elisheva's "Holy tongues,” as GOD'S SPIRIT gives utterance (Acts
2:3-4) of heavenly or earthly languages (1 Co 13:1). Elisheva speaks forth in
tongues bringing Prophecy (1 Co 14:6).
We use the HEBREW NAMES of GOD:
As in Alleluia (Hallelu YAH) meaning "Praise YAH,” YAH is GOD'S HOLY, SACRED
MASHIACH means The MESSIAH; ELOHIM means GOD.) The Revelation of SH'KHINYAH
also on this site. (HA SH'KHINAH {SHEKINAH} is Hebrew for GOD'S ABIDING, DIVINE
Additionally, ABBA YAH means "FATHER YAH” and IMMA YAH, "MOTHER YAH.” In Hebrew,
the SPIRIT OF GOD is feminine, referred to as "SHE,” and reflected this way in
the Prophecy & Scriptural quotes below. All direct references to GOD are
Scripture quotes are KJV/NKJV or CJB unless otherwise indicated.
* * * * * * * YAHUVEH'S Warning before the Prophecies: I warned you a long time ago Elisheva, not to name this Ministry
after a man or a woman. Even before there was a Ministry, I put it in your
spirit. For none of this has been done by your hands. None of this has come
forth from your mouth.
It is from the Mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of
YAHUSHUA, your MASHIACH, that it has been given birth. It is from the Mouth of
the RUACH HA KODESH, your IMMAYAH, that it has been given birth.
If it had only been by your hand, it would have failed long ago.
It is by the SHKHINYAH GLORY'S WIND that blows across this earth, the HOLY WIND
OF REVIVAL. It is not by your breath, or it would have failed. "I AM the LORD
YAHUVEH: that is MY NAME: And MY GLORY I will not give to another, Neither MY
PRAISE to graven images” (Is 42:8).
(Prophecy 105)
In July 2010, YAHUVEH GOD said add this to warn those who mock:
But they mocked the Messengers of GOD, despised HIS Words,
and scoffed at HIS Prophets, until the Wrath of YAHUVEH
arose against HIS People, till there was no remedy. —2 Chronicles 36:16
Prophecy 149
This was recorded via audio. Here is the transcription.
Phone Call Begins
- Hello?
- Hi beloved Syl, hi beloved Talia!
- Hi, beloved Momma Rm!
- I have just been in prayer with YAHUSHUA and I want to share something with
you that's new for the Ministry
- Okay praise YAHUSHUA, Mom thank you so much! We're so happy, thank you! Amen,
thank you for calling us! We can't wait to hear it, so please go ahead!
Elisheva: Well it was during prayer—I prayed very hard during the time of Sukkot
tabernacling with YAHUSHUA and I could feel HIS PRESENCE. There was even a
Sukkot Prophecy. Of course, it has not been released.
YAHUSHUA said, "You cannot release this now. This is a time of celebration." So
it's on hold [ Laughs ]
What is that? Like 5 [Prophecies] on hold, I think, at least now, but I heard
YAHUSHUA say this to me and HE had actually even spoken to me in my sleep and HE
was telling me how honored HE was during the time of Sukkot.
Those who made the videos, HE was so honored—and HE felt so much love coming
from each one of them—ALL of the HOLY TRINITY: ABBA YAHUVEH, and of course
YAHUSHUA and the RUACH HA KODESH, IMMAYAH. THEY ALL felt such overwhelming love.
HE just kept saying how honored HE was and how comforted HE was that it wasn't
just Sukkot—which is a foreshadow of HIS birthday. And HE just said, "Sukkot is
MY birthday on earth." And it's the first day of Sukkot is HIS birthday and HE
Prophecy 149 Begins
MY beloved Elisheva Eliyahu I'm giving you new instructions as THE HEAD of
AmightyWind Ministry and I want you to tell the congregation: Behold, I YAHUSHUA
HA MASHIACH order you MY beloved Elisheva Eliyahu to do a new thing with the
HOLY TRINITY'S Ministry, AmightyWind; and on Hanukkah, I want this celebration
of the Festival of Booths to continue.
I want it to be a celebration just as you did with the sukkah in the Festival of
Booths (Sukkot) so too [such celebration], during the time of Hanukkah.
For this is the time your MESSIAH was placed by the beautiful Hand of the RUACH
HA KODESH —the Invisible Hand into MY birth mother Miryam's womb.
Should you not celebrate that? You celebrate MY birth.
