I was raised in an atheist home. No mention of God, religion or the Bible was
allowed in our house. I remember being five years old and my father throwing a
temper tantrum because our neighbors had taken me to church.
My father tolerated my going a few times, and went one time himself. After that,
he forbid me to go and forbid the neighbors to take me. I remember being
thirteen and someone asking me a Bible question. I searched the entire house,
and there was no Bible anywhere, even in my father's private stash of books. No
talk of the Bible, God or religion was allowed in our home. Believe it or not,
this was in America.
My Father's brother and his children (my uncle and cousins) all claimed to be
born again. They confessed they knew they were going to Heaven. But when I asked
them HOW they knew, they could not answer me. When I asked them HOW a person
became born again, they could not tell me. They told me they remembered going to
an altar call and KNEW they were a new person after they had prayed. And praise
God, II Corinthians 5:17 and Galatians 6:15 do say that when you receive Christ
you are a new creature, and what you were before no longer exists. Even your
religion has no power, but only whether or not you are a new creature in Christ.
When you receive Christ, you become something, someone that never existed
before. You become a Child of God. Before you were a slave of Satan, sold into
slavery before you were born. You had no choice about it. But YAHUSHUA came to
set you free. If anyone believes in his heart God raised Christ from the dead,
and CONFESSES with his mouth YAHUSHUA is Lord, he shall be saved, their faith on
their experience, not on what the Bible says.
Well, I went to several alter calls. I felt no different. Looking back, I can
see why: the preacher did NOT teach me what the BIBLE says. You must obey the
Bible to get results. But I didn't know that. Neither did most of the genuinely
born-again people I met when I was seeking to find God.
I do know most of the churches I went to were dead. If I knew one thing, it was
this: God wasn't there. My Christian friends convinced me there was no God. I
began to follow in my father's example, and by my late teens I was an atheist.
Yet, I held forth this challenge: if anyone could show me one shred of hard
evidence that God has worked in their life, I would believe it. Not one person I
knew really could. So I became an atheist.
In my late teens, I remember one of my atheist friends ranting and raving that
all Christians should be rounded up and shot, all churches should be burned, and
all Bibles should be outlawed and confiscated. I stared at him in unbelief. I
told him, "You have more faith in God than ANY Christian I have ever known. You
can't war against someone who does not exist. Since the Bible is a meaningless
book, who cares who has it? It is just empty words, there is no God, it is all
superstition." But he became all the more violent and hysterical, ranting at a
fever pitch about that awful book and Christianity. All I could see was the
awesome faith he had in the power of Christians and the Bible! I didn't know
about demons then, but I realized this man had more "faith" in God than any
Christian I knew.
My Christians friends convinced me there was no God. But my atheist friends
convinced there really was! How they hated Him so! How can you hate Someone that
doesn't exist? To hate Someone THAT much, you have to KNOW that He exists!
John 13:34-35 tell us YAHUSHUA commanded (COMMANDED) that we LOVE one another.
YAHUSHUA said no one will be convinced you are His disciple UNTIL you walk in
love towards one another. In my early twenties, my grandmother gave me her
Bible. Now, when she was 16 years old (1917) she went to a camp meeting and
received YAHUSHUA. In those days, when you received YAHUSHUA, they gave you a
free Bible, and wrote the day you got saved and your name in it. She had kept
this Bible for over seventy years, and gave it to me. I was very impressed, for
I knew that this was her most cherished material possession. I was very
impressed. I KNEW she had to have something REAL if she was going to give up
THAT Bible to a rebellious atheist like me. She HAD to believe it was real. Her
act was an act of LOVE. And just like YAHUSHUA said, and the scripture cannot be
broken, I was convinced SHE had something real. I HAD to be convinced, because
the Bible said it was a law that cannot fail. That's how God's Law works; just
like the Bible says! She walked in love, and I was convinced beyond a shadow of
a doubt that she (even if no one else I knew was) was definitely YAHUSHUA' true,
committed, absolutely uncompromising disciple. I had NO doubt at all SHE was
dead serious.
Do you see why we must walk in love if we are to win souls? YAHUSHUA said it, it
is so.
So I casually read my Bible. I read the four Gospels. I remember reading Mark
11:23-24 (YAHUSHUA speaking) "And whosoever shall say unto this mountain, be
thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea, and shall not doubt in their heart,
but believe in their heart that what they say shall come to pass, they will have
whatsoever they say. And therefore, whatsoever things you desire, when you pray,
believe that you receive them, and you shall have them." It was as if the words
jumped up and branded themselves on my mind. I was not born again. I did not
even believe there was a God. I read the Bible only out of respect for my
grandmother, and my conviction she was serious. I also honestly wanted to know
if there was a God. I just wanted proof. I had no proof. I had no evidence.
I studied that scripture for over twenty minutes. I said out loud, "If there is
a God, I will tell you what. I have never, ever, ever met anyone who says they
have done this. I have never, ever, ever, met anyone who talks about healing,
miracles, and deliverances of God like the ones in the Bible. God, show me ONE
person that has prayed this prayer of faith ONE time and had it work and I'll
believe it." Within the next few weeks, I got a better job and the new office
was full of Pentecostal Christians who believed you could have what you say
(provided what you say lines up with God's Word.) I heard several people give me
testimonies of being on their death bed yet being healed instantly by praying
the prayer of faith. One woman gave me a book by Kenneth E. Hagin, and
prophesied over me, "God says you will be the next Kenneth E. Hagin."
I thought they were all nuts.
But I wrote to Brother Hagin and ordered a couple dozen of his books. I checked
up on the Bible, and at least he was saying what the Bible says. He testifies
that he was born so deformed the doctors said he'd never live to see 16 years of
age. But he read Mark 11:23-24, believed YAHUSHUA meant what He said, acted upon
it, and was healed! Today, Brother Hagin is in his eighties and going strong.
When I was an atheist, I read my Bible just enough to cause trouble. I figured
if all these "Christian" churches believe the Bible, they should live it. Yet,
when I compared their services and beliefs with the scripture they were not even
close! James chapter 2 says to respect the poor, and not show favor to the rich.
I would often go to churches dressed as a rather poor person, and they would
ALWAYS rather rudely demand that I leave! They didn't believe or live what the
Bible said. They taught weird doctrines (like purgatory) that exist no where in
the Bible. So, I decided, whatever this church was, it sure wasn't a disciple of
the book they claimed they believed. I figured whatever a "follower of Christ"
was, they sure were NOT, because they didn't believe a word Christ said! I still
was not sure I believed all this stuff, but as a unbelieving atheist, I had to
admit: at least Brother Hagin takes the Bible literally and believes what it
says. He doesn't make things up and twist scripture the fit his preconceived
religious notions. So I began to read his books. I wanted to know what the BIBLE
said. I was hard pressed to find him say the smallest thing that disagreed with
the scripture. He taught the Bible, only the Bible, and just the Bible. He
taught what the BIBLE said.
But I still didn't believe it myself. I began to attend a Pentecostal church,
but they were no help. I kept asking people how you got saved, and they sounded
like my cousins; they weren't sure. They knew they were saved because they
attended an altar call. Well, I attended several altar calls and nothing
To this day, I almost cry when I see someone go to the altar and no one shows
them what the Bible says. I see the whole church rejoice because that person is
"saved" and yet I know beyond a shadow of a doubt they are not. They have that
same look of confusion and disappointment I had! And the church elders don't get
it! It is so sad. Do you see why it is so important EVERY Christian KNOWS what
the Bible says? I just can't stress that enough...
On Christmas Day of 1984, I literally begged an elder in the church to show me
how to get saved. Either she didn't care, or she didn't know. I still knew I had
no real deep conviction I was "saved." But I gave up.
Oh, how many people in the churches have gone to Hell because they gave up? When
all around them (in church, even "Full Gospel" churches) there was not one that
could show them the way? Brethren, we will answer to God for the blood on our
In January of 1985 I would try to pray, and no matter what happened, I could
only say one phrase, "YAHUSHUA, chain me to the Rock." I could say nothing else.
It began to scare me, so I quit praying. Big mistake. If that ever happens to
you, go with it and say what you have to say. I almost ended up in Hell over it.
In the dark hours of the morning of January 16th, 1985 I awoke in my room. There
was a man in my room as real as you or me. At first I thought a burglar was in
the house. When he saw I was awake, he grabbed me and the floor opened up, and
the earth itself opened up like a tunnel. I saw black and felt heat like a
furnace emanate from the tunnel. He was trying to take me to Hell. As I went
down to Hell, I was suddenly covered head to foot with thick steel chain. The
man (a demon) became hysterical and began to claw wildly at the chains. I looked
around behind me, and the chain was entirely embedded in an enormous Rock.
Somehow I knew the Rock was YAHUSHUA. God used Moses to typify YAHUSHUA as a
rock when He commanded Moses speak to the rock to bring forth water in the
desert. Hence the gospel song, "YAHUSHUA, the Rock cleft for me..." Anyway, I
awoke in bed, and there were claw marks on me. I placed my hand in the marks,
and they were much too large to have been made by my hands. So I knew someone
else had done this.
That day, I found a man who had been heavily into Satanism before he got saved.
I talked to him about demons and being saved. He said, "God just spoke to me and
said you have never been saved. You are not born again. "I said, "Well, I go to
church, but if I am DEFINITELY saved, I don't know it." He began to show me what
the BIBLE SAYS! He showed me I was sold into slavery to sin, I was a sinner,
because of Adam and because of my own sins. He showed me YAHUSHUA was sent of
God to be my Redeemer, washing away my sins with His Blood He shed on the Cross
for me. But I had to DO something to receive it. I had to do what Romans Chapter
10 verses 9 and 10 say, "If any man believe in his heart that God has raised
Christ from the dead, and confess with His mouth that YAHUSHUA is Lord, He SHALL
(know beyond a shadow of a doubt) be saved. For with the heart man believes unto
righteousness, and with the MOUTH CONFESSION is made unto salvation." Some
churches teach you can't KNOW you are saved. Well, you CAN because the BIBLE
says so. Believe the Bible, not your church!
I had to DO something. Salvation didn't just fall on me like over-ripe fruit. I
had to do what GOD said to do in His Holy Word. This is why we don't see answers
to pray. This is why we don't see results. We don't DO what GOD said to do in
His Holy Word. Whenever I do, I get results. When I OBEY the written Holy Word
of God, I get results. EVERY TIME! And you will too, if you DO what it says. Go
read the book of James if you don't believe me. The Bible says the exact same
thing! But I didn't KNOW that! But thank God, this brother was familiar with the
Bible and showed me what to do! See why ALL Christians need to study, believe
and act upon the Bible? You NEED to know how to get saved, and if you ARE saved,
you need to find out what happened to you! You can only ONE way: diligent,
prayerful READING of your Bible, and BELIEVING what it says. I am shocked at how
many Christians, even ministers, don't read their Bibles! If they do, they don't
believe a word that it says! No wonder Satan is crushing the church! And yes,
you need to stick with the 1611 authorized King James Version (KJV) and forget
the modern translations! The new translations have removed dozens and dozens of
key scriptures.
So I did what the Bible said! I did what this brother showed me the BIBLE said
to do, and was instantly saved! On January 16th, 1985 at 09:47PM Eastern
Daylight Time, I prayed: "Father, I am a sinner. I repent of my sins. So I am
SAYING IT (out loud with my mouth): I believe in my heart God raised Christ from
the dead, and I confess (out loud with my mouth) that YAHUSHUA IS LORD! And I
receive Him as MY Lord, promising to trust and OBEY Him." I felt like a huge
weight was pulled out of my chest. I saw a big black cloud go out of me. This
was YAHUSHUA removing my sins far from me, like the Bible promises He will (John
1:29, Psalms 103:12.) I was also instantly healed of eye disease. High noon on a
bright day was dark to me, and nighttime was almost impenetrable. I suffered
from "night blindness." But that hour, it was instantly removed from me. I was
also transported to Heaven. I was in a great room. Everything was dark stained
carved wood, and an oriental rug covered the center of the floor. I was in a
huge library with books all around (Daniel 7:10, Revelation 20:12.) On the rug
was a podium, with a very large book (Exodus 32:32, Daniel 12:1, Philippians
4:3, Revelation 3:5.) I saw a very large angel approach the book. He opened the
book, and suddenly I was behind him, looking over his shoulder. He opened the
book so that all the blank pages were on the right hand side. All the pages on
the left were written upon. I would say about 55% of the pages (written upon)
were on the left, and about 45% of the pages (blank) were on the right. And the
angel picked up a quill feather pen from an ink well and wrote:
On January 16th, 1985 at 09:47PM EDT Doyle H. Millington believed in his heart
that God raised Christ from the dead and confessed with his mouth that,
"YAHUSHUA is Lord." So do I affirm, witness, testify and confirm this day and do
therefore, by the power invested in me by the Most High God do enter his name
this day in the Lamb's Book of Life. Praise God forevermore, Amen!"
Then he slammed the book shut, and I was back in my house again. For over a
week, I saw the world in a different fashion. For one thing, I knew that I knew
that I knew that I was saved. Not because of the visitation, but because I KNEW
it on the inside of me. I had something there that was not there before (Acts
20:32, Galatians 3:18, Ephesians 1:11-18, Ephesians 5:5, Colossians 1:12, I
Peter 1:4, Romans 8:16-17, Galatians 3:6.) I had received the inheritance Christ
had bought for me. I had the Holy Ghost on the inside of me WITNESSING that I
WAS a child of God. I had forgiveness of sins. I was translated out of Satan's
slavery and translated into the Kingdom of YAHUSHUA Christ, God's Holy Son
(Colossians 1:13.) And I knew it beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Please note:
It is of extreme importance EVERY Christian read their Bible and be familiar
with scripture. I have NEVER had anyone ask me how to receive the New Birth. But
before I knew YAHUSHUA, I asked several people, and no one knew. They did not
read their Bibles. They did not believe what the Bible says. I could have gone
to Hell over it. I had been diligently asking people how to get saved (in a
"Full Gospel Pentecostal Church" no less!) for over two months and not one
person would help me. Perhaps they didn't care. Perhaps they didn't know what
the Bible even says. Perhaps they just didn't believe what the Bible says.
Either way, Let us not stand before God and have to explain why someone went to
Hell because we were not ready, able and willing to show them the way. Romans
15:4, Ephesians 1:18, II Timothy 2:15.
A person's testimony doesn't end with the New Birth. When a person receives
YAHUSHUA, their testimony has only just begun. I have written up some of the
experiences I have had with God since I came to know His Holy Son.
After I received YAHUSHUA Christ as my Lord and Savior, I realized I was healed
of my "night blindness," a condition that makes low light situations appear very
dark to the sufferer. At high noon on a cloudless summer day, if I attempted to
read a book indoors I had to focus a 100 watt bulb (often I used three) on the
page to read without straining. I rented an attic room in a boarding home, and
the socket in the ceiling could only hold a 30 watt bulb. The bulb resided
behind a frosted glass panel, and I never used it for reading as the light was
too dim. But that night (January 16th, 1985) I went to my room, turned on that
very light, and it appeared so bright it hurt my eyes. Never again did I need to
focus 300 watts of light on a page to read clearly, and even normal daylight
seemed much "whiter" and not nearly so "yellow."
I also perceived all the material world around me was just so much "smoke" and
the spirit world was the only thing solid. This agrees with the Bible. (Hebrews
11:3) I was also acutely aware that the "real me" was connected to somewhere
else, and my body was here on Earth, operated as if by "remote control." This,
too, is scriptural, for the 1st and 2nd chapters of Ephesians say that we ARE
(not will be--future tense; but ARE--present tense) seated at the right hand of
the Father in the Person of YAHUSHUA Christ in Heaven. YAHUSHUA is our Head, and
we are His Body here on Earth. Paul prays that all saints see, believe and
develop faith in this spiritual truth (Ephesians 1:16-23.) I was sensing the
fact that my spirit was connected to Christ at the right hand of the Father, but
my body was still on the Earth. But scripture says it, so it is true whether we
are consciously aware of it or not.
After I received the Lord, I realized with great horror that I could have spent
eternity in Hell. Hell is a real place. Refusing to believe in Hell will NOT
make it go away. Scripture calls it a place of everlasting torment, a place of
weeping and gnashing of teeth and a lake of fire that will never be put out.
(Revelations 19:20, Matthew 25:41, Mark 9:43-44, Luke 16:24-28.) I was angry
with all my atheist friends for trying to deceive me into going there, and all
my "Christian" relatives for not showing me the way. Really, we all have free
will, but it is typically human to want to blame someone else. I was also angry
with some "Christians" I knew because they lived such cruel, mean and hateful
lives I didn't believe for a moment they had anything real. Our personal lives
are the only Bible some will ever read. YAHUSHUA commanded we love one another,
and THEN (and ONLY THEN) WILL the world realize, believe, and be absolutely
convinced we are truly YAHUSHUA' disciples (John 13:34-35.)
I say this, brethren, because if WE don't walk in love, WE WILL receive the
greater damnation. YAHUSHUA said so. Matthew 23:14 says, (YAHUSHUA speaking,)
"Woe unto you scribes (Bible teachers and Bible students) and Pharisees
(preachers, rabbis, priests, pastors, elders, religious folk of all kind)
hypocrites! (A hypocrite is an imposter: a fake pretending to be something they
are not. By what sign can we identify the fakes? YAHUSHUA tells us...) for ye
devour widows' (rob the weakest and most defenseless of the poor of all they
own) houses AND FOR A PRETENCE MAKE LONG PRAYER: therefore, ye shall receive the
greater damnation." One sign of being a hypocrite is greed for money, and
preying on the weak, poor and defenseless. The Apostles Paul and Peter say some
preachers' only motive to preach and care for the flock is to make money! We are
warned NOT to preach, teach and fellowship for money! (II Thessalonians 3:1-16,
I Timothy 3:1-13, Titus 1:6-12, I Peter 5:2-4.) The phrase "filthy lucre" means
money. Notice the Apostles also warn us to FLEE from those that are only in it
for money! Stay away from them, avoid them!
Kenneth E. Hagin once wrote YAHUSHUA appeared to him and said, "More ministers
have gone to Hell over money that any other single factor." I believe it.
