Friday Sunset until Saturday Sunset
February 18, 2008
So there remains a "Sabbath Rest" for the
people of YAH. For the one who has entered His Rest has himself
also rested from his works, as YAH did from His. Hebrews 4:9-10
These are the Words of YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and the RUACH ha KODESH. These
Words are what they have said regarding the True Sabbath Day, Friday sunset
until Saturday sunset. These Prophetic Words have been compiled from the
Prophecies spoken and written through Apostle Elisabeth (Elisheva) Elijah. These
are only excerpts from Prophecies that mention the True Sabbath. Please click on
the Prophecy number and title to read Prophecy in its entirety. We pray you hear
the voice of YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and the RUACH ha KODESH and obey the 4th
Prophecy 26
Hear ME, Fear ME, Believe ME!
January 1, 1999 @ 9:00 P.M.
MY true sheep and lambs will never have any other god before ME. MY Bride will
not compromise in any way that which I have decreed as Holy. MY Bride will honor
MY Commandments, including one that has been overlooked by multitudes. It has
been misunderstood, mocked, or the spirit of rebellion that has entered and
hardened hearts. Yet MY Bride now will be held accountable as some of you will
hang your heads in shame, not knowing how you grieved MY RUACH ha KODESH by not
keeping MY Sabbath Day Holy.
Oh but I can see you shaking your head, and saying "Not I, surely you speak to
another, for I attend church services on Sunday." Every Sunday, some even boast.
For did you not read MY Word,
Exodus 31:12-18: "And the LORD spake unto Moses saying, Speak
thou also unto the children of Israel, saying,
Verily MY Sabbaths ye shall keep: for it
is a sign between ME and you throughout your generations;
that ye may know that I am the LORD that doth sanctify you. Ye
shall keep the Sabbath therefore;
for it is holy unto you; everyone that defileth it shall surely
be put to death, for whosoever doeth any work therein, that soul
shall be cut off from among his people. Six days may work be
done: but in the seventh is the Sabbath of
rest, holy to the Lord; whosoever doeth any work in the
Sabbath day, he shall surely be put
to death. Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the
Sabbath, to observe the
Sabbath throughout their generations, for
a perpetual covenant. It is a sign
between ME and the children of Israel forever: for in six
days the Lord made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day HE
rested, and was refreshed and HE gave unto Moses, when he had
made an end of communing with him upon Mount Sinai, two tables
of testimony, tables of stone, written with the finger of
Your work must be done in six days, but on the seventh you are to rest, Friday
sundown until Saturday sundown. Pray and I will show you how to set these days
apart and teach you to rest in ME and you will hear MY voice, be encouraged,
refreshed in a new way, blessed and protected against your enemies. Did I not
say I am the great GOD, "I AM?" And I and MY Word change not, for no man nor
woman, or time nor season.
Your spiritual leaders who have not taught this must repent. Turn away from this
evil of doing things man's way, with man-made doctrines. Again I say, "MY ways
are higher than your ways." Flee from any spiritual leaders refusing to teach MY
Holy Word without compromising. Again I say, "Flee." It is far better to learn
the truth from this handmaiden than die in that lie. Practice now to keep
MY Sabbath Day Holy. The hard times are approaching
and you will be held accountable for what you now know. You no longer have any
Once again, you who are MY True Babies and Bride will never have any other gods
before ME. MY Bride will honor ME by keeping MY Sabbath's
Holy. Say not which Sabbath Day for I have plainly told you it is not
Sunday. MY Elect have known it all along. Everyday you are to worship and
acknowledge ME, but on the Sabbath Day, Friday sunset to
Saturday sunset, you are to rest, learn of ME, for I jealously want you
on that day to only be MINE on the day I call MY Sabbath.
The world deems it foolish and thinks it's their day to sin and party or work;
instead MY people will refuse to work and party. Proving that the days of men
are foolishness and telling MY People to be a Sabbath
keeper is foolish. Yet this is MY Holy Day and satan has used your religious
system to mock ME on that day.
I want to encourage you. Those who are called Sabbath
keepers, you are MY TRUE BRIDE. Your aroma is pleasing to MY nostrils,
but being a Sabbath keeper alone will not save you.
It must be combined with accepting YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH. As the sinful world you
live in continues to teach rebellion, trashing or editing MY Ten Commandments,
as in the days of Moses I will show what I do with a people with a rebellious
Multitudes claiming to be believers in YAHUSHUA and YAHUVEH are breaking the two
tablets of stone once again as Moses did, but this time in another way. For the
rebellious children break MY heart when they break MY Commandments and say,
'Keeping the Sabbath Holy is no longer important.'
The tablets of stone are the stony cold hearts far from ME, indifferent to MY
Commandments. Spiritual leaders are rewriting MY Commandments that I gave Moses,
mocking them, breaking them as they chose. Playing god as to what was written
and what their idea behind the meaning of MY Commandments are.
What is a commandment? It is just that a command, a law, orders decreed from
heaven from YAHUVEH. The same commands on earth are followed in Heaven. Soldiers
take orders from the commander-in-chief, yet MY soldiers question ME when I give
These spiritual leaders that are apostles, prophets, teachers, preachers and
evangelists that say it does not matter which day is called the Sabbath, teach
MY People a lie. Those that say, 'YAHUSHUA is the Sabbath'
but in the next breath condemn themselves by saying, 'Everyday we are to worship
YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA,' this is true, ahh, but listen for the next word to test
the Spirit that speaks to those professing to know ME and yet do not know ME.
Now is their chance to repent and teach the truth for they say, 'Any day can be
the Sabbath.'
I say onto you now satan has stolen MY Day of Worship and rest, substituted a
day for convenience of mankind! A day man decreed and now again writes orders to
worship and rest on what is now called Sunday. But I decreed, and MY chosen and
elect know the day of rest. It is not meant to be a convenience to mankind, but
a blessing to mankind and I, YAHUVEH.
It is now a day that you just fit into your busy work and play schedule. They
have even changed the beginning and ending of the week to suite their schedule.
Even those who don't accept MY Son, YAHUSHUA as their MESSIAH, accept and honor
MY Sabbath day as rest and keep it holy [Jews]. And
they have more favor in MY eyes than you who call yourself MINE, yet accept MY
Son as MESSIAH, but dare to rewrite MY Commandments. HEAR ME! FEAR ME! BELIEVE
ME! Vengeance is MINE, sayeth YAHUVEH.
You, who are under the spiritual leadership that refuse to teach MY Word without
omitting a jot or tittle, beware. Flee, from these churches, from this day
forward you will be sowing seed into shallow hard ground. MY RUACH ha KODESH
will be taken from these places. What you did in ignorance, I will forgive. I
will forgive your spiritual leaders if you will repent and teach and do what is
right. This coming year of 1999, many churches will be sitting desolate, for
judgment has come to the house of the LORD.
HEAR ME! FEAR ME! BELIEVE ME! I am not a GOD to be mocked! When I had finished
speaking to Moses on Mount Sinai I gave him the two tablets of stone inscribed
by MY finger, the laws of YAHUVEH. Yet why have so many believed the lie that
YAHUSHUA canceled the Ten Commandments? Many teach breaking the Ten Commandments
is no longer sin. After all, YAHUSHUA paid the price they say. These evil
spiritual leaders twist MY Word and teach MY People keeping the Ten Commandments
is impossible.
Don't forget that I have put MY RUACH ha KODESH within you that provides a way
of escape with every temptation that besets you. Other evil teachers say to
break the least of the commandments is not sin. They forget that breaking one is
to break all. Man numbered the commandments 1-10, I say "Why do you say you love
ME and not obey ME? Would I give you commandments that are impossible to keep?"
Keep MY Commandments; put them in to practice, stray neither to the right nor to
the left. To truly love your Creator and your MESSIAH, YAHUSHUA is the essence
of the law.
MY Babies and Bride all have broken MY laws and none can say otherwise, or they
lie. That is before you accepted YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH. Now you have MY RUACH ha
KODESH who convicts and reminds you when your feet stray to the left or right.
In this year 1999, the Godly shall radiate MY presence in their speech, actions;
even their faces shall shine forth with MY RUACH ha KODESH.
Also in 1999, from this time forward, the ungodly will become more ungodly.
These will become like unto the son of perdition and will manifest a radiance
also like the angel of light once called lucifer or the countenances of the
ungodly shall become as a dark fog. As MY Son approaches earth, the dividing of
MY Sheep and satan's goats will become more evident. The earth quakes in great
fear of the coming judgment. Hell spews forth molten lava. The lake of fire is
MY wrath that overflows. Hell is kindled by MY wrath. The river of life flows
forth from MY throne with great love and mercy. For MY Babies, Bride, Chosen
Ones and Elect 1999 will be a year full of deliverance for those who put ME
first. MY Children will know great blessings for boldly keeping
MY Sabbath Holy and who know the importance of
keeping MY Commandments. MY Children also know when they sin against ME and
repent; turning away from that sin only YAHUSHUA's Holy Blood shed at Calvary
will wash them clean again.
Prophecy 27
YAHUSHUA Will Return on a Sabbath!
Arise Women Apostles and Prophets!
