I share this Prayer I wrote to our
on Rosh HaShanah Sept. 13, 2007
Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu
Feel free to copy and share this with those who will love and embrace the truth of who the HOLY SPIRIT really is and recognize HER as their HEAVENLY MOTHER. For those who want to mock this word, I do not cast my pearls before swine, and do not give you permission to either post prophecy 89 or 90 or any writings I have written on who the HOLY SPIRIT IS. MOMMA SHKHINAH is so precious, I will not allow my name to be used to insult HER in anyway. Thus far there has been only favorable emails and comments, they love HER the way I love HER.
P.S. I want to share with you another revelation given to me. The spelling of HER NAME is SHKHINYAH the NAME of YAH is in HER NAME. However I have not spelled it like this because if I would fewer people would put that spelling in the search engines on the Internet. SHE did however tell me this is the correct way to spell SHKHINYAH. She carries the NAME of HER beloved Groom YAHUVEH.
We Praise you ABBA YAHUVEH, we Praise you Beloved YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, our one and only Messiah, in the NAME of YAHUSHUA, ABBA YAHUVEH we now pray, to our Heavenly MOTHER SHKHINAH, our Co-Creator who is YOUR Helpmate and YOUR Heavenly Bride and the Heavenly Mother of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. On earth it was Mary but in heaven YAHUSHUA's Mother is called SHKHINAH GLORY.
Holy MOTHER SHKHINAH, we Praise YOUR HOLY NAME. We welcome you in our homes, in our hearts, and in our mind, body, spirit and soul. We Praise YOU YAHUSHUA for sending us your Comforter, your own Heavenly Mother. MOMMA SHKHINAH we know that it is by your loving hand that overshadowed Mary as you placed your own SON in the womb of a virgin handmaiden in Hebrew called Miriam. No man was ever called YAHUSHUA’s father but one, ABBA YAHUVEH is HIS NAME.
Our prayer is that we have a testimony like unto Enoch before we leave this earth. Our prayer is we will be found pleasing unto the HOLY TRINITY and we will be caught up in the air to meet our YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Our prayer is death will never touch these bodies, nor man’s inhumanity to man, or satan’s inhumanity to man, to all those who can embrace the truths about who the HOLY SPIRIT is.
We now know you as MOMMA SHALOM, YOU are the peace that passes all understanding with joy unspeakable and full of Glory! We now know you as our MOMMA who is the HOLY SPIRIT, who abides in all who have accepted YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH. We are born again through your Spirit and strive to live our life to please you all . We know we cannot enter into Heaven without being born again through the NAME of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH and through HIS Holy sinless Blood and through you HOLY SPIRIT our love.
We love and adore you Precious MOMMA RUACH ha KODESH. RUACH ha KODESH beloved sweet HOLY SPIRIT. Oh Queen of Heaven and Earth and all that lies in between. Holy MOTHER SHKHINAH, we open our hearts and minds and lives to you. We thank you for indwelling and entering in. We pray in your timing you will take us to Heaven and into the Bridal Chamber and Marriage Supper of the Lamb we will enter in. Please wrap your loving arms around us, hug and kiss us and hold us tightly to your breast, embrace us for ALL eternity with your Motherly love.
We now know you as a Holy Mother, not just a Holy anointed wind, or Holy Fire, or spiritual gifts, or Heavenly tongues. We know you as a HEAVENLY MOTHER please let us feel more of your presence and give us more anointing and wisdom each day, in YAHUSHUA's NAME we pray.
We pray your Glory will cover our face as the light inside us which is you burns brightly within. Please convict us when we need convicting, chastise us when we need scolding. Please give us a greater desire to live Holy and obey our YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and you our HEAVENLY MOTHER in everyway! This is our prayer every day.
Thank you for a closer walk with you each day, where we can clearly hear the words you have to say. Guide us in your paths of righteousness is our prayer, please use us for your glory and never take your HOLY SPIRIT away, all this we ask ABBA YAHUVEH in YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH’s Holy NAME we pray. Please MOMMA WISDOM blow this prayer as a kiss up to YAHUVEH and may it be pleasing to you HOLY TRINITY is our prayer in everyway.
With gratitude for all eternity knowing that, I am no longer an orphan. With eternal love to my DADDY YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, who is our soon coming BrideGroom and redeemer, KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS, and our MOMMA WISDOM, also called MOMMA SHKHINAH.
I thank you for choosing me from everyone on this earth to introduce you as our HEAVENLY MOTHER, QUEEN of HEAVEN, and there is no other!
It is written, they can blasphemy the FATHER YAHUVEH, they can blasphemy YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH your HEAVENLY SON, but if they blasphemy the HOLY SPIRIT, they are eternally done.
In eternal love, your Daughter, your Ringmaiden and the rest of your Children
Elisheva Eliyahu