Posted 11/1/01
Spoken under the anointing by Brother Jeff.
Founded upon the teaching of the Apostles and Prophets. Lead by the HOLY SPIRIT.
Full of Love and Power. The headquarters is in heaven. YAHUSHUA is the chief
corner stone of the church and rightly the head. If we are Apostles and Prophets
our job is not to get a following, but to help lead the flock to follow and if
he entrusts souls to our care we shepherd them for a short time all the time
leading them do depend upon him and not us.
We do not do it for money. We cannot serve God and Mammon. We do not erect a
name over ourselves other than YAHUSHUA. There is no separation between brothers
and sisters in YAHUSHUA (if we indeed be brothers and sisters). We are called to
lay down our lives (love) the brethren. There is no need for organizations for
there is one organism the Body of YAHUSHUA. Without the Catholic Church and the
daughter religions, people are free to see the body of YAHUSHUA as it really is,
not thinking this off church is the true church.
How often I would love to sit down with my brethren and love them without their
false church traditions getting in the way? How sweet it would be if we did so!
But no, they said. How would we support ourselves they said? God wants unity in
diversity they said. They all went after their own ways and forgot YAHUVEH of
Glory. They rejected his word and said "this part doesn't apply to me" or "he
really did not mean that did he?" and then the Vatican came up with their own
version of the Greek text and took out key verses that were to hard to handle.
And now most of her daughters have translations from the corrupted Greek texts
and have rejected the textus receptus. In as much as they have rejected my word,
I will reject them says YAHUVEH. I will spew them out of my mouth.
How they thought it was ok to take a few verses out of my word. How they thought
just a few would make the churches meld together more. How they thought they
could pervert my word and teach others so without me taking notice. Who gave
them the authority to do this? Did I call a conference in heaven and tell these
churches to do so? Did I say "take out the offending parts and make them more
palatable? Was this in my heart says YAHUVEH to make my word weaker for the
faint of heart? How dare they do this and then call themselves my bride, my holy
bride. Thus says YAHUVEH, take her away from me. Let her eat the words that she
desires. I will take myself from her and she shall be desolate. I will take her
high places and those who call themselves gods I will cause to worship before
the feet of those I call my brethren. Take them from me and I will be satisfied
when I see them so more pervert my word and make my people to worship idols of
stone. I have said my peace. It will not be long now before the judgments take
place. He who has an ear let him hear what the spirit says to the churches.
For now I wait and my judgment is coming. I will judge the quick and the dead.
Those who lie in graves I will judge. Those who walk on the earth I will judge.
The day is coming and all shall be judged according to their works. Those who
have done righteously will have a righteous judgment. But those who have
followed after false gods they will be thrown into the lake of fire where they
shall gnash their teeth forever. Hear the word of YAHUVEH and live. Come out of
her my people and neither take part in her sins. For her sins have reached to
the heaven and YAHUVEH has remembered her iniquities. Depart from her now, for I
await your departure that I may give to her what she deserves. Pray and seek my
face. Today I am with you. But tomorrow where will you be?
This is the word of YAHUVEH. He who hears will live. But he who does not hearken
I will begin to judge. I have sent you my words and now it is time for the
judgment. I will now begin at the house of YAHUVEH and then judge the rest of
the world. Hear this and understand that the time of the end is near. I have
shown you with signs in the heavens and signs in the earth. Do you know what
hour it is? Then repent and draw close to me says YAHUVEH and repent. Choose
life, the way of YAHUVEH and walk in righteousness.
This is the way of YAHUVEH.