MY children, must you complicate MY word? I see you every day struggling to
do MY work in your own strength. I grieve for you in a way because you tried to
do everything yourself. I grieve for the sheep who sit in these cold
institutions which is called "MY house of prayer". I grieve for the sheep who
listen to the hirelings who do not care about their souls, but rather how much
more they can fill their pocketbooks with gold. Did MY word say that, "what
profits a man to gain the whole world and to lose his own soul?" These hirelings
have gained the whole world by seeking after the idols of gold and silver,
rather than seeking Me; seeking the approval of others, rather than seeking MY
approval; wanting fame and fortune and glamourizing their worldiness, rather
promoting Me. Why do I grieve for you so much? It is because of the fact that
these hirelings are supposed to be MY spiritual leaders.
These hirelings are no better than the Pharisees, because they are of the same
spirit. They add their own laws of tradition to complicate MY laws, give the
people unreasonable demands, and turn away MY true ministers and call them
false! For that I must repay these hirelings their just reward, destruction. For
these were once MY ministers, but now they hawk MY gifts of the Holy Spirit like
a swap meet. Prophets compile their notes at their 'prophecy clubs' to see who's
word sounds good. Warning to all of MY prophets, Don't you dare dilute MY words
to fit into these cliques! For they call themselves an 'alliance', but you see
they seek to destroy MY true prophets and apostles too! All of these 'alliances'
of ministers and everyone in MY five-fold offices, from the hirelings are
nothing more than lynch mobs to rout out MY true ministers.
For these hirelings go to MY ministers and flaunt their large congregations, and
gold watches; pointing a finger at MY ministers saying, 'what do you got?' For
MY true ministers got more than these hirelings, for they are not rich in
physical blessings, but in MY Spirit, in MY love, in MY gifts I gave to them, in
MY grace and in MY mercy. Do not fret Man of God. Do not fret Woman of God. So
you see these hirelings prosper now, but it is their only reward, because they
had forfeited Heaven for the fleeting pleasures of earth.
I will anoint more warriors to take the hirelings places and show them the true
heart of a shepherd, where MY abused sheep once again can trust in Me.
Thus said the Lord of Hosts on 8/7/00 @ 3:40 PM est.