Brethren, flee any church that just seems to be about money, raising money, and
constantly pressuring you to give money. It is unbiblical, and the above
scriptures prove it is not God's will. Read Luke 16:10-15 where YAHUSHUA warned
us to love God more than money (mammon) and how the preachers "who were
covetous" (meaning they LOVED MONEY more than God) IMMEDIATELY derided YAHUSHUA,
PROVING what YAHUSHUA just told them was true, for they loved money more than
I will say it again: the BIBLE commands us to flee brethren that are just about
money, money, money. I know I just condemned 99.99% of the churches in America,
but YAHUSHUA said He'd judge us on what the BIBLE says, and that IS what the
BIBLE says. Period. Always robbing people of money is the first sign of a
brother or sister who is in rebellion against God.
After I received YAHUSHUA, God began to teach me that His disciples must live
right, and bear spiritual fruit, which is love, joy, peace, longsuffering,
gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance (self-control.) God called
(commands, demands) we bear fruit, and if we don't, we WILL be gathered up by
(deceived into following religious) MEN and our end will be to be BURNED! That
is, we will be judged by God and cast into Hell! Galatians 5:22, John 15 the
entire chapter, Matthew 3:10, Matthew 7:19, John 12:24-26.
YAHUSHUA was talking to HIS DISCIPLES when He warned them of being gathered up
by men and being burned. YAHUSHUA commanded we REMAIN in Him and in His Word or
be dried up like a dead branch. I believe this is what it means: if you get
dried up like a dead branch (stop living in His Word and Spirit, having no time
for the Bible or praise and worship) occultic religious phonies will come and
draw you astray. II Timothy 3:1-9. You will become farther and farther from God
until you die, stand before YAHUSHUA, and say, "Lord, Lord," and He will say, "I
never knew you, depart from Me and be cast into Hell..." Since the WORLD is NOT
in Christ, NOR in His Word, they can't "remain" in them. Christians are in the
Word and in Him. So these warnings are written to the BORN AGAIN, NOT to the
world. Notice again: The ones that HELPED THE POOR are the ones that were told,
"Well done, thou good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of the
Brethren, we can't receive the New Birth and then act any old which way and
still make it to Heaven. God made me to know that and Scripture backs it up.
YAHUSHUA Himself said to a Born Again Spirit Filled believing church,
(Revelations 3:5-6,) "He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white
raiment; and I (YAHUSHUA speaking) will not BLOT OUT HIS NAME OUT OF THE BOOK OF
LIFE, but I will confess his name before My Father, and before His angels. He
that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit (of God) saith unto THE
CHURCHES." Moses prayed to God in the wilderness that if God destroy the
Israelites for their idolatry of worshipping the Golden Calf, (Exodus 32:32)
then to blot his (Moses') name ALSO out of the Book of Life.
Daniel was promised (Daniel 12:1) everyone who was WRITTEN IN THE BOOK would be
delivered at the end of days. So, your name must be in the book. And God has the
power to blot it out. Both YAHUSHUA and Moses say so. Again, you cannot act any
old which way after you are born again and make it to Heaven. This is one of the
very first things God taught me! In Matthew 22:12 YAHUSHUA speaks of a man that
came to the wedding, but had no garment. In Revelations 3:17 YAHUSHUA says to a
BORN AGAIN church that they have failed to see they are wretched, blind, and
NAKED. YAHUSHUA commands them to buy gold tried in the fire so they can be
clothed in white raiment (clothes, meaning the salvation YAHUSHUA gave us.) So
you have a choice: it is up to YOU to put on the white garment by trusting in
Christ. God will NOT put it on FOR you. You have to do it. And you have to do it
according to the rules God laid out in His Word (II Timothy 2:5.) And once you
receive the things of God, you must fight to keep them (I Thessalonians 5:21, II
Thessalonians 2:15, II Timothy 1:13, Hebrews 3:6, 4:14, 10:23, Revelations 2:25)
for Satan comes immediately to wrestle it out of your hands (Luke 8:12,
Ephesians 6:12.)
I believe the men at the wedding were born again believers whose names had been
blotted out of the Lamb's Book of Life because they went back to living a
sinful, selfish life (Hebrews 6:4.) I believe the church in Revelations 3:17 had
already had their names blotted out. But because they were born again and
materially wealthy, they reasoned they were right with God, but they were not.
Remember, YAHUSHUA said they were NOT AWARE of their lost condition. This is so
dangerous; scripture warns the moment you think you are guaranteed to make it
in, you are in danger of falling (I Corinthians 10:12.) Scripture also warns us
that until we actually are in Heaven, it is not over yet (Matthew 10:22.) Which
means you can go turn away from God if you want to. Hebrews 3:12 (written to
born again Christians) warns BRETHREN not to depart from God with an evil heart
of unbelief. The Apostle Paul warns in Galatians 5:4 that if you trust in your
own righteousness, "ye ARE fallen from grace."
Finally, to disprove the false doctrine of "once saved, always saved" let me
quote Ezekiel 33:13, (God speaking) "When I (God) say to the RIGHTEOUS (God's
people; NOT the sinner) that he shall surely live; IF HE TRUST TO HIS OWN
RIGHTEOUSNESS (we trust in Christ's PERFECT righteousness shed in His Blood for
us at the Cross to save us, NOT "how good" we have been ourselves) AND COMMIT
INIQUITY, all his righteousnesses WILL NOT BE REMEMBERED; but his iniquity that
he hath committed, he shall die for it." Read Matthew Chapter 7, especially
verses 21-23. YAHUSHUA speaking, "Not everyone that saith unto Me, 'Lord, Lord'
shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven (that doesn't leave a lot of room for
argument, does it?): but he that DOETH (obeys) the Will of My Father which is in
Heaven. Many shall say to Me in that Day (the Judgement Day,) 'Lord, Lord, have
we not prophesied in Thy Name? and in Thy Name have cast out devils? and in Thy
Name done many wonderful works?' And then I (YAHUSHUA) will profess unto them,
'I never knew you: depart from Me that work INIQUITY.' "
In Matthew 25:41
YAHUSHUA tells us WHERE they will be cast to: "everlasting fire (Hell) prepared
for the devil and his angels." What does "iniquity" mean? God told me it means
high treason. It means betrayal, rebellion, disloyalty. Treason is attempting to
overthrow your master or government, which applies to trying to overthrow the
king to take the throne, a coup de tat.
So we could say many who promise to obey God saying, "Lord, Lord" are seeking to
set themselves up as Gods. Which is what Satan did from the beginning,
attempting to cast God off the throne and be god himself. And that is exactly
what Satan tempted Eve with: be your own god, who needs to submit to God? You
are better off being your own boss, don't be a slave to Yhwh. Remember, the way
back to salvation is to submit to God and put yourself back under His authority
(Isaiah 14:12-17, Genesis 3:5, James 4:6-12.) And submitting to God means loving
one another. See we see a simple pattern:
Satan's way: running your own life, taking advantage of others to benefit yourself,
working to get what you want.
God's Way: submitting to God, letting Him run your life, giving of self to benefit
others, seeking to gain what GOD wants, not what you want. Remember, we are told
to seek first His Kingdom, YAHUSHUA sought His Father's will, not His own will,
and we are told to pray that God's will be done in our lives, not our own, and
that doing the Father's will is absolutely necessary to make it into Heaven
(Matthew 6:33, 6:9-10, 7:21, John 5:30.)
Indeed, the scripture states that we have all like sheep gone astray, every man
going to HIS OWN (meaning anything that is not the Father's will) way. Doing
"your own thing" is a sure fire one way ticket to the lake of fire. Doing "your
own thing" is the very definition of sin, doing God's will is the very
definition of NOT sin. If you do what you want, you are in sin. If you do what
God wants, you are not in sin. So let us fast and pray and find out what God
wants, and do it. Simply doing what you want IS what God calls sin. Let us
submit our will to HIM and do what HE wants (Isaiah 53:6, James 4:13-15.)
Remember, YAHUSHUA told the preachers, "You are of (just like) your father, the
DEVIL, and his lusts you shall do. He (Satan) was a MURDERER from the beginning,
and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him." John 8:44. Notice
the connection between murdering people and lying. I have always contended the
only motive to tell a lie is to take advantage of someone. I John 3:15 tells us
whoever hates his brother is a murder, and no eternal life (God) abides in him."
John 10:15 and John 15:12-17.
Love is exactly the opposite. We lay down our lives for those we love, as
YAHUSHUA laid down His Life for us. This is the greatest commandment (Mark
12:31, John 15:12-13.) Robbing the poor certainly is NOT love, YAHUSHUA said, He
came to give men life more abundantly, but Satan comes to kill, steal and
destroy. Those that kill, steal and destroy are not following God, but Satan.
Those that follow God bring and share abundant life with others (John 10:10.)
Many of the scriptures that warn of Hell and falling away from God are followed
or preceded by scriptures about loving others or the dangers of walking in hate.
One example is when YAHUSHUA said it was better to cut off an eye, hand or foot
and enter Heaven crippled than go to Hell whole.
YAHUSHUA began this discourse AFTER He rebuked the disciples for striving with
other disciples and accusing them of not following YAHUSHUA according "their"
rules. The disciples were trying to boss others around, not SUBMIT to YAHUSHUA
and the Holy Ghost. See Mark 9:38-50 and Matthew 18:1-10: notice YAHUSHUA'
warning not to hate or despise other disciples, and that the disciples had
argued over "who would be greatest." God did not call us to dominate others, but
to SERVE them.
There is a principle reflected in all this: Satan's spirit desires to be god
over others. God's Spirit leads us to submit OURSELVES (not force others to
submit) to and obey God. Do you want to know what spirit a preacher is
following? Examine their fruit: Do they follow God and HELP people, or do they
follow Satan and boss, oppress, and rob people? And since YAHUSHUA said wolves
wear sheep's clothing, beware! Often the
greediest of all proclaim the loudest how generous they are (Matthew 6:1-4.) You
can tell because after they boast of their "generosity" they immediately demand
donations so they can "help others more." If they really cared, they'd tell YOU
to get out there and help your poor neighbor yourself. They would not seek to
hoard everyone else's time, labor and money to themselves!
I John was written to show us how to tell the wolves from the sheep. Unless you
follow scripture, they can be nigh impossible to tell apart. But by their fruit
you shall know them. Notice not ONE of the fruits of the Spirit (love, joy,
peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
meekness, temperance) has anything to do with bossing others around, but ALL of
them have to do with how well you behave towards others. The Apostle Paul and
John both ran into wolves, and YAHUSHUA warned us of them. (Galatians 2:4, Acts
20:29, II Corinthians 11:26, Matthew 7:15, 10:16, I John Chapter 2.)
Who prophesies and casts out devils in YAHUSHUA' Name? Remember, the wolves
said, "Did we not prophesy and cast out devils in Your Name?" According to Mark
16:15-18 prophesying and casting out devils are signs that follow those that
BELIEVE! So YAHUSHUA is telling CHRISTIANS they are HELL BOUND if they "work
iniquity" or sin. What sin specifically? Well, if we look at Matthew 25:42-46,
specifically, REFUSING TO HELP THE POOR, especially the poor Christian! Read all
of Isaiah Chapter 58. God says fasting and praying will not cause God to answer
your prayers. But you WILL get God's attention if you feed the poor, relieve the
oppressed, have mercy on the downtrodden, and keep the Sabbath.
Notice God puts keeping the Sabbath LAST! Mercy comes BEFORE religious
observances. Period. Hosea 6:6 shows God desires we have mercy on others MUCH
MORE than He desires we have religious obedience, EVEN obedience to the
religious ordinances GOD HIMSELF commanded! Mercy comes first, hence YAHUSHUA
did NOT break the Law when He healed on the Sabbath as the preachers accused
(Matthew 12:10-14.) Brethren, we need to have mercy if we want God's favor. The
first thing God taught me was that AFTER receiving YAHUSHUA Christ, we must 1)
Bear fruit by abiding in Him and His Word, 2) have mercy on others, 3) obey the
commandments of the Law LAST! Hosea 6:6 plainly states God wants MERCY on others
BEFORE sacrifice (religious obedience to the Law.) Let us not become so
religious we crush others beneath our "righteous stand." God will call us
traitors in that day of judgement if we do. God desires MERCY and not religion.
In the great faith chapter (Mark 11) YAHUSHUA tells us we must forgive our
debtors if we want God to forgive us, and forgiving others is absolutely
necessary if we are to have our prayers answered (Mark 11:25-26, Matthew 6:12,
Matthew 18:21-35.)
Another scripture that shows God wants mercy and not religion is this: Mark
7:6-13. I looked up the word "Corban" in Webster's Thesaurus, and this is what
it says:
Main Entry: cor·ban
Pronunciation: 'kor-"ban Function: noun
Etymology: Hebrew qorb An offering
Date: 14th century: a sacrifice or offering to God among the ancient
YAHUSHUA is saying to the preachers, you teach people that giving money to the
church is so important (just so you can profit yourselves) you will demand the
money even if the person has poor parents in need! This violates the scriptures!
And since honoring your parents is the first commandment with a promise attached
(long, healthy life) it is implied the preachers are causing people to die young
and live in sickness! All for their own greed!
Your family must come before the church! God commanded Moses to tell the people
your parents come first when you look to give money to someone in need. And your
neighbor comes second. The church comes last! That is what the Bible says!
YAHUSHUA taught His Disciples with the miracle of the loaves of bread (Mark
6:34-44,) the coins in the fish's mouth (Matthew 17:27,) the prayer of faith
(Mark 11:23-24,) and the teaching on the Good Father (Matthew 7:7-12) each of us
is to trust God for our needs, not to squeeze money out of others. If you know a
brethren or a preacher that does this, brethren, even if I myself ever do it,
flee from them. They have begun to deny the true faith. The same is true if they
refuse to help family members in need (I Timothy 5:8.)
