Given to Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu
November 1, 2003
This is from Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH said to put this up on all Prophecies from now on: I warned you a long time ago Elisheva not to name this Ministry after a man or a woman even before there was a Ministry. I put it in your spirit for none of this has been done by your hand, none of this has come forth from your mouth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of the RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH that has given birth. If it had only been by your hand it would have failed long ago. It is by the SHKHINYAH GLORY’S Wind that blows across this earth, the Holy Wind of Revival, it is not by your breath or it would have failed. (Isaiah 42:8)
In July 2010 YAHUVEH GOD also said to add the following from 2nd Chronicles before every Prophecy:
2 Chronicles 36:16, “But they mocked the Messengers of GOD, despised HIS Words, and scoffed at HIS Prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against HIS people, till there was no remedy.”
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I sent MY Holy Angel to this handmaiden months ago with this prophetic message. As MY Holy Angel dictated it to her while standing beside her bed, she wrote this Prophetic Message down where I share a secret yet untold until now. MY Angel told her now is not the time to release this message it was for an appointed time now is that time to reveal what was concealed! I tell MY secrets to MY Apostles and Prophets and all who listen.
(I have included much scripture to teach along with YAHUSHUA’s words HE spoke through me. I know persecution will come with this new revelation but please remember I am only the messenger of the message I also am seeking more revelation as to what this all means. Please don’t stone the messenger with your insults but if you do I know it is not I you persecute but the God YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA that anoints me and sends me forth to both Jew and Gentile.)
I am YAHUVEH Ancient of Days; MY demand for Holiness has not changed. I, YAHUVEH have been patient but I cannot be patient much longer or I will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah. (Gen 18:20-19:30) Oh evil and perverse endtime generation, you cannot consecrate and ask MY Blessings on the seed of satan or on a bishop ordained from hell which I will vomit out of MY mouth. (Rev.3:16) Church of the Episcopalians I warn you now, to those who have condoned this evil, those who did not protest first against abortion and now homosexuality, you have made your bed with Jezebel (Rev. 2: 20-23) and if you do not flee this church of Babylon you shall make your bed in hell and the Lake of Fire.
MY Word cannot lie, the Holy have become more Holy and the evil have become more evil. Where are MY Holy ones to protest against the sinful abominations which is taking place not only outside of that which is like unto Sodom and Gomorrah, but now that same sinful abomination is inside the buildings with people that claim they are Holy. By allowing the sinful perverted lifestyle and other sinful abominations, not rebuking nor warning those who partake in these abominations, you have welcomed and invited in the spirits like unto a Sodom and Gomorrah into your churches and temples. All those who have done this I vow you do not know ME.
You who have denied, removed MY Ten Commandments also called the Torah, you stood by and watched without protest as a tablet of stone was removed in Alabama without lifting up a prayer of protest or weeping and wailing or helping Judge Roy Moore in anyway. I tell you this; YOU DO NOT EVEN KNOW ME! I have allowed this test as I told this handmaiden to fulfill this prophecy in Ezekiel 9. How few protested and protest even now. Where are the millions around the world who should be protecting MY commandments? Only a remnant has done so.
You who have denied MY Sacred Name, MY Torah and continue to live in sin even though at one time you accepted the shed Blood of forgiveness of MY Son YAHUSHUA. Because you insist on living in the pigpen and serving satan, you have trampled the shed blood and mercy of MY Son YAHUSHUA under your feet. (Heb 10:26-29) There is no more forgiveness, knowing it is wrong and watched, listened or partaken of these sinful abominations that I hate. I speak this warning to those who claim they are MINE not to the heathen who don’t know any better. JUDGMENT STARTS AT THE HOUSE OF I, YAHUVEH! (1 Peter 4:17)
I rebuke those that have not prayed to the same God YAHUVEH who reigned down fire and brimstone on the same sins like unto Sodom and Gomorrah. You have not prayed that I, YAHUVEH, take vengeance from Heaven on the seed of satan as it is done again. (Psalm 94:1) (Romans 12:19) I, YAHUVEH, am not blind or deaf! I, YAHUVEH, am the same Creator and MY Beloved Son is the same MESSIAH, We are the same God Yesterday, today and forever. WE do not conform into man’s image or manmade doctrines nor man’s idea what sin is. I, YAHUVEH, am Holy and I demand Holiness from those who claim they belong to ME and MY Son YAHUSHUA. I demand Holiness from all those who say “They are washed in the shed Blood of MY Son YAHUSHUA”.