January 4, 1999
I, YAHUSHUA, am returning on a Sabbath, you know
not which one. Come forth MY Women Apostles and Prophets! Arise NOW! No longer
let anyone tell you I have not called you to be Prophets and Apostles, Teachers,
Evangelists or Pastors! "I AM" the Potter you are the Clay. Why will you listen
to man or those with the spirit of Pharisees? Speak this message forth I give
this Apostle to speak. Join with her voice, women and men who recognize MY voice
speaking forth from what I write through her. Encourage one another. Satan has
silenced you far too long. Apostolic Prophetic warriors you know who you are.
Write MY handmaiden and encourage one another, learn from one another. I am
coming back very shortly. Join hands with one another. You're not alone. I have
scattered you around the world, but you will know one another in time.
You need one another. You shall join with the men with the same calling. Yet,
those that refuse to acknowledge you leave them to ME. Argue not with those with
deaf ears that mean well, and yet have done much harm to those women who are
told they cannot have a calling of apostle, even the one writing was discouraged
and told this. She said, "Oh well, I shall continue doing what I am called to
do, by whatever name you call it." Yet the man that tells her this was deceived
by another voice, not MY voice. He must REPENT for doing so. Will you be ready?
will hear, expect them all not to believe. This is not your problem, but their
problem. You are but to obey.
You MY Children say you want MY perfect will? Do you really? Will you really
give ME one day a week? The Sabbath, Friday sunset until
Saturday sunset you are to rest in ME, rejoice in ME, learn of ME. Lay
aside your work and instead do only MY work, if any work is to be done. Pray and
I will show you what to do and what not to do. I am a GOD of perfect balance. I
abhor anything unbalanced. Even the Sabbath must be
kept in balance. This is a day of rejoicing in ME, not a curse. This is a day to
be a blessing unto you. A day not to be dreaded but to be looked forward to. The
Sabbath is not a day of bondage but a day of
liberty in I, YAHUSHUA! MY disciples and I are an example of what to do on the
Sabbath. Learn this not from the Pharisee's that
say this is a day to be in bondage. That say this is a day to suffer. Yea, I say
great will be your blessings for observing MY Sabbath Day
and keeping it Holy.
Sabbath from this day forward for those who claim to be MY Bride! Get
ready for your Bridegroom doth come and will arrive on a
Sabbath. You know not which one. But those not waiting for ME on the
SABBATH will MISS ME. Yea, I say again, as MY
coming to earth draws closer, on this day let ME be in your thoughts, words, and
deeds. Enjoy this day with ME. Can you not forsake your pleasures of the world
for ME one day a week? Practice this now. The time is coming when the evil ones
will take note who is really MINE and who is not really MINE. They will know by
the MARK of whether you observe and keep MY laws.
They will forbid you to gather on the Sabbath or
acknowledge this day is the Sabbath.
Remember Friday sunset until Saturday sunset, this is the
SABBATH. Keep it HOLY and a day for you and I to cuddle and get to know
one another. You are MY Beloved. Those who do this will know blessings unlike
any you have known before.
Now I have spoken these things to MY servants and I have delivered this message
to you the people in the midst of a personal prophecy given to those in this
ministry. Yet I leave you with these words to those who profess to be MINE, and
those who lead souls to ME. Teach MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones, and Elect to be
Sabbath keepers not Sabbath breakers. By this,
shall all men know thee! By this shall ye be ready for MY coming. Those with
ears to hear shall hear, all others shall remain deaf. Leave them deaf, for it
is a spirit of rebellion that enters in their hearts and souls. Leave them!
Again I say, "Try not to change their minds. MY scripture speaks the truth, it
changes not."
I, YAHUSHUA, came to fulfill the law, not to cancel YAHUVEH's laws! Tell them
and if they refuse to hear, waste not your breath on them. Remember as in the
times of past many were killed for not observing MY
Sabbath. The time is coming when you will see great tragedies and they
shall occur on the Sabbath. People will shake their
heads and wonder why? You shall know the reason why. I have just now told you.
But how will the others know they are offending ME if you don't tell them? All
who read this, and recognize MY voice, you are held accountable to tell the ones
who do not know. They think by attending church on Sunday they are honoring
MY Sabbath. But MY true
Sabbath goes unnoticed by these same ones. I care not that you gather
together every day and worship ME. But still on the
Sabbath, this is MY day and your day we set apart to be special like none
other. When you eat remember you have an unseen guest. Remember whatever you do
that day, I am doing it with you.
If you're sinning I will especially take note on this day. You have been warned
once again so MY people cannot say they did not receive warning before I send
the judgments to those that purposely disobey. I am a GOD of love and wrath to
MY enemies. You are only MY enemies if you choose to be. I died for all, MY
Blood was shed for all; I am no respecter of persons, yet I know who is truly
MINE and who is of the church of the pretenders. BEWARE trying to mock ME by
saying words others want you to say, and yet not hearing MY voice. Beware of
speaking and not doing. I have spoken forth from this handmaiden, when she least
expected ME to prophesy to the people once again. So you can't say, those who
mock ME from the last words of warning I gave HEAR ME! FEAR ME! BELIEVE ME! Was
it not I the LORD your GOD YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA that spoke them through her?
Beware of making her your enemy for she is not held accountable for the words I
speak. She is only held accountable if she fears to speak them in boldness. She
has obeyed ME thus far.
Will you be a Sabbath breaker or Sabbath keeper?
Don't expect to be part of MY Bride if you are not ready on this day for ME.
Prepare now MY Bride for I AM COMING QUICKLY! Great tragedies shall take place
on MY Sabbath as a sign this is a law that has not
changed. You will know when you hear them. I change not for any man nor woman,
time or season, I am the same GOD yesterday, today and forever. MY Commandments
are written in stone by the finger of I the GREAT GOD "I AM" and I apologize not
to anyone.
I forgive easily all those that did not know better. This handmaiden I speak
forth only now is learning MY meaning of the True Sabbath.
It was for a time and season. She is no better nor worse than all you others I
am now teaching. Remember now you are held accountable for what you know. What
you do with this knowledge I already know. Ask ME on this day what offends ME
and what does not. Pray on this day and offer all up to ME as a sacrifice, I
will bless and multiply that which is a blessing to thee and ME. Curse that
which is a curse unto thee and ME. How many reading this will dare to trust your
GOD? I already know the choice you make.
Prophecy 30
Beware! I Will Do What You Think Not,
At A Time You Think Not,
In A Way You Think Not!
February 8, 1999
This world shall reap what it has sowed. MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones, and
Elect who live Holy as if this is the last days and honor ME on the
True Sabbath and keep it Holy, watch for ME. I will
return and find MY Bride has oil in her lamp, and awaiting her Bridegroom, her
Savior. I shall take her away as MY Bride. But those that have only the lamp and
not oil will find they have a form of godliness and no godliness within. They
will go away and seek me and I will not be found.
No one can say they have not been warned this day.
Prophecy 31
Your Passover Dwells Where Your Faith Dwells
March 30, 1999
Honor the Sabbath Days, also the High Holy Days,
April 1, April 2. Honor all Sabbath Days which is on
Friday sunset, till Saturday sunset....not Sunday as so many of you
remember ME on Sunday and live like the devil on Friday and Saturday evenings
partaking of the worldliness on the days set aside for our
Sabbath. Pray for the Passover from the wrath to come upon this world.
Pray you will be counted worthy and these bowls and trumps of MY wrath will
Passover you and you will be counted worthy to escape. For "I AM" is a GOD that
cannot nor will not lie, I prophesy what is to come to pass through MY prophets
so no one can say "I AM" didn't warn the people.
Prophecy 34
The Walls of Jericho Will Fall Again!
May 7, 1999
All of the earth will tremble for "I AM" has begun to stomp this earth and it is
only with one foot. When I stomp on this earth with BOTH FEET it will be in such
a way no nation or city or land will be spared from the shaking! But again those
who are mine and keep MY Sabbaths Holy, who worship
ME in power and in truth I will spare, I will shelter you. Learn who "I AM"
really is. I have not even begun to blow on this world yet but you shall see
what happens when the creator of Heaven and earth and all that lies in between
and around, blows on this world with the breath of "I AM" in ANGER and fierce
Prophecy 37
Bless And Pray For The Peace Of Jerusalem
October 19, 1999
Do not limit ME, do not doubt ME, only believe in MY Son's NAME, YAHUSHUA ha
MASHIACH and cry out to ME and miracles and blessings I will not withhold from
thee. If only you can in faith believe. I have a revelation for the so-called
'Gentiles,' if you are a believer, love, worship and accepted YAHUSHUA as LORD
and SAVIOR you have been grafted in and YOU ARE JUST AS MUCH OF A JEW AS MY SON
YAHUSHUA IS. No longer are there Jew and Gentile. No longer are the feasts
called JEWISH FEASTS and Holy Days, they and the Sabbath
are for you also!
Prophecy 39
Anointed Holy Eagles, Come Forth!
