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Even Victorious Soldiers Get Wounded In The Fight!


I am getting very concerned I have been getting email stating semi trucks have been stopped at weigh stations and when opened thousands of signs have been discovered stating MARTIAL LAW SEPT. 1999 I spoke with another Partner in the ministry and she said she has heard this from MANY different sources! for MONTHS.

God has told me in audible voice " What if Rosh Hashanah is the day I come?" That is September! I will rejoice if it is the day the Lord God YAHUSHUA comes and takes US home as HIS BRIDE! But the NEW WORLD ORDER also has evil plans of their own for Born Again HOLY SPIRIT filled Believers of YAHUSHUA! Those of US who obey GOD and NOT man or Government when they go against YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA's commandments.

Sometimes I feel like the little girl who calls "WOLF" for it is one thing after another I ask others to pray that GOD will have mercy and spare US! Each time YAHUSHUA has heard the prayers and fasting of the righteous (the prayers of the righteous availeth much. Now I ask for the people to agree if this isn't the rapture that will cause martial law in America perhaps other countries then PLEASE pray this will again be something YAHUVEH will delay for the sake of his babies, bride, chosen ones, and elect!

Today I had tears run down my cheeks and held back sobs as I held my 11 year old in my arms and realized I cannot protect him from what is to come to this world if GOD does allow these things to happen, I have NO husband and he has NO father except for our HEAVENLY FATHER!

I thought about the responsibility I have and so little I can do to protect him. A mother’s natural instinct is to PROTECT and NURTURE. YES! I trust God but still I must make sure I can hear clearly when the time comes to KNOW what to do and where to go. I know now Israel I shall minister in but NOT live at this time. Living there NOW it is against the LAW to even speak the name of YAHUSHUA to strangers. Sunday, I spoke with the Christian Embassy in Jerusalem with a Brother Ed and he told me of the small apartment he lives in where the rent is being raised to $1500 a month! NO AIR CONDITIONING and he said it’s rare in apartments. HOUSES are called VILLA'S and they sell for HALF MILLION minimum! He said how I must learn to minister in a NEW WAY or I would wind up in jail!

I love Israel but I cannot see myself or son living in a place where the name of FATHER GOD YAHUVEH cannot be mentioned or the name of YAHUSHUA! I will minister there but I have a lot to learn yet and only the HOLY SPIRIT will lead and guide me as to what to say there and do.

I am concerned for the Prophets that went before me: John, and Nick Serre I have NOT heard from since he told me now was the time to come. Is he is Jail? I don't know. I ask for your prayers for HIM and all others who are speaking forth the GOSPEL of YAHUSHUA! (Jesus) Please ask the People to cover them in prayer as well as myself as I listen closely for the marching orders of the HOLY SPIRIT.

I am comforted with the word of GOD that cannot LIE!


Nothing has changed in Israel as far as witnessing for YAHUSHUA goes. The Jews forbid HIS disciples to speak of YAHUSHUA in the times of OLD also. Put in prison and tortured. They crucified our YAHUSHUA and he was born of a Jewish woman. Yet we have the mandate to show the LOVE of YAHUSHUA and remind them HOW MUCH he LOVES THEM! We are to remind them how we are commanded to PRAY FOR THE PEACE OF JERUSALEM! We are to remind them ISAIAH 53 has been finished at CALVARY!

How God the Father YAHUVEH sent his only Begotten son from Heaven to live, die, and rise from the dead in Israel! What an Honor the People of Israel have and don't even realize it! This small nation is MORE blessed then any on the face of this earth! Yet this is NOT only where the battle of Armageddon will take place but where YAHUSHUA, will one day physically rule and reign and set his feet on the MOUNT OF OLIVES! Yet this nation has also been chosen to be the place where the most EVIL ONE OF ALL, the ANTI CHRIST, will set up his KINGDOM!

