A few days ago [April, 2002], the HOLY SPIRIT anointed the following message
bringing it forth from this handmaiden of [YAHUVEH] the LORD. I am humbly
submitting it to all of you for your consideration. For those of you who aren't
familiar with the Gifts of the HOLY SPIRIT, please be assured they are very much
alive and functioning through the Christian servants [YAHUVEH] GOD has called to
specific roles in the Body of YAHUSHUA. This is something that the HOLY SPIRIT
does on occasion with the words eventually being fulfilled. The following
is the message.
"Soon, soon, and very soon, as man calculates time, will time on earth be over
for the rule of man. I [YAHUVEH] the LORD GOD Almighty say unto you this day to
fasten your safety belts in ME, and hang on for the ride of your lives. All that
remains hidden in the darkness will soon be fully exposed. This is the time to
repent of personal sins, and to gird your loins like a man or woman of [YAHUVEH]
GOD. I am soon to bring a shaking to this world such as it has never known, and
only those who remain safe in YAHUSHUA Messiah shall be able to
hang on. Do not allow the things of this present evil age to take a hold on you.
I the LORD your [YAHUVEH] GOD am demanding you do a quick work to finish the
respective ministries that I have given you. The night soon comes when the
shades will be pulled, and you will sit in darkness with the only light you see
coming from ME, the HOLY ONE of Israel.
Look up and remember I hold the world and all that is in it in the palm of MY
Hands. Soon I shall let go of much, that which is destined for the pit of
destruction. I AM HOLY and I will not hold onto the things or the people who
pollute MY holiness. I shall let go of all that offends ME to be purged in the
fires of affliction. The people will either repent or go to hell. I AM not
willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. MY
patience is wearing thin, and MY purpose shall stand.
I held back the fury of Satan and his evil hordes a few years ago when the evil
governments of the world planned for the collapse. I held back the winds of
change for a few more months, but time is running out. Your nation is corrupt to
the core, and even the *core is rotten through and through. Hearken to ME saith
the LORD [YAHUVEH] GOD of Israel, and listen to the governments of the world
foment war. Soon it shall come to pass, and even your President who professes to
be a true Christian will have to answer to ME as he turns more and more in favor
of the Palestinians. He will set in motion the wheels that will call for a
Palestinian State. When this happens, know that I will let go of America. You
cannot give away the land of [YAHUVEH] GOD to corrupt and pagan peoples without
severe consequences.
I am calling on you today, and I say to all who read these words written by MY
Handmaiden . . .REPENT! Time is short, and growing ever shorter. I stand at the
portals of Heaven waiting to receive MY true Blood Washed Children. Only those
washed, and washed daily in the Blood of the Lamb, YAHUSHUA (Jesus Christ)
will be received into MY great and eternal kingdom. Thus saith [YAHUVEH] the GOD
of Heaven." Received the 12th day of April, 2002.
Scriptural Referance . . . " Those who trust in [YAHUVEH] the LORD are like Mount
Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever. So [YAHUVEH] the LORD surrounds
HIS people from this time forth and forever more. FOR THE SCEPTER OF WICKEDNESS
out their hands to iniquity."
*The word CORE according to the Dictionary means A CENTRAL or FOUNDATIONAL PART
Please remember when [YAHUVEH] GOD gives a Word the final fulfillment may not
come to pass until months or many years later, BUT it will eventually happen.
The majority of prophecies in the Word of [YAHUVEH] GOD were many years in coming
to pass after they were given to the servants of [YAHUVEH] the LORD. We do NOT
know the exact time, but we are told to be ready at all times.