Our Heavenly Father GOD YAHUVEH uses the anointing of the HOLY SPIRIT to put
HIS ministers and ministries and even lay ministries, by HIS hand into the Body
of YAHUSHUA, YAHUSHUA, on this earth to do HIS will, for the sake of saving
souls. These people are held accountable how they use the gifts of the HOLY
SPIRIT and shall one day be held accountable if they harmed a good fruit
ministry. If they were told to expose a bad fruit ministry or movement and
others were warned then they would be rewarded for that. OUR MOST HIGH GOD
YAHUVEH anoints ministers and their work by the HOLY SPIRIT. I have learned this
it takes MORE than the physical eye to be a FRUIT INSPECTOR it takes the
ANOINTING and DISCERNMENT and then remember this, "We are ALL learning and NONE
of US are perfect."
One Day our HEAVENLY FATHER GOD YAHUVEH shall judge all our works. Will our work
be considered as stubble and burn quickly like HAY? Or will it stand for the
When we harm good fruit ministries by slandering each other’s ministry because
we don't understand what someone does or is anointed in a different way, then we
are throwing stones sometimes boulders as we speak against them. When we judge
one another and others walk with GOD we are throwing Stones or Boulders.
Remember the woman caught in adultery and brought before YAHUSHUA?
John Chapter 8:
3 And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery; and
when they had set her in the midst,
4 They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act.
5 Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest
6 This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But YAHUSHUA
stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them
7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them,
He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.
There are boulder throwers, stone throwers then there are those who are the
stone collectors and try and repair the damage done to others and themselves.
The stones and boulders come in various sizes.
Recently I was attacked and slandered on another website because I defended
another Minister (David Du Boice) who is one of my dearest trusted friends.
Although we started out as Enemies GOD turned it around in such a way that in
faith believing we shall one day soon minister side by side as GOD wills it! I
have chosen to LINK SITES with HIS in "WHO IS YAHUSHUA." This is truly a MAN OF
GOD and he freely gives his time to minister to others.
Anyone who speaks a word against David Du Boice in my presence should know in
advance that GOD has vindicated him in my eyes. I see the wounds of the stones
and boulders that have been thrown at him and felt them. I am ashamed to say
that at one time I too threw stones at him, as did he to me ...both of us have
repented. I did NOT understand many things until GOD taught me through the
anointing that NOT everyone ministers the same way.
David Du Boice, has a different way of ministering than I do but then that does
not make it wrong ...it means the HOLY SPIRIT uses us just as we are with the
unique personality and experiences he has given us. This does NOT mean all
ministers will think alike on all things, but the main point is that if they
Accepted YAHUSHUA as LORD and SAVIOR and SERVE and WORSHIP HIM, and are washed
in HIS cleansing Blood - shed for US at Calvary, then we had better NOT be
throwing Stones at another Disciple of YAHUSHUA, and REPENT when we have. This I
openly do now even to those who have thought of me as their enemy.
It is true that there are multitudes of Ministers who call themselves ministers
and are in name only. These False Shepherds use the people for their own profit.
The HOLY SPIRIT will point out to those who seek the truth who they are...but I
will leave that to GOD to judge them and tell you and HE will. If you ask me of
my opinion of someone else’s ministry then I will pray on it. Most of all I will
pray that if that person is in error of leading GOD'S flock astray then they
will quickly repent! For GOD YAHUVEH HIMSELF will call HIS wrath down upon the
shepherd who seeks to lead the flock astray. Especially if they KNOWINGLY harm,
destroy, lead away, and FLEECE the flock of lambs and sheep financially.
Something has changed in the spiritual realm and it started Late last year 1999
I FELT it in my Spirit and it is this...BEWARE FALSE SHEPHERDS who are only out
to make yourself FAT while you starve the Sheep and Lambs. You are afraid to
rebuke sin and warn of the consequences. You remain silent so you don't offend
your tax-exempt status. I will not point a finger anymore for GOD himself will
point HIS finger at you and you will no longer stand!
I was attacked on another website because I defended the ANOINTING for it was
said the "anointing" was NOT desired by a man who writes replies to prayers on
this prayer board website. The moderators didn't REBUKE the attack, but instead
I was slandered and rebuked. I forgive them, again I want to state that the old
Elisheva would have named the website but instead "Love overlooks a multitude of
This person in error said he praised GOD that he was UN ANOINTED! Even another
Pastor didn't defend the anointing of the HOLY SPIRIT as a gift to be
desired...instead chose to attack me, another minister. I forgive them all and
use the stones and boulders thrown at me to build an altar of sacrifice for
YAHUSHUA! For I was persecuted for HIS NAMESAKE and because in the LOVE of GOD,
I defended the Anointing and another minister - David Du Boice.
The bible says I am to count it all JOY when I am persecuted for HIS namesake!
At this site, I wrote scripture and taught on what the anointing really is and
ALL should desire it. I did this for the sole purpose of the new babes in Christ
NOT being misled and thinking the anointing was evil. Rather I pointed out the
greatest anointed one ever HIS name is YAHUSHUA and we should all want to be
anointed as HIS children. I prayed a prayer of what I thought was a blessing but
NO ONE wanted this blessing.
That people do NOT hear Elisheva Eliyahu, or See Elisheva Eliyahu. When I
minister I want the Congregation only to hear the HOLY SPIRIT SPEAKING FORTH
from this vessel of Clay. My desire is to be invisible so GOD can be glorified!
So everyone will KNOW it is NOT a mere woman speaking but GOD speaking forth
under the anointing of the HOLY SPIRIT using these lips of clay and doing signs,
wonders, and miracles for the GLORY of YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA - for the sake of
souls to be healed, delivered, saved, and Blessed!
For now on I choose to be a collector, and lay the boulders and stones, thrown
at others and me along with all our wounds at the foot of Calvary's cross.
YAHUSHUA will carry the burden of the tears and sorrows caused by the casting of
the stones and boulders. But know this, for every single boulder and stone
thrown, it has someone’s fingerprint on it. Is it yours?
I choose to leave the stones as a living sacrifice for I was persecuted NOT in
my name but because I spoke the truth and the truth was what was rebuked. The
bible says I am to count it all JOY when I am persecuted for HIS namesake! So I
am told by the HOLY SPIRIT to NOT throw the stones back at the persecutors
instead KNOW that VENGENACE belongs to GOD YAHUVEH alone and HE will repay...I
am to lay the stones and boulders down and build a altar of sacrifice on them. I
am told to lay the weight of the sorrow on YAHUSHUA, and his Sweet HOLY SPIRIT,
is my comforter. I am told to write this and teach others to do the same for
those that choose to WAR against me and slander this ministry with lies.
LET GOD BE YOUR JUDGE AND HE SHALL BE! It took me a long time to go and gather
up my boulders and stones I threw at others and lay them at the foot of
YAHUSHUA’s cross and allow the blood of YAHUSHUA, to cleanse them and me.
I am sure there are stones lying around yet with my bloody fingerprints still
upon them. I am grateful GOD showed me the error of my ways YES by feeling the
impact of the PAIN the stones and Boulders inflict as they hit my mind, body,
spirit, and soul. For me I don't want to STONE anyone anymore and this is my
Isaiah 61 is the main mandate of this ministry and it is used to bind up the
broken hearted. I grieve that I ever inflicted pain on another of YAHUSHUA's
servants or children. The enemies I have hurled the stones at and who deserved
them I now hand even those stones to YAHUVEH who says " Vengeance is mine sayeth
the LORD I will repay." He did use me to point out some ministers who were
harming the people but NOW as of late last year 1999 GOD YAHUVEH, HIMSELF will
QUICKLY tear down what is NOT meant to be built and build again what was torn
down and meant to grow and expand. I repent to GOD and this congregation
Because I did not understand WHY some ministered the way they did, or I JUDGED
them or DISLIKED them without cause, or believed the LIES spoken of them. I can
only plead with the receivers of those I stoned to forgive me like I stoned
David Du Boice and have repented since and he forgave me.
I pray that the others I stoned without cause like Benny Hinn will lay the
stones at YAHUSHUA's cross. I hope that they will forgive me and pray for mercy
for me, as I pray mercy for them. I pray that the LORD will heal the wounds that
the stones I threw inflicted on the other servant’s mind, body, spirit and
souls! This is NOT to say I understand the way some ministers behave but it is
to say that GOD has shown me that I have touched and should not have, in the
spiritual realm.
Although they may not hear it with their physical ears I apologize to Benny Hinn,
Jan and Paul Crouch, and others. I offer my apology and I repent of touching
TBN, although sometimes in error TBN does MORE good than any one ministry I have
heard of. It is NOT my job to Judge Paul and Jan only to love them for they are
still part of the Body of YAHUSHUA.
OUR MOST HIGH GOD YAHUVEH anoints ministers and their work by the HOLY SPIRIT.
I praise GOD the stones that have been thrown at others and myself will NOT harm
us but GOD himself will boomerang them back to the sender if they DO NOT REPENT.
Judge not lest ye be judged to paraphrase the scripture. My prayer is that the
people who judge me will take the log out of their own eyes before trying to
remove a splinter from Elisheva Eliyahu or David Du Boice's eyes. Again one day
the JUDGE who is the ALMIGHTY JUDGE of Heaven and Earth and ALL CREATION shall
say which of US was right or wrong.
I cleanse all boulders, stones I have thrown in the past with the SHED BLOOD OF
YAHUSHUA (YAHUSHUA) and ask that person to forgive me. For truly I knew NOT what
I was doing...do YOU? Those of you who throw STONES at me, do you really know
what your DOING? Maybe you should get to know the work of the servant you throw
the stones at?
Rev. Elisheva Eliyahu