Written/Spoken under the anointing of the RUACH HA KODESH
through Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu
August 22, 2008
(This Word is part of a personal Word from YAHUVEH to Elisheva, Kathrynyah and
I, YAHUVEH say in regards to those who ask and pray, "Who should we vote for as
an American Presidential candidate on election day? I tell you this Chuck
Baldwin is Heaven sent. I, YAHUVEH said in previous prophecies I would give
America a leader after the peoples own heart, and thus the evil have candidates
after their own hearts. Now I speak forth and bless Charles Baldwin raising up
this Prophet to announce I give MY Holy People a Presidential candidate that is
Heaven sent.
You do not have a clue how many are asking I, YAHUVEH when they pray, "We are
Holy and we have no choice they all are evil candidates." I now give MY Children
a choice to prove you stand up for Holiness and morality. MY Holy Children want
a Presidential candidates name that will protect YAHUVEH'S laws as well as the
Constitution as it was written by the forefathers of America.
First it was Huckabee and then it was Ron Paul but as you see them one by one
drop out, only one name remains. Do not dispair even though your vote may be
considered a wasted vote in the eyes of the polls. I, YAHUVEH remind all who
want to vote for morality your vote will be counted in Heaven.
I judge the Candiates hearts and this man has a heart after I, YAHUVEH. Oh if
only America you would receive him, how blessed America would be and what a
difference it would have been. But MY true Children who defend the standard of
Holiness already know that evil people mock all that is Holy and they out number
the righteous people. America has turned into a Sodom and Gommorah as many other
nations around the world.
Yet I have to tell MY Children in America I've given you a Presidential
candidate that is like unto a Judge Roy Moore and he fights for morality and has
refused to compromise no matter how he has been insulted, rejected and scorned.
Write Chuck Baldwin's name for President for all to see, for he not only stands
for the American Constitution and morality but he also fears and worships ME, so
tell your friends and tell your families. You are to spread the word far and
wide of this Presidential candidate that I have raised up to stand by your side.
Demand equal airtime coverage or the media will silence him so the masses cannot
hear the truth that would set America free.
There should not be one Holy church that isn't lifting up his name for prayer.
Ask your Pastors if they refuse, "What do you care more about losing your tax
exempt status or the fate of America?" There should be not one person who enters
a Sunday church that will not go to that pastor and say, "We have a Holy
candidate now. Let's lift him up and let's vote and pray." Yes, you still have
people that go to the Sunday churches but they come to the Ministry of
Almightywind where truth is spoken to be spiritually fed.
So get this before the world
and even those in far off lands, call a blessing down on this man Chuck Baldwin
who stands for MY Truth. Oh America, oh America how different your fate would be
if you would only elect the Holy man that I have sent thee. He is like unto
another beloved son of MINE called by the name Judge Roy Moore. He is a man
after MY own heart who defends and defended MY Ten laws called Commandments,
knowing losing his job would be the consequence.
Again I, YAHUVEH say there is a special blessing to the ones that encourage and
send Chuck and Roy this Prophecy and lead them to the truths in this Ministry.
Send all Prophecies where I speak of MY beloved son Roy Moore who did not want
to become a Presidential candidate anymore. Though Roy Moore's name was
mentioned time and again he knew he could not take the loss of another
heartbreak and lose the race of a Presidential win. He must know what I think
about him. So tell him.
Chuck Baldwin is a man of courage and has been raised up in this endtime hour.
He is like unto David of old a man after MY own heart for he has morals and
fights for the American Constitution laws once again. He refuses to compromise
what he knows to be true and defends marriage as a Holy union between one woman
and one man and warns abortion is a murderous sin. He hasn't lost his way and
knows good from evil and refuses to lie to the American people and lead them
astray getting caught up in the words idolotry and fame.
Chuck Baldwin is the last chance for a Holy President who knows the government
is to work for the people and not be a political harlot selling themselves out
to the highest bidder. Tell those that are Holy to cast their vote for him and
spread the word far and wide. For the Holy have prayed and said, "There is no
one who stands for the common people, who will defend the constitution, restore
our freedoms once again, and stand up for holiness" and for YAHUSHUA MASHIACH MY
only begotton SON. You cannot say I did not answer your prayers, cast your vote
on election day and write his name in, do all you can to let America know there
is another candidate and his name is Charles "Chuck" Baldwin.
So it is spoken, so it is written under the anointing of our Beloved RUACH ha
KODESH (Holy Spirit)
Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu