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The Hand Of The Executioner Is Beginning To Fall!

Trade Center Towers Destroyed!
Pentagon Attacked!
This is just the START, AMERICA!

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This was previously posted in the Amightywind Guestbook.
Time: 1998-07-04 10:02:10
From: Originally HEAVEN returning when Job is done on Earth

GOD warned me 6/2/98
"Beware the Hand of the Executioner"
Name: Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu.

(Note: A Prophet sees through a glass darkly. (1 Cor. 13:12) Apostle Prophet Pastor Elisheva Eliyahu has learned along with us through the years as YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and the precious RUACH HA KODESH/HOLY SPIRIT have taught her, the true Names of the HOLY TRINITY, the feminine nature of the RUACH HA KODESH/HOLY SPIRIT, the rapture of YAHUSHUA’S Bride and much more. Please take this into consideration when reading the Prophetic Word below.)



Anyway, Please pray about what I am going to say. The HOLY SPIRIT is so wonderful SHE (at this time in 1998, Apostle Elisheva had not yet learned of the feminine nature of the HOLY SPIRIT) warns HIS PROPHETS and APOSTLES ahead of time, before the doom comes. That way the wrath can either be delayed or changed or stopped.

I have never been into Politics but as I shared with you about China and the great danger of ATTACK that was on my heart and spirit as Clinton and his family and 1,000 of HIS cabinet left for China. TREASON was a great danger! Every morning and Evening and many times a day I interceded. Then at last PEACE came for either you and others started interceding so the burden wasn't so great or the hand of GOD had intervened. I believe it was both.

For I heard the voice of the HOLY SPIRIT say to me "The hand of the executioner has been stayed" that means stilled or stopped but for how long? Who is the executioner? I thought it was GOD YAHUVEH but then I had a dream and A voice like the one that warned me about West Virginia said the following in the same voice with the same tone in the voice.

I had a dream on July 2, 1998 I heard the HOLY SPIRIT say again "I have stayed the hand of the executioner." Then SHE amazed me and said it's PAKISTAN! But for how long? End of dream. At least YAHUSHUA (JESUS) is keeping my dreams short enough to remember :) The prophesies are so long I Praise YAHUSHUA the dreams are short and to the point. So not only China but also India WILL BE ANGERED though AMERICA knows it not and then add RUSSIA and Saudi Arabia and WOW what a political MESS! Now please don't get mad at me dear Brothers and Sisters from India, I am believing in faith that in November I will be ministering there with Brother Thomas. I LOVE my Brothers and Sisters in INDIA and around the WORLD! It won't be the SAINTS that bring this WAR but the HEATHEN, the CHILDREN OF SATAN! I don't want to offend, but still I am held accountable for what I know and been told.

Why the HOLY SPIRIT tells me I have NO idea. But Almighty GOD YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA are only STAYING the hand, stopping for a short time. HE didn't tell me how long. Look UP our Redemption truly draweth Nigh! AS WE SEE THESE THINGS COME TO PASS! Now I have passed on the newest Prophetic dream to you. Please intercede and pray for we must care. WE live here. If MY people will humble themselves and fall on their knees and pray, I will heal their land. Well, we are HIS people and we are Humbling ourselves dear YAHUSHUA in YOUR NAME please HEAL AMERICA and CLEANSE her of her INIQUITIES but SPARE YOUR PEOPLE WHO WORSHIP AND SERVE YOU AND PUT YOU FIRST IN ALL WAYS! It's our PRAYER we stand in agreement together in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH’S NAME.

Dear LORD YAHUSHUA SPARE YOUR PEOPLE in India, and China, and Saudi Arabia and ALL OVER THE WORLD! Separate as YOU did in the day of MOSES. Blessings to those that OBEY AND LOVE YOU as stated in Deut. 28 and CURSES on those that HATE YOU and DISOBEY YAHUSHUA AND YAHUVEH and the HOLY GHOST as stated in Deut. 28. I didn't write the Bible but, believe YAHUSHUA will NOT beat UP HIS Bride before HE comes to catch her away in what we call the rapture of the Church! The Wrath of GOD YAHUVEH is NOT for HIS faithful but for the UNFAITHFUL! Thank you dearest Family for interceding and Thank YOU HOLY SPIRIT for confirming this as I have spoken it through YOUR anointing, in the heart of others.

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