I have been warned that when I go to Israel I am NOT to mention about being a Messianic Jew, for MESSIANIC JEWS are NOT WELCOME IN ISRAEL! How sad to have come this far in history and to still have to write that. I am JEWISH by my bloodline and yet more than that I am JEWISH from the BLOOD that FLOWED FROM CALVARY from YAHUSHUA! (In Hebrew YAHUSHUA means SALVATION) in English (JESUS) has no phonic meaning) I was taught to call our Savior JESUS CHRIST but now I want to call our LORD and SAVIOR by the name given to him by YAHUVEH it is YAHUSHUA! I pray those reading this will also have the same desire.

YAHUSHUA is my MESSIAH! I know the Jewish People have MUCH of the truth and I try and follow the TRUTHS by rightly discerning what laws are man made and what laws are GOD Ordered! I am a MESSIANIC JEWISH BELIEVER! yet when I go to Israel I must somehow NOT let that be known to wrong people or I am warned or I will be EVICTED from ISRAEL! or IMPRISONED!

I have a mandate from the LORD to witness to JEWS and GENTILES! I love Israel and the True believers and followers of YAHUVEH we share the SAME love and WORSHIP of YAHUVEH! But the only thing lacking is this nation must receive YAHUSHUA as LORD and SAVIOR! There is BUT ONE MESSIAH! YAHUSHUA is HIS NAME! His name is SALVATION!

I observe the Jewish Feasts that lift up the name of YAHUSHUA and YAHUVEH! How beautiful these feasts are and I feel cheated I wasn't taught about them in our so-called Christian Church!

God the Father YAHUVEH's name they believe is so Holy they don't dare SPEAK his NAME and yet I call ABBA FATHER and the HOLY SPIRIT has me call him DADDY GOD JEHOVAH or YAHUVEH! I have been cautioned to only say when I get to Israel when asked, "I AM A BELIEVER" but this so lukewarm a believer in what? Even Satan in the bible says trembles for he BELIEVES there is a GOD! Believer in what? I will say I am a believer of the GOD of Abraham, ISSAC, and Jacob! This is what I told the Christian Embassy! One day the people of Israel those who reject YAHUSHUA will be BELIEVERS IN the EVIL ONE who is the ANTI CHRIST! Who will warn them?

The Christian Embassy IS NOT WARNING THEM! 60 pastors on staff and they wait for someone to ASK them what is different about them! There is NO time for this way - YAHUSHUA is COMING! What worked then must be sped up! The people don't realize when they send money to Christian Embassy in Israel it goes to pay for 60 pastors who live in $1500 month apartments and cars which are a luxury! I enjoyed speaking with this dear brother and Sister from Christian Embassy and yet I grieve for that money could be used to help the true prophets and evangelists who lay their lives down daily to witness to the people of Israel!

There is a man in Israel name ELIJAH. He has been ministering for 15 years out in the OPEN in Jerusalem! He is a man in his seventies and I have heard two real audiotapes of his conversations with Jim Searcy! Now I won't link to those calls because Jim and I have major differences in beliefs. He does NOT believe a woman could be used of GOD to be a spiritual leader or Prophecy. But when I first heard this man ELIJAH I said I heard a MAN and NOT God speaking forth out of him.

Then on July 9.1999 I was given this dream:

I saw myself in a large room with a lot of other people. We were sitting in chairs, like in a meeting room. I saw this man ELIJAH speaking and he was saying he had been looking for others with name of ELIJAH and all were in Jail except ONE a Rev. named Elisheva Eliyahu! Then he pointed at me and said, " YOU’RE HER!" I smiled and it was like we were friends. Then someone lead him away to a CAVE in the left side of the room taking him of a TOUR OF A CAVE where RICHES were kept! I wasn't invited to go on this tour. I saw him come out of the cave. When I saw this I was on right side of room and there was a desk there and a figure of authority was watching me Stand and TEACH children by showing a Picture. I was holding a picture of YAHUSHUA (Jesus) and he wore a flowing red robe kneeling at Garden of Getheseme.. He was weeping! The children sat in desks like in school and I showed Picture after picture and taught about it. The authority figure behind the big desk approved of the way I was teaching and he was listening intently.


This was on a FRIDAY morning that FRIDAY evening the SABBATH it seemed like the HORDES of HELL descended on me with ONE blow after another! By Saturday July 10,1999 I broke - Mind, body, spirit and soul! I didn't think there was a PASTOR or PROPHET left! I saw a vision of ME tottering losing balance over a CLIFF and hands reaching to steady me but ONLY ONE HAND grabbing me and Pulling!