YAHUSHUA was given as a flawless sacrificial lamb to wash away the sins of man; and yet now these people who claimed that blood, now do sinful abominations, even evil behind the pulpits. (Heb 6:4-7) proving they are not MINE nor YAHUSHUA’s but are the seed of satan. There are those that are war-mongers, they delight and take pride in shedding innocent blood for greed, wealth, lands and prosperities sake. These also are the seed of satan. I ask you, “What is the price of oil?” What is the price and value of a life?” (Matt 6:26)
You who do these things or condone this or stay silent by not protesting or praying against these sinful abominations are a coward and you shall make your abode in hell and swim eternally in the Lake of Fire with your true father satan. For you have chosen to follow satan, believed satan, obeyed satan and deceived others, so you shall reap satan’s reward.
Woe to America. I warned through this handmaiden in prophetic warnings in the past that America would burn if it did not repent. I, YAHUVEH, am a God of Consuming Fire, (Deut. 4:24) MY breath is full of burning rage that keeps hell an inferno, that fury has been pent up far too long (Rev.18:2-24). Alas the more mercy I show and the more time I give to repent, the more this world has become full of un-holiness, perversions, abominations and un-repentance. Where are those that call themselves Holy? Where are the prayer intercessors and warriors? Why are not those who speak MY words of old and new protesting, rebuking and warning? I have a remnant who are but oh so very few. (Zeph 3:13) (Amos 5:15)
You who gather together to view an old sick man full of demons and he is under MY wrath for he steals MY glory and encourages the people to worship him, bow down to him, kiss his hand, a hand made of mere dust and bow down to mere idols. Millions listen and strive to obey one who calls himself a pope. You who call yourselves Catholics I command you now, flee the churches of Babylon. My Torah commandments plainly state ‘thou shall have no other gods before ME.’ (Ex 20:3) Who is your creator and yet how many have done this. You call yourself MINE and yet you do not even know ME if you do not flee, hell and the Lake of fire is what you shall see.
Be not deceived I know who MY sheep are and who are of satan’s seed, also called the goats. MY sheep only feed where the Good Shepherd YAHUSHUA leads them to green pastures. Satan’s goats, his seed will eat anything, swallows any false doctrines or lies.
Satan sows his own seed of rebellion and disobedience into the goats defying all that is Holy, defying all that is truth, twisting MY Holy Scriptures to conform to man’s twisted perversions, rebutting, rejecting and rewriting MY Torah and commands. Satan’s seed is doing the same sins that were in the beginning even before the foundation of the earth when your souls were formed in Heaven.
I, YAHUVEH, who created your souls knew who would follow, love, obey and to ME be loyal. (Jer 1:4-5) I, YAHUVEH, knew who would follow in rebellion and covet MY authority and dominion. (John 17:12) As satan fought to be god before the foundation of the world, (Isa 14:12-15) he has convinced his seed now that they are the manifested sons of God, equal to YAHUSHUA in all ways. Less anyone forget only through YAHUSHUA’s Name and shed Blood can anyone have access to I, YAHUVEH. How many have been deceived for they forget I grafted in all those I call Holy now. (Rom 11:13-36) For all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of I, YAHUVEH, except one, his Name is YAHUSHUA. It is only because of John 3: 15-21.
All of the souls who betrayed I, YAHUVEH, in the battle before the foundation of the earth, have and will betray I, YAHUVEH, again. This is how I, YAHUVEH, predestined and foreknew whose names would be found or not found in the Lambs Book of Life (Rev.17:8). When the 3 books are opened where will your name be found? Will it be in the book of redemption, the book of the blotted out, (Ex 32:32-33) (Rev. 3:5) or the book of the damned? Now you can understand MY Holy Scripture that says ‘You all work out your own salvation with fear and trembling’ (Phil. 2:12)
Reincarnation is a lie of the father of all lies. You do not die and keep coming back to earth in other lives until you are fit for Heaven. As the Holy Scriptures say ‘man is appointed once to die and than the judgment. (Heb 9:27) Every soul already made that choice before the foundation of the earth was formed. Whether your allegiance was to I, YAHUVEH, or to satan the father of all lies. The first lie satan told was that satan would become like I, YAHUVEH, and have MY authority. 1/3 of all the angels believed this lie along with multitudes of souls who chose sides. For in every soul I have given them the gift of free-will. (Rev. 12:4-9)
As I judged satan whose name was Lucifer, I also judged and condemned and handed out the sentences to not only Lucifer but all his fallen angels and all souls who betrayed I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA. The souls that were loyal to I, YAHUVEH, before the foundation of the earth as well as the souls that betrayed I, YAHUVEH, I send to the earth through the seed of Adam and Eve. Satan was also cast down. Satan again sought to turn MY creations against ME, both man and beast. Again MY Children disobeyed and rebelled against their loving Father. Satan’s motivation was to provoke I, YAHUVEH, to such a rage I would destroy what I, YAHUVEH, and MY Son YAHUSHUA so lovingly created, but instead, after the fall of Adam and Eve MY own beloved Son YAHUSHUA offered himself as a redeemer, to be born as a human created only by I, YAHUVEH supernaturally.
YAHUSHUA became like a Second Adam with flesh and blood, but as Adam brought sin into the world, MY HOLY BLOOD IN YAHUSHUA washed the sins away and the desire to sin away from all who accepted MY Gift I, YAHUVEH, gave at Calvary. Only the souls before the foundation of the earth, who were loyal to I, YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA then, will accept, love, obey, fight un-holiness and fight satan and all these abominations now.
The souls that were created before the foundation of the earth who followed Lucifer in rebellion against I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA and MY Host of Holy Angels, (Rev.12:9) were given a choice at that time before the foundation of the earth, but when birthed on earth the choice of those souls were already made. The souls that followed Lucifer then have no choice but to follow satan again on earth and reap what satan sowed. This is the judgment of man.
Salvation was already pre-destined. The reprobate shall remain reprobate for eternity. (Jer 6: 27-30) clearly states I, YAHUVEH, call them rejected silver, they are as dross or lead, dead weight. The souls that did not worship and serve I, YAHUVEH, before the foundation of the earth will have no desire to serve I, YAHUVEH, on earth.
Just as the evil pharaoh although given a chance time and again could not repent and turn from evil because I, YAHUVEH, hardened his heart as his soul betrayed ME before the foundation of the earth. (Ex 7:13) Now you can understand why Jacob I loved and Esau I hated (Rom 9:13, Mal.1:3) along with Goliath, Ahab, Jezebel, Judas, Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:1-10) just to give examples of who were birthed for destruction. The decision they made on earth was already done in heaven when the battle of good vs. evil was first fought. That decision of every soul that is born on earth is birthed in every baby born on earth.
You walk on top of hell and although hell was created for satan and his angels that rebelled against I, YAHUVEH (Matt 25:41). I, YAHUVEH, the Creator of your souls already knew if you would join these in hell. (II Pet 2:2-10) and whether you will make your abode in the Lake of Fire with satan, the false prophet, and the anti messiah (Rev.19:20) (Rev.21:8) and all of satan’s seed who followed satan before the foundation of the earth. Not one soul that was created from the foundation of the earth whose names are already recorded in Heaven will be lost just as YAHUSHUA stated in the Holy Scriptures.
Anyone who does not acknowledge YAHUSHUA as God/MESSIAH the only begotten Son of YAHUVEH the Father God Creator of all, made that decision before the foundation of the earth and their mind and hearts cannot be changed. No matter what religion you claim, only the souls that did not betray MY Son YAHUSHUA and I, YAHUVEH, before the foundation of the earth will be saved from hell and the Lake of Fire. All others are reprobate and shall share in the same fate or are already in hell. NOW is the time of salvation.
As you read this there is an anointing unlike any I, YAHUVEH, have given anyone thus far. Read this aloud and the scales will fall from your eyes, spiritually your deaf ears will be opened. You will no longer be able to have a form of Godliness with no Godliness within, deceiving others, if you hear I, YAHUVEH, and believe this prophetic message. The decision you made before you were born on earth will be manifested before all. This is a warning to all good and evil.
The souls who were in the battle before the foundation of the earth who started to fight on the side of Holiness against Lucifer and his 1/3 of angels and then allowed Lucifer’s lies to penetrate their souls, they too betrayed I, YAHUVEH. (Rev.13-8)
They now pay the price for their names are written in the book of the blotted out, traitors first in Heaven and now on earth. These people start out following I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA believing the bible, obeying MY Commands, MY Torah and then forsaking all that is Holy. These souls were formed and put into a human body and are doomed to reap satans reward of hell and the Lake of Fire.
Everyone reading this now hear this, I, YAHUVEH, command you to share this with all the people you know, to reassure them, not one person whose name is written in the Lambs Book of Life will worship the beast or accept the Mark of the Beast! (Rev 13:15-17) Not one person will I, YAHUVEH, lose to satan and his kingdom. Not any who were loyal to I, YAHUVEH, and MY Son YAHUSHUA in that great battle before the foundation of the earth will go to hell or the Lake of Fire. Just as I YAHUVEH sent MY Son YAHUSHUA to save MY beloved children from the sin brought on by Adam and Eve. I, YAHUVEH, will once again send MY Beloved Son YAHUSHUA to save MY Loyal Holy Children. Look up children, though the world scoffs and mocks truly your redemption draweth nigh. (Luke 21:28)
Beloved Ones, this world is not your home. You are just travelers passing through. Your mansions, treasures, and rewards await you in Heaven. Store up not, earthly treasures that you cannot take with you, but store them in Heaven, let your storehouses be full in Heaven. (Matt 6 19-20) (Mal 3:8-12) So Children, as you see this world consumed by I, YAHUVEH, a God that is a consuming Fire, (Heb 12:29). Know this, it is the Living Water, (John 4:10) the Name and the Blood of YAHUSHUA that will protect you from the fire of MY Wrath. Know this Children, it is only the Name and the Blood of YAHUSHUA that hides you and only if you are worshipping and serving YAHUSHUA and strive to obey. I am YAHUVEH and I will not be mocked.
California, Phoenix Arizona, Montana, Canada and all over the world you have felt the heat of MY wrath one way or another. Why do you not put your Creator and Savior first in your life and love? Why do you love your homes more than the Creator that gave you your homes land wealth and possessions? Do you not realize how not only did the fires come but how many lives I spared because of MY mercy and love? This is only a sample of what is to come before the Great Tribulation. Get your priorities straight now before it is too late. (Deut 9:3)
Now this world and people are experiencing labor pains. The earth travails in pain as the ground quakes and shakes before I, YAHUVEH, birth the Great Tribulation that will be unlike any horror yet seen. (Matt 24) (Mark 13:8) Not one soul before the foundation of the world who defended I, YAHUVEH, then will I forsake. MY great wrath is for MY enemies, as it was then, so it shall be again.
You who stay silent in the Churches, You who are pew warmers and attend services regularly, you who sing psalms and hymns to I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA and you quote Holy Scriptures and yet you do not demand your spiritual leaders to speak out or protest against these sinful abominations. You see those who call themselves bishops, pastors, spiritual leaders, political leaders and Christian musicians leading souls astray by not doing anything to protest, not even holding all night prayer intercessions. Abortion is murder! Homosexuality is an abomination! You who call yourself MINE, call yourself Holy and yet do not warn others, I hold you accountable as well as your spiritual leaders. You have remained silent too long.
You who call yourself Spiritual leaders but in MY eyes you are no leader at all for you sold yourselves to the highest bidder as a common whore as you take the tax free bribes and allow the Government to muzzle you. You became a traitor and a coward, Need I remind you in the Book of Revelations where cowards and traitors end up? Beware congregations the Spirit of the Pastor or Spiritual leader is the Spirit of the Churches and Temples. You with spiritual ears to listen and spiritual eyes to see have been given the gift of discernment. I, YAHUVEH, now give you the command to speak up now before it is too late and your freedom of speech is completely taken away.
Why are MY Holy people not rallying, boycotting, or protesting loudly when lesbian musicians promote the spirit of homosexuality directed at the youth of this world? With an open mouth kiss between Britney Spears and Madonna mockingly called a kiss that was felt and heard around this world. Do you not yet recognize the seed of satan? Is this what you want your Children to become? There was another kiss long ago felt and heard around this world and it was when Judas kissed YAHUSHUA on the cheek. So satan uses a kiss to mock again and where are the Holy people to shout loudly and protest? (Lev 18:22) (Rom 1:24-32)
Where are the Holy people I, YAHUVEH, have blessed abundantly with the wealth and possessions of this world? Who will help the few remnants like this handmaiden who sounds the trumpet? Who will assemble together on this wall? Remember you will be held accountable for what you do with the blessings, talents and gifts I, YAHUVEH, have given you.
Satan gives wealth to his servants who are his seed to deceive the masses of people. Where are MY Holy ones that I abundantly blessed? Why are you not raising up for such a time as this? Why do you not join hands with this ministry and other ministries who I, YAHUVEH, use as MY mouthpieces? Do you not yet understand I, YAHUVEH, blessed you with your jobs, with wealth and your possessions and lands, homes, for it to be used not only for your needs but for the Kingdom of Heaven’s Glory, to speak forth, to fight, to rebuke and warn all that is unholy.
I, YAHUVEH, do not give you the wealth, land and possessions to build up your treasures on earth where fires, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanoes and thieves can take it away in seconds. I admonish you now, to use your income and possessions to bring I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA praise honor and glory. Build up your treasures not on earth but in Heaven, for I warn you, do you not realize how many reading this now, should you make it to Heaven, will find out in Heaven it will be as though you were bankrupt, your storehouses and vaults are empty.
To those who give millions to charities in your name, for your glory and for tax exemptions; no rewards in Heaven await you if you do not do this in the name of YAHUSHUA, if you do not do this as a child of YAHUSHUA. Your good works follow you to Heaven only after you have accepted YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH and strive to obey him and love him first in your life, and only when you do this for YAHUSHUA’s glory and for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven will it stand.
To all those that are heathen and refuse YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH, refuse to obey MY Ten Commandments, any good works you do no matter how many millions you give it will not buy you a home in Heaven. Again I say your good works will be remembered no more and you will reside in hell along with the heathen poor.
I have given this handmaiden speaking forth this promise and a glimpse of her rewards. Now the same promise I give to you who are partners in this ministry, laboring with this ministry as you sacrifice your tithes and offerings with them this is a reminder of where you are storing your treasures. All of you will stand together and share the same rewards in Heaven.
The greatest reward I showed MY Apostolic prophetic handmaiden Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu [Elisheva Eliyahu] in a vision will be meeting and embracing all the souls around the world who have been blessed through this ministry and heard the secret truths I, YAHUVEH, have revealed.
Did you not wonder why you have witnessed so many times to others about the saving Blood of YAHUSHUA and you knew you spoke under the anointing and authority of YAHUSHUA and yet you were rejected, insulted, and mocked? Now you understand in a way you have not understood before. You see a man due to be ordained before the world, (11/2/03) boasting how he is a homosexual and proud of it. You see him put up as a spiritual leader behind a church pulpit but I, YAHUVEH, tell you this, all who condone this abomination, all who remain silent or even call themselves by that denominations name, your name will not be found in the Lambs Book of Life. It was already predestined long ago. (Lev 18:22)
I, YAHUVEH, first created Adam and Eve, as male and female and this is a mockery of marriage and I, YAHUVEH, will not be mocked. All you people, pastors, spiritual and political leaders who remain silent or change MY laws will feel the wrath of YAHUVEH in a way you have not known before. Be not deceived same sex marriage I have not decreed. How long will you continue to mock I, YAHUVEH, America? Woe, Woe, Woe, be unto you America. You have done and will do what no nation on the face of this earth has yet done. Did I, YAHUVEH, not prophesy through this handmaiden Elisheva, America I, YAHUVEH, save the worst for last, for you. California, do you not feel the heat of MY anger as I, YAHUVEH, fanned the fires with MY breath and blew flames on you. Phoenix Arizona did I, YAHUVEH, not warn through MY Prophets you would burn, still how few repented.
Your political leaders pass laws defying I, YAHUVEH, once again. Even as this is written they debate when to strike out the word God from your currency, pledge, and rewrite the constitution, while stripping MY 10 commandments from public view. All those who have done this or not protested or not prayed and wept against this, know this, you have been tested as in Ezekiel 9. I, YAHUVEH, wrote the Ten Commandments in a tablet of stone, now your hearts are hardened like unto a stone. You were a rebel before the foundation of the earth and you have not changed. All those who don’t weep and protest against abortion, you are a rebel also and have not changed. And can only change depending on the choice you made in the battle good vs. evil before the foundation of the world.
All those who promote homosexuality, boast, flaunt, participate or teach others this is only another alternate lifestyle, teach others they were born this way, this is a lie of satan and you who refuse to repent you are a rebel and you have not changed. You will reap what you have sowed before the foundation of this world. (Rom 1:24-32)
I am YAHUVEH the Creator of creation. You rebels who are like unto a Judas, you rebels worship the creation and worship created objects. You rebels refuse to obey I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA before the foundation of the earth and now you refuse to obey YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA today.
I, YAHUVEH, have a warning to all the political and spiritual leaders who refuse to speak out against and vote against what you know MY Holy Scriptures Condemn as abominations and sin. You have compromised with satan. You betrayed I, YAHUVEH, before the foundation of the earth and you betray I, YAHUVEH, now. Take your comfort now in your wealth and possessions for truly that is the only comfort you will have for all eternity. Your next bed shall be in hell and then the Lake of Fire where worms shall be your sheets and maggots your blankets.
