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A Wolf Attacks and My Response

I don't like taking time away from ministering to answer these lies spoken against this minister but it appears I must. I ask you to pray for discernment. How many others are being deceived by this wolf in sheep's clothing.

My former web site manager, who was volunteering his services for the glory of God, and was let go because of a drug problem he had, sent the following to all who had signed my guestbook.

Rev. Elisheva Eliyahu

Greetings in the name of the Lord YAHUSHUA,

I am so sorry for the intrusion into your E-mail, but this is of most urgent. Because you have visited AmightyWind or AlmightyWind Ministries I feel you should know that the one who says she is pointing out the wolves in sheep's clothing, Is the Leader of the Pack!!!

You will notice the graphics used on her site are stolen, How do I know this, I am the creator, artist the made them But Elisheva Eliyahu has NOT paid for them, and in my book that is theft!

How can one such as this be trusted…? This is what I ask. You will notice if you visit Amightywind.com, the page has changed again, and I quote from her page… Important message and sincere apology to any of you who may have visited us on 2/3/99 and 2/4/99. We had a new person taking care of the web site and they posted some things contrary to our beliefs, which grieved the HOLY SPIRIT. If you have questions please contact Rev. Elisheva Eliyahu.

So what was this error, was it that her new web manager put her name at the bottom? I'm not sure. for when I was her Web manager she would not allow any one to know who I was, or who was creating the graphics; Elisheva did this through deception stating She was protecting me from the evil. And as soon as I finished her Canada site. I was Locked out for no other reason but for being sick, and did not post for three days, Now I know this is why I need to tell all her visitors of her deception. I have asked Elisheva Eliyahu to pay me for my work and I get on response. I ask you would a person who says she is a pastor do this…? I think not.

I just thought you all might like to have a look at the real Elisheva…
I have another question to ask, knowing Elisheva and working as her web master, I got to speak to her on the phone several times, and have had several E-mails as I'm sure you have also, and I have heard her son make mention several times the remark "Mom are you going to die"?

Ask yourselves this, Would the son of a pastor fear death? Would you not think she would teach her son that God has given us the spirit of faith and not fear? I leave these questions to you…

Again forgive me for the intrusion into your mailbox but I felt this was too important to let go.I will NOT write to any of the 300 people on this BCC mail list ever again in unless I am asked by you! May the grace of God be with you and give you many blessings.

Larry Davis
AKA Da Kine Custom Graphics

To which I sent the follow response:

Dear Sir or madam:

I am writing this to you for you signed the guest book and once again Evil has grabbed it and used it against me. This will be a one time email so don't worry about getting involved and asked to chase away the wolf the servant of Satan I once allowed to work for this ministry. For those that believe Larry Davis's Lies. he is a former web manager and yes he created some of the graphics for this ministry.

You do not understand that the man that writes you I FIRED. he is addicted to marijuana and insists it is a gift from YAHUSHUA. You do not understand this man volunteered his services. You are speaking on things you know not. The only other person to speak against this ministry is a demon possessed multi personality woman dealing in the occult. She also wrote to the guest book. I am not concerned what you think of me, for this is between YAHUVEH,YAHUSHUA and yourself. You have been tested and found to speak in great pride on things you know not of.

You touched this handmaiden but I leave you in the hands of Almighty God. One day we both will see who is right and who is wrong. This man Larry is trying hard to destroy this ministry and charge for what he freely gave to God. Now he is trying to charge for it he needs it to buy his drugs. I don't believe he will ever know another blessing for what he is doing. I forgive him for he is merely a tool of Satan. The HOLY SPIRIT told me that those that do not listen to the HOLY SPIRIT will believe the lies of Satan, the others will
recognize Larry's motives. hmm check yourself and see who are you listening to?

Would you rather I keep as a Site manager someone getting high on marijuana and saying it is a gift from YAHUSHUA . Even the dealer that sells it to him,was a gift of YAHUSHUA according to him. Since he made this public very shortly I will be posting more on this called " Beware of the Big Bad Wolves Who Eat Ministries"

Recently another Site manager Barbara Engle, for one night on the other mirror site sold everything but the kitchen sink! and preached contrary to the bible. She brags now she is a servant of satan,and put viruses in the website and is a witch. The next morning she was FIRED and blocked out. I trusted her and she did not let me see what she was doing until she unveiled it to the world. She was suppose to be a Pastor also. But I was deceived the damage was done. Between her and Larry Davis, Satan has attacked and tried to defile and slander a Holy ministry and minister.

"The Gates of Hell shall not prevail against the Church"
the other site is completely being taken down. amightywind.com A Satanist and Larry who another prophet says God told her he is using the occult. you haven't even discerned the truth from the lies Barb claims Larry is a well known EX witch. but how ex? for him to set out to close the doors of this online church shows you whose servant he is.

Woe be unto you who claim to know more then I do. send this to him and ask him if he did not volunteer his services to this ministry. Ask him why he thinks he has a right to charge
for what was given freely? Ask him if I fired him for smoking marijuana?and ask him if he believes marijuana is a gift from YAHUSHUA . He has back aches and gets high for this reason. If he denies it I will send you the email to prove what he said. Larry, slanders this ministry and I will be in contact with a former representative and now lawyer full of the HOLY SPIRIT for his Slander is lies and he has written everyone in this guest book. Multitudes see his lies. You question me. Now question him. I am sending this to Larry to let him know I am seeking Legal restitution for what he is doing. He will not only answer to God but a lawyer very shortly.

The web domain Host has let him know the below:

Dear Sir,

We are the host of the almightywind.com site and as such are
looking into this issue of graphic ownership.

I should point out to you that if your images were placed on the
site by yourself acting as web designer for the site owner of which
you had an agreement either written or oral as to the nature of
your business on the site (as you did have full access to the site
for design and upload), then all work performed while on the site
is the property of the registered site owner that you were
contracted by unless otherwise agreed upon with the site owner.

If the site owner knowingly copied your graphics from your personal
site (please send us your URL) and placed them on her site then
there is a potential case of copyright infringement and we would
take possible action after being provided proof of ownership,
agreement with you and the owner, and method by which the images
got to the site in the first place. As this does not seem to be the
case, please deal with the owner of the site which is also, I may
add, the owner of the content of that site.

Webmasters for sites do not have rights of ownership to the site or
material placed on it unless otherwise agreed upon with the owner
of the site or they are the owner of the site.

Artists, webmasters, and similar do not generally go around
claiming ownership for other peoples sites or the work that they
did while webmaster for that site. In fact, should you copy
material that is unique to someone else's site without prior
agreement, then it would be you that is in copyright infringement
and could face possible legal action by the site owner.

This wolf is attacking a sheep and rebuke the wolf not the sheep.

Here is the latest email I wrote Larry:

You know Larry, this amazes me how you have NO FEAR OF ALMIGHTY GOD. Do you also know that I have the proof you were paid one hundred dollars and it was a love offering for you had said that you never wanted to be paid for anything you volunteered your services as a gift to YAHUSHUA!

Robert North will vouch for me on this. Also He works for the government and can tell me how to contact your Social Security and Welfare and show them how you are making money on the side. How long do you think you will keep your benefits? You don't threaten me! You didn't work for me! You worked for YAHUSHUA. I have the email to prove this. Others keep track of what is going on you know.

Deut. 28 the curses of GOD will come upon you and you shall wear
them like 2nd skin and LOSE your soul for what you are doing if you don't turn from your wicked ways!

Other prophets speaking forth the same thing. Woe be unto you Larry, for you know I don't have that kind of money and you are blackmailing a Holy woman and ministry that does NOT belong to Rev. Elisheva Eliyahu but instead has been built by the hands of Almighty God YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and the HOLY SPIRIT. This ministry is sustained by the Prayers of the righteous that availeth much!

You speak about that lion I can prove I paid $50.00 for that and Robert North fixed it to look like [your husband]. You are a VERY EVIL MAN AND YOU SHALL PAY A HEAVY PRICE LIKE NONE OTHER! WHAT IS THE PRICE OF YOUR SOUL LARRY?


You had better think real careful Larry, for again I have proof you worked for this ministry as a volunteer. You said you never wanted compensation for anything you did financially. Even the ad I place in Christian Classified states FREE and it is still there. Tell this to YAHUSHUA Larry! Tell him your soul is only worth that small amount of money! Tell God your threatening to close the site down where all I do is help hurting people in the Lord's name! Go ahead Larry!

I will NOT have even a volunteer use DOPE and touch what is Holy! You were fired! Yes I said things were good like the frames but I didn't want to hurt your feelings! Some of your work is beautiful other was NOT. I could NOT say for I did!didn't want to hurt your feelings. Didn't I already apologize for compromising?

You stole the graphic with YAHUSHUA weeping and that is copyrighted! Now I am going to send you what other prophets are saying that I held back praying you would stop this path of self destruction. My son can't get over how Satan is twisting your mind and he thinks your a bad man !

You use dream weaver and made it impossible for anyone to copy prophesies or teachings! We were sabotaged in that also!

The graphic of YAHUSHUA coming again I PAID for YEARS AGO! You added a red moon and color a box and put it around it and then claim that is your picture! I can prove that is MY picture! You wrote whose property that is .

Rev. Elisheva Eliyahu

Anything that bears the name of this ministry I am told is MY PROPERTY! But the truth is anything you have worked on or touched will be replaced for it has been tainted with EVIL and EVIL motivations for GAIN and is NO longer a Gift to YAHUSHUA you are a CURSE unto me and Almighty God where you once were a blessing.

Where you had blessings shall now be cursed. Everything from your health,to your finances, to your marriage, to your soul! Why are you doing this? Is this really worth your soul? Never again to know the peace of God! Why? Did I not write you in love? I was only to hear what you would speak back to me and the Lord said your true spirit would be revealed.

To brag you shut down other sites tells me you were being tested when God sent you to me. Tells me Jer. 6 27:29 He used me and this ministry to show your true spirit and it is REPROBATE . how sad!

Robert North is a Godly man he just was too busy to work although he also volunteered his time and still does say he wants to help. He is my witness that you and him BOTH offered your talents and time as a unpaid volunteer! I am sending him a copy of this now and what your doing. Robert North will always be my Brother and he is a blessing just to know him. Anything he did is a pleasing aroma in the nostrils of God Almighty. You Larry, have turned what was beautiful into a swine offering! a manure offering! To blackmail a minister that never has taken a salary in 23 years who pays the bills on a Visa card! Depends on YAHUSHUA for EVERYTHING you are really walking the path to damnation! What is the price of your soul? of the blessings you have known?

I am busy working at USA site now and Canada site has not been touched thus far. But eventually what you did I want to replace. You put the water mark you say on what you did but prove that you had the right to claim what was NOT yours! My son draws a picture you post it so now it has your water mark! I pay for a graphic and you put your water mark on it! That sword a man named REX drew it! I am sure he would like to know you claim it as your own! After all you put your watermark on it.

I know that man! He drew graphics for me at one time and YES gave them to this ministry! You let rebellion enter in when you started arguing you can smoke marijuana and still be Holy! Your friend Andy is fooling himself also. But one day this precious man will hear this and I grieve for him and you. Poor Jeri now she is further away from GOD then ever. You children see a hypocrite who is teaching them one thing and doing another. You give gifts to GOD and a ministry then you get angry and like a spoiled kid say I am taking them back! or demand payment that is so outrageous for once you give something to GOD you can't take it back without dire consequences. Enough said now I will attach what others are writing. Andrew says you don't have a leg to stand on. I will tell you this your copy of your bill the Welfare and Social Security will see and be known this is how your supplementing your income! If you proceed on. No one closes the doors of this church! No one is blessed for blackmailing a minister or ministry! I pray you think about what your doing very carefully. I have the receipt of the money order sent to you in January for One Hundred as a love gift for you said you were broke. That $100.00 could be applied to the banner. By the way your red moon is nothing without the picture inside of it. How dare you try and claim what I paid for!

Your watermark is a LIE and why would someone giving a gift to a ministry Watermark with HIS watermark. Woe be unto you Larry, I trusted you and GOD knew all along I couldn't trust you and it would come to this. Gary Guillion is also my witness that you were a volunteer! That you never expected to be repaid. You had better think twice on this. Very prayerfully and see if what you are sowing you will want to reap. What is the price of your soul?

I say this in the love of GOD there is still time to stop and repent for what you are doing. Andrew speaks about copyright laws,Larry you have a prophecy I pray you take seriously. Another Pastor sees your rebellion and it is a form of witchcraft the Bible says so. It appears you were in contact with Chris my ex-webmanager and planned on making a profit off this ministry. Barbara did the same thing although you were exposed by what she found she did what you were going to do in one night. Next day she was FIRED. This is NOT a money changers temple no matter how much I need finances! God's gifts are NOT for sale.

Rev. Elisheva Eliyahu

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