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Elijah The Tishbite

~ The Elijah Dream
~ Is Elijah Tishbite One Of The Two Witnesses?
~ Letter From Elijah The Tishbite
~ Response of Elisheva
~ Letter From Hong Kong
~ Rain for Israel


On May 15, 2003, I received an air mail letter from Elijah the Tishbite who resides in Cyprus. Because this man, Elijah the Tishbite, claims to be one of the two (2) witnesses and this ministry has received numerous emails since 1999 from people asking me if he truly is one of the two witnesses, Father YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA told me to post his letter and my response, which was air mailed to him on May 30, 2003 as an open letter to the people.

This issue will be settled once and for all no later than the end of June, 2003. I was told by YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA to lay two (2) fleeces and, if this man Elijah the Tishbite, is indeed one of the two witnesses, these fleeces shall come to pass, and we will shout it to the world through this ministry.

I want to openly repent and apologize to you, the people, and ask your forgiveness, as I have asked YAHUSHUA's forgiveness because I was told to get in contact with this man and introduce myself to him after I had a dream about him in 1999. You can read it here.

I am apologizing because this issue might have been settled in 1999 if I had obeyed and not made excuses. I am grateful that YAHUVEH has given me another chance and had this man contact me instead, quite unexpectedly.

I have never sought YAHUVEH more in hearing the answer to this question than anything else before. I do not want to be wrong about this or lead anyone astray. For some unknown reason, YAHUVEH has made this my business.

As you will see in my response to this man, Elijah the Tishbite, if these fleeces do not come to pass, it will prove that he is not one of the two witnesses and people are being led astray, and YAHUVEH is using this ministry to expose this lie.

Please lift this ministry and ministers up in your daily prayers, for the spiritual attacks have been great since I wrote my response and mailed it because Satan does not want this revealed.

Love and Blessings,
Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu

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Please understand that in no way am I trying to attack this man. We have exchanged photos with him and I truly would like to meet him because I feel he has a true love for YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and in no way do I want to harm him. The issue is only...Is he who he claims to be, one of the two witnesses or not? YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA is using this ministry to bring forth the truth.

The Elijah Dream

On July 9,1999,
I was given this dream:

I saw myself in a large room with a lot of other people. We were sitting in chairs, like in a meeting room. I saw this man ELIJAH speaking and he was saying he had been looking for others with name of ELIJAH and all were in Jail except ONE a Rev. named Sherrie Elijah! Then he pointed at me and said, " YOU’RE HER!" I smiled and it was like we were friends.

Then someone lead him away to a CAVE in the left side of the room taking him of a TOUR OF A CAVE where RICHES were kept! I wasn't invited to go on this tour. I saw him come out of the cave. When I saw this I was on right side of room and there was a desk there and a figure of authority was watching me Stand and TEACH children by showing a Picture. I was holding a picture of YAHUSHUA (Jesus) and he wore a flowing red robe kneeling at Garden of Gethsemane. He was weeping! The children sat in desks like in school and I showed Picture after picture and taught about it. The authority figure behind the big desk approved of the way I was teaching and he was listening intently.

End of Dream

I do not know the meaning of this dream which was given to me more than a year and a half ago. Prophets, please pray for interpretation for this dream for the Holy Spirit has recently placed an urgency for this dream to be reposted again on this temple site.

May YAHUSHUA richly bless you.

Love to all,
Apostle Elishe Eliyahu

Is Elijah Tishbite One Of The Two Witnesses?

NO! This Man, Ernest Mauck, is not one of the two witnesses! June was a difficult month for us due to the fleeces YAHUVEH had us lay down to test this claim. He failed this test. Read about it here. On July 1st, the blessings started pouring forth.

This man is not the reincarnation of Elijah.

Does anyone really believe Father GOD YAHUVEH would prophecy and call President Bush "Mr. Bush"? This is just one example.

"My sheep will know My voice," the Bible says. Can you honestly hear YAHUVEH or YAHUSHUA's voice in his prophecies?

When I prayed whether the one who calls himself "Elijah the Tishbite" was one of the two witnesses, for he said last year he closed up the heavens and in Israel it would not rain. I immediately laid a fleece IF it rained he wasn't one of the two witnesses, and called Prophet Julian in Florida at that time, plus others. We prayed for it to rain and it did and the first sign was immediately it started raining where Brother Julian lived while I was praying! He was shocked, for there was no rain predicted. Then I read, and it can be documented, that it rained so much in Israel that there was a flood and 2 people at least were drowned. I will never forget this for I just asked for a torrential downpour. I pray I didn't cause that flood by not being specific.

