Prophetic Word to Prophet Gayl
December 25, 2008
I had dreamt my son wanted to wear my old reading glasses. I was writing in my journal about it and pondering what it meant when the Lord YAHUSHUA began speaking to me the following:
“I’ve given him that gift, to see things up close, take a good look, transform his life into MY image saith I, YAHUVEH, if he so chooses. It’s his choice. I won’t cross his will but he will perish into naught (nothing) without ME there to guide him, to be by his side for I am the only REDEEMER. I am the SAVIOUR of the world though many know it not.
I will give you an opening for your (insert name of your unsaved relative) to acknowledge ME before others. I have not cast her away tell her – only she runs from ME, trying to outrun ME. Does she not know I have a plan for her salvation if she will but accept it, acknowledge ME in all MY ways for I am RULER of the UNIVERSE. There is no other. I am all things to all people if they will but acknowledge ME, listen to ME, bend to MY will.
So many want to do things their way but they do not know the way – they are lost – barren – on their way to hell for the road is wide to hell and oh so many enter. (I have a vision of satan beckoning them, enticing them, making it so easy to slip right into hell.)
So tell your (insert name of your unsaved relative) to acknowledge ME in all their ways, on their way to hell if they do not repent of their sin and allow ME to enter in. Do they really want to spend eternity burning in flames of death and torment? Tell them hell is very real, not just a figment of someone’s imagination. Tell them to take the time, to trouble themself with ME – knowing ME. They will not find ME through listening to the likes of Robert Schuller who waters everything down so there is nothing left but his own fleshly desires – he tries to make ME palatable and in the end destroys what little knowledge he does have of ME.
Oh sinner beware! I am coming for the lost that they may repent, fall on their faces before ME and acknowledge ME in all their ways, for the road is wide to hell – it is a slippery path so many slide upon until it is too late and they are in the pit, the bowel, down below where satan has his kingdom, his evil fifedom of hate, filled with lust - fleshly, carnal, subterranean, deep, under the crevices – no device is made available to exit hell. You cannot leave there once placed there by your own sin and fornication, your own doubts of MY existence. People don’t realize that. They don’t take the time to learn here on earth. They doubt MY coming. They doubt MY existence. They water ME down to a form palatable to their taste – they spew ME (knowledge of ME) out of their mouths so I spew them forth/out when they try to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. There is no opening to Heaven unless I provide it. There is no way to Heaven without ME. (I have a vision of people on their faces bowing before YAHUSHUA.) They must acknowledge ME in all their ways or the devil will make mincemeat of them and toss them over the edge of the cliff just as he has so many others. It is not a Message to be taken lightly – this Salvation Message – but seriously. To acknowledge ME in all their ways they must.
Your children need to hear this Message of passion and love for them if they will but repent, turn from their sin and acknowledge ME in all their ways. Open their hearts, minds, bodies and souls/spirits to ME forever; I desire to be with them in eternity if they will but acknowledge ME in all their ways. Open their lives to ME. Allow ME to enter in. I have a (good) plan for them if they will but receive it. They must receive it.
I will not force MY plans on anyone but I am coming for the lost lest they should perish in/by their own making. I have a plan of redemption. I am the Plan of Redemption. I strive so long for each soul that is to be saved. I do not waste MY time or MY breath. I speak when it is time and necessary to speak, not a minute before and not a minute after for MY timing is right on. I am the ALPHA and the OMEGA, the first and the last. I strive with no man beyond his time. I reckon the time. All must acknowledge ME for ME to take ownership of their lives. I will not enter in where I am not welcome. Your (insert unsaved relative’s name) is only fit for damnation if they do not submit their will to ME. You can tell them I said that for one day they will see ME and then it will be too late if they do not submit to MY authority now.
Receive the Truths I give you this day, acknowledge ME in all your ways that I may enter in and take over your life. Allow ME to be MASTER of your Universe, to rule over you as you submit your will to MINE, if you will but allow ME to enter in – to make your choices for you – to not allow doubt to dissuade you from MY plans and purposes. Yes, you are under attack little one. You bend and sway in the breeze – hang on tight to ME little one – do not let go (oh the Anointing is coming here as I’m heating up). You lose your way when you give into spirits of doubt, worry, fret, desire, confusion, but do I not always come through? Your flesh is causing you to doubt, have confusion, worry, fret, panic, but trust ME. Allow ME to do MY job as I see fit little one. You must obey ME child for the time is oh so short before MY soon coming for the righteous for whom MY blood was spilt and in whom I live, move and have MY being.
‘Choose ye this day whom ye will serve,’ I say it to the world. I give warning. I tell them to listen to MY voice and heed MY call.
You have much work to do. Do not delay. Do not tarry. Seek MY will. Bend to MY will. Let ME be LORD and MASTER, I am none other.”
End of Word
Beloved YAHUSHUA how I love YOU. How I cherish YOU and not other. Thank YOU so much for the priviledge of YOU speaking to me.