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PRAISE YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA: UPDATE on our need for a rental house.


We have a house! We really thank all those who interceded for US! YAHUSHUA will bless all those that cared enough to pray for our needs and protection against the satanists.

What a miracle! All showings of the house on Friday and the Sabbath Saturday "fizzled out" the real estate office said. Praise YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA! Not only that but the realtor is going to amightywind.com for I just spoke to him on the phone and let him know about the ministry. He is a Christian but a new one. It is prophecised by other prophets if these landlords don't repent before YAHUVEH and us who they offended. We were insulted and this Pharisee of a landlord even hung up the phone on me. Why? All because I told him to respect the fact Saturday is our Sabbath our day of rest and a special day with our Messiah and Creator. This landlord insisted we show the rental house for its for sale on the Sabbath, very rudely. We said any day but Saturday that is a day we ask him to respect that we observe the Sabbath, we did not expect for him to understand but just respect our beliefs. He didn't. So we told him we would be moving.

YAHUVEH said His wrath is upon this house and it was prophesied by another prophet that John B. will not sell this house. The same Prophet Mike W. who prophesied the new house is the same one that prophecised this house is under the Wrath of YAHUVEH, for it is he that John B. insulted more then US. We can forgive him and yet we know vengeance is mine sayeth the LORD GOD YAHUVEH He will repay. YAHUVEH gave US our new home on the very day this landlord said he would tell us to leave 2 days before this Landlord John B. tried to make us choose between keeping our promise to YAHUVEH and what John. B. wanted us to do.

We shall shake the dust off our feet (literally) and go on, truly Sodom and Gomorrah will be better off in that day. The Bible says when YAHUSHUA sent His disciples out to a town and a home, if they were received as a blessing they loosed a blessing and if they were treated as a curse the blessing returned back to the disciples.. We are obeying YAHUVEH and our contract with Him is the blood covenant of YAHUSHUA!

We believed in faith a beautiful home would be ours exceedingly and abundantly more then we asked for. We went to view it Saturday, the very day that the landlord said we would be kicked out if we didn't do as he asked. I am posting this to encourage others don't compromise what you know to be truth. Don't back down to the enemy. We don't run from the wolves we run after the wolves in the name of YAHUSHUA. With the GOD we serve who is YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA all things are possible.

It was prophecised by Mike W. that a split level house was being prepared for us. Trees all around. One hour later I am on the phone Friday evening talking to the owner, and the house we had tried to call on many times during the day and evening is a split level house. We went there Saturday as directed by YAHUVEH and saw a beautiful home for rent only slightly more then what we are paying now and exceedingly and abundantly MORE then we dreamed or asked for.

Thank you for your prayers OH they are powerful! I love every partner that said a prayer in our behalf I could feel the lifting of the burden first with Bobby Barnes the satainst threatening me, and then to be rewarded 2 days after you started praying the first house we looked for as guided by the Ruach ha Kodesh is our NEW HOME! YES we got the house! Please forgive us when we don't answer right away it takes awhile to get back online. Until then I will be online. Truly YAHUVEH AND YAHUSHUA rewards those that diligently seek after him.

We love ALL of our Brothers and Sisters in YAHUSHUA! My husband, son, and Chad, thank you for your love and support. When you pray and agree with US we really do see Heaven answer quickly. One day all who help us will stand by our side as we receive rewards in Heaven and they shall receive the same rewards from YAHUSHUA. We couldn't do this job without you. I wish we could hug everyone of you that love us and this ministry. We shall in Heaven if not on earth.

Much love in YAHUSHUA

See Below For Our Situation Prior To Our Finding This New Home...

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We Need Your Intercessory Prayers!

Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu
Sep 27, 2002

We need to find a home to rent and know the direction Father wants us to go.

We rent a house that is for sale and the owner asks us to show it. Never before has he demanded we show this house on the Sabbath now he sets up a showing AFTER he knows its our Holy Day and special day set apart for YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and gives us the ultimatum show the house Saturday, or lose our security deposit of $1,000 and get kicked out Saturday. We need your prayers. This man is supposed to be a Pastor also.

The bad part is my husband signed a contract saying we would show the house. We never thought the issue of the Sabbath would come up. I spoke with John over the phone explaining to him he was being a stumbling block having us choose between man made contract and a contract we made with the YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA. I told him he could not serve two gods, his eyes were only on the money, ours is on pleasing YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and keeping the fourth commandment.

We ask for your prayers. We also are searching for another large rental house in secluded area in the mountains, that accepts pets. We have 1 med. size dog and 2 cats. YAHUSHUA knows exactly what we need before we even ask. We were sent here to test this man that calls himself a pastor and a Christian.

Love your Sister in YAHUSHUA
Elisheva Eliyahu

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