In my dream of Elijah the Tishbite, I saw what he looked like before I saw his picture, it is the same man. He was being led to a cave of riches. I wasn't permitted to go in. I had to stay out and he was on the left and I was on the right and I never saw him again. Read the Elijah dream for explanation. I was teaching the children, showing pictures of YAHUSHUA and his suffering and someone that looked like a man of great authority sat behind a desk and watched me in approval. (Father GOD YAHUVEH.) The pictures is this Website.

I have been asked many times, "Is Elijah the Tishbite one of the two witnesses?" From the discernment and fleeces I have laid, I have to say "NO." He is a cute old man that has been led astray and now believes his own publicity. Once a man of poverty who walked the streets of Israel preaching repentance, now others use him for their glory. I mean him no harm, I really believe he is genuinely being deceived by Satan and the exploits of others. I know the fruit of the one exploiting him and who made a name for his ministry and now is growing in fame because he has used this innocent cute old man who I believe loves YAHUSHUA. I pray I discern this correctly and that the love of money and fame hasn't caused that to go luke warm. Why would YAHUVEH call his son Jesus when the Jews even acknowledge his name is YAHUSHUA. Wouldn't one of the two witnesses sent to Israel use the sacred Hebrew name of Jesus which is YAHUSHUA? Why don't his prophecies mention the sacred name of YAHUVEH? Would YAHUVEH just call himself GOD?

I mean this cute old man no harm, but prophets are to judge one another, and what he is saying is no different than others about the evil being done. One difference is when he says he has the power to close up Heaven and cause droughts for Israel, Israel always has droughts and it did rain last year after he proclaimed it would not. Because I have email as far away as Hong Kong asking me this, I am replying now as I believe directed under the unction of the Ruach ha Kodesh.

Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu

Letter From Elijah The Tishbite


Dear Brethren,

In YAHUSHUA Jesus' name, there are two groups of gentile Christians. The ones who live their most holy faith now each day till they are called away. John 10:15, Revelation 12:14-17;14:1-12. And the others who will have to use their faith to be revealing at the guillotine, not accepting the Mark of the Beast as written in John 10:16 and Revelation 14:13.

These have to see to then believe and then they have to reveal their faith by acts at the guillotine.

Oh, there are two brides, the gentile and the natural branch, who return back to Israel to receive their reward. They are not any place in in this earth.

The Lord gave me this in 1983, that less than 2% of the so-called Christian believers would be accepted by Him when He comes to call His very elect and faithful away, as written in Mark 13:20-22-27, Luke 17:20-37, who are they as written in Revelation 12:14-17; 14:1-12.

The so-called Christians who keep that abomination of sun god worship day [Sunday] will be rejected as the little harlots of being jointed to the great whore of the Vatican Roma and its apostate one-world religion under the false prophet the Pope of their Vatican. Who will be jointed to the Antichrist person who will be indwelled with the spirit of Satan.

Prince Charles of Wales is to be the king or prince of the EC and of the coming New World Order. He is getting ready to be introduced soon and then he will be ready to be their prince, Revelation 9:1-11.

When the Lord comes down and unlocks Satan spiritually to come up and enter Prince Charles to be him, Revelation 9:11, 13:1-2, 17:8.

So it is best to be set to be called in the first resurrection as written in Daniel 12:1-3, Mark 13:20-22-27, Matthew 24:37-41.

The one taken away to be with the Lord as the tares stay and face the most evil time ever as unwise virgins--there is no light in them at all--are the general Christians of this last apostate church who are Laodicians for the most part, full of unbelief and fear, to be rejected, Revelation 21:8.

So it is best to keep your HOLY SPIRIT alive and your most Holy faith alive or be rejected. It's a narrow way that so few have found it or do remain in that savable state that have not gone back to the ways of this world and allow the lust to overcome them, I John 2:15-16. Following these 'prosperity' preachers who seek their own glory and sell everything for money, even their own souls, II Timothy 4:3, II Peter 2:1-3, II Peter 2:17-22.

They gather treasures and lead masses to do the same, so that their hearts stay upon them here, so come out from them and let self die to do. Yes, Lord Jesus, be your guide way into His Kingdom, soon light up for His angels to see you to gather you away and in a moment to be, I Corinthians 15:50-54.

