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Don't listen To Rapture Date Setters Like 5 Doves Website and others!

Do not listen to False Rapture Date setters like fivedoves.com and John Tng, or the multitudes on YouTube who've joined the bandwagon of false watchmen! They are deceiving people into believing that being a watchman means to speculate and predict the date of the rapture. This is a LIE. Nowhere does it say in the Bible to predict dates! The job of a watchman on the wall is to warn the people of the Judgment to come and to repent of their sins, leading them to YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH / YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH.

The rapture date setters have A LOT of blood on their hands as they create false conversions based on a lie, crushing the faith of many as they build people up for a rapture date that doesn't come to pass. How many said a Salvation Prayer simply because they wanted to be part of a rapture that didn't come? They didn't say that Salvation prayer because they truly love YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH and are repenting/turning away from their sins. Their conversion was based on a lie and as they do not believe in anything anymore and fall back into a lifestyle of sin they are 7 times worse off as the Scriptures say! Fivedoves.com & John Tng are responsible for this and show NO repentance of their false predictions and prophecies but are proud of what they are doing and continue to do this. They are encouraging others to do the same thing and post the letters of all kinds of people predicting rapture dates. On fivedoves.com false rapture dates are being predicted for almost every major holiday and when it doesn't come to pass they just keep changing the date.

Their latest prediction is this Christmas December 25th 2012! Woe unto these deceivers. They represent the birds in the parable of the sower that YAHUSHUA gave us in Matthew 13: the birds that snatch the good seed (the Word) that was sown in people's hearts away from them. This video is a call for repentance for all those who in one way or the other have partaken in this and a rebuke to the deceivers. The people who have watched this stuff going on and have done nothing to rebuke these false prophets or at least warn the people of what they are doing have blood on their hands. We at AmightyWind urge all of you that are watching and have done nothing to protect YAHUSHUA's Sheep and Lambs, to HELP this Ministry do something to warn the people so the blood is not on your hands.

Sherry Shriner's false Dec. 25th 2012 Prophecy exposed!

This video exposes how Sherry Shriner covers herself up from being a false prophet. This crafty agent of satan falsely predicts that the antichrist will arrive on the 25th of Dec. 2012! Sherry Shriner puts out newsletters to fear monger and instil panic and confusion within GOD's people, telling them they had better arm themselves with her "orgone water" against the aliens that will pop up by the end of this month also (according to her "prophecies"). We expose this false prophet Sherry Shriner and her utter blasphemous, unbiblical and insane claims! December 25th will pass by and none of those things will come to pass, she knows this.

Sherry Shriner deceives the people so they frantically buy her demonic device known as "orgone" and tells them to mass plant this garbage all over the world "as protection against the aliens". She says "prayer is the hard way, planting her orgone is the easy way to be protected". This is BLASPHEMY! Only the Name and The Blood of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH is your protection against satan and his hosts of fallen angels and demonic aliens when they come. Sherry Shriner is insane. She says that the giants and aliens, together with the Chinese in the U.S. that have been hidden in "DUMBS" will come out to rape, eat and kill everyone they can. Sherry Shriner is putting the Chinese people in the same category as aliens, can you believe this insanity? Please do not fall prey to the deceptions of this alien on the internet. YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH and the Precious RUACH ha KODESH have repeatedly exposed Sherry Shriner as being the alien/reptilian on the internet, in the Prophecies spoken through Apostle/Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu. Prophecy 92 & 93 are just 2 examples. Beware, Sherry Shriner is also copying and twisting Prophetic Revelations that were given to Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu. Please stand in agreement with our prayers for YAH to render swift vengeance on this alien Sherry Shriner in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH!


BEWARE of Sherry Shriner and her ORGONE! This alien on the internet promotes her garbage for the destruction of people's minds, bodies, spirits and souls. This insightful video will give you a clearer understanding of who or what Sherry Shriner is, her spiritual roots and where her blasphemous/demonic device known as orgone originated from.

Sherry Shriner's blasphemous doctrines like the Apostle Paul "being false" and of "serpent seedline" and "the war between the sons of light and the sons of darkness" are based on old masonic and gnostic/occult teachings. Be not deceived, Sherry Shriner IS the alien on the internet.
satan's elite troops of demonic aliens need that orgone of which she claims it fends the aliens off. This is a LIE. Orgone also strengthens the strange fire of false prophets and televangelists such as Benny Hinn. This is why Sherry Shriner first exposes wolves like Benny Hinn, to first gain your trust and then have you plant that orgone of which she says it's a protection against Benny Hinn's strange fire. This in fact strengthens his strange fire be not deceived!

Don't let Sherry Shriner take you to Hell! Sherry Shriner is mainly targeting the Christians and the (Messianic) Jews for her deception because she knows satan wants to destroy them the most. DO NOT go to Sherry Shriner's websites neither buy her orgone! You will not get away unharmed spiritually if you do so. Her websites are full of the occult, strong mind control and manipulation.

If you have been deceived and bought her orgone, BURN that garbage and demand your money back from Sherry Shriner. Repent for believing the destructive lies of Sherry Shriner and turn away from these sins. Rebuke her in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH / YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. ONLY through the Name and the Blood of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH do we have the authority over satan and his aliens/demons. Only YAHUVEH/YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH can protect you in the coming days of horror and the Great Tribulation, if you are a walking in a loving, obedient relationship with THEM. DO NOT turn to Sherry Shriner or orgone for your protection or you will reap the Wrath of GOD. Repent of this today if you have done this and allow YAHUSHUA to deliver you and set you free from Sherry Shriner's demonic bondage.

Please watch the below testimony of sister treesfourme about her experience with Sherry Shriner and orgone, and see the pictures of demonic manifestation and paranormal phenomena that occurred due to demonic orgone. See the manifestation of demons as this orgone was destroyed and burned.

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