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Message from Elisheva under the anointing of MOMMA SHKHINAH

September 7, 2007

Beloved Family in YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH,

Do you believe the newest Word in Prophecy 89 and 90? Do you believe the HOLY SPIRIT is also MOTHER WISDOM? MOMMA SHKHINAH GLORY? Please write and tell me if this new revelation from Heaven has blessed you. Read the emails that have come in and realize if you do recieve this new revelation for these end times to increase the HOLY ANOINTING, you're not alone!

Remember, the Bible says it is the anointing that breaks the yokes and bondages of the sweet HOLY SPIRIT in the name and through the blood of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Believe me the anointing is growing more each day in those of us who are developing a more personal relationship now with our Precious MOMMA RUACH ha KODESH. Can I explain something to you cause this is all new to me also.

Thus far everyone that has written is blessed with this knowledge. I know I will have enemies but I have something no one can take away and that is a deeper more personal relationship with the one I only knew before as the anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH, now I call HER Mother WISDOM, or Mother SHKHINAH GLORY, or MOMMA RUACH ha KODESH. Isn't it great SHE doesn't care which of those names, SHE only wants to be called Momma, or Mother? I will explain the way I am praying, but this is all new to me also don't forget. Please write and share how you this new message has affected your life and prayers.

When I need more wisdom I call her MOMMA WISDOM, when I need to feel more of her Presence I call her MOMMA SHKHINAH GLORY, and when I need more anointing I call HER MOMMA RUACH ha KODESH. Sometimes I just say Sweet HOLY SPIRIT, but I know in Heaven we shall sit on not only ABBA YAHUVEH's lap but our MOMMA SHKHINAH GLORY's LAP and SHE shall cuddle and hold us close. What a day of rejoicing that will be! Remember you still pray to ABBA YAHUVEH in the name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH and SHE, MOMMA SHKHINAH, hears your prayers, and blows them to Heaven, like a kiss to ABBA YAHUVEH to be answered. Isn't that beautiful?

It took 7 months to release this revelation from the time it was given to me. SHE had to get past my flesh and fear of rejection and gave me many scriptures to back this up. Satan already had this knowledge so he has the counterfeit being taught by his servants and children. For instance witches pray to what they call goddess Diana, which is truly a lie from satan! This is not the HOLY SPIRIT.

Beware of anyone that teaches that people can directly take their prayer petitions directly to the RUACH ha KODESH without first going through ABBA YAHUVEH in the name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Remember it is only because of the shed blood of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH and the price HE paid at Calvary as our New Blood Covenenant that we have access to the throne of our HEAVENLY FATHER and HEAVENLY MOTHER WISDOM.

My fingers got numb under the anointing on the keyboard as I typed the above. I know we are to post this so people will understand better. Sharing email blessings in regards to Prophecy 89 and Prophecy 90. If this prophecy is a blessing please send your comments so we can post them.

Elisaheva Eliyahu

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