His Servant,

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My Responses


Greetings Elijah the Tishbite,

This letter has been held up waiting for YAHUSHUA'S timing. My husband Nikomia printed most of this letter and I am now adding what the RUACH ha KODESH has woken me up to add to this letter this morning.

I print as you printed so you can read this more easily.

I have been given a mandate from YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA. This letter is to be sent to you air mail as time is very short and of the essence. This ministry has been in financial lack, so we offer this as a sacrifice unto the Lord.

YAHUVEH has told me to lay down two (2) new fleeces (personal and urgent ones). If you are truly one of the two witnesses and YAHUVEH has allowed me to be deceived thus far, so I would lay these 2 new urgent fleeces and it would be confirmed whether you are indeed one of the two witnesses--or whether you are not.

If you are, these things will come to pass before the end of June 2003. If you truly believe you are and if you are, then you have the anointing to bless as well as curse and we ask you to pray these two fleeces that have to do with prosperity and protection will come to pass before June 2003 ends.

If it comes to pass, we will be one of your most loyal supporters and help you any way we can. Even going with you to Israel! Many years now I have waited for the right timing of fulfilling my calling on Jerusalem. First my beloved husband had to come to me. We are newlyweds and he was prophecised 13 years before I even me him. He also is a Jewish Apostle (Messianic/Israelite Jew like me).

If these things come to pass, I will know beyond a shadow of a doubt you are one of the two witnesses! I will love you and pray blessings on you as though you were my father! This ministry would help you shout your message around the world!

Now, sadly, I have to say this...if these 2 fleeces do not come to pass, we will know either that you have been deceived by others to believe you are (Jim Searcy my enemy) or you are using this to con people out of money. I know this is why many give financially to your ministry, because they believe you are one. YAHUVEH will use these fleeces to confirm one way or the other. Why YAHUVEH has made this my business, I have no idea, but we will use this ministry to reveal whether these 2 fleeces are answered or not. This issue will be settled once and for all before June 2003 ends!

Another prayer I just was led to pray was this: If you are not one of the two witnesses, then YAHUVEH (if it is only 2 people) will send one of the two people to me and our fleeces will immediately be answered as confirmation!

I have always known from Daddy God YAHUVEH that Satan persecutes me and his ministry for this ministry has something to do with the two witnesses, and the Ark of the Covenant and the 144,000! I know this ministry's mandate is to help encourage and prepare the Bride of YAHUSHUA for His coming! If YAHUVEH gives you more of a revelation on this, please let me know.

I have been honored to say I have suffered much for YAHUSHUA'S sake and this ministry bears good fruit. Please click on my name under my picture at www.amightywind.com and also www.almightywind.com for my testimony. I have been serving YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA now for 30 years and filled with the HOLY SPIRIT.

Though many have prophecised that I am one of the two witnesses, even enemies, servants of Satan tried to kill me because of it, Never do I consider myself worthy of that honor! I don't know how anyone could consider themselves worthy enough! I have even had dreams which made me wonder. But I have never had confirmation from YAHUVEH one way or the other.

In face, I have prayed, "Oh, YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA, haven't I suffered enough in this lifetime?" People have tried to kill me and destroy me since I was born, as well as this ministry. I have prayed, "Oh, YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA, I don't want people thinking I would take someone else's job! Just please let me be called worthy as well as my husband Nikomia to be called the Bride of YAHUSHUA! Please let us go UP in the Rapture, the catching away of the Bride and not have to stay during the great outpouring of YAHUVEH'S wrath called the Great Tribulation. I pray that cup passes from me if I were chosen as one of the two witnesses."

Call me a coward, but this is my prayer. But I always add, "Never the less, let YAHUVEH'S will be done, not mine!"

Prophets have seen visions of me preaching YAHUSHUA at the wailing wall with flames coming from my heels!

I don't claim to be anything more than a mouthpiece for YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA! Praying the work we do for our Creator and Savior will bring them praise, honor and glory!

This letter will be copied and posted in YAHUVEH'S timing. Everyone that wrote me abut you will know whether the fleeces were answered or not.

We are living in our RV now, forced to no longer have the luxury of a house anymore, traveling wherever YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA leads us. This has not been an easy time living like this. People have not been supporting the ministry as they used to because they do not hear from me daily. Internet access is at a library we pass through. Our email is full of proof of miracles of salvations around the world.

In closing, Jim Searcy, author of "There Is Joy In The Tribulation," lies to the people! How can there be joy in the midst of Father God YAHUVEH'S wrath>

I believe Jim Searcy used you and your suffering to promote his book and ministry and uses you to gain prosperity.