You worldly musicians satan has given you the gift of deceiving people in what is called music. I, YAHUVEH, blessed some souls who I created with a beautiful voice and musical talents. When I gave this gift I intended it to be a blessing unto I, YAHUVEH, then you betrayed I, YAHUVEH, before the foundation of the world and now the majority use these gifts to glorify satan, to lull souls to a spiritual sleep, to plant demonic spirits deep within and to lead people astray with a hypnotic voice and a satanic beat.
Some of you who call yourselves musicians don’t even realize what satan is doing and how satan has used you. If you don’t repent you shall dance at the tune of satan’s feet and together with him you shall be tortured in the lake of fire that is oh so deep. The suffering you cannot begin to conceive.
A warning to most actors and musicians, you sold your soul for satan’s promise of fame and fortune and you signed satan’s contract and made a deal. Now your sinful lifestyles to the world you flaunt your body, boast and reveal and homosexuality you no longer try and hide and conceal. Mock now pay later for you will feel I, YAHUVEH’s Great wrath very shortly.
Know this all of human creation, know that I, YAHUVEH, and My Beloved Son YAHUSHUA, at OUR Thrones ALL shall bow and kneel. All souls were created and tested at the same time. Only the souls that were loyal and fought against Lucifer before the foundation of the world now carry the redemption seal. This is the truth I am using MY Daughter and handmaiden to reveal, what satan has tried to hide and conceal. All those with spiritual ears to hear and spiritual eyes to see will hear I, YAHUVEH’s voice for you are MY sheep. You will no longer be blinded to the truth. All souls as once were rebels will be again and remain spiritually deaf and blind and continue to follow satan’s path by swallowing satan’s lies.
To those of MY Children who have prayed and wept and wondered why I, YAHUVEH, allowed these abominations I remind you again Judgment starts at the house of I, YAHUVEH. Study Ezekiel 9, which one are you? The good vs. evil battle is again being played out on earth as it was done in Heaven before the foundation of the earth. Every soul created was tested.
Only if you were loyal with the battle with Lucifer will you accept MY Son YAHUSHUA now on earth as MESSIAH/God. The first battle was in the Spiritual realm in Heaven, now you battle satan and his servants now here on earth using YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA’s spiritual weapons that I, YAHUVEH, have given you in the Name of YAHUSHUA through the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA.
I, YAHUVEH, sent MY Holy Ones to fight on top of hell, to fight against satan and all that is un holy. To be a witness for YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA’s Glory and to prove MY Children are more than conquerors through YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH the Name and the Blood of MY only Begotten Son. Many say they care but how few prove they care. I told this to MY handmaiden when she was praying and asking ME why the majority of the people who say this ministry and the prophecies and teachings I, YAHUVEH, speak forth is a blessing and yet many don’t do anything to help lift the heavy load or be a blessing in anyway.
I speak this again through her; you must put action behind your words. You must not only say you care, but prove you care. Rebuke and warn those who do abominations and love and support those that are putting action behind MY Holy words. Faith without works is dead. Woe be unto a Creation who doesn’t worship the Creator of all. Only the Potter has the authority to destroy His clay vessels. Some vessels were created to bring ME Glory; some were only fit for destruction. Look around you, even the sun explodes with MY fiery rage like never before.
I sent MY Holy angel to this handmaiden months ago with this prophetic message. As MY Holy Angel dictated it to her while standing beside her bed, she wrote this prophetic message down where I share a secret yet untold until now. MY Holy angel told her now is not the time to release this message it was for an appointed time now is that time to reveal what was concealed. I tell MY secrets to MY Apostles and Prophets and all who listen.
I, YAHUVEH, sealed it as she couldn’t read her own handwriting except one part which is ‘MY greatest army is not registered on earth but is registered in Heaven! (Rev 4:8,11:17,15:3,16:7) This handmaiden is sent out now and released now as Ezekiel 9 to seal with this word to those who are marked with the seal of protection and the fine linen garment that is worn stands for the righteousness of MY Son YAHUSHUA. The appointed day is the day before a homosexual is ordained from hell as a bishop in the Episcopalian Church. I speak these secrets and warn once again come out of the churches of Babylon, flee the churches of Babylon.
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So it is spoken, so it is written on this day 11/01/03 11:15 am 2:45 pm Given to this Handmaiden Child of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA on a Sabbath day (Sat.) during a fast I awoke praying and this word came forth unexpectantly.
Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu
Need prayer or Salvation? Do you have comments or questions? Please Contact Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu!