Today I received a NEW mandate to add to this ministry another branch to the
Alpha & Omega AlmightyWind HOLY GHOST FIRE Ministries. NEW birth of "ALPHA &
OMEGA BONE OF MY BONES Ministry." This came about with an email from our Brother
in YAHUSHUA, Tom. He wrote me an email requesting prayer for his Mate. Under the
anointing, a VERY strong anointing I found myself writing him a prayer. After
that I immediately received another email from a single Pastor from Ottawa
Canada! I now knew what I heard GOD say to me long ago had taken place. He was
going to use me to encourage and use to bring together GOD'S ordained mates.
If you have the desire for a soul-mate be it a husband or a wife, then send me
your prayer request. Tell me about yourself, describe yourself, if possible a
scanned photo to post if you desire, most important I must have your testimony
before I post your prayers. The testimony will be anointed and will draw the
right person to read it and pray for you. I ask for prayer intercessors to write
me and tell me you will pray for those names listed.
In this wicked world there are many temptations but if GOD has promised you a
mate then KNOW this there is someone that was created for you when you were
created! A Majority of marriages are NOT GOD ORDAINED! They are FLESH and NOT
SPIRIT bound together. THIS is the saddest of marriages. Don't just assume
because your both Christians this is the GOD ORDAINED MATE! OH how many
marriages are miserable because of that presumption. Although they LOVE YAHUVEH
and YAHUSHUA and filled with the HOLY SPIRIT they are now in marriages that are
miserable and a struggle to hold on. For you I pray GOD will anoint you BOTH
with HIS love and mercy and extra LOVE and compassion for ONE another.
GOD knows what each of US needs and NOT all NEED or DESIRE a mate in this world.
FOR them take peace the LORD will NOT force upon you what you do NOT desire. If
you do NOT have the desire for a MATE the bible says your better off! But if you
do then GOD gave you that desire and don't be ashamed of it. Only know the LORD
YAHUSHUA wants the BEST for ALL of those with these desires.
IF you have a PROMISE from GOD to bring you a MATE Pray this prayer, it is a
"Prayer for 2 SOULS to become ONE in the NAME of YAHUSHUA."
Heavenly Father GOD YAHUVEH, in the name above all names YAHUSHUA we ask you to
bring me the right mate! The mate you have ordained for me before this world was
formed. The other half of my jigsaw puzzle that fits perfectly joined with me
and my personality my likes and my dislikes and most of all, my spiritual walk
with you YAHUSHUA and who is Filled with the HOLY SPIRIT! I pray will be
pleasing to look at but most of all (he or she) will be (BEAUTIFUL or HANDSOME)
inwardly! GOD you say in your word that the reason you created Adam was it is
not good that man should be alone. I stand in agreement that I will have my
soul-mate before NEXT year ends!
I stand in agreement that when our eyes behold one another there will be a
supernatural anointing that will come on BOTH of US from the HOLY SPIRIT and we
will recognize one another! I pray now LORD that you will release the one who is
destined to be my mate and helpmate in life. Send US DREAMS that will reveal
things about each other so when we meet we will KNOW this is the ONE you YAHUVEH
and YAHUSHUA using the anointing of the HOLY SPIRIT have drawn us together to
meet in a certain place, in a certain way! I thank you that I will NOT settle
just for any mate but will be content and have the loyalty to wait for the BEST
in a HOLY SPIRIT Filled mate that was ordained for ME before this world was
I stand on your promise and wait now to meet the mate I have now called forth in
the name of YAHUSHUA and is being released to come and no mountain will stand in
our way! No distance will hinder this blessing from coming! I speak this in
faith and anointing of the HOLY GHOST! IN the name of YAHUSHUA (Jesus)
There is a "Season" for this prayer to be said and for it to come to pass.
Please stay in faith and believe this prophetess, for I prophesy now "YOUR SOUL
MATE IS ON THE WAY!" Let me know when your soul-mate gets there! NOW that
doesn't mean you go looking for (him or her) in fact I learned the hard way GOD
will bring your SOULMATE to YOU! (I am still waiting)
I also learned it may NOT be someone you would have chosen by I
said if you read my testimony you will discover I also know the pain of being
the one that chose the WORST in a mate! NOW we wait for GOD who knows ALL things
and created ALL to do what you have prayed for and waited for.
Seek ye first the kingdom of GOD and all its righteousness and ALL these things
shall be added unto you! Make YAHUSHUA, the desire of your heart and the 2nd
desire of your heart shall come forth!
These are the words I hear the LORD tell me by HIS anointing to speak unto you.
Pray before you go to sleep, ask the HOLY SPIRIT, to give you a dream of the
FUTURE and your FUTURE mate! SHE will do it! Cover your dreams in the shed blood
of YAHUSHUA! Bind the devil away from your dreams! HAVE FAITH! I know it will
happen! Remember to ask the HOLY SPIRIT FOR the NAME! To show you the FACE! SHE
will do it! SHE is NO respecter of persons what GOD has done for me SHE will do
for YOU!
I feel this strongly you shall have what I have spoken under this anointing!
Stay far away from anything UNHOLY, keep yourself celibate and pure in though
and deed! Satan will try and tempt you! When the devil does realize it is
because he fears you getting your GODLY mate! YOU are being tested! Hang on
tight to your faith and don't let Go! Read Bone of My Bones again! Keep claiming
that mate and all the qualities of a GODLY PRE ORDAINED SOULMATE!
Last but least "Don't settle for a piece of bread when you can have the WHOLE
LOAF!" that means don't settle just for any mate WAIT for that special one your
DADDY GOD YAHUVEH has hand chosen! You have this desire for the LORD HIMSELF has
given it to you! Now THANK GOD YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA, HOLY SPIRIT for answering this
prayer BEFORE you see it come to pass!
FAITH is the SUBSTANCE of things HOPED for, the EVIDENCE of things NOT YET SEEN!
Stay in FAITH! Stay in HOPE and you shall BEHOLD your PROMISED MATE! When (he or
she) is sent it will NOT be too early or too LATE! Just hang onto that promise
and your FAITH! GOD YAHUVEH will NOT give you to you a promise and a desire and
NOT fulfil it. You do your part and believe and confess what you desire in
Blessings again to you! In the name of YAHUSHUA! Let me know when what I have
prophesied comes to pass! What a heavy anointing on this! Your one of many we
will say this prayer for the HOLY SPIRIT just said! Praise the LORD GOD YAHUVEH,
YAHUSHUA, HOLY SPIRIT! This will be done for their GLORY alone! No man or woman
will share in that GLORY for GOD shall give you the desire of your heart! Please
Heavenly FATHER you alone are YAHUVEH, JIREH our LORD and PROVIDER! Provide for
ALL the financial needs according to your riches in GLORY I pray! So this person
will NOT have the financial burden as two families become ONE in the name of
Written under the anointing of the HOLY GHOST
Rev. Elisheva Eliyahu Dec.18, 1999