This is from Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH said to put this up on all Prophecies from now on: I warned you a long time ago Elisabeth (Elisheva) not to name this Ministry after a man or a woman even before there was a Ministry. I put it in your spirit for none of this has been done by your hand, none of this has come forth from your mouth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of the RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH that has given birth. If it had only been by your hand it would have failed long ago. It is by the SHKHINYAH GLORY’S Wind that blows across this earth, the Holy Wind of Revival, it is not by your breath or it would have failed. (Isaiah 42:8)
This is from Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH said to put this up on all Prophecies from
now on: I warned you a long time ago Elisabeth (Elisheva) not to name this
Ministry after a man or a woman even before there was a Ministry. I put it in
your spirit for none of this has been done by your hand, none of this has come
forth from your mouth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It
is from the Mouth of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH that has given birth. It is from the
Mouth of the RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH that has given birth. If it had only
been by your hand it would have failed long ago. It is by the SHKHINYAH GLORY’S
Wind that blows across this earth, the Holy Wind of Revival, it is not by your
breath or it would have failed. (Isaiah 42:8)
In July 2010 YAHUVEH GOD also said to add the following from 2nd Chronicles
before every Prophecy:
2 Chronicles 36:16, “But they mocked the Messengers of GOD, despised HIS Words,
and scoffed at HIS Prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against HIS
people, till there was no remedy.”
* * * * * * *
Thus saith YAHUSHUA (Jesus Christ), so shall ye be. For I see your heart. I hear
your cries to ME. I feel your brokenness when a leader you trusted deceives you.
But I have called and ordained you. I will sustain you. I, YAHUSHUA and the
RUACH ha KODESH (Holy Spirit) are training you. I will not send you forth to the
front lines till you are able to withstand and endure the hardships you will
endure. But many are your blessings.
Many souls will come to ME, as I fortify your faith and you go forth in MY Name
to do great works in the Name of YAHUSHUA. All will know it is not you but the
RUACH ha KODESH anointing that brings forth these manifestations of deliverance
and healing and I will use you to speak MY words and you will do it boldly,
though many will be offended. They are MY words, not your words; you are not
held accountable for what I say. Or the way I think. For MY ways are higher than
your ways. Are they not?
I speak not only to you, but again I speak to all the prophets and apostles who
minister in MY Name. The way has not been easy nor will it get any easier. But
hold on tight to the measure of faith I have given each of you. For it is well
above that which will sustain you in this end time. For your Bridegroom doth
come, yeah I am even now at the horizon. You can feel ME at this very hour, be
Do what I have called you to do, and put your hand to the plow and do not look
back. But look forward. Keep running the good race to the mark of the high
calling. Be not deceived, the tribulation has not begun yet. Pray you will be
spared this, for the tribulation is not for MY Bride. Why would I beat up and
abuse MY Loving Bride? Why would I kill MY Spouse, MY Bride that awaits her
groom? MY Bride with all her jewels on and finely adorned and who worships only
ME, lives for only ME. I would not.
I tell you anyone that says I am going to allow you to go through the Great
Tribulation does not speak MY words. They speak words of fear and deceit. I am
coming for MY Bride to tenderly carry her away and lovingly protect her. She is
not worthy of MY wrath, for she loves and obeys ME. She trusts ME. She is
relying on ME to save her. Do not fear what so called experts say, and they say
you will be here for the wrath of Almighty God YAHUVEH. For this is not of ME. I
love MY Bride, MY Children, above all else. I gave MY life so you would be
As you trust ME to keep you from hell, trust ME also to keep you from the coming
horror of the great time of woe, to come upon this earth in the undiluted wrath
of Almighty YAHUVEH. MY Children, pray for MY coming quickly. For judgment must
start with MY own children, then the heathen will be judged. This is the great
time of woe I speak of. Whatever I have called you to do, do it now for soon it
will be too late.