My young son said, "Mom are you going to die?" I heard a voice so loud inside of me shout YES! but my mouth said " I don't know " I was nearly catatonic in grief and sobbed continually! What brought me to this point? It had been building and I just kept ignoring the PAIN and Ministering even HARDER! My friends said Elisheva REST and I couldn’t. For the way I survive the PAIN in my life is I MINISTER to others in PAIN!

If people only understood WE who GOD has put us in a role of spiritual leader or Prophet Need your PRAYERS of protection desperately! WE ARE ON THE FRONT LINES TRYING TO PROTECT THE TROOPS WITH OUR OWN BODIES! Many of US lay our own FINANCES down for the sake of GOSPEL of YAHUSHUA! for the sake of MINISTERING TO OTHERS! When we ourselves are BLEEDING SOLDIERS mortally wounded! and yet we are forced to hide the Pain and the WOUNDS that would KILL US if we didn't have someone interceding in Prayer when there is NO ONE else there is our LORD GOD YAHUSHUA who intercedes for US with our HEAVENLY FATHER GOD YAHUVEH!

Friday I was reeling with one attack after another! Ministry possessions stolen one after another, betrayal, I was raped one way after another! Its too personal to reveal now and just know I broke but it wasn't a OVERNIGHT thing it has been building! Your Pastor was GONE and you didn't even know the danger my life was in. People don't have these kind of breakdowns without long hospitalization and medication to numb the pain and trauma!

Saturday July 10,1999 the SABBATH still I never wanted to come out of my catatonic world. So depressed only sobbing is the only communication I could make. Then a miracle happened! On the floor was a tape I had received as a gift from a friend. A stranger through email sent the song she sent me to me. I had told her I received this song that Twila Parris sings called " The warrior is a child" My friend sent the tape with that song on it. Now the HOLY SPIRIT was telling me to Play that song that was sent to me during another time of crisis in my life earlier this year.

I told my YOUNG SON to put it in the tape recorder and obeyed the HOLY SPIRIT. As I started listening to it I started Sobbing hysterically as I heard the HOLY SPIRIT say " these words are for you they will heal your mind, body, spirit, and soul LISTEN TO THEM and keep PLAYING it until you are HEALED!

This Warrior Is A Child

Lately I have been winning battles left and right
but even winners can get wounded in the fight
people say that I amazing strong beyond my years
they don see inside of me
I am hiding all the tears
they don't know I go running home when I fall down
they don't know who picks me up when I fall down
they don't know when no one is around
I drop my sword and cry for just awhile
deep inside this armor
the warrior is a child

unafraid because his armor is the best but
even soldiers need a quiet place to rest
people say that I am amazing and never face retreat
but they don't see the enemies that lay me at HIS feet
they don't know I go running home when I fall down
they don't know who picks me up when I fall down
they don't know when no one is around
I drop my sword and cry for just awhile

they don't know that I go home when I fall down
they don't know who picks me up when no one is around
I drop my sword and look up for a smile
cause deep inside this armor
deep inside this armor
the warrior is a child.

Twila Parris

You will know you are HEALED when you can sing the song and NOT cry anymore! It took 33 times of rewinding that tape! My son said Mom can't we play another song I know these lyrics by heart? I said NO I am NOT healed yet! I remember at one point screaming "ABBA FATHER HAVE MERCY ON ME IN THE NAME OF YAHUSHUA!" Another time I LOUDLY YELLED IN TONGUES! WARRIOR TONGUES! saw a sword CUTTING UP the DEMON that caused this Mental breakdown! My son was counting as he ran into the room each time it had to be rewound! He thinks the count was 33 the last time when I sang the song completely word for word hands raised in the air and I could REALLY feel the LORD had touched and healed me! Restored my Mind, body, spirit, and soul!

