1 Echad-One, Oneness, Unity, Eternal, Beginnings
2 Struggle, Division, Witness
3 Divine of YAHUVEH/Covenant
4 Works of Messiah
5 Grace of YAHUVEH
6 Man
7 Divine Completion, Perfection, Sabbatical Years
8 New Beginnings
9 New Life, Divine Truth, Eternity, Fruit of the Spirit
10 Minion, Testimony
11 Disorder, Judgment
12 Administration
13 Depravity, Rebellion
14 Deliverance or Salvation
15 New Jerusalem, Peace, Rest
16 Love
17 Victory
18 Bondage, Life, Longevity
19 Faith
20 Redemption, Throne of YAHUVEH
21 Exceeding Sinfulness
22 Light, YAHUVEHs Perfect Judgment in his Kingdom
23 Death
24 The Priesthood
25 Forgiveness of Sins
26 Gospel of YAHUSHUA
27 Preaching the Gospel
28 Eternal Life
29 Departure
30 Blood of YAHUSHUA /Dedications/Age of A Priest
31 Offspring
32 Covenant/Love
33 Promises, Age of YAHUSHUAs Death
34 Naming of a Son
35 Hope
36 Enemy
37 The Word of YAHUVEH
38 Freedom from Slavery
39 Disease
40 Trial, Tribulation (empowerment), Testing (certifies power of resistance)
42 Israels Oppression
43 Divine Testing of YAHUVEH
45 Preservation
60 Pride/Age of Intelligence
66 Idol Worship
70 Universality/Nations/Israel her Restoration
80 Mouth (Speech)
90 Righteousness of YAHUVEH (humility)
100 YAHUVEHs Election of Grace
119 Resurrection Day/YAHUVEHs Day
120 Complete Life
144 The Spirit Guided Life
150 3 Jubilees
153 Fruit Bearing
200 Insufficiency
300 Divine Power, Protection
400 Sign, Final Destruction
600 Warfare, End Times
666 Number of Beast, Man
888 First Resurrection of Saints
1000 Divine Completeness, Glory of YAHUVEH, Millennium Period
* * * * * * *
Note: Where there are no numbers, it represents not seeing a possible meaning.
From a book titled, Biblical Mathematics, by evangelist Ed. F. Vallowe