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Millions Being Reached!

Beloved of YAHUSHUA,
MILLIONS ARE BEING REACHED WITH THE MESSAGES GIVEN ELISHEVA through TV and radio and crusades as Australia, Africa, India and Hong Kong. Join hands with this Ministry around the world. No longer just by Internet! Please if we ever needed your financial support and prayerful support it is NOW, tomorrow may be too late! A Powerful NEW prophecy was given on 4.6.2004 but it is not yet the time to release it! The end is not afar off. Do what you can for YAHUSHUA today, for tomorrow may be too late!

Pray that you will be counted worthy to escape the great Tribulation that is not afar off! The beast is stirring around this world! There is so much I am unable to speak right now.

Beloved Partners in this Ministry and intercessory prayer warriors, I am posting this Urgent MESSAGE to those who support this ministry.

We are reaching out in ways besides the computer that you do not know. The attacks are coming against us financially and spiritually as well as physically.

Beloved ministers Pastor John Paul in India, Pastor Steve Wong in Hong Kong, and Evangelist Allan Lambie in Australia and Africa are in need of your intercessory prayers, and very much are loved and appreciated by us. These Ministers help us to reach the lost souls from their own countries. I am not released yet to leave America so the messages given to me are being sent by others. Please, I ask you to pray for our Brother in YAHUSHUA. He is an evangelist in Australia and part of this ministry. He takes my salvation messages and warning of Hell by making a tape recording of my voice where I have warned about hell, and certain prophesies, to Africa, India, Pakistan, among other countries.

Time is shorter than we think to use this Internet for the glory of YAHUSHUA! I ask you to ask others to keep this ministry as well as Evangelist A. Lambie in your prayers for protection and finances. He is taking the audible messages given to me to millions at one time! He has recorded my voice warning of hell and people are getting saved by the millions. Next will be Uganda! The spiritual attacks coming against us are great but that means souls are getting blessed and saved! Please intercede for us in prayer. The area we are in is under YAHUVEH'S WRATH and we are leaving before the wrath falls. We were sent here for the purpose of YAHUVEH calling judgement down on the evil and mercy for the righteous in YAHUSHUA that are in this area. Evangelist A. Lambie is suffering also physically as you read email he sent to me on 4.8.2004 from Africa.

Heaven is not afar off now. The beast is starting to rise! Warn all who will listen, "Don't take the mark of the beast!" When they say "peace, peace," the end will come!

Love and blessings to all looking forward to meeting you in Heaven Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu

P.S. Stephen, please post this message at your site in Hong Kong. The letter below as well as my email here. We need people to intercede for our ministries for the needs are great. Thank you!

Love, gratitude and Blessings, Your Sister in YAHUSHUA

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The messages given to me with my voice have been taken to Africa and Australia and will be in India very shortly by another evangelist, Allan Lambie. Especially that frightening vision I had of Hell. That is an actual song I heard being sung in Hell by a fallen Preacher that never came back to the saving grace of JESUS CHRIST our YAHUSHUA! GOD gave this to me over 12 years ago when I prayed for a way to warn the people that Hell is real. (Citizen in Hell)

I paid a heavy price to have seen this vision. I was near death for 10 days afterwards.

On the 10th day, OUR YAHUSHUA, said to me "Now sing the song." I could barely speak and when I did try and sing the song, GOD had changed my voice to the most hideous sounds, for there is NO beauty in Hell. Please listen to the explanation of how I saw and heard what is on the first level of Hell. You will never be the same. The burden to reach the lost souls will even be greater!

I am asking you PLEASE record this ugly song and warn people that Hell is real and there is a price to pay for sin. They must accept YAHUSHUA before it is too late! Evangelist Allan Lambie is on radio and TV and taking my voice in this frightening song all over Australia, Africa, India, and soon Pakistan. He is paying a huge price.

His email is copied below just as I received it:

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From: Evangelist Lambie
Date: 04/08/04 04:30:09
To: Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu

Subject: Re: evangelist Allan how is the crusade?

Dearest Sister Elisheva,

Thousands came to YAHUSHUA
I was jailed
I paid for a pastor to stay out of jail. I had AK-47's pointed at me
BUT GOD BUT GOD BUT GOD released me after 2 days
no food no water no toilets
a small room with 35 black inmates and feces ridden cement
floor to sleep on BUT GOD BUT GOD BUT GOD [Ephesians]
who is faithful
a big guy smiling at me with a knife,
BUT GOD spared me!

Your message warning about hell, Elisheva was preached I now have received a request to appear on UGANDA national TV once a month
Millions heard your testimony on national TV and RADIO!

Love your Brother in YAHUSHUA Evangelist A. Lambie

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