And now I'm asking you to celebrate the time of Hanukkah in the same way, with
these eight days. For I AM THE ETERNAL GUIDING LIGHT (Jn 3:19, 8:12); I AM THE
REASON Hanukkah is named the Festival of Lights!
The building of the sukkah were instructions given (Lv 23), which foreshadowed
MY birth in a 'stable' in Bethlehem (Lk 2:1-20).
Elisheva: (And in the Hebrew language, sukkah [can] translate into English as
'stable'). And we know in Bethlehem HE was born in a stable, which was really a
sukkah also—but there were no animals in it.
Prophecy Continues:
I AM THE TEMPLE (Jn 2:19) that was defiled as every sin except blasphemy of the
RUACH HA KODESH where there is no forgiveness (Lk 12:10)—all other sin & disease
THE PERFECT BLOOD ATONEMENT FOR SINS (Ro 3:25), birthed from a human, virgin
I AM a CO-CREATOR (Jn 1:3; Col 1:16-20) together with ABBA YAHUVEH & THE RUACH
Elisheva: HE reminded me of the Scripture, John 2:19 YAHUSHUA said, Destroy this
Temple and in 3 days, I will raise it up again.
Prophecy Continues:
I AM THE RE-DEDICATION OF THE HOLY TEMPLE torn down, crucified and MY Body died
but on the 3rd day, I proved satan could not stop MY Body from rising from the
dead—before witnesses—I did miracles in every part of the world in 40 days!
Thank you, MY beloved Elisheva Eliyahu, for setting the example to other
And tell AmightyWind congregation, I AM well pleased with their proof of love by
obeying and living Holy and celebrating MY birthday on Sukkot for the 8 days and
being so faithful to you as the leader of this Ministry and acknowledging only
There would not have been a miracle birthday on earth without the pregnancy of
MY virgin birth mother. Let US—let ME see celebration for 8 days on Hanukkah and
be in the sukkah, again!
HA KODESH, WHO sent ME to replace the Old Blood Covenant (Heb 8:13).
It was a foreshadow of what was to come. And when I came, it was time to say,
"It is finished!” (Jn 19:28-30).
YAHUVEH said the Old Blood Covenant was no longer good enough anymore (Heb
10:4-10) as the sins were piled—too great. ABBA YAHUVEH had to send HIS ONLY
of the humans.
TRUTH & THE LIFE (Jn 14:6) to Heaven is through MY NAME & MY SACRIFICIAL
BLOOD—so your sins can be washed away—as you believe and do not doubt I AM
MESSIAH, I AM A CO-CREATOR (Jn 1:3; Col 1:16-20).
I paid THE PRICE for your sins.
When you confess all of your sins and ask forgiveness (1 Jn 1:9) and then you
turn away from your evil (Mt 3:8; 2 Tim 2:19) and you redeem what can be
redeemed with great sorrow—you repent before YAHUVEH & THE RUACH HA KODESH also.
Then you will be BLOOD washed and BLOOD bought (1 Pt 1:18-19).
And whoever YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH forgives, so too does YAHUVEH & THE RUACH HA
KODESH, THE SWEET HOLY SPIRIT, IMMAYAH. Worship ME and obey ME and be grateful.
I paid the PRICE and was crucified in your place, and died and arose again on
the 3rd day.
You rededicated your temple [your body] (1 Cor 6:19-20), when you die to self
and you made ME your MESSIAH, and you declare ME as LORD GOD ALMIGHTY THE ONLY
BEGOTTEN SON OF YAHUVEH and allow ME to use your life for MY purpose and MY
Turn away from evil completely for you are now born again (1 Jn 3:9; 1 Pt 1:23)
be in your soul and warn and convict you to repent quickly when you sin (Jn
16:8). You put [in place] the fear of YAHUVEH, which is the beginning of wisdom
(Pr 9:10). You fear offending ABBA YAHUVEH; you fear offending YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH and you fear offending the RUACH HA KODESH.
And grieve not the RUACH HA KODESH (Eph 4:30). For SHE will not stay in an
unclean vessel for long. [The] King James Version Bible, even says WISDOM is a
SHE (Pr 8).
Scripture Reading
Keep the Festival of Booths in the month of Kislev as it is recorded, 2
Maccabees 1:9.
It happened that on the same day on which the sanctuary had been profaned by the
foreigners the purification of the sanctuary took place that is, on the
twenty-fifth day of the same month which is Kislev.
They celebrated it for eight days with rejoicing in the manner of the Festival
of Booths remembering how not long before, during the Festival of Booths ([which
is Sukkot]), they had been wandering in the mountains and caves like wild
animals They decreed by public edict, ratified by vote that the whole nation of
the Jews should observe these days every year (2 Maccabees 10).
Prophecy Continues:
They had only enough oil for one day and it lasted 8 days. Again a foreshadowing
of the birth of, I, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH.
worship and obey and live in Holiness like the parable of the 5 wise virgins (Mt
25:1-13), there will always be plenty of Anointing oil within your souls.
Just as you put up your sukkah during the 8 days of Sukkot (Lv 23:33-36,39), you
are to keep that sukkah up during the 8 days of Hanukkah as well. And I,
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, said that this is a further way to honor ABBA YAHUVEH &
And [WE] placed HIM in HIS virgin birth mother Miryam. For even YAHUSHUA'S NAME
in Hebrew translates to "YAH SAVES.” Miriam and Joseph would never have given
their son a Greek name. In the King James Version Bible, they could not leave
out the name even "IMMANUEL," which means GOD IS WITH US (Is 7:14; Mt 1:23).
THE HOLY TRINITY is THE HEAD of this Ministry and is giving these instructions
to the only leader of this Ministry until a male leader joins her again. And I
give these orders to you my beloved daughter, Elisheva Eliyahu, who is the
Apostle, the Prophet and the Pastor [of this Ministry] and MY Ringmaiden.
End of Prophecy
Elisheva: And that was given to me on the ending of Simhat Torah. I was given
those instructions during prayer.
Syl: Wow awesome! Thank you so much for sharing that! Thank YOU ABBA YAHUVEH,
YAHUSHUA & IMMAYAH for these new instructions and revelations that came straight
from Heaven.
ABBA YAHUVEH please bless YOUR Ringmaiden for this, for speaking it forth and
sharing these blessings with us. I can only say hallelu YAH, amen. ABBA YAHUVEH,
YAHUSHUA & IMMAYAH all glory, honor and praise to YOU!
-Thank YOU very much Mom for sharing this with us.
Elisheva: What a Sukkot time we had and oh the people are going to look forward
to the Sukkot videos but in the mean time I'm supposed to show my sukkah and my
treasured possessions on it because somebody who once loved me very much gave me
each thing on that table.
And the "One Minute to Midnight" painting is the one and only original. It's an
oil painting, and it was done in the 90s. [YAHUSHUA'S Words,] "This BLOOD is for
you" is what it's all about as I saw in an open vision and YAHUSHUA was weeping
tears of blood.
And HE started speaking who the tears of blood is for and that is a teaching in
itself. And then of course, then we go back into the celebration but our Sukkot—whoa,
the videos! The songs, and the dancing and the singing and the rejoicing!
YAHUSHUA wants the same thing on the time when the conception happened, when
ABBA YAHUVEH again gave HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON and instructed that that beautiful
Hand of the RUACH HA KODESH be put inside a virgin woman's womb—what did HE call
her? The birth mother—I never heard HIM ever call her that before but it was
going to be "the birth mother”.
And can you picture, this LITTLE TINY, LITTLE—I can't even picture that—but HE
HIMSELF is GOD ALMIGHTY and yet HE HIMSELF agreed to come as that LITTLE TINY,
LITTLE FETUS and to be placed inside the womb, to a virgin.
Again, a miracle.
Everything about Hanukkah is a miracle down to the—I know they're all focused
about the Temple but WHO is the TRUE TEMPLE? WHO IS THE TRUE ONE, WHO said [so]
in that Scripture.
And HE said that you could knock all these—there was so much... and they [the
disciples] were looking, remember—at the [future] destruction of the Temple (Mt
And YAHUSHUA HIMSELF said, 'Destroy this TEMPLE, and in three days I will rise
it up again' (Jn 2:19). HE was talking about HIS Own Body.
HE was talking about—we are the temple of the RUACH HA KODESH. This is the
temple right here. Our bodies, our physical body is a temporary tabernacle right
now, a temporary temple. Of course we know we're going to have glorified bodies
(Phil 3:21).
