"This is for you, MY Beloved daughter, Elisheva Eliyahu. Your Almighty GOD,
the YAHUVEH of all time and eternity, wills to speak to you at this hour of mans
time. Be greatly encouraged as you fight the good fight of faith, MY Daughter.
For as I look from MY throne of Glory in the Heavenlies, I see your heart is
stretched in many directions trying to please ME, Your GOD. Oh, how I delight in
this . . .you are one in whom there is such an excellent spirit, and I AM well
pleased with you. However, MY Beloved, know this, I see as your heart is full,
and stretched to be pleasing to ME, in this you have over extended your physical
being. The word rest is nearly foreign to you. But I desire you take opportunity
to rest more, for the sake of you physical well being. As I watch form MY Throne
of Glory, I do not reprimand you rather I encourage you. Now you know of MY
Sabbath, Beloved. Make that Day a special day of deep rest. Take of the precious
hours, and rest deeply in ME, saith the LoORD GOD. Then on the six days remaining
in your earth week, I will that you take of more time to close your eyes in
Say unto ME, "FATHER, DADDY, PAPPA, guide your little girl into your will, and I
shall do so. You MY beloved, give this FATHERS heart much pleasure. Just to
watch from MY throne of Glory, makes MY heart rejoice. There is coming to you a
Blessing which will be a new thing in that day, you will feel your heart leap
for the joy I shall place in it. You are not to guess, or concern yourself
wondering of this or that. You will know when the time arrives. There is coming
a season of rest for your soul . . .and in this rest, I shall do a new thing for
you, MY Beloved. Now, I will you to be at peace, and know in you, I AM well
Thus saith YAHUVEH this 28th day on your earth calendar.