This warning was given to me through a dream. The HOLY SPIRIT spoke to me in that Dream and told me to warn everyone who has received the truth who MOMMA WISDOM truly is.
In several of the Prophetic Words, we are introduced to the personage of the RUACH ha KODESH, the HOLY SPIRIT as YAHUVEH's CO-CREATOR, HIS SHKHINYAH GLORY also MOTHER WISDOM. YAHUVEH's WIFE is MOTHER WISDOM, and YAHUSHUA's HEAVENLY MOTHER. The bible says the HOLY SPIRIT overshadowed the virgin Mary. That was the HOLY SPIRITS hand that placed YAHUSHUA in Mary's womb. However, SHE in no way desires to detract us away from our first love, our SAVIOR, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH for it is only through HIS shed Blood on Calvary that we can approach and pray to YAHUVEH God, our CREATOR and have knowledge of the RUACH ha KODESH. It is because of the price of YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH paid with the crucifixtion, death and resurrection that YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH gave us the promise HE would send the comforter and HE did.
HE told HIS Disciples to wait in the upper room and that is the first time the HOLY SPIRIT manifested herself in speaking in Holy Tongues, flames of fire above the disciples heads and prophecy coming forth. The HOLY SPIRIT lives in all believers who have accepted YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH and live Holy unto YAHUSHUA. You do not anger or blaspheme the HOLY SPIRIT for there is no forgiveness for insulting the HOLY SPIRIT. While praying in Holy Tongues in 2008 I was under a heavy anointing and the words kept coming IMMAYAH repeatedly. The interpetation came forth that IMMAYAH is the HOLY SPIRIT. She did not know this but IMMA means MOTHER in Hebrew. So this is further confirmation that the HOLY SPIRIT is MOTHER CREATOR, MOTHER God. All parts of the HOLY TRINITY are to be worshipped, loved, adored, obeyed.
FATHER, SON, and HOLY SPIRIT. Get to know each part of the HOLY TRINITY but always remember no prayer is answered without the Name and Blood of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH the only begotton Son of YAHUVEH. Therefore, we caution you. Learn to love your IMMAYAH, the RUACH ha KODESH, the set apart HOLY SPIRIT but do not elevate HER to a position above that of YAHUSHUA. SHE desires to draw us to YAHUSHUA in a more intimate way than ever. It is the Precious RUACH ha KODESH that compelled us to come to YAHUSHUA drawing us into HIS loving arms. It is the RUACH ha KODESH that blows our prayers like kisses to the throne of YAHUVEH when they are asked in YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH's Name.
Holy Scripture says if YAHUSHUA is lifted up I will draw all men nigh. We believe this is the Precious RUACH ha KODESH that is speaking this, also called the HOLY SPIRIT. So please remember keep your focus on YAHUSHUA for this is Wisdom from MOMMA WISDOM. The bible clearly says that Wisdom is called a She, and for those that disagree that the HOLY SPIRIT can be feminine, are you saying the HOLY SPIRIT is not all wisdom? Think before you brand me a false prophet. King James bible did a great injustice in the translations to call the HOLY SPIRIT a He. When you study the Hebrew scriptures you will find the Hebrews already know this fact. The ancient manuscripts also recorded this. Now at this end time is the time for you to know the truth but remember don't let this take your focus off of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH for HE is the only Name that will get you into Heaven.
Prophet Elishiva Eliyahu