August 10, 2000
Lastly, I tell you this although all won't understand, but MY Anointed Holy
Eagles must honor ME on the True Sabbath! I will
speak to them on this day if they will acknowledge ME and worship ME in a
special way on this day. On this day set your work aside and Love and Honor ME
even more than all the other days of the week. Let this be our time together. I
am so jealous for your time. Even those who do MY work, set this time aside for
ME. It is healthy for not only your mind, spirit, and soul, but also your body.
Ask ME what I want you to do that day and include ME for that is our day of rest
together. Everyone has a different way of resting in ME but on the Sabbath just
include ME. I am the Lord of the Sabbath and don't forget it!
I shall return on the Sabbath! Not the one the
unholy vultures decree either (Sunday).
Prophecy 47
To Be Forewarned Is To Be Forearmed
For Such A Time As This!
April 21, 2001
the commandments are outdated and no longer to feel any conviction when ignoring
MY set Sabbath day spoken of in Genesis since the
creation of man, nor fear when MY commandments are not kept. Instead these evil
spiritual leaders rewrite MY commandments, and transcribe the Holy Word
according to their lifestyles. These evil spiritual leaders play GOD and insist
on taking YAHUVEH's Glory and Reverence reserved for "I AM" and MY Son YAHUSHUA
Prophecy 48
Yisrael, Your Enemies Seek To Make You A Scapegoat!
May 29, 2001
I grieve over what must happen to Yisrael before you repent for rejecting the
one and only MESSIAH! For I am YAHUSHUA, there is no other MESSIAH, that has
paid the price I have. There is another false messiah, beware for he is the son
of perdition and will come shortly to deceive you and put you into a greater
bondage than the evil pharaoh, or Herod. Even Hitler will not be able to compare
with the evil antichrist that is to come and that of the false prophet. He comes
to you Yisrael to deceive you first. I, YAHUSHUA was born in Bethlehem and was
tortured, for others' sins. No man killed ME. I willingly laid down MY life for
you and died for all who sin and I arose from death, not in a foreign land but
again in Jerusalem on MY Sabbath.
Those that LOVE YAHUSHUA, were ministered to by HIM, HE fed tens of thousands
with only a few fish and loaves of bread and HE had multitudes sing Hosannah to
the King. They did not shout 'Crucify him,' as many were taught, and crowds so
large that followed HIM everywhere HE went. How many were healed, delivered,
raised from the dead? Scriptures do not say it all, but these voices went
unheeded. Multitudes of these miracles were documented and used against HIM in
the mockery of a trial. Ask yourself, if YAHUSHUA is not MY Son, by what power
did he do these miracles? Would satan bless people in such a way as to lead them
to do good and obey the ELOHIM of Creation? Even your own scribes and rabbi's
could find no fault in him except he dared heal and do miracles on the
Sabbath Day. Do you not realize the political
system feared such a good King to be in control and the religious system feared
for the rabbi's had no such healing, delivering and resurrection power?
Jealously, fear, covetness and greed were the prime reasons MY Son was condemned
by man.
YAHUSHUA said, "I came not to destroy the law of MY Father, but to fulfill it."
Honor the Sabbath Day and keep it Holy was written by the finger of ELOHIM. You
must study and show thyself approved but beware of the different versions of the
truth, some are truth and some are corrupted versions to take away the
Jewishness of YAHUSHUA and even changed MY commandments to line up with the
words of man and not the words spoken through MY Prophets and Disciples.
Whatever doesn't line up with the Torah and Tanakh seek ME and see if man hasn't
changed the original words, for wicked leaders have tried to corrupt the Holy
Scriptures. There is a pure translation, seek ME and ask of ME and I shall show
you the purest translation the way it was originally written. (Some Aramaic or
Hebrew bibles.)
Prophecy 49
Beware! You Are Like Sheep Being Led To The Slaughter!
October 2, 2001
All days you should worship ME, but there is but one True
Sabbath and that is the day that YAHUSHUA gave you as he set the example
and became Lord of the Sabbath. Worship and praise
YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA every day, but especially on the True
Sabbath rest in YAHUVEH for I rested after I created the world. Who are
you, a mere human to think you also need not rest.
Follow MY Torah. Honor the True Sabbath Day and keep it
Holy before ME. Rest on this day. Seek to hear from ME on this day, ask
ME what I want you to do on this day, come apart from the world and honor the
GOD of your creation and Salvation. Will a man rob GOD? Yes, even the True
Sabbaths set apart for you and "I AM" for you see this will be for now and
eternity a day of rest.
Look on the day that the world parties, and is in drunkenness, sinfulness is
rampant and know this is a deception of the devil to anger "I AM" for so many
just don't understand what day is the True Sabbath. Read your scriptures, does
not MY Word say, work 6 days and on the seventh day you rest? This is not
legalism, this is a blessing reserved for you and "I AM."
which Sabbath HE returns, so be ready. Let HIM not
find you drinking, partying, and working, as the world works or you will be
weeping like the 5 foolish virgins with no oil in their lamps. Light your lamps
now and keep them lit, until you see YAHUSHUA return in all HIS Glory for HIS
Bride awaiting her groom.
Prophecy 51
Clarion Call of the 144.000. Fear Not MY Beloved Little Ones,
I AM Raising Up A Standard Against The Evil Ones!
November 2, 2001
MY Children, who are grafted in by the Blood of MY Son YAHUSHUA, do not fear. I,
YAHUVEH, will honor the Blood Covenant that I have with you also. Through the
spiritual bloodline of YAHUSHUA, you are Jews also. Those that refuse YAHUSHUA's
Blood Covenant and say it is because they are Jews, those who reject YAHUSHUA as
MY Son and your MESSIAH, be warned. Since you have refused MY gift, I, YAHUVEH,
gave you at Calvary, then those who only believe and have the faith that keeping
the Torah, the Sabbath and the feasts will save
them; I, YAHUVEH, remind you, that without a sin sacrifice, when you do sin
there is no holy sinless offering and you will be judged not by YAHUSHUA, but by
Moses and the laws of Moses. Woe be unto you when this happens.
Prophecy 56
June 5, 2002
Warn Them MY Daughter. Do not be surprised how few will listen, do not be
surprised how many will mock. They see the true ministers like yours, like you
and the other ministers. And they see the ministries go in lack. They feed their
own faces. They care not of those who are MINE. Now the time is come and hunger
shall be in their bellies, no roof shall be over their heads. Maybe not today,
but it will be when they least expect. I will deafen MY ears to their cries,
those that MY Sabbath day despise. Warn Them, MY
I have used this ministry to test the metal of the people. People you have
failed, I call those who worship ME, who serve ME faithfully day by day, who
pray so much they can't count the hours in the day, to test the metal of the
people. The people have been found wanting, the people have been found without
compassion. So warn them, MY Daughter. They will mock and they will laugh. They
say what you prophesied has not come to pass yet. They forget neither has the
prophetic warnings in Revelation, not to the degree that you've seen.
Prophecy 57
Beware of the Trojan Horse!
June 30, 2002
I am angry MY Children, for you cry out for mercy on America but the leader of
America puffs himself up like a god, he is not a god. I hear the cries of MY
People in Israel, yes even those who do not acknowledge MY Son YAHUSHUA but they
cry out to ME MY Children, they honor MY Sabbath days,
they keep MY Jewish feasts and obey MY Torah. Israel carries the blood of
YAHUSHUA and Jerusalem carries the blood of YAHUSHUA, though they receive it
not. Beware America you are a Trojan Horse. I, YAHUVEH, remind you of what
happens to a Trojan Horse. I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA now prophesy through MY
Handmaiden, I, YAHUVEH, will strike down that Trojan Horse and when I strike it
down it shall never raise again. I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA will cut off the
horses head. I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA will cut off the horse's hooves. You
America will not be able to move anymore and the merchants shall cry from afar
off, as they will see America burn from afar off. (Rev. 18)
Prophecy 59
I AM not coming for a Disobedient BRIDE!
August 18, 2002
Dare not say that the hedge of protection is around America for this is a lie
straight from satan's prophets' mouths. The hedge of protection is around MY
people, those that call out in MY NAME. Those that worship YAHUSHUA and those
that honor MY True Sabbaths, those that repent and
humble themselves, those that look up and know that redemption draweth nigh. MY
Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones and Elect, these are the ones the hedge of protection
are around. I have torn down the hedge of protection around America and you
shall see that flag burn. Be not angry at MY apostles and prophets that I send
to warn the doom will come. Instead thank ME that I care so much to warn.
Prophecy 61
Where Are All My Holy Men
That Lift UpTheir Holy Hands To ME, YAHUVEH?
September 11, 2002
Where are all MY Holy men that lift up their holy hands to ME? Why are they not
the spiritual head of the households? Why are the wives ruling the marriages?
Why are the men cowering in the corners? Again I have to raise up the Deborah's
around this world to do the jobs the men are supposed to be doing. It is the
women who know MY Word, not all, but in so many cases it is the women that say,
"This is the True Sabbath Day, we will honor it."
It is the women who take the children and raise them up spiritually and then you
wonder why a home divided falls. You wonder why juvenile delinquency rises, you
wonder why your schools are a place even the most hardened criminal would fear.
You wonder why the children rule the parents. It is because MY voices you will
not hear. MY voice you will not hear.