And of course we know YAHUSHUA HE did not raise up again in that tortured body
[but it had become glorified]. When people looked at HIM (and HE was raised up
before witnesses), HE had HIS glorified body, except HE still had—remember what
HE told Thomas, 'Put your hand in MY side and see where they had put the spear
in' (Jn 20:27), so HE still had those wounds upon HIM but HE was in a glorified
And HE had to go present HIMSELF before the FATHER IN HEAVEN—that's what HE said
(Jn 20:17)—to show that what HE had done; it was finished.
So that's our BELOVED YAHUSHUA! And if we're going to celebrate Sukkot
[Booths]—and remember, HE taught me this. And I don't see anyone else teaching
The Old Blood Covenant is the foreshadow of everything that YAHUSHUA did in the
That's why HE said ‘I did not come to cancel the Laws and the Prophets I came to
fulfill them' (Mt 5:17). And that's why in Leviticus—it warns you about the
unclean foods—and at that time it was applicable, but there was a new day
coming! And the NEW BLOOD COVENANT (Jer 31:31; Mk 14:24)! YAHUSHUA said, it's
not what you put in your mouth that defiles you; it is what comes out of your
mouth that defiles you (Mt 15:11).
And when YAHUSHUA said on that Cross—HIS Last Words that HE spoke—and I want to
share another revelation and a vision that I had in case people didn't read
that. And that was when YAHUSHUA was on that Cross—how HE beared all that
It hurt with every breath HE took.
We put the description on the website of what it's like when somebody is
crucified in the way that HE was. The others were just tied on the stake, on the
Cross but the other two, and yet YAHUSHUA, HE had spikes—what we would call
nails, but more like spikes—driven into the Palms of HIS Hands & HIS Feet.
We cannot even conceive of anyone being tortured like HE was. And when YAHUSHUA
showed me what HE was thinking about during that time, I felt so honored and I
want to share it.
There's no way to describe what HE was telling me other than to say, everyone
whose name that is written in the LAMB'S Book of Life—HE will not lose one.
And while HE was on that Cross during those 3 hours before that [pascal]
sacrificial lamb was slain (because remember when the sacrificial lamb was slain
that's the exact time HE said, "It is finished” (Lk 23:46)—and HE died)—but
before that, HE said to me, there was—flashes and images of pictures that—it was
going through HIS Mind, so quickly before HIS Eyes, of everyone whose name is
written in the LAMB'S Book of Life.
And HE was saying, "This BLOOD is for you!" You see no one can be in Heaven that
was born on this earth without going through THE NAME & THE BLOOD OF YAHUSHUA (Jn
3:3, 17-18). There is but ONE WAY, TRUTH & LIFE (Jn 14:6). They had to at one
time [have] accepted HIM to be in that LAMB'S BOOK OF LIFE.
HE said to me—there is no way to describe it—but HE even knows—Syl and Tal, HE
would have seen your faces. HE would have seen the exact date and time and year
that you gave your life to HIM, and you said, "It's not I that live anymore but
it is YOU, YAHUSHUA that I want YOU to live YOUR LIFE through me. Take my life
and let it bring YOU glory! Forgive me of my sins!”
HE knows! HE knows what it took to break every one of us til we got to that
point where we cried out, "Forgive us! Forgive me of my sins! Help me not to
hurt you again!”
One of the reasons why—first of all the Bride of YAHUSHUA will never premeditate
sin (1 Jn 3:6, 9). It's not in us. We don't want to hurt HIM. HE was already
crucified in our place.
If it would have taken crucifixion to be able to get to Heaven, how many of us
would have done—would have paid the PRICE that HE did? No, HE did it for us.
And HE will not lose one sheep (Jn 6:39). And that's the revelation HE gave
me—that's what HE saw and a speed so—faster than the speed of light.
I can't even imagine what HE was speaking of when HE said that, but everyone's
name that's written in the LAMB'S Book of Life—because they worship and they
made HIM MESSIAH and they asked HIM to forgive them of their sins because no one
who ever walked this earth was perfect (Ro 3:10) in the form of a man or a woman
except ONE (2 Cor 5:21)—HIS NAME is YAHUSHUA.
If HIS birth mother Miriam had been perfect, then she would have been the one
hanging on that Cross, but instead she called HIM LORD. And she too knew that
she needed forgiveness for her sins, and she was right there watching her SON be
crucified— knowing WHO HE was, knowing that HE was no ordinary man.
So that's what I wanted to teach real—quickly, to anyone who didn't hear me
already give that teaching.