I am branded a false prophet by Jim Searcy because I have been given prophecies about the Rapture. So be it. He will stand at the judgment seat of YAHUSHUA one day and be forced to admit YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA does love me, and I did not prophecy falsely!

In closing, when they say, "Peace, peace," then the end will come. A road map to piece is the work of the devil!

I am told to post this even before you read it. Anxiously awaiting the reply from the one who calls himself "Elijah the Tishbite."

In service to Father God YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA, a child, warrior, bride

Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu

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Greetings in the Name of YAHUSHUA,

We received and studies the material you sent us and I personally read it over many times in deep prayer. Thank you for writing me, for surely you obeyed the RUACH ha KODESH in doing so.

I ask your forgiveness. For about 2 years ago I was told to write you by YAHUSHUA. I protested because I said to YAHUSHUA, the only way I knew how to get a letter to you at that time was through Jim Searcy, who has set himself up years ago to be a enemy of mine. For 2 main reasons, he calls me a false prophet because in the 70 prophecies given through me, YAHUVEH speaks of the Rapture of YAHUSHUA'S Bride and Jim Searcy does not believe in the Rapture. And because I am a spiritual woman leader with the office of an apostle.

If you mention my name to him--Elisheva Eliyahu--you will see what I mean. How is it that Jim Searcy does not brand you a false prophet because it appears you also believe in the Rapture. Is your ministry still connected to Jim Searcy's?

After reading the material you sent, we agree with much of it, but we also say this in the love of YAHUSHUA, that we disagree with some of it also. For instance, there is but one (1) Bride. YAHUSHUA does not have two (2) Brides. It would be like my husband having two (2) wives. If you carefully read the 70 prophecies, you will see that YAHUVEH speaks of 1 bride and the guests who attend the wedding supper of the Lamb. I humbly admit I heard the audible voice of YAHUSHUA and all these messages are at www.amightywind.com and www.almightywind.com.

One audible message was exactly, "First one rapture, then another for those that I love." "Gift of healing, sound of trumpet." "I AM not coming for a disobedient bride!"

I agree that YAHUSHUA is not coming for a church, but for His Bride. I am carefully choosing every word that I am writing to you now, for it is not my desire to offend you. Never have I interceded and sought a word from YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA so much since you letter arrived. Every single scripture that you used to prove a point, I studied, meditated and prayed on, in ten (10) different translations of the Bible, including Aramaic and Hebrew. I did this for over 10 hours straight. I say this to let you know how seriously I take this.

YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA told you to write me because they take this very seriously about that you are teaching others. My husband and I both do not get a witness that you are one of the two witnesses, nor is your friend who you call Moses the other witness. I have prayed long and hard on discernment on this, for never would we want to harm or offend the two witnesses in any way.

YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA put a deep love in my for you from the moment I saw your picture. When I first heard of you years ago, I prayed and asked YAHUVEH for a world about you and I was given a dream about you.

Here is the dream.

This dream is beginning to come true, for now we meet each other and exchange photos. I would like to know if you get discernment as to the meaning of this dream. In 2001 again your name came before me regarding your taking credit for warning the Israel government that if they did not do what YAHUVEH told you to tell them, that no rain would fall. When I heard this, I laid a fleece before YAHUVEH publicly before the congregation. We asked and prayed for rain to fall on Israel for there indeed had been a drought.

Nothing happened right away. So the next day again I laid a fleece that if you were not one of the two witnesses, that rain would fall on Israel. I prayed under an intense anointing with Prophet Julian in Florida over the phone. I called him to agree with me in prayer that rain would immediately fall and this would prove you are not one of the two witnesses.

I needed an answer because so many people were asking me and I didn't want to be wrong or it would prove you are indeed one of the two witnesses. I remember my exact prayer, for I asked YAHUVEH that in proportion to the tears that YAHUSHUA shed over Jerusalem and Israel, let those tears now become rain and end the drought. As I prayed, much to my amazement, I heart prophet Julian say, "Can you hear that?" He said there was lightning and thunder and outside it was pouring down rain.

I realize this by itself means nothing, but later that night I went to my email and saw how Israel just got torrential downpours and there was flooding and at least two deaths from the flooding. We have all of this posted at the ministry site.

I feel led to ask you the question, why do you think you and your friend are the two witnesses? I believe if you really were one of the two witnesses, you would not be boasting about it, for you would not want Satan to know this yet. I believe the two witnesses don't even know whey are the two witnesses yet for their own safety sake. And even if they did suspect they were the two witnesses, they would not boast about it. For now is not yet the time.

There was a man named Rev. David Duboise who tried to build himself up and say I was one of the two witnesses, as well as several other rabbis who said the same thing. When I have prayed and asked YAHUVEH if I am one of the two witnesses as people have said, this is YAHUVEH'S exact response: "Why do you ask me if you are when you truly don't want to know?"

I still don't want to know. Nevertheless, YAHUVEH'S perfect will shall be done. I believe the RUACH ha KODESH has taught me as well as others that it will not be Elijah and Moses that return, for YAHUSHUA already said, according to the Scriptures, that Elijah already returned as John the Baptist and they knew it not.

For you to be Elijah the Tishbite, you would have to be reincarnated and reincarnation is a lie of Satan. Moses died and if your friend claims the same as you, this applies to him also. I teach the people if it doesn't line up with the Word of YAHUVEH, throw it out even if it is myself teaching or prophesizing it! It is written, man is appointed once to die and then the judgment.

YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA call me their Elijah of new, I don't claim to be reincarnated as anyone. My earthly father's name is Elijah and my mother's maiden name was Elias, but that doesn't prove anything.

We are enclosing a picture of my husband and me obeying the RUACH ha KODESH in sending it to you. Enclosed also are some prophecies for your reading. We look forward to hearing from you again.

OOffending some in the name of YAHUSHUA who do not receive the truth, enlightening others in the name of YAHUSHUA who receive the truth.

Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu

P.S. Another belief is that the two witnesses are two of the seven churches spoken of in Revelation. This is not a "thus saith the Lord," just a belief, not necessarily this ministry's. If there are only two people, they will come with a spirit and anointing of Elijah of old and Moses. Be it a male or female. For YAHUVEH told me, "Behold I do a brand new thing."

Looking forward to meeting you in Heaven, if not on earth. Perhaps even in Israel. I pray you take the time to seek YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA under the anointing concerning me and this ministry and the prophecies spoken through me.br>
I pray you take the time to also read my testimony at our ministry site. I know you don't believe women can be spiritual leaders as you quoted Paul, but Paul has been misinterpreted. The true meaning is husbands and wives were separated back then and the wives were not allowed to ask or shout questions or teach the husbands. They were do it at home so they would not be a distraction in church. If you don't believe this, may I remind you of Deborah of old who was judge and a prophet of Israel, chosen by YAHUVEH, instead of her godly husband.

II read what you said abut women spiritual leaders and their gaudy make-up. I am sending you my picture with my husband by my side. You be the judge. :-)

Letter From Hong Kong

To: Contact Us
Subject: Elijah the Tishbite -- Please kindly help me for solving my doubt. Thank you
Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2002

Dear Apostle Elisheva Elijah,

Hi, how are you? This is ****** from Hong Kong in China, and I have been frequently reading your messages and prophecies since a few months before. They are indeed spiritually inspiring and encouraging, and thus very important to me and every Christians. Thanks so much to you and your husband indeed! And all the glory, honour and praise be to our Almighty God, Amen.

I would like to seek your kind help because I would like to consult you a very important question. Recently there is a man who calls himself Elijah the Tishbite, and who claims himself firmly to be one of the two witnesses as written in Revelation 11:1-6. The way he gives the prophecies and messages to the public, his firmness, and his good knowledge of God's words, all give me (as well as other people in the internet) the impression that he is the real Elijah sent from our God.

The question is: Is he the real Elijah sent from our Almighty God? I have read the article you posted "Rain for Israel", but sorry for my poor English that I don't quite understand the mentioned evidence for proving him to be a false prophet.

Please I really need your kind help because I have also been reading his prophecies for a long time, and so have been many Hong Kong friends. I really need to know the truth. Does our Almighty God really sent him to be one of the two witnesses (Elijah and Moses) in this end times? What does our Holy Spirit say about this? Please kindly solve my doubt, and thank you so much indeed!! And most importantly many thanks to our God!!

With all the blessings from our Great God,
in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

From A Brother in YAHUSHUA in Hong Kong, China

Rain For Israel

NOTE: This is being reposted in the "What's New" section to bring it to your attention, providing prove that Elijah the Tishbite is a false prophet, not one of the two witnesses. He is just a cute old man who is prophecying out of the flesh now for the same of riches.