MY Good Book is only referred to as another book. The laws are referred to as
outdated. I observe today, what do MY Children do with the new knowledge that
they did not have before. For you are held accountable for what you know. If you
did not know that these Holy Feasts were Holy Days unto ME, then you were not
held accountable. But I am showing you now the high Holy Days, how the Holy
Feast Days were good enough for MY Son YAHUSHUA to observe. How much more should
you observe them.
MY Son YAHUSHUA is the Lord of the Sabbath, the
Lord of the Sabbath, even when you know the correct
day, how many of you still fill the churches on a Sunday? You preachers are
going to be held accountable, again and again I've said, "You honor man's
Sabbath and shove MY True Sabbath aside." It is
good enough for the Creator, but the created think they have a better way.
I love you MY Beloved Children, those who now are not afraid to do everything I
say, those that respect the holy days, those that cry out and long for YAHUSHUA
to come. They have the oil in their lamps as they wait and they have extra oil
besides for they know not what hour or what day. They know HE [YAHUSHUA] will
return on a Shabbat, but what
Shabbat? I have told this handmaiden, it will be on a Rosh Hashanah and
one (1) coming shall be, but what Rosh Hashanah?
Prophecy 64
Tell MY Children To Flee The Churches of Babylon!
October 16th, 2002
Tell them MY Daughter, tell them. The majority of the churches are Babylon. They
starve MY baby sheep and MY lambs. The pastors are nothing but evil in these
churches of Babylon that speak forth MY Words and yet no power is within them.
No milk, no meat the only ones that get fed is the evil shepherds with the
material gain of this world to build onto their buildings already built. To
compare the numbers with one another as they boast, 'I have this many in my
congregation and I have that many in my congregation,' but oh how few are filled
with MY SPIRIT. Oh MY heart grieves MY Children!
The ones that have the man-made Sabbath. Oh so few
of a remnant are in MY churches. They say they are MY churches and they don't
even belong to ME. I have told MY people MY true mighty warriors to flee. Is not
MY RUACH ha KODESH (HOLY SPIRIT) able to come into them as they sit in their own
homes? Truly I tell you this, the evil has gotten more evil but MY anointing has
grown stronger in the GODLY. For demons have been unleashed and where is the
first place they go? They fill the pews and they stand behind the altars, behind
the podiums. They stand there puffed up in their pride. They say I have millions
that follow me. They boast of themselves on TV but I tell you the truth MY
SPIRIT is not in them.
But Oh, how many of the so-called churches, Oh, how many of the so-called
Temples MY RUACH ha KODESH isn't even allowed inside. No moving of the SPIRIT.
Any true apostle and prophet is kicked out. MY RUACH ha KODESH is quenched. MY
prophets even have to have permission to prophesy. Woe to you evil shepherds.
Woe to you evil pastors. You teach MY People a lie. You won't even teach them
the True Sabbath. You tell them any day will do.
But I ask you this question what was good enough for the Creator, isn't it good
enough for you?
So run little Sheep and run little Lambs. Those full of MY anointing and MY
RUACH ha KODESH, run from the churches of Babylon so they do not cave in on you.
Run from the iceboxes of the Mausoleums. So I can fill you with MY Fire of the
RUACH ha KODESH for the Churches of Babylon say, 'One religion is the same as
another' they tell you that GOD is just love, one world religion is the next
step to the anti-christ.
Oh it is true I have a few churches, Oh but so very few are full of MY RUACH ha
KODESH. So very few are full of MY love, so very few preach the truth, not any
church on a Sunday will do. I speak to the people in them now, go to your
pastors and tell them the truth. Remind them of the Ten Commandments I have
given you. Remind them the Sabbath was set up from
creation when I formed this world. Then that pastor will be held accountable
whether he teaches the congregation the truth.
the 5 wise virgins or the 5 foolish ones? I am not coming for a disobedient
Bride. There are qualifications to become MY Bride. Oh, how I grieve and Oh, how
I cry for those who think they are MINE and yet the RUACH ha KODESH the HOLY
SPIRIT is not even inside. I look in these churches of Babylon and I see nothing
but dried up bones.
I look at one who sits on a throne, carries a scepter and wears a crown, issues
his commands, is worshipped by millions worldwide and yet MY RUACH ha KODESH is
not inside. Instead the anti-messiah spirit resides. Just as in the times of
old, lives were required for those that did not worship him, so it will be again
as he makes a pact with satan, as he makes a pact to take Israel, there is no
christ within him and even the staff he carries speaks this. Oh, how I cry and
how I weep at the masses of people that lay prostrate and worship at his feet.
This is a Babylonian religion, the one that despises the
True Sabbath. For this man-made Sabbath MY
true children will shun. Go to your pastors and warn them and if they will not
listen, then flee. For you will have proven that the RUACH ha KODESH has truly
spoken through thee. Flee children from the churches of Babylon for there coming
crashing down. The Crystal Cathedrals are a stench to MY nostrils. These pastors
who won't even speak the truth, homosexuality is an abomination unto ME.
Abortion is murder; sexual intercourse without marriage is fornication.
Remind your pastors of the Torah and remind them the
Sabbath was set up from creation as stated in Genesis. Remind your
pastors the Sabbath is perpetual it will be forever
more; this is in MY Holy Scriptures. I will not change the
Sabbath Day for man although it was created for a sacred rest for all
This is a sacred day set apart that brings closer fellowship with ME, a day that
brings restoration, a day that is to be Holy and set apart from the other days
you serve and worship ME. I place MY Seal of protection on MY Babies, Bride,
Chosen Ones and Elect who do this as a remembrance of their Creator YAHUVEH and
their only Savior YAHUSHUA.
Prophecy 67
Meteor Destruction Coming, Pray For A Delay In Judgment!
December 19, 2002
You who call yourself Christian, who boast and say, "I'm not a Jew" and yet I
said, "You are grafted in when you follow YAHUSHUA and accept HIM as MESSIAH.
Loving and putting YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA first in your lives. Striving to obey MY
laws, knowing you have an intercessor, a Savior in MY Son YAHUSHUA when you do
sin, but not purposely grieving the RUACH ha KODESH and sinning endangering your
very soul." How few of you remember that you all must work out your own
salvation with fear and trembling.
The majority of you who call yourself Christians for the most part are
anti-Semitic. You shun the Hebrew ways, the Torah, the Tanakh and only want to
claim the New Testament. You only want to gather together on a
man-made Sabbath [Sunday], not on the
True Shabbats. How many Christians only want to
celebrate man-made pagan holidays and shun the true Hebrew Holy Days? How many
of you only use what you call church to pacify me or as a fashion show or a
gossip fest. You Christians don't realize that Pentecost is not found in most of
your churches because you have grieved MY HOLY SPIRIT and chased the RUACH ha
You read of the 12 disciples and quote the Jewish scriptures and claim the Bible
as your promises, yet you cut yourself off from all that is Hebrew and brag you
are not a Jew. You dare to boast how I, YAHUVEH, cut off the natural vine to
graft you Gentiles in, so the natural vine would become jealous and yet, then
you reject the natural vine and reject the things I, YAHUVEH, taught them. You
who call yourself Christian allowed Rome to supposedly change the only day I set
apart, blessed and sanctified and you say, 'Any day will do to call
Sabbath.' I didn't choose any day; I rested on the
Seventh Day. [Friday sunset to Saturday sunset]
Why do you not study and show yourself approved? You know the truth and yet
still have not held your pastors accountable for changing the fellowship day
back to the True Shabbat day. If you had told the
pastors, "You tell us the Bible is truth and yet you don't follow the truth and
I won't be part of a fellowship that doesn't walk in the truth." Instead you
whisper the truth and don't follow through. No pastor has thus far contacted
this daughter I am speaking this message forth from and thanked her or
encouraged her for rebuking them in YAHUSHUA's NAME. MY Children who have taken
the prophetic messages of rebuke to the Pastors are rejected or patted on the
head and told, "Thanks but we will continue on the same way," and MY Children
disobey and still sit in these churches that refuse to speak forth the truth and
do things YAHUVEH's way and not man or woman's way.
Daniel spoke of a 'Beast' who would wear out YAHUVEH's Saints and would change
the times and laws of YAHUVEH! (Dan 7:25) Paul (Shaul) did not cancel the
Sabbath, how could he? Is he the one that created
the Sabbath? No, "I AM" created the Shabbat for
your rest, resting in ME so I may restore you. Paul's words were mistranslated,
for never would he teach you to disobey the Torah. His words have been twisted
to conform to man's image not I, YAHUVEH. Paul was speaking to the Jewish People
and saying, "Let no one judge you for keeping certain days Holy, or observing
the Holy Days." Never did he say, 'He did not keep the
Sabbath,' and encourage others to do the same. Paul kept MY Jewish laws.
Paul taught there is grace and mercy through YAHUSHUA but he also taught
obedience to YAHUVEH.
