Abortion is the most controversial issue on the American scene in this century.
Abortion carries overtones of politics, health, law, religion, and even
economics. One group claims a baby has the right to life from the point of
conception onward and that abortion is murder. The other group screams a woman
will not be denied the right to choose what isdone with her body. And on and on
it goes. Before saying any more, let's all come to a screeching halt and listen
to what God has to say about when life begins, as He spoke through the Psalmist,
King David.
Psalms 139:13-15.
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I
praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are
wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was
made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the
earth,your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written
in your book before one of them came to be.
Your baby is a living, human organism from thepoint of conception until
death. The most important fact in the entire abortion debate is that a baby is
alive from the point of conception onward. Modern medical science surrounding
ultrasound and sonograms has made this issue a literal fact.
King David had no knowledge of ultrasound and sonograms but God revealed to him
the true facts in the matter. Today, no thinking person, including theologians,
politicians, and scientists, who are interested in truth on any issue, can
ignore this fact. The primary difference between a fetus and a newborn baby is
that an unborn baby gets oxygen from the mother's circulatory system via the
umbilical cord and a newborn baby gets it from environmental air.
It is recommended that all pregnant women be offered an ultrasound in their 18th
week of pregnancy as a part of routine prenatal care. Is prenatal ultrasound
safe? Prenatal ultrasound has been used for more than 25 years. There does not
appear to be any danger for either the mother or fetus from ultrasound. No
radiation is used.
When does the fetus begin to move? There is no doubt that the fetus can be seen
moving during the eighth week menstrual age.
Week 12:
The fetus now sleeps, awakens and exercises its muscles energetically-- turning
its head, curling its toes, and opening and closing its mouth. The palm, when
stroked, willmake a tight fist.
Week 13:
By now, you can tell if it's a boy or a girl.
Month 5:
The ears are functioning and there is evidence that the fetus hears quite a
bit-- such as the mother's voice and heartbeat, as well as external noises.
Month 6:
If the baby were born in this month and given the proper care, he or she would
survive.This information has been provided as a public service, in support of
the scientific fact that life begins at the point of conception.
Even if you don't care to raise your baby, many parents are praying for a
baby to adopt.
True Story of an Illegitimate Baby Born in 1939, written by Stephen R. Duggan:
After living in a series of foster homes, I was adopted at the age of four. I
now am a Registered Professional Engineer in Minnesota, have a Masters Degree in
electrical engineering, and have 17 patents. One of those patents is for the
first digitally-controlled adaptable cardiac pacemaker. Each year on Memorial
Day I visit the graves of both my birth mother and my adopted mother. I am glad
to be alive. I am married and have four wonderful children and two
Let's say you have the right to choose. Let's even say you have the right to
control your own body. But, why kill your own flesh and blood? If you're
pregnant and don't want your baby, please consider adoption. Please...give your
unborn baby a chance!
When you agree to put your baby up for adoption, you have to be willing to do
the following: Take good care of yourself and the baby during the first 9
months. Make sure you have the full agreement of all involved family members.
Covenant with yourself, the hospital, and all family members that this adoption
will be totally anonymous. After all, if you were considering aborting your
baby, you had to be willing to never see or touch the baby or even know the sex.
Instead of aborting your baby, you will be surrendering him/her to two pairs of
loving arms.
Considering the grandparents and aunts and uncles, there will be many more than
two pairs of loving arms. The Family Network, Inc. A member of the Joint Council
on International Children's Services and the California Association of Adoption
Agencies. For over 20 years, The Family Network, Inc. has placed hundreds of
children with loving families. Independent Adoption Center provides and
coordinates all services necessary for completing an adoption. The IAC has
finalized more than 2,000 adoptions during its 17-year history.
If you do select abortion instead of life, you may grow to regret it. Not
all women who have abortions are affected in the same way. Some seem to have no
regrets about choosing abortion and have no apparent signs of emotional or
physical after effects. Other women may feel some remorse or regret which they
try to shut down. After all, they chose that legal, safe procedure, so why
should they feel so badly? Some clues that a woman might have some post-abortion
remorse or regret are: Struggling to turn off feelings and memories connected to
the abortion. When abortion is mentioned in public, having a physical reaction,
such as tightening stomach muscles, clenching jaw, or holding breath. Not
wanting to talk about it, even in the most abstract way. Nightmares. Difficulty
with intimacy. Uncomfortable around pregnant women or babies. Depressed, sick or
accident-prone at certain times of the yearthat coincide with the anniversary
date of the abortion or the month in which the baby would have been born.
Abortion is a sin. Abortion is murder. If you believe an abortion is simply an
act of terminating a 'fetus' which is not a real human being yet, you are only
fooling yourself. Please let your child live. Consider adoption if you don't
want to keep your child...but please let it live and have the same chance at
life that you have.