Simply put, YAHUSHUA brings us back to the 1st and 2nd commandments, to Love God
with all your spirit, soul and physical strength, and to love your neighbor as
yourself. Whoever does this is not far from the Kingdom of Heaven. To love God
before all things, AND to love your neighbor as yourself is the firm foundation
that SUPPORTS all of the written Law and all the Prophets have ever said. And if
you love God and your neighbor as yourself, you will continue in His Word and
His fellowship (praising and worshipping YAHUSHUA in your private prayer life)
and you WILL begin to bear fruit. If you do not bear fruit, God will cut you
off, and MEN will gather you up and you will be burned (Exodus 20:1-6, Leviticus
I heard a sermon by Reverend Novel Hayes entitled: Worship, worship, worship,
worship, the key to having favor with God.
I highly recommend the tape to everyone. In the Bible, when people wanted to
hear God's Voice directly, they spent hours (sometimes days) on theirfaces
before God worshipping and praising Him. Sometimes, but not always, they fasted.
Reverend Hayes takes you through scripture and reveals that the proper
atmosphere in which God speaks and moves is one of BIBLICAL praise and worship.
Acts 13:1-2 states, "Now there were in the church that was in Antioch certain
prophets and teachers...as they ministered (praise and worship) to the Lord, and
fasted, THE HOLY GHOST SAID, 'Separate Me Barnabas and Saul for the work
whereunto I have called them.' "
Now notice, they did three things: They came together with other believers. They
praised God. They fasted. And what happened? God SPOKE to them. In Matthew
16:21-28 a woman comes to YAHUSHUA and wants her sick daughter healed. YAHUSHUA
ignores her and refuses to talk to her. Then she comes to Him again, and it says
"Then came she AND WORSHIPPED Him, saying, Lord, help me" and YAHUSHUA delivers
her daughter.
Praise and worship is the Biblically proper way to approach God. Psalms 100:4
tells us how to approach God: Have thanksgiving in your heart, and praise,
express your thanks to Him, and bless His Holy Name. The reason? Because His
Mercy endures FOREVER!
If you read the account of the Israelite's defeat at Ai, you read that Joshua
got God's attention and voice by spending the whole day on his face before God
and the Ark of the Covenant. At evening, God SPOKE to Joshua (Joshua 7:6-15.)
Even the devil realizes the proper way to procure answer to prayer is to worship
God. Read Mark Chapter 5:1-20. The devils in the mad man fell at YAHUSHUA' feet
and WORSHIPPED Him before asking to be cast into the pigs. YAHUSHUA complied.
God told Norvel Hayes the church is sadly lacking. We do not worship Him enough.
You have to get alone in the privacy of your home and get on your knees and just
worship YAHUSHUA, telling Him how much you love Him and appreciate Him. So I
did. And after a few weeks, suddenly, God began to speak. The first time God
spoke to me He warned me a person's life was in danger. I thought I was just
hearing voices, so I ignored it. Later, the very person God had mentioned almost
died. I repented and vowed to believe and obey when He speaks.
After a while, YAHUSHUA began to appear to me. He would just walk in my room
like an ordinary person and sit and talk to me. This happened every day at 6 PM
on the dot. I would often tell a Christian woman at my work place what He said.
She would always says, "Oh, that's Romans Chapter 8" or "That's Timothy the 2nd
chapter," or "That's John Chapter 7." I told the Lord, "What is she talking
about?" He told me to look in my Bible. The Bible is separated into books, each
book has a title, each chapter and verse has a number. Hence, John 3:16 is John
(the Gospel) the third chapter, the 16th verse: "For God so loved the world,
that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoseover believes in Him should not
perish, but have everlasting life." I looked it up. He was right.
The very next day 6 PM came and no Lord. I waited till 6:05 and began to wonder.
At 06:07 I began to pray. God spoke to me and said, "You have no need I appear
to you. You now know all I ever did say and ever will say is what the Bible
says. The Bible is My Holy Word. It is YOUR responsibility to read the Bible and
find out what it says."
To this day, if I have a vision or appearance, and IT DOESN'T AGREE WITH THE
BIBLE, I reject it. Period. God stays in line with the Holy Word. YAHUSHUA
Himself said the scripture cannot be broken (John 10:35, Matthew 5:18.) If you
want God to speak to you, read your Bible. The Bible IS God talking to you. And
yes, stick with the 1611 King James version. Spend time in praise and worship so
you can discern what the Bible is saying.