Do you not yet see the Book of Daniel is being decoded before your eyes? What
was once a mystery and closed to you is now opened, if you will but seek ME for
wisdom and now new revelations are coming forth from MY anointed ones such as
the vessel I am prophesying forth from. Listen and join together and warn
together for you need one another in a new way in the coming year of 2003. This
is why I have given this dream to MY Handmaiden to warn you to start assembling
Prophecy 68
Mock ME (YAHUVEH) If You Dare!
December 26, 2002
A word of warning to MY enemies, so you dare to mock ME (YAHUVEH), so you dare
to mock the 2nd coming of YAHUSHUA? Go ahead and mock and you shall see MY wrath
come down in such a way it will be like a torrent, a storm, a gust of wind and
truly it shall sweep the chaff away. I shall bring forth waves as the waves of
ungodliness has reached Heaven, the waves of the ocean and seas shall roar, the
storms from Heaven unlike anything that anyone has seen. Hail and brimstone once
again shall fall just like I showed you in your dream, for when the meteors
start to fall, they shall explode in fire. Just like in the dream that I gave
you this night, hail shall come like never seen before combined with winds. It
shall shatter windows. The icyness that those have shown against ME the Creator
against MY Son YAHUSHUA, I shall pour forth that same ice back upon them.
Ice shall fall from Heaven. Fire shall fall from Heaven. The earth shall quake
and shake. Blindness shall strike man as they have been spiritually blinded, as
they have been blinded to the truth and refused it, as they have been blinded to
Holiness. Just as in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah once again brimstone and
hail and blindness shall come upon them. So go ahead I dare you to mock. I speak
to MY enemies now; you're only digging to your own level, to the pit of the fire
to hell that is waiting for you, to the level into which you will descend. With
every word that proceeds out of your mouth that mocks and scoffs, that rejects
MY mercy and MY love, that rejects MY Son YAHUSHUA. Go ahead and mock, you
enemies of MINE that defile MY Shabbat. You that
mock the Shabbat, you that mock the Jewish people,
you that hates Israel, those that betray Israel, those that betray MY own chosen
ones, MY Babies, MY Bride and MY Elect. Go ahead and mock.
It is I, YAHUVEH, I will have the last laugh. You have aroused MY ire, you have
aroused MY wrath. You say, 'I will play GOD' with the knowledge I have given
you. You create man in man's own image, when MY Word says, 'you were created in
MY image.' You play your games with the weather. Now I shall show you the
creator of that weather. Your own clones shall turn against you. Your own
inventions shall turn against you. Any weapon that you try and use against MY
Children shall boomerang back upon you. For I am judging Sodom and Gomorrah
again, I am looking over the face of this world. I know which ones MY angels
have sealed and these things shall not befall them.
Prophecy 69
There Is A Coming Of The Changing Of The Guards!
December 31, 2002
You turn to science for your god? You turn to politics to provide your needs?
Foolish, Foolish, Foolish generation! You turn to the knowledge of this world
and you dismiss MY Book as old, the book that is filled with all truth and
knowledge, the Book that the Prophets foretold. Away, Away, Away from ME, away
from ME with your blasphemous worship as you fill these pews on Sunday and you
chase the true Shabbat worshippers away. I will
once again show you, judgment truly starts at the house of YAHUVEH. As once
again YAHUSHUA will flog the money changers and chase them right out of the
Prophecy 75
I, YAHUVEH, Will Sanctify And Me You In Your Sukkot!
August 27 2004
What is good enough for YAHUSHUA to honor isn't it good enough for you? I,
YAHUVEH put you in remembrance. You do not worship and serve a Christian Messiah
but rather YAHUSHUA was born from a Hebrew Virgin Woman on Hebrew soil, walked
and ministered signs, wonders and miracles on Hebrew soil. YAHUSHUA kept the
Torah and was found without sin. YAHUSHUA ministered as a Rabbi on the only
True Shabbat (Sabbath).
YAHUSHUA was not preaching in the Temples on a Sunday. Those with Spiritual ears
to hear, listen. All others remain deaf. For the Sabbath is perpetual and for
eternity will stand for I, YAHUVEH, created the earth in 6 days and on the 7th
day I, YAHUVEH, rested and commanded mankind to do the same. MY Son YAHUSHUA
kept the Sabbath Holy and HE is called the Lord of
the Sabbath. HE is an example how to keep the
Sabbath Holy. MY Beloved Son YAHUSHUA was tortured
and crucified with words nailed above his head no devil or man could remove and
YAHSUHUA died and arose again on Hebrew soil from a Hebrew tomb.
Having said all of this, proving YAHUSHUA is a Jewish risen MESSIAH, follow not
the ways of the pagans and keep not the heathen festivals that YAHUSHUA did not
keep. If it is not in the Holy Scriptures, why do you anger I, YAHUVEH, and add
to MY Words and teach that the pagan days should be honored but shun keeping the
days I, YAHUVEH, decreed as Holy and to be remembered as in the time of old?
You invite ME to your man-made holidays and yet why do you, who say you follow,
serve, worship, obey YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA, make excuses why this is only for the
Hebrew People? Are you not Hebrew through accepting MY Son YAHUSHUA's Blood at
Calvary, as HE alone became the Blood Sacrifice for your sins?
Do you not believe HE lives now in you through the RUACH ha KODESH? To really
know MY Son YAHUSHUA, you must get to know the Jewishness of your Risen MESSIAH.
Why do you insist on calling YAHUSHUA 'Jesus Christ' instead of by HIS Hebrew
NAME, YAHUSHUA which is a constant reminder to satan that YAH saves. Why do you
insist on twisting scriptures in the Bible to make excuses why you do not Honor
the True Sabbath Day and keep it Holy before I,
Is it really too much to set apart the time of Friday
sunset to Saturday sunset and acknowledge this is the
Sabbath Day and keep it Holy? When you do not know
better you have an excuse, but after you know the truth and you do not let the
truth set you free and say, 'you are not under the bondage of the laws of old,'
what other commandment do you want me to toss out simply because it
inconveniences you? Simply because others may not understand, if you are
attending a Sunday Church and are not there to let the pastor and congregation
know they are in error for not teaching the Jewishness of the Risen MESSIAH,
then I, YAHUVEH, call you a coward and you are held accountable.
I send you forth to warn others and you compromise what you know to be true.
Worship ME 7 days a week and gather together if you desire but give YAHUVEH the
Honor of especially acknowledging the Sabbath Day
and keeping it Holy and rest from your labors on this day and enjoy it with ME.
It is not meant to be a day of burden but of joy. Is this really too hard? I
give you Holy Feast Days to feast and celebrate with the exception of Yom
Kippur, the Day of Atonement when you are to fast and remember the price
YAHUSHUA paid for your sins. Is it really too hard for you to learn of the
Hebrew Holy Days?
I could have chosen for YAHUSHUA to be born from any nationality but I, YAHUVEH
honored the Hebrew People by honoring their bloodline. You who accept YAHUSHUA'S
Blood transfusion now are no longer gentile and you should not follow the
gentile pagan ways or their holidays. Instead follow the Holy Days as I,
YAHUVEH, have decreed to be a blessing unto thee. You are held accountable for
what you now know, what you do with it is not MY Daughter Elisabeth's
responsibility, her responsibility is delivering you the words I, YAHUVEH, speak
forth from her. This she has now done.
Prophecy 76
Beloved Bride of YAHUSHUA, Arise and Prepare Yourself
for Your Bridegroom Doth Come!
September 12, 2004
Just as the Shofar Horn is blown at a Jewish Wedding to announce the Groom, so
too will I, YAHUSHUA, have the Shofar Horn blown to announce MY coming for MY
Beloved Bride listen for that Shofar Horn, it is not afar off. I prophesied
through this Ring Maiden that I would return again on a
Sabbath and I spoke to her, "What IF Rosh Hashanah is the Day I would
come," you know not yet which one. I also prophesied through her and spoke
audibly to her, "First one rapture then another for those that I love."
The guests will be in that second catching away in the parable of the ten
virgins; the second chance is giving to the foolish so-called Bride that is when
I tell them to watch therefore, for you know not what hour I will come again.
The Bride of YAHUSHUA does not struggle to keep the Ten Commandments, instead
you guard them and defend them knowing YAHUVEH wrote these Ten Laws on a tablet
of stone with his own finger and HE has not changed the Laws nor discarded any
of them. Man changes the Laws, not Abba YAHUVEH who is the Creator of the Laws
given to Moses at Mount Sinai. YAHUVEH is the Creator of
the Sabbath and commanded all creation to honor it when he rested on the
7th day after creating all of Creation. The Sabbath is
perpetual, never ending, and even will be honored in the Reign of the Millennium.
Verily I say unto you, the True Bride of YAHUSHUA, you know all of this and your
sole desire is to obey YAHUVEH's every word and I am that Word that was made
Flesh. I am the Living Torah. Verily I say unto you that you, the Bride of
YAHUSHUA seek to obey and go the extra mile, what ever it takes to obey Abba
YAHUVEH, to do what others deem foolish, such as observing the Holy Feast Days
and keeping the True Sabbath and flee man-made religions that changed the
Sabbath to Sunday. MY Bride you know anything that is corrupt or perverted is
not Holy and is an abomination unto YAHUVEH such as abortion, homosexuality and
same-sex marriages. MY Bride, you do not remain silent but loudly protest these
things and condemn anyone who does not do so, calling them a coward and a
Is it any wonder the Jews and Israelites will not listen to the Christians, for
they know no Son of YAHUVEH who says HE is King of the Jews and Messiah would
discard the Sabbath and teach any day will do, when
it was the 7th day YAHUVEH and I rested after making Creation? Why do you who
call yourself Christians dishonor ME by breaking the Torah Laws given to Moses
and not honor the Holy Days decreed by YAHUVEH to be Holy unto HIM? Did I not
say that I did not come to cancel the laws of the prophets of old but to fulfill
Prophecy 77
Behold, I YAHUVEH, Send You Forth With a New Anointing
to the Pentecostal Churches for Those Who Will Believe and
December 26, 2004
Teach them MY Daughter, teach them. You have a burden for the Pentecostals for I
saved you in a Pentecostal Church. I anointed you in a Pentecostal Church. I
filled you with MY precious RUACH ha KODESH where you received the Holy Tongues.
That is where I gave you the desire to serve ME all the days of your life. Now I
ask you to repay. You say you are angry because the Pentecostal Churches did not
teach you the Jewishness of your Messiah, the keeping of the
Holy Sabbaths, the keeping of the Holy Feasts. Then
you teach them. This is why I sent you forth to this land, to this State, to
where you said you did not want to go. But I tell you that an anointing is
coming greater than any of the other Azusa's for I sent you forth to the
Pentecostal Churches, for how can they obey what they do not know. Thus far you
have only said you are Messianic Jewish, so the Pentecostals barely come except
those that I send one by one.
When they call upon MY Son, not just in the name of Jesus Christ, but when they
honor the heritage I gave them on this earth. For HE came from the line of
David, HE came as a Hebrew, so teach them. I want HIM to be honored and called
by his Name YAHUSHUA. I make a promise and I make a vow, those that will obey,
those that call themselves Pentecostals, you are scattered world wide, this is
what satan shudders and shakes over. If you just receive the truth of the
Jewishness of the Messiah you have given your life too. If you will just but
obey and know the Sabbath Day is not on a Sunday.
Prophecy 79
I, YAHUVEH, Say, “People, You are Missing the Point!”
August 2, 2005
If you are not obeying ME now and if you are compromising now with the day I
have set aside as MY Holy Sabbath Day and if you do not think it's important to
obey each and every one of MY Commandments. What makes you think you will obey
during the soon coming Great Tribulation? Why is it more comfortable to listen
to man's doctrines when they twist MY Words to conform to man's sinful image.
Although MY Son YAHUSHUA is your rest, HE is not your day of rest. MY Son
YAHUSHUA is not a day, and MY 4th Commandment clearly states to keep
Holy MY Sabbath Day of rest. What part of this
don't you understand? Yes, rest in YAHUSHUA for HIS yoke is easy and HIS burden
is light but this has nothing to do with the Sabbath Day. Did not YAHUSHUA keep
the Sabbath?
Did I not send MY Son YAHUSHUA to be an example unto you? Do you even know why I
set aside a day of rest? [Gen 2:1-3] Do you not know this
Sabbath Day is to be a blessing unto you and not a curse? MY 4th
Commandment clearly states to keep Holy MY Sabbath Day
of rest. Does not the law I wrote with MY own fiery finger on a tablet of stone
and gave to Moses on Mt. Sinai say, "Honor MY Sabbath Day
and keep it Holy?" Again I ask you, since when is MY Son YAHUSHUA a Day? Ask
yourself, why would satan change the day of Sabbath
to Sunday if it were not going to be used for his purpose in the Great
Do not listen to those who preach otherwise. Here in lies the victory. It is
written in MY Holy Word that I, YAHUVEH, cannot lie. If you obey ME there are
blessings and victory as stated in Deut. 28. There are curses to those that
disobey. Read and study what is written in Exodus 31:12-17.
The True Sabbath will be the sign between I, YAHUVEH, and
MY People, and it will be used to identify who truly worships and who will serve
ME in the Great Tribulation. Will you worship I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA on the
True Shabbat Friday Sundown till Saturday Sundown? Or during the Great
Tribulation will you serve and worship the son of satan on Sunday?
If you are not keeping MY Holy Sabbath Day now,
what makes you think you will do it then during the Great Tribulation which is
only a breath away. This is why I am now speaking through this Ring Maiden of
MINE who is ordained to be a prophet to the nations, so this warning will ring
around this world. Do you not know those who teach that it is impossible to be
obedient and to be holy unto ME, make excuses for their own sins?
This is not open for debate. You will either do what I, YAHUVEH, say or in the
Great Tribulation with your souls you will pay. Those who have raised up and
said, "I will be Elisabeth's judge, I shall be Elisabeth's jury" repent now or
you shall face ME and I shall say, "Depart from ME you worker of iniquity," for
I am YAHUVEH and I take no part in any debate. I alone am judge, I alone am
jury, I alone am referee.
You listen to these men now and you sit in your churches believing the
lies that Sunday is the Sabbath or it makes no
difference which day is the Sabbath. You believe
the lies that both preachers and some Rabbi's teach that there is no greater
anointing power in the Hebrew sacred NAMES of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and the RUACH
ha KODESH, that any name will do. The preachers tell you it is not important to
learn the Jewishness of the MESSIAH. They say if you're not a Jew it does not
apply. These lawless preachers teach you that you are a gentile and you don't
have to obey the laws given to the Children of Israel. Did you forget that when
you accepted MY Son YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH you became one with HIM? (Rom 11:16-21)
You wonder, "Where is the anointing power of the first church with signs,
wonders and miracles?" You cry out, "Where is the manifestation of the miracles
as in the days of old?" Get back and do what the first church did and you will
see these miracles once again. To those who do not know better, I say, "You are
held accountable for only what you have known." Now you are held accountable, as
well as to teach others these truths. But to those who know right and do wrong,
you shall pay with your soul.
You obey these evil spiritual leaders now that make excuses for sin. What makes
you think in the Great Tribulation you will not do the same again with the son
of satan? I told you through the prophecies that I have released through
Elisabeth that MY Son YAHUSHUA is coming back for HIS Bride on a Rosh Hashanah
and it shall be on a Shabbat [Sabbath]. If you are
not being taught how to observe MY Shabbat and MY
Holy Days, and to learn OUR Sacred NAMES (see "Why We Use the Sacred
Names") and MY Torah to obey, how will you know how to honor ME and MY Son
YAHUSHUA as I have decreed? How will you know which day without studying and
showing yourself approved that I, YAHUVEH, have set aside to be MY Shabbat, how
can you be ready when YAHUSHUA comes again?
If you do not honor and observe MY Holy Feasts, how will you know what Rosh
Hashanah is and when it is? Then when you are left behind you will ask, "Why?"
So I speak forth out of MY Ring Maiden and tell you ahead of time that I,
YAHUVEH, prophesy through this Ring Maiden who is part of MY Son YAHUSHUA's
The Bride of YAHUSHUA shall not only be transformed into their Glorified Bodies
and be filled with such an anointing as though YAHUSHUA himself were walking
through them, and with them. HE shall imbue them with such an anointing that
nothing shall be impossible unto them. And for 40 days MY Son YAHUSHUA's Bride
shall warn, "Do not take the Mark of the Beast." They shall go to those I call
the guests and those whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life and they
will say to them, "Do not be disobedient, do not compromise, although it may
mean your earthly life."
You see, I use this Ring Maiden now, even without her Glorified Body, as a voice
that cries out the warning ahead of time. For I have called her to be a prophet
to the nations. Do not take the Mark of the Beast! Sunday worship and the Mark
of the Beast are connected. Beware, you will lose your soul if you observe the
Sunday worship law during the Great Tribulation. I will have to apologize to
Sodom and Gomorrah which I destroyed with fire and brimstone if I allow these
earthly abominations to continue much longer the way it is. I will not apologize
to Sodom and Gomorrah. I will eradicate and terminate all that I, YAHUVEH,
These false preachers make excuses to sin and you have listened to them. You
come to this ministry for your spiritual food, to taste the anointing, to drink
the spiritual milk and to eat the spiritual meat. Then how many of you
compromise and go to the Sunday churches. You fall at your pastor's feet in
loyalty and it is there that you give your tithes and offerings. You cannot have
it both ways. You must determine which is the day that I have decreed as the
Shabbat, for as I have decreed which day is the
Shabbat, which is the day you are to honor ME and
rest and draw closer to me.
And so shall the son of satan command those who have compromised to worship him
on the day he decrees.
As MY Son YAHUSHUA spoke and HE said to "Partake of this wine and this bread, do
this in remembrance of me." In the soon coming Great Tribulation, don't you know
that the son of satan will say to all those who accept his Mark, "Do this in
remembrance of me." They will drink the blood of the martyrs from the goblets.
It shall be filled with blood and like vampires, they shall drink that blood.
And just as surely as a communion plate is passed, just assuredly, they shall
pass the plate and the son of satan will say, "Do this in remembrance of me."
