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Alpha & Omega AlmightyWind RUACH ha KODESH Wildfire Ministry Crest/Seal

'Alpha' and 'Omega' is on the Crest/Seal because we are sent to the Gentile as well as the Jew.

Copyright 2010 will be strictly enforced. Crest/Seal can not be used in videos, copied or reproduced without written permission by Apostle Elisabeth (Elisheva) Elijah

Beloved Family in YAHUSHUA,
The anointed Crest/Seal given to me in a vision in 1987 has NOW become a REALITY on our front page! This awesome Crest/Seal was created by a member of this ministry who has been anointed to make this Crest/Seal everything YAHUVEH wanted it to be...AND SHE HAS!

Elisheva Eliyahu was awakened by YAH and told to put this warning on the Ministry Crest-Seal: Do Not Worship Any Part of This Image. This is not a graven image as referred to in the 2nd Commandment. It is a picture and artist rendering. No artist is able to draw perfectly the beauty of any Heavenly image. This is just a symbol. See the Prophetic Word in the book entitled, “MY Daughter Your Hand is the One I Have Chosen”. The AmightyWind Ministry Crest-Seal was given to Prophet Elisabeth Elijah in a vision. At the top of the Crest is Archangel Michael who watches over YAHUVEH’S AmightyWind Ministry because we are part of Spiritual Israel. Rev. 14 & Rev. 7 Brides of YAHUSHUA are represented. Also represented are ABBA YAHUVEH’S Bowl (Rev. 16) and Trumpet Judgments (Rev. 8 & 9) coming upon the earth. The Sword of the SPIRIT is the Word of YAHUVEH GOD. (Eph. 6:12) The Eagle represents YAHUVEH GOD and HE’S carrying the Rod of HIS Wrath! YAH said don’t even try to show how bent out of shape the Rod is with HIS rage because HIS rage is so great!

The enemy has tried so desperately to stop the Crest/Seal from being created and placed here...but he has FAILED! Praise, Honor and Glory to our Beloved YAHUSHUA and YAHUVEH for this awesome Crest/Seal...sealing this ministry from harm from the enemy and sealing those who are part of this ministry and who have placed EVERYTHING on the Altar of Sacrifice to follow YAHUSHUA. This ministry belongs to YAHUVEH and we who have been called into it are so blessed. PRAISE, HONOR and GLORY OH WONDERFUL YAHUVEH, thank you for this wonderful Crest/Seal!

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