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The Tea Pot Story

A couple went into an antique shop and they saw this beautiful beautiful, magnificent little tea pot sitting high upon a shelf. They just fell in love with that little teapot. And they said, "We have got to have that teapot."

They were admiring the tea pot and all of a sudden the teapot began to talk to them. It said, "You know, I haven't always been like this. There was a time when nobody would have wanted me. There was a time when I was not attractive at all and not much use to the master. I was so broken and not fit for anything but the trash I thought."

You see there was a time in my life when I was just an old hard gray lump of clay and the Master Potter came along and picked me up one day and he began to pat, twist, turn me and reshape me and I said, "Stop it ! What are you doing? That hurts! Don't do that! Moaning, achhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Leave me alone! " And he simply looked at me and said, "Not Yet."

And then he put me on this wheel and he began to spin me around and around and around and around and I got so dizzy that I couldn't even hardly see where I was going anymore. I was loosing it! Everything was spinning around and around and around and I felt sick to my stomach andI said, " Let me off of here!" And he said, "Not yet."

The oven door had glass in it and the Master would look in there and he had this big old grin on his face and this certain look in his eyes. And he wouldn't let me out. And he would just smile at me and say, "Not yet." Finally, the oven door opened and he took me out and set me up on a shelf and I thought "Whew!" Thank God that is over! But then he began to paint me all over with this stinking paint changing my color from gray to this pretty GOLD that I am now. And I said,"This stuff stinks! It is choking me! Kawf, hack! kawf, I don't like this smell! Stop IT! Stop it! Stop it! He would just say, "Not Yet." (Anybody recognize the symptoms?) I have said these words to YAHUSHUA, have you? Then he put me back in the oven for the second time over and this is called the second firing. And it was twice as hot as the first oven and I thought I will die in here for sure. This is the end of me! This will finish me off. "GET ME OUT OF HERE, I CAN’T STAND IT! I CAN'T STAND IT! Really I am telling you I can't stand it! This is going to kill me, get me out of here now!" And he just looked through that glass and say, "NOT yet"

And then one day the door opened and he took me out and put me up here on this shelf to let me cool off. And after I cooled off one day, he came by and he handed me this mirror and I looked at myself and I couldn't believe how beautiful I was. I couldn't believe how I had changed! I didn't look anything at all like that old piece of gray clay that I started out to be. Now I am this beautiful little delicate "tea pot" and everybody wants me now.

(I don't know if I have arrived to this state yet.)

Personal note from Rev. Elisheva Eliyahu.

But there was a time in my life when nobody wanted me, nobody liked me, nobody paid any attention to me, they just kicked me around and walked on me. But now I am special, but I wasn't always this way! Now he uses my pain to minister to others, so they know they are not alone in their sufferings, YAHUSHUA takes the time to mold us and make us more into his image so we could glorify HIM! and Father God YAHUVEH!

Romans 8 says that we are predestined to be molded into the image of YAHUSHUA. Wow! That was GOD's plan from the very beginning even before we showed up on planet earth. He says, " I want you to be just like my Son, YAHUSHUA."

That will obviously take a work in our lives because by the time we submit our lives to the Lord YAHUSHUA we usually have quite a few problems, made a lot of mistakes that take GOD time to get us out of them and we need a pretty awesome work done in us.

God wants to do something through you, so you have got to let him do something to you. Every time we come up a little bit higher a little bit of our flesh has to go down lower. He is the potter and we are the clay. Let him mold us into his image. It hurts a heck of a lot, but in the end we will see it was for a purpose, and it is worth it!

We are All in this Fiery Furnace together and the Bible says in I Peter, I:7, "That the trial of your faith being much more precious than gold that perisheth, though it might be tried with fire, might be found onto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of YAHUSHUA." It says in Psalms 34:19 "Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them ALL!

"Read prophecy 7 (No More Crumbs) and hang on tight to the hem of YAHUSHUA's garment with me! OK?
Is there really any other choice? He will deliver us in YAHUSHUA'S timing! NOT OURS!

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