Roasted flesh of the martyrs will they eat. They shall mock MY communion and
YAHUSHUA's Bride. They truly will despise YAHUSHUA's Bride for they know the
prayers of the righteous held the son of satan back until it was time to call
YAHUSHUA's Bride out.
The prayers of the righteous availeth much. I, YAHUVEH, warn you it has already
begun. There will be sexual orgies in the Sunday churches in the Great
Tribulation. It will be this way the son of satan mocks YAHUSHUA's Bride. For
YAHUSHUA and HIS Bride are one, and all those that worship YAHUSHUA, who obey MY
Son are one, because it is a spiritual connection body, mind, spirit and soul.
The son of satan shall mock during the Great Tribulation, he shall hold sexual
orgies in the Sunday churches. The beginning of the great deception is the
homosexual churches. Again I say, "The sin has already begun."
This is the way I am using this ministry, separating the sheep from the goats,
separating the wheat from the tares (weeds). Those whose names were written in
the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of this earth. These are the ones
whose names shall remain in the Lamb's Book of Life. They will not worship the
son of satan and they will refuse the Mark of the Beast. Even if you are hearing
or reading this now and you continue to compromise now, during the Great
Tribulation you will observe and honor the true Shabbat which is Friday sunset
to Saturday sunset although it may mean your life and you will be martyred.
All your names are already written down for I already knew before you were born
on this earth what you would do. If you do not listen now, you will listen then.
Those who read and hear this message and gnash your teeth with rage at MY Ring
Maiden. So too you will gnash your teeth with rage and shake your fist at I,
YAHUVEH, your Creator, during the Great Tribulation as curses and plagues come
upon you one after another and yet you will not repent of your sins. For on that
day, if your name is in the Lamb's Book of Life, I shall blot your name out.
[Rev 3:5]
So to all you who wonder why Elisabeth would bring this upon herself, it is
because I use this ministry to separate the wheat from the tares. As you hear
this, you will know whether you are wheat or a tare. Are you a weed only to be
consumed by MY rage, MY consuming fire? Though I use her now to cry out to the
Bride, as a voice will cry out to the five wise virgins, do not compromise, be
prepared for your bridegroom doth come for HIS Bride on a Rosh Hashanah and a
Shabbat. YAHUSHUA's Bride be on your knees before
ME. Stay Holy and stay humble. Pray that you will stay worthy to be MY Son
YAHUSHUA's Bride which is symbolized as the five wise virgins. Which is the
first catching away commonly called the Rapture.
Guests, pray that you will be part of the second catching away so you will be
the guests at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb [Rev 19:9] the guests are
symbolized as the five foolish virgins who are told that the Bridegroom would
come again after the Bride of YAHUSHUA is caught away. So stay alert because you
know neither the day nor the hour. [Matt 25:12] By the time MY Son YAHUSHUA
comes to catch away the five foolish virgins, they will be wise.
Prophecy 80
Bride of YAHUSHUA, Pray That I, YAHUVEH
Send Your Enemies to the Winepress of MY Wrath!
January 18, 2006
The fullness of MY RUACH ha KODESH is not found in any minister that compromises
what they know to be true or twists scriptures and MY commandments to be
conformed to please mankind or the Governments of this world. Be not deceived.
I, YAHUVEH, have not changed MY mind on what is sin or where unrepented sinners
spend eternity. Your morals and interpretation of sin may change but "I AM" who
"I AM" and I, YAHUVEH, change not and neither does MY Son YAHUSHUA. I, YAHUVEH,
wrote the two tablets of laws called commandments in stone with MY own fiery
finger engraving them and I handed them to Moses. (Moshe) Fools who think I sent
MY Son YAHUSHUA from Heaven to change these laws, including the laws of
MY Sabbath Day.
Prophecy 82
Last Call For The Bride of YAHUSHUA MESSIAH!
February 15, 2006
Foolishness, foolishness, foolishness, foolishness! I am angry, I am angry, I am
angry, I am angry, I am angry! How many of you who desire to be MY Bride, who I
called to be MY Bride, have forsaken Holiness? How many of you make excuses for
sin? How many of you know MY Word says, 'honor the Sabbath
Day and keep it Holy' and still you fill the churches on Sunday.
Foolishness, foolishness, foolishness, MY Bride will have no part in this
foolishness. I said, "be ye Holy as I am Holy." MY Bride will be Holy or I will
have no part of her. You want to know who the foolish virgins are?
You want to know why they didn't have enough oil in their lamps? They didn't
have enough Holiness.
They knew I was coming, but they did not prepare. It is not enough to just love
ME. It is not enough to just serve ME. It is not enough just to preach MY Words.
Oh, how easily this world is deceived. If they are not teaching that people must
turn away from sin, that they must repent, fall on their faces before ME. Then
they are not of ME. It is more than just saying, "Oh Jesus, come into MY heart."
It is called turning away from sin. Renouncing satan, repenting, and letting ME
live within them. Beware of these preachers who only want to soothe your itching
ears. That is why I have raised up ministries such as this, who preach the truth
in Holiness. Beware of anyone that says the Ten Commandments have changed, we
can go and we can worship and can call any day the Sabbath
Prophecy 83
II, YAHUVEH, Say, “Prepare The End Is Nigh!”
March 15, 2006
As in the days of Moses, so it shall be again, as in the days of Lot, so it
shall be again. To the sinners who refuse to repent thus far, today is the day
of salvation, you are reading this coming from the last chance Ministry.
Tomorrow may be too late. What are you waiting for? A religion will not save
you, only a Holy loving, obedient relationship with YAHUSHUA and I, YAHUVEH will
save you. You can only return back to Heaven through the NAME and Blood of
YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. All who are invited to the Marriage Supper of the
Lamb, I have this warning for you. In the Great Tribulation the one coming that
is commonly called the anti-christ, who is truly the son of satan, the son of
perdition, he will come using and counterfeiting the name that is known world
wide, in every kindred and tongue the name that Christians know and love the
name of Jesus Christ.
Beware, signs, wonders and miracles are still done and souls are still
being saved in the name of Jesus Christ, do not fear. However, it was not yet
the endtime and you were only held accountable for what you were taught. I,
YAHUVEH honored and anointed the name "Jesus," although MY Son YAHUSHUA was
given a Hebrew NAME by HIS Hebrew mother. And "I AM" HIS Father; HIS NAME is to
contain MY NAME 'YAH.' The name of Jesus has deleted MY Sacred NAME, the NAME
that is above all Names. MY NAME is YAHUVEH and the NAME of YAHUSHUA translates
to a constant reminder in every tongue YAH saves! Is it not your custom to name
the Son after his father? Why do you think it is any different for your Heavenly
Father to do the same? It is a constant reminder to you that I, YAHUVEH, and MY
Son, YAHUSHUA are one.
It is satan and his servants that fear the NAME YAH, but I know MY Children's
loving hearts. I even forgave you for forsaking MY True
Sabbath rest day, breaking the 4th Commandment again and again. But I
will forgive this no more. Now you are held accountable for what you know. You
are held accountable to warn others. There is a
higher sacred anointing in the Hebrew NAME of YAHUSHUA and in MY NAME, YAHUVEH.
Now the endtime is nigh and I warn you teach others what you now know as truth.
There is more anointing in OUR Holy Sacred NAMES. Use them, make no more
excuses. During the Great Tribulation you must call upon MY Son's Hebrew NAME,
If you do not learn this now, in the Great Tribulation when you pray for
deliverance, or healing, and you use the name "Jesus," remember that the son of
satan will be using this name as God. How can you expect to be healed, delivered
or blessed by using the same name that the son of satan will be using? You will
be calling upon the son of satan and know it not. In the Great Tribulation, the
son of satan will have his own day to be set aside to be worshipped and it will
be Sunday.
When Sunday worship is mandatory and you are ordered all over the world to
go to your nearest local Sunday Church, beware, DON'T GO.
It is a trap of the son of satan. For anyone that does attend a Sunday Church
during the Great Tribulation, they will enter the door mesmerized, held captive
with the spirits of illusion, mind manipulation, idolatry and rebellion among
many other powerful demonic spirits. Warn them now. THEY WILL HAVE TAKEN THE
MARK OF THE BEAST and entered a church of defilement and chosen to worship
the beast and accept his physical as well as spiritual mark. Warn people now,
before it is too late.
This doesn't mean that all Sunday Churches are evil now, but you are so close
now, the end is nigh, you must warn the people where the pastors are failing to
do so. You must teach the truth of the Hebrew Sacred names of I, YAHUVEH and MY
Son YAHUSHUA the only MESSIAH, the only Blood shed for humanity for the
remission of sins. I will accept no other blood sacrifice, and no other
intercessor can intercede for you. That includes NO so-called dead
saints. Not even YAHUSHUA's own mother, Miryam (Mary), for even she needed
This is the only reason any of YAHUSHUA's Bride should be attending a Sunday
Church, to teach the sheep and lambs the truth where the pastors have refused,
even if it is one person at a time. Here is the good news: just as MY Beloved
children, whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life and are
preordained, so too is satan's book of the damned.
LIFE BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THIS WORLD. You cannot accidentally choose to
accept the Mark of the Beast; you will know not to do so and rather die before
doing so.
