Pastor Angie Ray, a Goliath of an enemy, has died.
This Voodoo Priestess Masquerading As A Deliverance Minister Put Many Victums
Under Satanic Bondage! Are You One of Them? If So, You Are In Danger and Need To
Be Set Free From The Bondage This Evil Woman Put You In!
Multitudes are writing and stating they were once a part of her congregation and, like them, we are asking if Angie Ray practiced Voodoo on the pretense of being Christian? Why do I get the emails where people became demon possessed after joining her ministry or attending her church?
Why did she have everyone chant, "The blood, the blood, the blood"?
I read something yesterday that made me think of your website again... Praise
God - Elisheva is right again!!! Be encouraged...
Someone sent me a book called "Running Against the Wind" by Brian Flynn. The
author used to be heavily into New Age mysticism. Then he became a Christian.
Then he was shocked to find New Age practices infiltrating many churches.
The repetition of "The blood" in Angie Ray's church sounds like a New Age
'mantra' designed to silence thought. It gets the brain into a different level
of consciousness. This opens one up to demonic forces.
The word used for a mantra is *irrelevant.* Using "Christian" words ("The
Blood") is no doubt a way to infiltrate churches. It may also be called
'contemplative prayer.'
REAL Christian meditation involves thinking about scripture thoughtfully... NOT
trying to silence one's thoughts. There is *no* place to pray in that way given
in the Bible. When YAHUSHUA teaches the disciples how to pray, in no way does that
resembles Pastor Angie Ray's "The blood" mantra. Biblical prayers are mindful,
not mindless.
There is no evidence of a mantra-type prayer in the Bible yet as it infiltrates
churches, yet it abounds in other religions. It is clearly part of mysticism in
other religions (Islamic Sufism, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc). It may be used as a
way to *unite* religions. The brain activity and experiences are identical.
Churches who are going this route are in danger!
Praise God he sent me this book - and I think your experience is just a
confirmation of more infiltration to watch out for. Be wary of the term
"Contemplative Prayer" for this is often a term to describe mantra-style
mind-blanking. The fruits of it - people accepting many religions as OK.
God bless, Pia
And when I attended her church and said, "The blood of JESUS," she stopped the
services to have the elders of the church rebuke me. I have proof that Angie Ray
was having people pray for my death and quote those words in a prayer she told
them to recite. What kind of minister tells their congregation to fast and pray
for another pastor's death? There are those who claim to be Christians and even
say the name of JESUS and yet they are mixing in voodoo, Satanism and
Not once did she try and make peace. Instead she had her congregation fast and
pray for my death...and I am told they are still fasting and praying for my
death and the destruction of this ministry. As far as we are concerned, the
deceased pastor Angie Ray is a Goliath that has fallen. And now her daughters
are trying to silence me and say I am slandering her character. Yet I have read
the lies she has told the people about me. People are writing and saying they
feared her and the retaliation of others in the congregation and ask me not to
post their names.
To tell you the truth I am weary of cowards and so is YAHUSHUA! Even Bishops and
Apostles write me and ask me not to post their names. Since when did YAHUSHUA'S
warriors turn into wimps?
To those millions who joined Angie Ray in fasting praying for my [Elisheva's]
death, your prayers have only been boomaranged back against you and the first
one to fall--as far as I know--has been Angie Ray hereself. She died on December
10th, 2005. I am still trying to find out how and where she died. Perhaps
someone reading this who knows the circumstances surrounding her demise will
contact me so the details can be posted here.
Angie Ray Ministries was also referred to her as ARM. But her ARM couldn't save
her from the ARM of YAHUVEH'S vengeance.
I can only wonder if she died suddenly while sitting in her huge wooden throne
during services at her church and toppled to the floor dead in front of her
congregation. I wouldn't be surprised, for when YAHUVEH'S judgment comes down
like a hammer on someone like her, He makes a public display so there is no
doubt that He is the one behind it. Remember how Goliath fell. Right there in
front of his own men and also their enemy, the Jews. A young boy named David
with one small stone from a sling shot put a that blasphemer on his back long
enough for David to take off his head.
YAHUVEH is not to be mocked!
In 1 Samuel 42-49 we read...
42 And when the Philistine looked about, and saw David, he disdained him: for he
was but a youth, and ruddy, and of a fair countenance.
43 And the Philistine said unto David, Am I a dog, that thou comest to me with
staves? And the Philistine cursed David by his gods.
44 And the Philistine said to David, Come to me, and I will give thy flesh unto
the fowls of the air, and to the beasts of the field.
45 Then said David to the Philistine, Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a
spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the LORD of hosts,
the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied.
46 This day will the LORD deliver thee into mine hand; and I will smite thee,
and take thine head from thee; and I will give the carcases of the host of the
Philistines this day unto the fowls of the air, and to the wild beasts of the
earth; that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel.
47 And all this assembly shall know that the LORD saveth not with sword and
spear: for the battle is the LORD'S, and he will give you into our hands.
48 And it came to pass, when the Philistine arose, and came and drew nigh to
meet David, that David hasted, and ran toward the army to meet the Philistine.
49 And David put his hand in his bag, and took thence a stone, and slang it, and
smote the Philistine in his forehead, that the stone sunk into his forehead; and
he fell upon his face to the earth.
While speaking to my site manager on 12.16.2005, I told him I had received an
email from someone on 12.11 telling me that Angie Ray had died. We then began
searching the internet for confirmation, but could find nothing.
Well, he decided to go to her site again, and suddenly there it was, an on-line
memorial for Angie Ray, complete with sweet background music and an elaborate
cyber memorial book filled with acculades and praise for this evil woman. She
masqueraded as a Christian and had many undiscerning people fooled who did not
know, or maybe couldn't believe she was a servant of Satan who did not help
people get delivered from demons, but was responsible for demonizing people who
walked through the front doors of her church.
Ray's lawyer sent me an email shortly after this information was posted,
threatening a lawsuit for what I related had been spoken from my friend. The
disclaimer I put up as a result of this has been removed so the page is as it
was originally posted.
I have learned from this to NEVER run FROM my Goliaths, but to run TOWARD them,
because my Shield and Buckler Almighty YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA will protect me as I
proclaim the Truth. And, as in the case of Angie Ray, send the curses and demons
they are trying to destroy me with RIGHT BACK INTO THEIR FACES and give them
what they tried to put on me.
YAHUSHUA told me years ago, when I was used to expose Angie Ray and her church,
and my life was threatened because of that, David didn't run AWAY from Goliath,
he ran TOWARDS Goliath.
YAHUVEH has roared and those of you who send death threats and curses against
this Ring Maiden and HIS servant--or against any of those who love HIM and
belong to HIM--you had better repent while you can before He devours you with
HIS Wrath.
I am now praying for the deliverance of those who were demonized by Angie Ray
and/or her daughters and associates. Even if you were among those who fasted and
prayed for my death, if you have truly repented of your sin, I forgive you.
Please email me at and I will pray with and for you.
Angie Ray is the first of many dominoes set to fall, the enemies of this
ministry who are calling for my death, who are sending demons and curses against
me and my family. You will reap what you are sowing and YOU will be the ones to
experience first hand what you are trying to throw upon me! For you aren't
fighting against just a are going up against YAHUVEH HIMSELF. And He
NEVER losses a battle against those who oppose Him!