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Bone Of My Bones, Flesh Of My Flesh Poem

10/23/99 Sabbath Saturday 12:00 pm
First I awoke to these words:

I sent you Pastor Harry Regan as Confirmation he fasted 40 days so you would hear. And GOD gave me this poem to write in the dream as GOD spoke to me awakening me with the words of the poem below..


I woke with the LORD speaking these words to me and told to get up and write them down. I thought these words were just a promise to me now I know they are for ALL my Sisters in YAHUSHUA who have walked in the shoes I have walked. Rev. Elisheva Eliyahu on Oct. 10, 1999 12:00 pm

written by Rev.Elisheva Eliyahu under the anointing of HOLY SPIRIT Oct.23,1999 A promise from GOD given to me I now share with those who wait for the BEST in a GOD ordained husband where they have known the Worst sent from Hell. Read this and claim this as your promise.The men who are ordained for these women know this you have a woman coming that has survived the firey furnace and came out purer then gold. She will appreciate you in ways a woman who never has suffered in the ways we have could NOT appreciate a GODLY husband. If anyone wants to share this at their websites Just write me and let me know . This includes the Real audio all I ask is that ALL is left intact to GOD be the GLORY!

Listen To This Poem

"Bone Of My Bones, Flesh Of My Flesh"

ALL will know it is" I AM " that has joined you BOTH together and NO MAN or WOMAN or demon from HELL can stop what GOD has pre ordained. Though at times you both will fuss and fret just know that "I AM" planned the exact time and place and how you first met.

I bring you a man who only knows MY peace. To join together with a woman who has never known this peace......and yet this man is full of MY compassion, and MY love has MY patience, MY anointing, to show and teach her to stretch for Heaven's BEST praying for more for her, and her for him and not for less.

I bring you a man who only knows MY Joy and MY laughter..........To join with a woman he will have to teach and share MY JOY and how to laugh with her.

I bring you a man who knows NO fear. To join with a woman who for oxygen has breathed fear for all her years.

I bring you a woman who has only known every kind of terror, use, and abuse. To join with a man who has MY anointing to protect and wipe the pain and tears from her eyes from those that accuse and all those that abuse exposing the truth and denying the enemies lies!

I bring you a woman who only knows insecurity. To join with a man who only knows MY Security. I bring you a woman who has known no earthly comfort. To join with a man that knows MY earthly as well as MY spiritual comfort.

I bring you a woman who doesn't know what it’s like to be loved. To join with a man that has MY love combined with HIS love that will teach her and others the meaning of TRUE LOVE. I bring you a woman who has had no desire to live. To join with a man who lives each day to the fullest and asks for more years for me to them to give.

I bring you a woman who thinks of herself as NO beauty. To join with a man that will appreciate not only her physical beauty, but her inward Spiritual beauty. He will show her what the enemy has not allowed her to see and this will only draw her closer to him and ME!

I bring this man a woman who only has known heart breaking tears, through all of her years, to join with a man who has MY HOLY SPIRIT anointing to erase them all away along with all of her fears and memories of guilt, shame and loneliness, pain and blame.

I bring you a woman who distrusts all men. She learned to war with them she learned in her flesh to defend. To join with a man to prove he is worthy of being called MINE. I give her this comforting sign In my anointing power he will defend her time after time. If need be willing to sacrifice his life for the one I have ordained as his wife.

I bring you a woman who has never had the comfort of loving arms, to join with a man who supports, encourages and keeps her from all harm. To join with a man who has MY anointed arms to hold, protect and shield her like a fur. Then she will at last know what her GOD wants her to know what it is like when the two of them are ONE mind, body, spirit, and soul in perfect harmony together they will flow in ME.

I bring you a woman who although has been kissed she knows not the loving passion she misses. To join with a man who even has MY anointing love in his caresses and Kisses.

I bring you a woman who only knows the Ugliness, defilement, abuse of sex. To join together with an anointed husband who knows the beauty of an anointed rest where two minds, bodies, spirits, souls have been GOD ordained and without one another will never will be the same

This man and woman will see as they come together in a union with me my love and blessed peaceful trust and harmony. This husband and wife will truly became one in me he erasing the pain, defilement from her abused memory.

I bring you a woman who refuses by a man to be taught, yet all along this is what she yearned for and sought. To join with a man I have anointed him to her to teach, for fullness of a NEW anointed love she had not yet reached.

I bring you a woman so delicate, sensitive, fragile, emotional as a butterfly with broken torn shredded wings. To join with a man who has MY Holy Ghost anointing to Speak healing, love, compassion, peace and laughter and in MY anointing mend her torn wings so she can fly high in the sky with the anointed songs I will give him to sing.

I bring you a woman who counts the minutes and hours as though they were years. Always refusing to count the age of her years for she feels she has NOT even lived I now give To join with a man that knows not the concept of age or time and only knows each age of his years has been all MINE.

I bring you a woman who at times lacks faith, to join with a man who only knows MY Faith. I bring you a man who walks in the fullness of the anointing to join with a woman who is being taught the fullness of MY anointing. I bring you a woman who has learned with her mouth how to war, to join with a man who uses his prayers to war, to break down the enemies’ doors.

I bring you a woman who knows NO arrogance and pride, to join with a man that can use the humbling to stand by her side. I bring you a man that is a genius in man's eyes, to join with a woman that confounds even those who think themselves wise!

I bring you a woman who will keep you more at MY feet, as you struggle to understand her more each day, only getting the answers under MY anointing when MY son to me WORSHIPS, sings PRAISES and PRAYS!

