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Judgment Is Set!

His Evil Caught Up With Him...Bobby Barnes is DEAD!

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion,
walketh about, seeking whom he may devour" I
Peter 5:8

Bobby Barnes is REPROBATE!

Email from satanist Bobby Barnes:

hello elisheva,

i bet you thought you would not hear from me again because of your warnings to me. just so you know your threats do not bother me. i know the power i hold and i am building a following. This IS my hour and my time. i will show you what true darkness is. remember elisheva you are in my state now.

We rebuke this in the name of YAHUSHUA and apply the blood of YAHUSHUA.

Elisheva the day of judgement is coming for you and your ministry when you will be exposed for what you really are. a fake......
see you in your dreams,


warlock of the exalted prince of all lucifer

Response from Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu:

Bobby Barnes (I use your real name):

MY husband, is sending this out to strongly anointed apostles and prophets and those who know the delivering name and blood of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. We are sending this to mighty prayer intercessors, and warriors for YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH this battle is not for a babe to enter in. Only the strong in YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA who will not doubt that We have the authority over satan and demonic rulers and servants of satan in the name of YAHUSHUA through the blood of YAHUSHUA. They know that "we are more than conquerors through the blood of YAHUSHUA Ha MASCHIACH.(JESUS CHRIST) Bobby Barnes, this is your last moment of fame as your name is posted for the world to see shortly.

In THE NAME OF YAHUSHUA I command you to remember NOW! The BOBBY BARNES that once called me his mentor and spiritual mother and once loved YAHUSHUA! as well as loved me and covered me in loving prayers. I command in the name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH (JESUS CHRIST) for satan to be bound long enough so you can hear the voice of this apostle speaking forth! I command in the name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH for all demons in you to stop manifesting, stop communicating with you and UNLINK until you are able to hear as the Young Boy Bobby Barnes once did, when he was a very young teenager that once had his name written in the lambs book of life BEFORE it was blotted out! I command you in the name of YAHUSHUA that you will feel compelled to read this email out loud! MORE than ONCE!

In the name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH (JESUS CHRIST) In The shed blood of YAHUSHUA we stand against ALL evil principalities against evil powers, against the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. We stand on Luke 10:19 YAHUSHUA's own promise and words! They cannot lie!

"Behold I give you power to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you. " also "no weapon formed against me shall prosper and every tongue that riseth against me I shall condemn, this is the heritage of the saints of the LORD YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. These are MY promises Bobby Barnes NOT yours! For you serve satan and worship him and I serve YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH (JESUS CHRIST) I have a blood covering for my sins, you have NONE!

Why do you continue to TRY and persecute me? Why have you not forgotten me after all these years? What is it that sets me apart from the other Christians you now hate? Did you not once call me your spiritual mother? Did you not once love me as I gave you the love of a mother, even greater than your own mother cared. I cared for your soul and mentored you in the ways of YAHUSHUA, teaching you the Holy Scriptures. Bobby I choose to forgive you, do you know why? YAHUSHUA FORGIVES ME. By your own laws anyone that you send your curses and cast your spells on or send conjured up demons too, when you do this to someone that has never harmed you, and who forgives you, the curses and spells and demons only return back to the sender of this evil. Bobby you are reaping your own destruction and damnation. Judgement is set. Prophets and apostles cover me in their prayers, and combat the evil you send my direction. This is only flying back in your face and your own so called following will curse you as one after another fall like Domino's by the only GOD of creation and his name is YAHUVEH and the ONLY son of YAHUVEH and his name is YAHUSHUA! You use to call him JESUS.

I am sad Bobby for you are now reprobate there is no hope for you. I am blessed and you are cursed. I am saved from hell and the lake of fire through the blood of YAHUSHUA. My Heavenly FATHER told me to tell you each word I have written for you will hear my questions again and again like a broken record for ALL eternity! Not only in hell but as you swim in the lake of fire for all eternity! You shall hang your head in shame as you bow at the feet of the GOD I serve YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA on Judgement day and remember I came to you in love and you seek my destruction. Why? Do you ever ask yourself why?

You told me on the phone when I called you the day you were going to kill yourself, that even satan knows which ministries he can destroy and "this is NOT one of them!" You said this in a demon possessed voice and the demon admitted this is "ONE ministry it can't touch!" Because the GOD I serve YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA protects what is theirs! This ministry is NOT named after a man or woman, but you have tried to destroy what HEAVEN has built . You are trying to destroy the ministry that has to do with gathering in the 144,000, and even has something to do with the two witnesses as stated in revelation. You know who I am and what my calling is, for satan has revealed this to you. You probably know more about this than I do or my beloved husband. Why don't you tell me and admit this is the reason. You know I have a spiritual ROD of YAHUVEH'S wrath to use against demons and the evil prophets of Baal. You know I am now married and the two anointings have come together, the two ephods have come together. The two staffs have become a more complete ROD. You know what I prophecy is TRUTH .

You also know the archangel Michael has protected me and will continue too. Need I remind you that Michael kicked the GOD you serve now OUT OF HEAVEN! The angel Michael that protects me and this ministry as well as Israel will one day very soon chain satan for a thousand years throwing satan in the bottomless pit! This is the one you call a winner? ONE angel did and will do all of that! That angels name is Michael. You are on the LOSING team! YOU have chosen to leave the winning team for once you served YAHUSHUA (JESUS CHRIST) and now you serve the LOSER satan!

Do you not know nothing is stronger than the name of YAHUSHUA! Do you not know when you come against me, my husband, loved ones or friends of this ministry a weapon that is stronger than any weapon in this universe is the Name and BLOOD OF YAHUSHUA that stands against YOU and all your evil cult! Do you not yet know you will reap what you are sowing? Bobby I tell you all this because this time next year you will no longer be on the face of this earth your name will have been LONG FORGOTTON!

You once carried the cross around your town leading souls to YAHUSHUA. You once preached the gospel of TRUTH that is in the bible. You sent me your sermons just a young boy and so full of love for YAHUSHUA! What happened Bobby? Do you ever remember any of this?
Bobby you are a confessed murderer. You asked me on the phone how did I know? I told you Bobby, "You know what spirit is inside of me." [Note: Elisheva only knows this man is guilty of murder, as revealed to her by the HOLY SPIRIT, she has no knowledge of any of the details of the murder.]

Why would you ask me this question? The HOLY SPIRIT told me! YAHUVEH told me! You confessed to having a hand in 9 deaths! I told you what you had to do to be forgiven. To turn yourself in to the law, and most of all to come back to JESUS CHRIST and be willing to go to jail or even a death sentence for you would have to pay for what you had done.

Instead you have only grown more evil. Bobby you seek to use me as a sacrifice. You and I both know the greatest sacrifice satan wants is someone that is sanctified, consecrated, anointed, and holy who serves YAHUSHUA. Bobby Barnes you are defeated for in the name of YAHUSHUA by the blood of YAHUSHUA! I rebuke you and all of your cult and the ROD of YAHUVEH'S will be used against you shortly. I have that spiritual rod, it has grown in the anointing power when my husband came. It is the spiritual rod like unto Moses.

Bobby, before GOD YAHUVEH that created you takes your life, before you die, tell me the answers to these questions I have wondered about these many times. A prophet has even recently told me how soon your death is. No power can hide you from YAHUVEH. You have a choice and you listened to satan to contact me again and threaten me. Here is the questions. What did Walter do and say to you when he appeared to you? Do you remember you even described his appearance? Do you remember what he looks like? Do you remember how he scared you? He is a dead man now, reaping what he sowed, Destruction Torment and fear. Hell now claims his soul. He is no longer part of my life. You listened to citizen in hell song that vision of hell given to me, When was the last time you listened to it? Do you know even satanists are coming to YAHUSHUA because of that song? You used it to bring souls to heaven long ago and you think satan is going to reward you one day ? what a fool you are! He hates you like he hates all humans! He will mock you for eternity in your torment as he does ALL who serve him.

I am protected in the name of YAHUSHUA! By the blood of YAHUSHUA! I stand in the full armour of GOD YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and so do all my loved ones. Ephesians 6...what armour do you have ? NONE

Good bye Bobby, YAHUSHUA used me to save your life on the day you were going to commit suicide, was it only 2 years ago? While I prayed and wept for you on the phone begging you NOT to kill yourself as a minister. I command you in the name of YAHUSHUA to come back one more time, I summon the true BOBBY BARNES that I once loved and respected as a young teenage prophet, who once served the same GOD I do NOW! YAHUSHUA! I command in the name of YAHUSHUA for satan to be bound as you read this email, for the demons to be bound that are in you, for you MUST HEAR the voice of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA speaking forth from me and writing this NOW!

I am being used to tell you JUDGEMENT has been set, YOU WILL DIE shortly by the hand of YAHUVEH, vengeance will be HIS and I mean VERY shortly. Why? because you dare to TRY to touch YAHUVEH'S anointed and someone that never did you any harm, Who only tried to love you and be a blessing to you. I grieve that Bobby Barnes chooses death over life, Hell over Heaven, satan over YAHUSHUA

I FORGIVE YOU! For you have been a pawn of satan, a puppet on a string. If you dare come to me by astral projection, I have done this before and warned others who seek my destruction, invading my privacy and coming as servants of satan. I have the authority and I have the mandate in the name of YAHUSHUA to CUT YOUR SILVER CORD! I WILL DO THIS! With the double edged sword of YAHUSHUA Ha Mashiach! The one you once called the LORD JESUS CHRIST! All your spells and curses are rendered null, void and powerless in the name of JESUS CHRIST my YAHUSHUA ha Mashiach! The shed blood of Calvary that was shed by YAHUSHUA stands against you and your cults and all your curses and covens and demons you try and send my way. All these servants of satan will reap destruction as once again an Elijah shows the FATHER GOD YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA I serve is greater than the evil prophets of Baal!

I would say REPENT but I know you won't. You have done the unpardonable sin BLASPHEMINED the HOLY SPIRIT! You once tasted the goodness of YAHUSHUA and once were filled with his gifts and calling and the HOLY SPIRIT and now you are a dead man full of the works of satan. YAHUSHUA defeated satan 2,000 years ago and you know the scriptures so I am not to quote any of them to you. This would be like casting pearls before SWINE!

Your own laws in Witchcraft says 3 times the curses must return to you when someone forgives you. But now YAHUVEH SAYS in the name of YAHUSHUA more than a hundred thousand fold will return back to you, it will be innumerable and your so called followers will taste YAHUVEH'S same wrath in the name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. I said good bye earlier now I say it again. I feel like I am standing at your funeral Bobby Barnes. Every knee will bow before the Creator YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH one day, INCLUDING SATAN! YOUR KNEE WILL BOW, YOU will ONCE again admit YAHUSHUA alone is LORD! KING OF KING and LORD OF LORDS! But it will be too late then Bobby Barnes. I use your REAL name I shall put your name out before the world. This is your 15 minutes of fame that Andy Warhol that is in hell now proclaimed. Enjoy it Mr. Bobby Barnes not even 22 years old yet, and you have pronounced your own doom. "Touch not my anointed and neither do my prophets any harm" You have persecuted me now for years, and the season has come to a close. GOD YAHUVEH has raised up powerful intercessory prayer warriors and some are even the 144,000 who will read this.

Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu

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