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I, YAHUVEH saith "Heed MY Warning!"

I see man’s injustice toward one another. Man’s inhumanity to his fellow man, neighbor killing neighbor. I, YAHUVEH rebuke this world! Man’s hearts have turn to stone. I, YAHUSHUA come not to judge man’s flesh but to judge your very hearts. Remember, the sermon I gave about the beatitudes? Truly, I say unless you turn and become like little children, you will by no means enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, I say whoever humbles himself as this little child will be called the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.

You have been warned this day!

Oh, China, I, YAHUVEH gave you a shaking you shall never forget. As the world sits back and watches in horror. You ask why? Some of you already know. China, on May 12, 2008, I shook the province of Sichuan, China. Your nation not only tormented and killed true Christians but you imprison true Israelites. Yes, many Israelites live along the old Silk Road. They are scattered throughout the regions of Myanmar, India, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran.

As I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH gave Ezekiel the vision on the valley of dry bones. Prophesying one day, the dry bones would come alive. Now, I say to you, the valley of dry bones has indeed started to rattle!

Hosea 2
“I will call not MY people; MY people and I will call not MY loved one, MY loved one.”

Hosea love and reconciliation for his wife illustrates MY love for Israel. I will restore the tribes of Israel once again. It shall not be ancient Israel for I shall do a new thing. The branches have been broken off; yes a new house shall arise. It shall be the promise seeds of Abraham born from above numbering 144,000 that shall come. An angel from heaven has already sealed them. Death shall not overtake them for they are under YAH’s divine protection. As Israel became a nation in 1948 so too in the near future, will I once again re-unite the tribes of Israel what was prophesy long ago! What many theologians thought impossible will catch them by surprise. I shall gather MY elect to the land of Edom, ancient Bozrah. It is through Abraham’s son Isaac that many offsprings will be numerous as the stars in the sky. Remember the 12 stones on Aaron’s ephod? I tell you a secret; MY son wears a spiritual ring in that same manner. Go ahead, mock, scoff and sneer at these words. You are not doing it to him but the one who anoints him.

This is not what he desires to say, but I ask him to give these words faithfully. For these are not his words but the words of your creator YAHUVEH. Some wonder why him and not me? I say, "Should not a man work out his own salvation with fear and trembling?" Will I not reward you if you continue to do good; while punishing the wicked for their continuous sins? I don’t make mistakes. He is a stench among man’s nostril but I shall have a people that shall love him as they love ME and MY son, YAHUSHUA. Need I say anymore?

Oh, many behold the devastation in China but how few lifted up their prayers to heaven for the innocent children and civilians. If this happened to your nation, would you not want others to pray? If this happened to your child or family, would you want others to pray for you and your family? Open one eye but yet turn a blind eye, I will hold you accountable! Many need your prayers including those I call MINE. If they belong to ME, are they also not one with you? Did I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH not set the example by saying I come not to be served but to serve others. Those that truly show they care, you are truly MY sons and daughters. Blessed I say to you that mourn for you shall be comforted. Some of you say, "China, reaped what they have sown." If I did not spare China, should I also not do the same to your nation; for there is no nation that has not shed innocent blood in MY eyes. I warn every nation, when your land decides to torment and kill MY saints; all hell will break loose on your land.

You been warned this day!

China took the blood of true Christians, so in return, I demanded their blood. They have reaped what they have sown. Myanmar, took the lives of true Christian missionaries, so I also demanded their blood. Oh America, every American holds their breath as they say, “I’m glad it's not us.” America humble yourself, just because it hasn’t reached your land, doesn’t mean it won’t come. It is the righteous prayers of MY people that you have not felt MY wrath mount yet.

MY son watches how New York continues to sin again and again just like California. You two states shall not escape MY judgment! Oh, MY righteous angers burn in his bones like holy fire as New York defiles the holy union of marriage. Blame your governor for recognizing same sex marriages. He shall reap what he has sown. When I am done with him, Governor Paterson will feel less than a man!

Take your vows! Make your pledge to one another, whether it be Adam and Steve or April and Eve for I, YAHUVEH shall pour MY bowls of incurable diseases upon you!

Only a marriage between a man and woman will I sanctify and bless. A marriage between a man and man, woman and woman, I will curse.

You been warned this day!

Oh, New York, remember the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans? Mardi Gras? Bourbon Street? I sent voice after voice to warn them of their witchcraft and sexual immorality. Did they listen? New York, New York, heed MY warning. My judgment shall come but you won’t know which one! Every state that recognizes same sex marriage, shall receive the same fate! Now, I speak this not only to one state but to America and around the world. I send you MY messengers but you continue to stone them, since you refuse to take warning to MY voice, MY wrath shall come unannounced, is that what you desire?

Man not only flaunts sin in MY face but he flaunts it for all to see. It is becoming more evident now. This is no accident for you shall see who is of ME and who is not. The separation has already begun! Choose whom which God you will serve this day, for I already know!

Blessed are you that thirst for righteous, you shall be filled.
Bless are you that are pure in heart, you shall behold MY face.
Blessed are you that are persecuted for MY name sake, falsify against, for the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to people such as these.

It is said. It is done. Amen

Given June 2, 2008 @ 11pm to Vin

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