And I'm so very grateful that you and I and everyone who—will listen to
that they truly know beyond a shadow of a doubt, when they cry out to HIM, HE
will never leave them, HE will never forsake them (Heb 13:5).
When they say, "I am sorry, please forgive me" with great sorrow—I'm not talking
about this carte blanche thing that they just say, "Please forgive me of all my
sins, amen." When you know you've done wrong, you're gonna feel sorrow! You're
gonna say—and remember the PRICE YAHUSHUA paid.
And for those who think that the Law was done away at the Cross and now they can
go sin all they want—'cause YAHUSHUA (JESUS CHRIST) paid the price for their
sins; now let's go live like the devil 'cause after all HE paid the price for
their sins... it said so—!
Well, they're wrong (Ro 6:1-2,15; 1 Jn 3:8)! HIS BLOOD did not come cheap (1 Pt
That was ABBA YAHUVEH'S ONLY BEGOTTEN SON and that BLOOD did not come cheap.
That torture...that came upon HIS Physical Body where even that torturer who
whipped him 39 times—that was no ordinary whip, that was pieces of materials
like lead and sharp stones and whatever they could put on the end of those...the
lashes of the whip that came down on HIS Body.
That was satan inside that torturer. That's something else YAHUSHUA told me.
That was no ordinary torture HE went through.
And it wasn't enough just to—to be crucified for our sins, but HE went the step
further. HE didn't have to be tortured by that whip but HE said, by those 39
stripes, HE said BY THESE STRIPES, YOU ARE HEALED (Is 53:5)!
Every disease, every sickness—even mental illness! Everything was in those
lashes of that whip—satan never would've done that if he had known.
And HE didn't stay dead but on the 3rd day again HE moved that big, huge boulder
away [that] the soldiers put there to make sure that no one could come and steal
that Body (Mt 27:64), a boulder that is unlike any other boulder stone—so
heavy—one man could never have moved it.
And yet, there was YAHUSHUA. And HE came out and when HE did on the 3rd day, HE
showed HIMSELF; HE went to the disciples (Jn 20:19); HE walked invisible right
through a door (Jn 20:19,26); that's called a Glorified Body (Phil 3:21).
And the Bride of YAHUSHUA is going to have that kind of glorified body (Col 3:4;
1 Jn 3:2) and no one is going to be able to keep us out—and anyone who has that
Glorified Body, the same thing goes for it.
There has to be guests at the Marriage Supper of the LAMB (Rev 19:9). Not
everyone is worthy to be called the Bride of YAHUSHUA. We're paying the price
right now. We are persecuted not because of, [not] for our sake—they don't even
know us—
I'm going to keep on doing what I'm doing and we are going to celebrate on
You know we give gifts to one another only because it's a reminder of—the
Scripture says, if we know how to give good gifts to one another, how much more
does the HEAVENLY FATHER know how to be able to give good gifts to HIS children
(Mt 7:11; Lk 11:13).
HE rewards those that diligently seek after HIM (Heb 11:6). Amen?
Syl: Amen to that Mom, thank you!
Elisheva: Well it's going to be a special Hanukkah and we're gonna be in the
sukkah. And some people have loved their sukkah so much they haven't wanted to
take it down yet. And I've already heard that and we're going to open it up.
When the Sukkot video is finished—and I mean the really big one—people are going
to be so blessed and laugh so much, the congregation so faithful and loyal and
Oh my, what they have gone through with me!—and they only love me more. No one
ever complains.
So don't forget, sukkah time in Hanukkah.
We don't care what any other ministry does. We're following what honors
YAHUSHUA, another way to be able to comfort the HOLY TRINITY.
There's not many anymore that really want to live Holy, but for those that do
you'll find out how, through this Ministry—because that's—our heart's desire is
to be pleasing [unto YAH] and have a testimony as unto Enoch (Heb 11; Gn 5),
(because he did not see death—he was translated before death could come to him)
and he was taken to Heaven.
That's what we call raptured to Heaven in a chariot of fire! No less! You can't
beat that. That's YAHUVEH'S own taxi that HE sent for him [Laughs]. Amen?
Syl: Absolutely.
Elisheva: [ Laughs ] Alright YAHUSHUA bless you! I love you AmightyWind
You can be sending your videos [to the contact page to share
with me] for Hanukkah. I didn't want to leave [out] anyone who wants to be part
of it [celebration videos]. And I can't promise all of them will [always] get in
there, but what we will choose is those that can fit in fit in the space of time
[to finish], as YAHUSHUA tells us to do.
