Greetings and Shalom in the name of our GOD our LORD YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH
This ministry is always ACTIVE behind the scenes! What email I have recieved is
POSITIVE reminding me anything we go through to reach souls for the kingdom of
HEAVEN is worth it!
I needed a rest from battling the hordes of HELL that descended on me ...Both in
spriitual realm and physical realm...but the HOLY SPIRIT has
comforted,strengthened more greatly anointed me and the HOLY SPIRIT never rests!
now lets make up for lost time and REALLY kick the devil and demons butt real
hard in the name of YAHUSHUA! By reaching more souls for the KINGDOM of HEAVEN
than even before! For the GLORY of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA alone! Lets speak the
truth more BOLDLY than before! Louder than before! Do you have something to
share with the congregation, then email it to me! Don't think I am too busy to
hear from you although I have been hindered while I was traveling by not always
responding I do read ALL your email!
For those interested Please email me I am getting revivals and crusades lined
up! IF your interested in this ministry coming to your church get permission
from your Pastor then email me . IF your a minister who has ministered in
foreign countries in revivals and crusades PLEASE email me! IF your in the music
ministry and can travel please email me! IF you have a radio station you want me
to minister on PLEASE email me!
This year I am determined to do more for the KINGDOM of our LORD YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH! than ever before! IF your in the deliverance ministry PLEASE EMAIL ME!
Lets kick down the gates of HELL that hold the people captive around this world!
join hands and anointing of HOLY SPIRIT together! Prophets come forth! I need
Can you travel? Do you have the boldness of John the Baptist? This ministry is
looking for Apostles, Prophets, Teachers, Evangelists, and Pastors or those who
wear no label but minister in the anointing with a burden to bring in the lost
sheep, and to encourage, and teach the bride of YAHUSHUA! Prayer warriors WE
need you!
Who wants to JOIN in taking this good news Where the HOLY SPIRIT leads! ONLY the
BOLD and BRAVE need contact me! Those who are greatly anointed in the name of
YAHUSHUA contact me! YAHUSHUA did not send out his desciples one by one but NOW
especially we NEED one another! Are you experenced in revivals and crusades? I
am assembling teams now and pray are you the one I am waiting for to join with
me ? I try to do too much alone and realize I can't do it that way anymore. Like
GOD spoke through me and said "NO MORE LONE RANGERS!" Especially in these end
IF you are greatly anointed you will realize you can DO NOTHING nor want to
SPEAK anything UNLESS you KNOW the HOLY SPIRIT has anointed you and empowererd
you and you do NOT rely on your wisdom but on the wisdom of the LORD YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH! I am looking especially for Messianic Jews to join with me! Especially
when I go to Israel later this year.
Excuse me while I taunt the devil a little...
HEY DEVIL We're backkkkk! in YAHUSHUA's name! and this Ministry is going after
the souls for the GLORY of the GOD we serve YHWH and YAHUSHUA,and HOLY SPIRIT
STRONGER and MORE anointed and determined then before! Satan your gonna pay for
trying to muzzle this prophet! In the name of YAHUSHUA! For didn't you read the
I have been through the strongest TEST of my life thus far but without it I
wouldn't have a stronger TESTIMONY! There is a forth coming BOOK that will be
coming in GODS timing! The author who has a book being released in a matter of
months GOD has chosen to write the story behind the scenes of my life and this
The music ministry will be going forward as GOD has behind the scenes during the
most intense testing of this minister...line up those who will be recording
songs given to me for many years! Songs of DELIVERANCE and songs of WARFARE
against the devil and SONGS of PRAISE and WORSHIP!
Multitudes are still getting saved from that ugly seed (the citizen in Hell song
vision given to me of HELL with a warning!) that produces such beautiful
salvation reports and it will be on CD and also produced by a Playwriter who is
already aclaimed in Canada! I boldly speak these things into existence and cover
all with the shed blood of YAHUSHUA!
Together my friends we are MEAN (to the works of the devil ) LEAN (eating the
meat of the word and drinking the milk! no junk food of this world! or false
manifestations! we accept only the TRUTH!) and together we are anointed HOLY
Now lets CHARGE! at the enemy of our souls together and show everyone there is
still LIFE in Amightywind and AllmightyWind! The act of inactivity has been
noted and email wondered if all was well...We want to let you KNOW ALL IS WELL
WITH my SOUL AND ALL THAT IS WITHIN this ministry! The devil has tried to Knock
me down, kick, rejected by those I believed were my friends and GOD just raised
up MORE anointed warriors/friends and partners that prayed me through and one
day soon you will KNOW how the devil battled for me to give up and quit this
ministry and yet YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH has the VICTORY for his HOLY SPIRIT in me
and others working with me is shouting GET LOST DEVIL! YOU HAVE NO CLAIM ON ME
Behind the scenes the HOLY SPIRIT never stopped ministering to the People! This
work still goes on it is ETERNAL for the seed that is planted keeps growing GOOD
fruit and GOOD harvests! ONLY for the GLORY of GOD YHWH and YAHUSHUA and the
HOLY SPIRIT! THANK YOU for all who stand firm with US and Prayed me through the
Personal crisis's I have endured and although I staggered still stood firm as so
many lifted my hands when I didn't have strength to lift them myself! NO ONE but
my most trusted Prayer warriors KNOW what was going on behind the scenes nor the
price I pay for the sake of this ministry. ONLY GOD himself understands and for
the sake of reaching even ONE soul I must say in the name of YAHUSHUA it is
WORTH IT! What is the price of a soul? It is Priceless!
Satan HATES this ministry for both JEWS and GENTILES are coming to the one and
only KING OF KINGS and LORD of LORDS getting saved,delivered,healed for the
GLORY of our LORD YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH is his name the only Begotton son of
YAHUVEH! HE alone is OUR deliverer!
GREAT! will be your reward for praying and supporting this ministry at this
time! I have learned MUCH during this time! So have those who have battled in my
and this ministries behalf!
YAHUSHUA Bless all who have blessed this ministry and this minister! You have
been tested with me and come forth as PURER then GOLD! ALL rewards stored up for
me in HEAVEN you shall also share with me! I love you dearly in the name of
YAHUSHUA IF your interested in me coming to your country PLEASE email me and
lets start making arrangements for Revivals and crusades and those interested in
coming with me to minister email me asap! NO ONE said following YAHUSHUA would
be easy but it is WORTH IT! Please pray blessings around the staff of this
ministry the HOLY GHOST Website managers! IF you have been gifted in Website
graphics and want to help create beautiful pages as a VOLUNTEER unto the LORD
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH Please email me! We are trying to make EVERY page BEAUTIFUL
as we are told to entertain as well as inform this end time generation.
OUR website managers can always use some help this is a gigantic job!
We are also going to be putting up a prayer board but it will be monitored so
the filth of this world doesn't contaminate that which is HOLY! Prayer warriors
are needed come forth please in the name of YAHUSHUA!
The Website managers job is NOT an easy job and they have seen this pastor reel
with the blows of the enemy and stagger but it is their commitment to YAHUSHUA
and their eyes that behold the GOOD FRUIT that comes forth and they KNOW
whatever we go through it is well worth it! GREAT will their reward be in Heaven
and in Earth for not forsaking me at a critical time in this ministry. In the
LORD!" My goal now is to be a even worst nightmare for Satan and his demonic
forces who work through people to discourage, steal, kill, and destroy! But this
ministry does NOT belong to anyone but Almighty GOD YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and the
HOLY Spirit! I shall continue to LIVE and NOT die to declare the works of the
LORD YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! who's name means Salvation!
YAHUSHUA, YAHUSHUA, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, it is the same Savior we serve and
call Savior and Messiah! Come LORD YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, YAHUSHUA come quickly
is my prayer your bride longs to behold the love of our life! Until that time we
shall occupy until you come doing the work you have laid before us proving the
reality that our Messiah still rules and riegns and saves,heals,delivers YOU
alone are the MIRACLE worker and without the anointing of the HOLY SPIRIT we can
do nothing apart from your HOLY SPIRIT! IN bold faith I decree in your name
YAHUSHUA that this ministry shall be a greater more powerfully anointed force
that will be used as Isaiah 61 declares! Setting the captives FREE in the name
and GOD the HOLY SPIRIT! alone!
In deepest Love and appreciation to my Friends of this Ministry
Rev. Elisheva Eliyahu!