Keep your eyes on the eastern sky and know that MY arrival is imminent. Can’t
you feel the excitement? For your Bridegroom doth come. But for you MY Bride
there is no fear, only rejoicing. Fear for those that mock, or deny ME. Fear for
the lost sheep. Fear for the reprobate and rejected silver. As they have
rejected ME, so I have rejected them. You will know rejected silver; for you
will know the RUACH ha KODESH is not drawing them. The RUACH ha KODESH will not
always strive with men especially in these end times.
You Daniel came searching for a word. You Daniel have been rewarded this day.
Once again I used you to stir up the gifts in MY handmaiden. You both did not
know I had made an appointment for you to meet online, but I did. This message
is not just for you Daniel but once again beloved son, I have used you to speak
forth to all MY Children.
Fear not, your Bridegroom doth come. Hold on tight to your faith, for although I
am quiet I am testing those that proclaim their love for ME. But by feeding,
warning MY sheep you will be proving your love for ME. By willing to suffer
persecution, hatred, rejection for MY Name sake, you are proving your love for
ME. By holding on tight to your faith though with your eyes you can’t see the
answer to your prayers, you will be proving your love for ME as you say,
“YAHUSHUA even if you never answer another prayer I worship you for who you are,
for what you did for me at Calvary.”
This will prove your love for ME, by being willing to lay your reputations down
for ME and if need be to sacrifice your lives for the Gospel of YAHUSHUA. This
will prove your love for ME, by obeying ME, and seeking ME, and openly
confessing and worshipping ME. This will prove your love for ME.
By exposing the wolves in the sheep’s den that come to devour the sheep, by
picking up MY sword of the RUACH ha KODESH and defending MY sheep you will prove
your love for ME. You say you love ME MY Children? Then by standing for holiness
and for right and not wrong, by being conformed to MY image and not that of the
world you will prove your love for ME. I end this with one question, “Will you
prove your love for ME”?
I am watching and you’re surrounded by a cloud of witnesses. Even the enemy of
your soul watches in fear. Will you prove your love for ME by loving one
another? Those that do, you know are MINE and you shall know it. Will you prove
your love for ME by sheltering and loving and extending your hands to them in
prayer? This will prove your love for ME. MY sheep know MY voice; they will come
to no other shepherd. Have you heard MY voice this day? Then this is who this
message is for. I have proved MY love for you at Calvary. Now will you prove
your love for ME?
Given to this handmaiden of YAHUSHUA,
Prophet Sherrie Elijah (Elisheva Sherrie Eliyahu) on May 28, 1997.
* * * * * * *
YES, I will prove my love for you YAHUSHUA. Thank you for speaking forth out of
this broken vessel of Clay one more time. Please RUACH ha KODESH anoint these
words mightily for YAHUSHUA’s Glory I pray. Please help the sheep to discern
YAHUSHUA’s voice. Please, RUACH ha KODESH, help us to prove our love for our
Master, Ruler, Savior, King of Kings, our soon coming Bridegroom. We worship,
praise and adore you YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Always your Handmaiden, Child,
Warrior, Bride.
Spoken under the Anointing of the RUACH HA KODESH
Through Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu on May 28, 1997
Editor’s Comment: This Prophetic Word from YAHUVEH is included because it
laid a spiritual foundation upon which further Prophetic Words were spoken. When
this Word was spoken YAHUVEH’S Dividing Sword came down between those who
honored HIS True Sabbath of Friday sunset to Saturday sunset and those who would
not give up the man-made Sabbath of Sunday—the day the ancient Romans honored
their sun god.
On August 1, 2005 Elisheva kept hearing, “I, YAHUVEH, tell you Elisheva to tell
the people, ‘People, you are missing the point!” On August 2, 2005 as Elisheva
was telling the [ex] site manager, a mighty Anointing came upon her as she
started praying in Holy tongues and this Prophetic Word came forth.
* * * * * * *
Below is the Prophecy as it came forth
—with Prophet Elisheva’s “Holy tongues,” as GOD’S SPIRIT gives utterance (Acts
2:3-4) of heavenly or earthly languages (1 Co 13:1). Elisheva speaks forth in
tongues bringing Prophecy (1 Co 14:6).