By the time the Sabbath ENDED on Saturday I was back at the computer ministering again with a NEW strength and anointing! Sunday speaking to brother from Christian Embassy in Jerusalem, Monday was a DAY of VICTORY I heard HOLY SPIRIT tell me to call a brother named SCOTT he said CALL SCOTT! Scott is someone that touches my heart deeply and that of GOD he lives on $452.00 month social security and yet sent me a letter telling me he was going to sow seed into this ministry! He was sending $10.00 and asked for prayer for his stomach problems that could lead to surgery, and had hospitalized him many times. Scott and his wife need your prayers for both LOST THEIR JOBS because of persecution against them for being CHRISTIANS! They worked at same place.

They BOTH need your prayers for NEW JOBS! and HEALING for Scott! and healing from the damage done to them spiritually from a CHURCH named " MIDDLE GROUND" in Wisconsin! Beware of this PLACE for I am grieved that this Pastor and his wife can harm the sheep like they do in this so called church! They are heading for HELL and the sheep are being led to slaughter. This precious brother gives his tithe to this pastor and the pastor of Middle Ground Church sticks his TONGUE out at him and says " now do you feel better"? Mocking him, saying Scott has " BORROWED OIL" for over a YEAR or MORE this brother of ours has been intimidated, insulted and spiritually damaged in so many ways! I ask your prayers for a quick restoration and healing for Scott and Michelle! Precious brother and Sister that didn't deserve the treatment they received at Middle Ground Church! Even the name alone says it all LUKEWARM!

If anyone knows why these people IN THE MIDDLE GROUND CHURCH go around to each other and say " fix me, fix me" Please let me know. I prayed with Scott and called him as I heard the HOLY SPIRIT say, " truly Scott has given MORE then many of the others for he gives OUT of LACK and NOT his ABUNDANCE!" Tears flowed down my cheeks like a river! God loves this man so much! It seems the ones helping me support this ministry are the ones who are giving out of their LACK and NOT ABUNDANCE! and yet GREAT shall be their BLESSINGS!

Already testimonies are coming in as soon as they obeyed the HOLY SPIRIT and sent a love offering they received a miracle in some way! One lady from Hawaii really blessed me as soon as she sent a tithe offering she was rewarded financially in a way that will bring her income for now on.

I truly am being used to bring BLESSINGS to those like the Widow of Zarrapeth! I believe in FAITH that the people who help share these financial burdens with me, their Cruz of oil will NOT run dry! That healing will come to their loved ones or themselves. I believe in faith as the young boy shared his lunch with YAHUSHUA and YAHUSHUA blessed it and broke it and fed 5,000 and had thousands of baskets of leftovers! The miracle of the loaves and fishing and the same anointing will be poured forth on this minister, and ministry and the people who are fed! The same reward I receive for the work I receive these precious ones also shall receive!

For instance Monday July 11,1999 mid afternoon I got a phone call from a female voice and she said to me as I answered phone " Please someone told me you could save me from the devil" I said what is it you need? She wanted me to lead her to YAHUSHUA! She is 17 years old lives in my hometown and got phone number from one of my teenagers friends! Her name is Kathy and lives in my hometown!

Kathy needs your prayers for BOTH of her parents are ATHEISTS! I was so high on the HOLY SPIRIT! No wonder Satan tried to destroy me on Friday and Saturday! He knew by the time the Sabbath ended I would be healed, restored, greater anointed, and leading souls to YAHUSHUA again!

Our young Teenager said she came to the Website and read what was there and WANTED JESUS as LORD AND SAVIOR!!! I was given the greatest Privilege of my life for leading souls to YAHUSHUA is the GREATEST PRIVILEGE! I am grateful the LORD uses me as his spokeswoman a prophet but the greatest THRILL of ALL is LEADING SOULS TO YAHUSHUA!

So in closing I leave you with the words of the song that GOD used to HEAL me and RESTORE me and by the way the recorder just happened to be on the FLOOR where above it is the anointed Painting of " ONE MINUTE UNTIL MIDNIGHT" the vision I had of Heaven that was confirmed through an artist though we never compared notes! This picture is VERY anointed if you want to have a Greater anointing come to your home write me for the picture. I have recently ordered wallet size ones for those who would be kind enough to include a offering for postage and cost of printing. If you can't afford anything just PLEASE say a prayer in my behalf and pray greater anointing of JOHN THE BAPTIST on this ministry and both JEW and GENTILE will come to this ministry and this website and get SAVED! Everything I go through is WORTH it for NO ONE can DELIVER like YAHUSHUA can!

By the way the ministry possessions were returned intact! Also my personal possessions! Except ONE and now I discovered the tapes are missing of songs I recorded for 23 years! The HOLY SPIRIT gave me these songs I believe he will restore them! ALL during the time Satan tried to rape me in so many ways…and same time GOD was restoring!

3 brand NEW strong prophets and Intercessory Prayer warriors have been raised up by the HOLY SPIRIT who also came at a time I needed them. Now I call them FRIEND and SISTER! They are also helping me financially! God truly does REWARD those that diligently seek after him!" What amount of money could have pulled me from the depths of despair so great I could have DIED? What amount of money could bring me the NEW friends and Sisters who convinced me I needed to give GOD the GLORY at the WEAKEST point in my life! They said it shows I am a REAL PERSON not someone standing behind a Pulpit with no problems! Believe me I probably have more then the average Christian! And yet in all of this I can say MANY ARE THE AFFLICTIONS OF THE RIGHTEOUS BUT MY LORD SHALL DELIVER ME OF THEM ALL!

Also one more thing we have added a TEEN MINISTRY from OKLAHOMA his name is Bobby and he is a prophet, just turned 16, and is leading OTHER teenagers to the LORD! We will be sowing seed into our other half of the ministry named " Grace Ministry" This young boy when he Preaches and prophesies proves the HOLY SPIRIT is NO respecter of persons cares NOT of our age, or gender! Bobby keeps in constant contact with me and sends me his tapes that when he ministers in youth groups and churches yes even Prophesies! Joel 2 is a REALITY!

Bobby I love as a Mother in the LORD and one-day soon we shall minister together side by side. He has confirmation he is to be a Pastor! I gave him word of knowledge at least 3 of them that were confirmed.

Bobby will be carrying the cross around His City that he made on Saturday! On the cross it say REPENT! Bobby comes from parents that are NOT SAVED! Please keep my Baby Bobby, which I call him in prayer! As you support this ministry you make it possible I can reach out to him and other ministries. Another young lady age 19 wrote me she is a prophet again ALONE and waiting for GOD to release the prophesies for the coming days. She will be sending me the prophecies! Her name is LIZETTE! She comes from a family NOT SAVED! The HOLY SPIRIT led her to our on line temple web site and she has been learning and the HOLY SPIRIT has confirmed I am the one to bring the prophesies to the people that has been given to her. She has NOT spoken them to anyone yet. I am the one to encourage her.

My dream shows I am to minister to others through pictures. That is what this website does. Also the Picture One Minute Till Midnight shows YAHUSHUA is grieving for he is coming for HIS bride and he doesn't want anyone to have to go through the WRATH OF GOD! I am grateful for the ones I have the privilege to minister too. I am NOT for everyone but who do receive me as a prophet shall share in this prophet’s reward! In Heaven and in Earth! God the Father is faithful and he says we do not give up anything for HIS son YAHUSHUA sake without it being giving back 7 fold!

Remember when you bless this humble handmaiden Elisheva Eliyahu you are Calling forth BLESSINGS upon your own selves! I cannot do this ALONE if only you could hear the HOLY SPIRIT speak to you and tell you " I NEED YOU " read NO MORE LONE RANGERS Sometimes I try and be a LONE RANGER but the HOLY SPIRIT is quick to remind Me I need my TONTO's, my brothers and Sisters in YAHUSHUA! To encourage, pray, and support me to prophecy , to love me! When I am wrong to pray the HOLY SPIRIT will quickly get me back on right path!

Pray ALL of US who are lifting one another up in prayer will be COUNTED WORTHY TO BE YAHUSHUA BRIDE! Pray WE WILL NOT BE APPOINTED TO GODS WRATH! I leave you in the Peace that passes all understanding, a peace this world cannot give US! I am stronger now for what I have gone through knowing once again the DELIVERING POWER OF YAHUSHUA!

Love and blessings to all who will receive it in the name of YAHUSHUA Messiah
Rev. Elisheva Eliyahu

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