The only true healing, signs, wonders, miracles and resurrections come from
Heaven, any other healing or deliverance is an illusion. And during the Great
Tribulation there will be illusions that appear to be truth but are lies
straight from the throne of satan. Learn now and warn others now. In the Great
Tribulation ONLY in the name of YAHUSHUA, NOT the name of 'Jesus,'
will true delivering, healing, resurrection power come forth. People who love
and serve Jesus now will wonder why their prayers are not being answered their
faith will suffer and they will even die for their faith, not understanding why
deliverance did not come in that [Jesus] name.
Warn them now so they will become accustomed to using the Hebrew NAME YAHUSHUA,
and YAHUVEH and the RUACH ha KODESH. Satan does not want to counterfeit the NAME
YAHUSHUA with MY NAME 'YAH' in it.
There are millions reading this that will be the Guests at the Marriage
Supper of the Lamb and blessed you shall be. However, you will see all or part
of the Great Tribulation and your eyes shall be forced to behold the horror.
Remember this, MY wrath is not appointed unto you, it is appointed to MY
Prophecy 84
I, YAHUVEH Say, Beware Of The Illusion!
March 31, 2006
Do not believe the way that Paul, Shaul, has been misunderstood and
mistranslated again and again. He was Jewish, he never forsook that. O' the lies
that are told. Of course your salvation does not depend on circumcision of the
flesh, for now it is the circumcision of the heart. This is a foolish argument,
just like the old blood covenant no longer stands because there is a new Blood
Covenant that does not mean that MY Shabbat does
not still stand.
Just because the Greeks gave MY Son a name, just because the King James Bible
repeated the name of Jesus Christ again and again, does not mean that HIS NAME
was changed. It will always remain a Hebrew NAME, a NAME that holds the NAME of
I, YAHUVEH. I, YAHUVEH, a NAME that is a reminder to this earth of the price MY
Son YAHUSHUA had to pay. Again, I'll say it again and again and again and again
and again, you can call this prophet blasphemous, you can slander her, you can
say that she's going to hell, but I tell you this I, the King of Creation, I the
Holy Eternal One tells you this, HIS NAME that is above all NAMES, is named
after I, YAHUVEH. I, YAHUVEH, it means 'YAH SAVES.'
Nothing has changed, because I honored the name of 'Jesus Christ.' Because I
anointed the name of 'Jesus Christ.' Because I saved in the name of 'Jesus
Christ.' Because I delivered and did signs, wonders and miracles in the name of
'Jesus Christ.' Because I still do it in the name of 'Jesus Christ.' Does not
mean that you are not to know HIS True Hebrew NAME. You will and you are held
accountable for what you know. Because I allowed all this time for you to
assemble and call Sunday MY Sabbath day, I did the
same thing. I allowed it. It was not MY Will, I allowed it. But in the Great
Tribulation satan is going to show you how he is going to counterfeit.
For again I say, even the very wealthy evangelists who know this truth have sold
out this truth, have compromised this truth, will lead you right into the arms
of the anti-messiah, the son of satan. And they will say, "That's Jesus Christ,
that's your Messiah, he's come. He's come and now peace is all over this earth,
don't worry about Hell."
Why can't you see? They don't want to counterfeit ME. MY NAME is YAH. King
James will pay. King James has paid when he blotted out MY Son's Sacred NAME.
READ! READ! READ! Study and show thyself approved. It was not always King James,
read the holy manuscripts. Read where the Hebrew translations are. Read where
even the Aramaic know HIS NAME. WHY? WHY? WHY will you not believe?
Prophecy 86
Away from MEE, You Disobedient So-called BRIDE!
May 12, 2006
For there is coming meteors and they shall fall from the sky, all over the world
they will run and hide! The earth shall quake not in just one place and the
volcanoes shall blow like a chain reaction it shall blow. And only those who are
truly stayed in ME, in the Living Rock shall stay protected. Storms like you
have never seen, this is just the beginning that shall come. But those who have
stayed in ME and in MY Father Abba YAHUVEH you shall remain protected when you
are protected in MY NAME. You want to close your ears when I say, "Honor
the Sabbath Day and I don't mean the man-made one." You want to cover
your ears when I say, "Honor the Holy feasts and I don't mean the man-made ones,
the pagan holidays instead you would rather honor, instead of MY Father Abba
YAHUVEH Holy Days." WE are the same yesterday, today and forever MY Father and
ME. Just because you change your idea of sin, doesn't mean that WE have.
Prophecy 90
What is the NAME of the HOLY SPIRIT?
February 27, 2007
I am speaking forth these revelations through you Elisabeth so you will tell the
Holy people. If they will receive what is spoken in this prophecy they will once
again see signs, wonders and miracles as in the times of old when YAHUSHUA
walked the earth. If they will embrace the truths of the
True Shabbat and I don't mean Sunday! Learn the importance of honoring
YAHUSHUA through the Holy Feasts. Shun the pagan Holidays that try to take the
place of the true Heavenly Holy Days, use the Hebrew Sacred NAMES, live Holy and
do not compromise nor be ashamed to speak forth what you know to be true. You
will see a greater anointing than you have ever experienced in these end times.
A word to those who defend the True Shabbat and
expose the man-made Sabbath called Sunday. When the organized Churches rail
against you and quote the scriptures as in Isaiah 1:13-14 and they twist this
scripture out of context saying, "It is not necessary to keep the
Sabbath of Friday sunset to Saturday sunset." This
scripture is a warning to those who sin and combine it with the
Shabbat, Holy Feasts and new moon celebration. Can
you not see how this angers YAHUVEH? I tell you this; YAHUVEH warns that HE
cannot bear unrighteousness and assembly or rituals of keeping the Shabbat, Holy
feasts, new moons, and celebrations when it is not done in true Holiness with
Holy hands lifted up. Without the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH it is all
done in vain.
How many reading this attends church on Sunday and calls yourselves Christian,
Protestant, or Catholic. You attend church, or mass, pray, sing, confess your
sins to the priest, or Pastor pretend piety, tithe for all to see and
immediately after go to the pubs and get drunk or return back to your sinful
lifestyles no matter what day of the week.
Prophecy 92
Be of Good Cheer for I, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH,
AM the Only GOOD SHEPHERD and I Beat the Wolves Away!
October 27, 2007
All who believe these lies must repent for believing that I, the Good Shepherd
would treat MY Sheep and Lambs like this. All those that believe this must
repent for not asking for discernment whether this be truth or lies. Choo
Thomas' book is full of false doctrine. Study and show yourself approved and
burn her book, letting satan know you no longer receive his lies.
In these Endtimes, why would I not tell anyone that has been to Heaven MY true
Hebrew NAME? Why would I encourage you to attend a Sunday Church, knowing what
the Sunday Churches will be used for in the Great Tribulation? Why would she not
return from Heaven with a warning to the Pastors to change their day of Worship
to the True Shabbat? Where did I ever mention there
was purgatory outside the gates of heaven. In Choo Thomas' words 'there are two
valleys outside the gates of the Kingdom,' this is NONSENSE!
The Ten Commandments are still valid today, nothing has changed. I, YAHUSHUA ha
MASHIACH did not come to cancel the laws that ABBA YAHUVEH wrote with HIS own
finger on a tablet of stone. These Commandments stand for all eternity. The 4th
Commandment is a sign between YAH and those who truly worship YAH. The 4th
Commandment in the Great Millinium will still stand and people shall come and
worship on the True Sabbath. Read, study and show
yourself approved. The Holy Feast Days you will be commanded to come and observe
when I rule and reign on earth. That which people shun now the 4th Commandment
is also honored in Heaven. What was called sin back in times of old, is still
sin today in YAHUVEH's eyes.
Prophecy 118
Beware, The Great Tribulation Is A Breath Away!
February 19, 2010
Released June 27, 2010
I warn you, do not rely only on the King James Version of the Bible for King
James burns in hell. He took out books and words which he didn't want to include
just as surely as they're doing today and say, 'These Scriptures and Torah Laws
apply no more. This does not line up with my idea of who God is. HE's not
supposed to curse. HE sent HIS only Begotten SON to pay the price at Calvary to
suffer and die in my place, so now I can do anything I want, it doesn't matter
to GOD anymore. HE doesn't care what I do because HE sent HIS only Begotten SON
to pay the price. The Law was nailed on the cross, so I can do anything I want.
The Forth Commandment I say, any day will do for the
Sabbath, it no longer matters because they threw
away that day.'
Liars! Liars! Liars! Do you think I would waste MY time to take MY own finger
and inscribe on a tablet of stone and give it to Moses and defend the Israelites
and command them to honor ME on the Sabbath Day by
resting?! By resting?! Not by working but by resting?! Liars!
You who claim that you are Christian and put up these videos about why
Christians, 'no longer have to worry about the Sabbath,
it doesn't matter what day, it doesn't matter, the Roman Catholic Church has
changed it.'
Liars! If you do not repent you shall find yourself in the Lake of Fire! I'm not
going to play games! The Great Tribulation, the Time of Jacob's Trouble, is
almost upon you, the time of lamenting, weeping, of great suffering, more than
this world has ever known!