Beloved of YAHWEH and YAHSHUA

Start Praying for RAIN for ISRAEL both physical and Latter rain! Now is the time for Joel 2 the outpouring of the Ruach.

I am rejoicing as the below Praise report was shared with me. I felt led of the Ruach Hakodesh to lay a fleece whether the one Jim Searcy promotes as one of the two witnesses, that goes by the name Elijah the Tishbite, and says he is Elijah returned, is truely who he claims to be. It is said that he has demonstrated the power to shut up the skies and cause the drought on Israel. I felt grieving in the Ruach, when I heard this. If this was truely one of the two witnesses then this would be true. But is it the time? Where is the other witness? Elijah the Tishbite, is a cute old man, and I certainly have no qualms with him, other then is he who he claims to be? YAHWEH calls me his "Elijah of new" and the Ruach, told me to post this prayer, for others to agree with.

I asked Prophets Patrick, Wendy, and Brother Julien to agree with me in prayer that Israel would be blessed with bountiful rain in porportion to the tears that Yahweh and Yahshua, has shed over Israel. Now we are not asking for a flood! I am asking that ALL who love ISRAEL, agree with this prayer. The fervent prayers of the righteous availeth much. There is anointed power in agreement.

I asked for abundance of rain for Israel, not knowing anything other then Elijah that Jim Searcy thinks is one of the two witnesses, the other hasn't shown up yet he says..is said to have called down this drought on Israel, and I wanted to see if it is truely Yahweh, that cursed Israel with drought, or if it is by another power Israel was suffering drought. As Brother Julien and I prayed on the phone, he said can you hear this? it was after the anointed prayer where I even prayed in Ruach Tongues, And it was Thundering so loud! and rain was pouring down in Miami Florida! Was this just a coincidence?

Please everyone that LOVES ISRAEL pray for abundance of rain, to fill the Galilee Sea, to the brim once again! Those that Bless Israel will be blessed! Those that curse Israel, will be cursed! Father YAHWEH we ask in your son YAHSHUA'S name, send forth the physical rain, in porportion to your tears that has been shed for Israel, for the grief at the loss of their loved ones, and for the travail, rejection, betrayal that nation has had to endure. Please YAHWEH we ask in Yahshua's name send forth your hand of protection, miracles, and Israel and America's desire to be a nation of holiness once again, to return to them a leader who keeps Torah, and a leader after YAHWEH'S OWN HEART!

A Prime Minister who is a Torah led leader, is not ashamed to call upon YAHWEH, and lead the people to repent for sins, and laws passed. He will not betray Israel nor the Isralites or Jews. Please have mercy and lead Israel to repent along with America, and the political and spiritual leaders for all the unholiness YAHWEH has witnessed and been angered by. Please protect Israel We put you in remembrance of your covenent made with Abraham.

Please lead and guide your people to hear YAHWEH'S voice, to know what to do in these end times. Protect ALL those who are crying out to YAHWEH for deliverance like Moses, in the times of old, separating the sheep from the goats, as Deut. 28 the blessings are reserved for those that are trying to obey Torah, and forgive us when we sin, with the blood of Yahshua, for the times we fail to obey your Torah. We plead the blood of YAHSHUA, the only perfect unblemished sacrifical lamb, Son of Father Creator our YAHWEH!

We ask in YAHSHUA'S name, let not the poisons of this earth, diseases, pestelence, war, harm, kill those that are looking to YAHWEH for protection, seeking YAHWEH'S will, trying to obey Torah, putting YAHWEH, and YAHSHUA, and the RUACH first in our lives, but knowing when we fail we have a intercessor named YAHSHUA who alone is our Messiah! Please YAHWEH we beeseech you for the peace that passes all understanding, joy unspeakable and full of glory, abundance where we now have lack in all good things is my prayer. We put the blood of Yahshua, over our minds, bodies, spirits, and soul, as well as our homes, children, loved ones, jobs, finances, please protect, guide, lead by the Ruach, all of US who are crying out to the answer what do we do now? Where do we go now? You Oh YAHWEH our Shepherd! We shall not want as long as you lead and guide us for you created us and know that without you and your Ruach we are but dust and chaff in the wind to be blown away. YAHWEH, we put not our confidence in a man or woman, but in you alone YAHWEH, YAHSHUA, RUACH HAKODESH!

We stand on Psalm 91 and Psalm 23 we are your sheep lead us YAHWEH by your RUACH HAKODESH we ask in the name of YAHSHUA! amen ....Selah.

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