I bring you a woman who has only known Defeat as enemies have knocked her again and again off her feet, to join with a man who only knows Victory in YAHUSHUA'S name. What I have joined together will never be the same!

I bring you a woman with a lifetime of bloody open wounds and scars, to join with the anointing of MY surgeons’ hands I place in this man. I bring you a woman who has never been free, imprisoned behind invisible bars, heavy-laden burdens and bondage is what she has seen. To join with a man who will teach her what its like to be FREE in ME!

I bring you a woman with a rare kind of HOLY GHOST anointing to Join with a man to teach her how to use it for MY praise, honor and Glory!

I bring you a woman who knows NOT the meaning of REST to join with a man who only stays in MY anointed presence where there is TRUE REST! He shall teach her how to stay in peace and stay BLESSED!

I bring you a woman who has known not good health to Join with a MAN who only walks in MY perfect health he knows this is true wealth! He will help Guard, protect your mind, spirit ,soul and body praying in YAHUSHUA's name and in walking in MY spiritual authority it is plain, a gift I give both of thee to set you free from all manners of infirmities, sickness and poverty and disease!

I bring you a woman I have entrusted MY rod to join together with a man I have entrusted MY staff. I bring you a woman who has the short fuse to join with a man who holds the match. I bring you a woman who will touch this world for ME to join with a man who's anointing is the other half and both shall SEE victory and NOT defeat!

Without one another you would NOT succeed in what I have preordained for you to do for MY GLORY! Bringing fresh Manna from Heaven. I send you out to feed MY sheep and MY lambs to water and feed them under MY anointing Milk New wine and Meat they will feast and eat.

I counsel you both NOW, listen to NO other, for although well meaning, they don't understand when I created your souls. I created them for one another. NO other pieces of the jig saw puzzle shall fit, although you fuss, feud, and nit pick! For you don't want to change things yet, but my dear ones the date has already been set.

This is for MY divine purpose. You won't fail. I bring together you two. The anointing will stick you together with MY love and the HOLY SPIRIT's anointed Glue! Just to prove I AM is a GOD that constantly confounds the wise. Remember with GOD all things are possible you will never this deny.

Everyday when you hold one another you will experience a NEW measure of love for ME. Together you shall see. I have preordained when your eyes shall first meet, you will know and behold the promise I have foretold.

I have preordained when your heart and hands do meet, for that is when the two anointings join together as ONE and will start unlimited measure to flow. I promise you this I shall have to give a new meaning of the word Quick for although you both scoff now you will be as a match lighting the others oil lantern's wick.

I bring you together to reach this world for the sake of Lost and hurting souls. One day you will understand for things are yet to you both untold. Nothing will be impossible if together you stand when one is weak the other must be strong, be it the woman or the man!

Give each other space as I have decreed and never allow the love of each other to take the Place of the Love for ME. I bring you together and admonish you now. Watch your tempers they were not made to war against one another!

Your spirits, souls, anointings, prayers, hearts, eyes, hands, ears, bodies were created for each other but NOT your tempers, not your arguments. They are from hell sent. Your anointed warrior spirits I have instilled in both of thee. These Warrior Spirits are NOT to be used against one another, but reserved for satan your enemy!

NEVER will I allow your tongues to destroy one another. All disagreements must be taken to anointed PRAYER on your KNEE'S to ME. Together the issues you take, NEVER speaking words of HATE! For I AM is the ONLY referee and MY Judgment is final and I have decreed NO arguing for ALL our sakes!

I will not allow the HOLY SPIRIT for you to grieve, for this marriage and ministry will be as I have decreed. And NOT done the way you think or even want it to be. When one is angry no sun must be allowed to set until in MY love and peace you have together kissed and met.

I bring you a woman that is very anointed. I bring you a man that walks in MY anointing. NEVER dare touch do the anointing any harm! For that will set off the HOLY GHOST warning alarm! If you don't want ME to spank you in such a way, you better repent and ask forgiveness of each other that very day! Don't DELAY!

"I AM" is the only one who determines who is Wrong or Right! "I AM" is the only one who has both Front and Rear hindsight! I know the beginning from the end, and I am commanding you both. To I AM's Will all though you are both stubborn you shall obey ME and to MY WILL you shall both bend!

Neither must ever think they are on a higher or lower spiritual level! For it is I AM that anoints you and I AM that will knock you right off of that self righteous, boastful, arrogant Pedestal!

I have given this handmaiden this poem for you both to study and read, for long ago you gave your lives to ME, when you accepted MY gift at Calvary. I want you each day to read this and pray, that you will be all I have ordained you to be working on this without delay.

You will become on earth each others best friend and mate. Remember this was NOT your plan so don't even try and understand. It was for you "I AM " destined your fate. Together you shall bless ME and this world shall see. I AM doesn't make MISTAKES!

NO secrets from each other you shall keep. You shall be truthful and Loyal as you are to ME! Or I AM will speak and to the other Reveal what you try and hide and seal. NOW run for the prize of the most high calling race!. Under MY HOLY SPIRIT's anointing QUICK MAKE HASTE!

NO more denying what you know to be true. For again and again I have told you. I bring you a woman who in man has known the worst like a curse. I bring her a man who "I AM" knows for her is the BEST and she was chosen for him from ALL the Rest.

I bring you a woman who I AM has decreed. Your love was meant for her and her love was meant for thee not only now but for all eternity.
Written under the anointing of the HOLY SPIRIT
Elisheva Eliyahu 10/23/99 Sabbath Saturday 12:00 pm
First I awoke to these words
I sent you Harry as Confirmation he fasted so you would hear.
And GOD gave me this poem to write in the dream as GOD spoke
to me awakening me with the words of the poem above.

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