But just know that whatever you do even if it isn't in a video—(remember, it can
only be so large I mean so long, and large [Laughs ])—just know that YAHUSHUA
says, HE'S well pleased with everyone who honors HIM.
It's an honor!
And everything in the Old Blood Covenant—if you can just remember this—even in
the Exodus, HE taught me this on Passover and the teaching was: Even the blood
on the doorposts that they put there, so the angel of death would pass by (and
not be able to come near them and not any of those curses that Moses had spoken
forth that YAHUVEH would do)—and that is because that was a foreshadow.
That sacrificial lamb was a foreshadow of what was to come, and it's our
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. As the BLOOD OF YAHUSHUA does not only just wash away our
sins but protects us—a dome of protection over our homes—protects us mind, body,
spirit and soul if we will just call out to HIM.
We dare not go before THE FATHER… [in our own names]. If I would dare do such a
thing and say, "ABBA YAHUVEH, I'm Elisheva Eliyahu and I come to YOU and I ask
this prayer petition...”—no, that won't work. It is through THE NAME & THE BLOOD
YAHUSHUA said, you do this IN MY NAME (Jn 14:13) and the FATHER IN HEAVEN, as it
lines up with HIS will—they forget to put that part in the King James Bible and
in HIS Timing—it will be done for us, but we have to do it in THE [NAME OF THE]
ONLY BEGOTTEN, SON OF ABBA YAHUVEH, WHO paid that PRICE for all of us humans
that we can approach the Throne of ABBA YAHUVEH.
It is the prayers of the righteous that avails much (Jms 5:16). It's the prayers
of the unrighteous that avails nothing!
People don't understand. We are really in the End Times right now, and if you
expect to escape the Great Tribulation that is to come (Lk 21:36), then you
really need to give your life and your love and your worship and your obedience
For HE is the ONLY ONE WHO can save your soul and HE is the ONLY ONE WHO can
protect you. It's through HIS NAME & HIS BLOOD.
And I plead THE BLOOD over this Ministry and over you and Talia and over all of
AmightyWind congregation.
And if anyone is visiting and is going to listen to this—and I know we do have
visitors, and they want to know what it's all about—and you've heard the hatred
directed at me, just remember there's always haters.
There's fallen angels, there's demons, demonically—demonic, possessed people and
just plain people who are blotted out of the LAMBS Book of Life (Ps 69:28). They
are in the book of damnation. Of course they're not going to have anything good
to say about me.
This Ministry is Holy and does not compromise with sin, just like YAHUSHUA
doesn't. So that's what I have to say.
And I'm looking forward to Hanukkah, and I'm looking forward to the BIG Sukkot
video that will be released. Oh, just don't miss it! Don't miss it, AmightyWind
And visitors who are listening! You truly will be blessed! I say, shalom. It's
also a blessing on your mind, your body and your spirit and your soul. And
shalom is the peace... and someone very special to me, a Jewish man just taught
that to me and I was…
Someone that I talked to on the phone for 4 hours. Whew! We just bounced that
Anointing back and forth like a tennis ball. It was so awesome. I'm not going to
say his name. He knows who I am [referring to] when he hears this. And you know
who he is too, Syl and Tal, and what a blessing; I am…
Truly what an anointed man he is. I learned from him, he learns from me. And
he's also learning Hebrew so he can be translating these Prophecies. That's his
heart's desire and that's our heart's desire: For all those Prophecies that are
directed towards Israel—although English is supposed to be the second language
[there]—I also know that a lot of them don't speak English.
So YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH bless you. I love you. And I love, I love, I love our
AmightyWind congregation.
We are now in 51 different languages. I'm not going to name the last one. This
will be a surprise to everyone. And, I also want to say how much I worship,
And thank YOU ABBA YAHUVEH EL SHADDAI, for taking vengeance on the enemies, the
reprobate enemies that YOU said, "No weapon formed against us shall prosper,
every tongue that rises against us we shall condemn for this is the heritage of
the saints” (Is 54:17), of YOU, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH.
We thank YOU and we praise YOU, BELOVED YAHUSHUA. Thank YOU and praise YOU that
our names are written in the LAMB'S Book of Life. And we don't take it for
granted and we never want to hurt YOU. Help us to be more pleasing to ABBA
End of Transcript
So it has been spoken, So it has been written
Need prayer or Salvation? Do you have comments or questions? Please Contact Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu!