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YAHUSHUA Does Not Clean HIS Fish Until After HE Catches Them

July 7, 2008

This Personal word was given to Elisheva about their sons. Elisheva has identical twin sons in their 20's. She lost contact with them the last 6 years and recently started communication with both of them again. They had gone the way of the world and backslide away from the path of Holiness. We are now able to minister to them once again and YAHUSHUA told us to help them and be HIS extended hand of Love. I have to share this personal part of my life otherwise this Word from YAHUSHUA will not make sense. Thank You for your prayers for my sons J and J.

My husband at the time and I were praying about our son J because he wrote and he said his rent was due the first and he got rained out at work. July 4th is a short week and he doesn't have the best landlady. Anyway he wrote and he said, "Can you please help out with rent? I know you have your own problems, but if you could just help me I will remember your kindness and donate to the ministry." I will put a comment in there because he's never tithed and I'll ask him to, I will thank him for this so he can make it possible to help others. That's the way YAHUSHUA told me to put it because we're no loan company and now we're taking it to prayer. His rent is $500 and I know YAHUSHUA said to do this but we were…he has no food and he feeds Matt and now we're taking it to prayer how much money to give him for the food.

And a Word started coming forth and my husband grabbed the tape recorder and I stopped and I bound up satan, any lying deceiving spirits, plunged my lips with the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and I said that the CREATOR who created these lips knows that they belong to YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and Precious IMMAYAH, MOMMA SHKHINYAH, MOMMA WISDOM, RUACH HA KODESH and no lying, deceiving spirit can speak forth out of them and I bind up my own flesh right now in the Name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and if that Word coming is really from YOU ABBA YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and IMMAYAH then please let it speak forth again. How much money are we to send J tomorrow?

YAHUSHUA Doesn't Clean HIS Fish Until After HE Catches Them.

(Elisheva speaks in Holy tongues.)

Once again MY beloved children I give you the mandate to help J and I use you as an extension of MY hand and MY mercy and MY love for this reason. He has been on his knees before ME and asking for a miracle. He has been repenting before ME. It took a lot for him to ask you but I laid it upon his heart to do so. But he does not only want to take. He wants to give back. So pay the rent and send $200 for groceries. But tell him this for this is a "Thus saith the LORD" he'll understand, this is to go for food and provisions needed but cigarettes are not on that list. If he wants MY continued mercy and love he will obey this for I do not just look upon him as your son because he has surrendered to ME, because he calls to ME, I call him MY son.

I am going to tell you a secret, when I catch fish they do not all smell the same. Some are more stinky than others but I can take a stinky smelling fish and cause it to have a sweet fragrance. Remember I do not clean up MY fish until after I catch them. Elisheva you laugh but isn't that one reason you don't like salmon? There are great spiritual ramifications if you get a hold of what I have just spoken forth. It is the Truth I release to you that others do not know. For I YAHUSHUA am the greatest Fisherman of all creation and when I go fishing it takes different baits and each one gives me a different fight.

I have called you to be fishermen. And yes that includes women. But remember this it takes different baits, they all will give you a different fight. Do not try to clean them up before they surrender their lives to ME or it will all be done in vain. I'm the only one that can change a heart.

If you baptize someone and their heart isn't surrendered to ME, the only thing they get out of it is wet. It is a baptism of the heart. It is MY shed Blood that washes your heart. Baptism does not save you and I speak of water baptism. The washing of MY Blood, the surrendering of your heart and your soul and your lives, acknowledging I YAHUSHUA as your MASHIACH, doing the best you can to follow in MY footsteps of Holiness, putting MY will and MY way over yours, this is how you know whether they are truly a child of MINE and their name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life.

Elisheva there are those who can quote the Bible better than you, who can quote the Tanakh but their heart is far from ME. The letter killeth but it is the RUACH HA KODESH spirit that giveth life.

So I'm saying all of this to let you know once again you are MY hand extended for I have caught J and I'm in the process of cleaning him up but first I'm teaching him what it's like to have a father's love. This is why again I say (to Elisheva’s husband) bond to these twins. I must give them a human example of what a father's love is. Continue fishing for I just keep sending you deeper and deeper. I send you in territories you have not known before. Remember catching the fish as you go deeper are bigger and will give you more of a fight. New Zealand has very large fish. And I have called you to be fisherman of men for I have you out there now in the deep waters over the internet. You have not a clue how many you've reeled in. Only when you get to Heaven will you understand, everything, everything, everything you have gone through is for MY Glory and not man's.

So Elisheva you write him and you tell him again his prayers have been heard. And keep on casting that pole out for you have (other son) J nibbling at the bait but remember this he'll only come to ME as you show love and not anger or hate. MY beloved son (Elisheva’s husband), I call you to be a fisherman, you know what I speak for you know more about fishing. You understand the depth of the water. You understand the temperature. I'm going to give you revelations MY son that you will be able to write down about fishing for souls as it compares to fishing on these waters. And it shall be a new teaching that I could not give to Elisheva for you already have the wisdom and I laugh at you MY son.

Every time you say when Elisheva tells you how anointed you are and no one could cover her that way and you say, "Ah I'm just a common fisherman from Minnesota."

Now I'm going to use this common fisherman to write what has not been written and you'll understand more MY son as you ponder this.

So continue to do the mandate that I have given you and be fishers of men and women, boys and girls. For I have anointed you for such a time as this.

Elisheva: Thank YOU Beloved YAHUSHUA.
July 2, 2008.

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