It contains the HEBREW NAMES of GOD:
YAH / YAHU יה is GOD’S HOLY, SACRED NAME as in “Alleluia” or “Hallelu YAH”
הללו–יה which literally means “Praise YAH”: YAHUVEH / YAHWEH י-ה-ו-ה GOD THE
means “THE MESSIAH”; ELOHIM אלוהים means “GOD.”)
The Revelation of “SH’KHINYAH GLORY” שכניה תפארה —as the PERSONAL NAME of RUACH
HA KODESH רוח הקדש, (in English “The HOLY SPIRIT”)—is also on this site.
Additionally, ABBA YAH אבא יה means “FATHER YAH”
and IMMA YAH אמא יה means “MOTHER YAH.”
Scripture quotes are KJV or NKJV unless otherwise indicated. Right click
footnote numbers to open a second tab.
* * * * * * *
YAHUVEH’S Words to Elisheva to be added before the Prophecies:
I warned you a long time ago Elisabeth [Elisheva],
not to name this Ministry after a man or a woman.
Even before there was a Ministry, I put it in your spirit.
For none of this has been done by your hands.
None of this has come forth from your mouth.
It is from the Mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth.
It is from the Mouth of YAHUSHUA,
your MASHIACH, that it has been given birth.
It is from the Mouth of the RUACH HA KODESH,
your IMMAYAH, that it has been given birth.
If it had only been by your hand, it would have failed long ago.
that blows across this earth, the HOLY WIND OF REVIVAL.
It is not by your breath, or it would have failed.
“I AM the LORD YAHUVEH: that is MY NAME:
And MY GLORY I will not give to another,
Neither MY PRAISE to graven images.” Isaiah 42:8
(Prophecy 105)
In July 2010, YAHUVEH GOD also said to add the following as a warning to those
who mock:
But they mocked the Messengers of GOD, despised HIS Words,
and scoffed at HIS Prophets, until the Wrath of YAHUVEH
arose against HIS People, till there was no remedy.
—2 Chronicles 36:16
Then, in July 2016:
Woe be unto anyone that dares to try to harm—these two anointed ones. You will
regret the day you ever were born. Touch not MY anointed and neither do these
two Prophets any harm (see Ps 105:15; 1 Ch 16:22). It would be better for you if
I, ABBA YAHUVEH, would tear out your tongue!
(Prophecy 128)
And from Prophet Ezra:
I warn you all—those who are coming against this Ministry AND THESE PROPHECIES
and Elisheva and I, all the Ministers of AmightyWind Ministry—I warn you now,
‘Touch not YAH’S Anointed and do HIS Prophets no harm’ (Ps 105:15; 1 Ch 16:22)
lest the Wrath of the Rod of YAH come upon you. But for those who are blessed
and are a blessing for this Ministry, and faithful, and who receive the
Prophecies, much blessing will come on you—all to protect what belongs to YAH in
* * * * * * *
Prophecy 79 Begins:
August 2, 2005
If you are not obeying ME now and if you are compromising now with the Day I
have set aside as MY Holy Sabbath-Day—and if you do not think it is important to
obey each and every one of MY Commandments—what makes you think you will obey
during the soon coming Great Tribulation?
Why is it more comfortable to listen to man’s doctrines, when they twist MY
Words to conform to man’s sinful image? Although MY SON YAHUSHUA is your REST,
HE is not your Day-of-Rest. MY SON YAHUSHUA is NOT a day and MY 4th Commandment
clearly states to keep Holy, MY Sabbath Day of Rest.
What part of this don’t you understand? Yes, rest in YAHUSHUA. For HIS yoke is
easy and HIS burden is light (Mt 11:30), but this has nothing to do with the
Sabbath Day. Did not YAHUSHUA keep the Sabbath?
Did I not send MY SON, YAHUSHUA, to be an example unto you? Do you even know why
I set aside a Day of Rest (Gn 2:1-3)? Do you not know this Sabbath Day is to be
a blessing unto you and not a curse?
MY Fourth Commandment clearly states to keep Holy MY Sabbath Day of Rest. Does
not the Law I wrote with MY Own Fiery Finger on a tablet of stone (Ex 31:18; Dt
9:10) and gave to Moses on Mt. Sinai say, “Honor MY Sabbath-Day and keep it
Holy” (Ex 20)?
Again I ask you, since when is MY SON, YAHUSHUA, a day? Ask yourself, why would
satan change the day of Sabbath to Sunday if it were not going to be used for
his purpose in the Great Tribulation? Do not listen to those who preach
otherwise. Herein lies the victory.
It is written in MY Holy Word that I, YAHUVEH, cannot lie.
If you obey ME, there are Blessings & Victory as stated in Deuteronomy 28. There
are curses to those that disobey. Read and study what is written in Exodus
31:12-17. The true Sabbath will be the sign between, I, YAHUVEH & MY people, and
it will be used to identify who truly worships and who will serve ME in the
Great Tribulation.
Will you worship, I, YAHUVEH & YAHUSHUA on the True Shabbat—Friday Sundown till
Saturday Sundown? Or during the Great Tribulation will you serve and worship the
son of satan on Sunday?
If you are not keeping MY Holy Sabbath-Day now, what makes you think you will do
it then, during the Great Tribulation which is only a breath away?
This is why I AM now speaking through this Ringmaiden of MINE—who is ordained to
be a Prophet to the Nations—so this warning will ring around this world. Do you
not know those who teach that it is impossible to be obedient and to be Holy
unto ME make excuses for their own sins?
I, YAHUVEH, say, “People you are missing the point!”
This is not open for debate. You will either do what I, YAHUVEH, say or in the
Great Tribulation with your souls you will pay. Those who have raised up and
said, “I will be Elisabeth’s [Elisheva‘s] judge, I shall be Elisabeth’s
[Elisheva‘s] jury,” repent now or you shall face ME. And I shall say, “Depart
from ME you worker of iniquity” (Mt 7:23; Lk 13:27), for I AM YAHUVEH and I take
These are NOT Elisabeth’s [Elisheva‘s] words.
You preachers and false prophets of lawlessness attack her. You slander her for
the Torah that I wrote with MY Own finger. You teach MY sheep and MY lambs that
I wink at sin. Repent today! For I AM not a GOD YAHUVEH that has changed in any
way. You who judge her, remove the plank out of your own eye—before you try to
take the speck out of someone else’s eye. You are filthy in sin. You are filthy
in rebellion. You are filthy in disobedience. And you are filthy in pride.
Fall on your faces before ME, for I AM YAHUVEH your CREATOR, the ETERNAL ONE.
You dare blame MY SON, YAHUSHUA, as your excuse to sin! You dare trample HIS
BLOOD under your feet, making excuses for your sin! Fall on your faces before ME
before it goes too far and there is no way back to ME (Heb 6:4-6)! Do NOT grieve
MY SON YAHUSHUA did not come to cancel MY Laws.
MY SON YAHUSHUA came to fulfill MY Laws (Mt 5:17).
Be grateful that I now no longer hold you accountable for 613 laws. I hold you
accountable for Ten Laws and you throw up your hands and say, “That’s too much
for me.”
You prefer to listen to man who rewrites MY Laws. They tell you that to kill
innocent babies in the womb is not a sin. They legalize abortion.
The preachers teach in your churches, “Do not speak against this law.” The
organized churches who meet on Sunday have taken the bribe of the governments of
this world. They have taken the spirit of fear and worn it as garments.
Where are MY Holy Ministers who have not compromised and still speak against
sin? Your man-made laws legalize what I said is an abomination—they call it
“same-sex marriage.” Not even in the days of Sodom & Gomorrah have there been
such “same-sex marriage.” Not even in the days of Sodom & Gomorrah have there
been such sins although the abominations of homosexuality abounded. But, they
did not dare call it a marriage!
Do not believe the lies that teach “once saved, always saved” (Ezk 33:12). Do
NOT believe that, because YAHUSHUA paid the price at Calvary—now it no longer
matters—that you can sin, that you can lean over as close to the edge of hell as
far as you want because you said a salvation prayer (Mt 7:21-23).
You think you don’t have to put any works behind it and you are still guaranteed
to enter Heaven’s doors. Away from ME you workers of lawlessness! I don’t want
to hear any more of your excuses. Either you will be Holy or I will say to you,
‘Workers of iniquity, I never knew you.’
I, YAHUVEH, say, “People you are missing the point!”
You listen to these men now and you sit in your churches believing the lies that
Sunday is the Sabbath or it makes no difference which day is the Sabbath. You
believe the lies that both preachers and some rabbis teach that there is no
greater Anointing Power in the Hebrew SACRED NAMES of YAHUVEH & YAHUSHUA and the
RUACH HA KODESH, that any name will do.
The preachers tell you it is not important to learn the Jewishness of the
MESSIAH. They say if you’re not a Jew it does not apply. These lawless preachers
teach you that you are a gentile and you don’t have to obey the laws given to
the Children of Israel. Did you forget that when you accepted MY SON, YAHUSHUA,
as MESSIAH you became one with HIM (Ro 11:16-21)?
You wonder, ‘Where is the Anointing Power of the First Church with signs,
wonders and miracles?’ You cry out, “Where is the manifestation of the miracles
as in the Days of Old?”
Get back and do what the First Church did and you will see these miracles once
again. To those who do not know better, I say you are held accountable for only
what you have known. Now you are held accountable, as well as to teach others
these Truths. But to those who know right and do wrong, you shall pay with your
I, YAHUVEH, say, “People you are missing the point!”
You obey these evil spiritual leaders now that make excuses for sin. What makes
you think in the Great Tribulation you will not do the same again—with the son
of satan?
I told you through the Prophecies that I have released through Elisabeth
[Elisheva] that MY SON YAHUSHUA is coming back for HIS Bride on a Rosh HaShanah
and it shall be on a Shabbat [Sabbath]. If you are not being taught how to
observe MY Shabbat & MY Holy Days, and to learn OUR SACRED NAMES & MY TORAH to
obey, how will you know how to honor ME & MY SON, YAHUSHUA, as I have decreed?
How will you know which day—without studying and showing yourself approved —that
I, YAHUVEH, have set aside to be MY Shabbat? How can you be ready when YAHUSHUA
comes again?
I, YAHUVEH, say, “People you are missing the point!”
If you do not honor and observe MY Holy Feasts, how will you know what Rosh
HaShanah is and when it is? Then, when you are left behind you will ask, “Why?”
So I speak forth out of MY Ringmaiden and tell you ahead of time that I,
YAHUVEH, prophesy through this Ringmaiden who is part of MY SON YAHUSHUA’S
The Bride of YAHUSHUA shall not only be transformed into their glorified
bodies—and be filled with such an ANOINTING AS THOUGH YAHUSHUA HIMSELF WERE
WALKING THROUGH THEM & WITH THEM—HE shall imbue them with such an ANOINTING that
NOTHING shall be impossible unto them!
And for 40 days MY SON YAHUSHUA’S Bride shall warn, “Do not take the mark of the
beast.” They shall go to those I call the Guests and those whose names are
written in the LAMB’S Book of Life and they will say to them, “Do not be
disobedient. Do not compromise, although it may mean your earthly life.”
You see, I use this Ringmaiden now, even without her glorified body, as a voice
that cries out the warning ahead of time. For I have called her to be a Prophet
to the Nations. Do not take the mark of the beast! Sunday worship and the mark
of the beast are connected.
Beware you will lose your soul if you observe the Sunday Worship Law during the
Great Tribulation. I will have to apologize to Sodom & Gomorrah, which I
destroyed with fire and brimstone, if I allow these earthly abominations to
continue much longer the way it is. I will not apologize to Sodom & Gomorrah! I
will eradicate and terminate all that I, YAHUVEH, despise.
These false preachers make excuses to sin and you have listened to them. You
come to this Ministry for your Spiritual Food: to taste the Anointing, to drink
the Spiritual Milk and to eat the Spiritual Meat. Then how many of you
compromise and go to the Sunday churches? You fall at your pastor’s feet in
loyalty. And it is there that you give your tithes and offerings. You cannot
have it both ways.
You must determine which is the day that I have decreed as the Shabbat. For as I
have decreed which day is the Shabbat, which is the Day you are to honor ME and
rest and draw closer to ME—
I, YAHUVEH, say, “People you are missing the point!”
—and so shall the son of satan command those who have compromised to worship him
on the day he decrees.
I, YAHUVEH, say, “People you are missing the point!”
As MY SON, YAHUSHUA, spoke and HE said to ‘partake of this wine and this bread,
do this in remembrance of me’ (1 Cor 11:23-26)—in the soon coming Great
Tribulation, don’t you know that the son of satan will say to all those who
accept his mark, ‘Do this in remembrance of me’? They will drink the blood of
the martyrs from the goblets. It shall be filled with blood and like vampires,
they shall drink that blood.
And just as surely as a Communion plate is passed—just assuredly—they shall pass
the plate and the son of satan will say, “Do this in remembrance of me.” Roasted
flesh of the martyrs will they eat. They shall mock MY Communion & YAHUSHUA’S
Bride. They truly will despise YAHUSHUA’S Bride for they know the prayers of the
righteous held the son of satan back until it was time to call YAHUSHUA’S Bride
out. The prayers of the righteous availeth much (Jms 5:16).
I, YAHUVEH, warn you. It has already begun.
There will be sexual orgies in the Sunday churches in the Great Tribulation. It
will be this way the son of satan mocks YAHUSHUA’S Bride. For YAHUSHUA & HIS
Bride are one, and ALL those that worship YAHUSHUA, who obey MY SON are
one—because it is a Spiritual connection body, mind, spirit and soul—the son of
satan shall mock during the Great Tribulation: he shall hold sexual orgies in
the Sunday churches.
The beginning of the great deception is the homosexual churches. Again I say,
the sin has already begun.
I, YAHUVEH, say, “People you are missing the point!”
This is the way I AM using this Ministry, separating the sheep from the goats,
separating the wheat from the tares [weeds]. Those whose names were written in
the LAMB’S Book of Life before the Foundation of this Earth, these are the ones
whose names shall remain in the LAMB’S Book of Life. They will not worship the
son of satan and they will refuse the mark of the beast, even if you are hearing
or reading this now and you continue to compromise now, during the Great
Tribulation you will observe and honor the true Shabbat which is Friday Sunset
to Saturday Sunset although it may mean your life and you will be martyred.
All your names are already written down for I already knew before you were born
on this earth what you would do. If you do not listen now, you will listen then.
Those who read and hear this Message and gnash your teeth with rage at MY
Ringmaiden, so too, you will gnash your teeth with rage and shake your fist at,
I, YAHUVEH your CREATOR during the Great Tribulation as curses and plagues come
upon you one after another and yet you will not repent of your sins. For on that
day, if your name is in the LAMB’S Book of Life, I shall blot your name out (Rv
So too, all you who wonder why Elisabeth [Elisheva] would bring this upon
herself, it is because I use this Ministry to separate the wheat from the
tares—as you hear this, you will know whether you are wheat or a tare. Are you a
weed only to be consumed by MY RAGE, MY CONSUMING FIRE?—though I [also] use her
now to cry out to the Bride, as a voice will cry out to the Five Wise Virgins:
“Do not compromise. Be prepared. For your BRIDEGROOM doth come for HIS Bride on
a Rosh HaShanah and a Shabbat.”
YAHUSHUA’S Bride, be on your knees before ME. Stay Holy and stay humble. Pray
that you will stay worthy to be MY SON YAHUSHUA’S Bride which is symbolized as
the Five Wise Virgins, which is the first catching away, commonly called the
Guests, pray that you will be part of the Second Catching Away so you will be
the Guests at the Marriage Supper of the LAMB. The Guests are symbolized as the
Five Foolish Virgins who are told that the BRIDEGROOM would come again after the
Bride of YAHUSHUA is caught away.
So stay alert because you know neither the day nor the hour (Mt 25: 1-13). By
the time MY SON YAHUSHUA comes to catch away the Five Foolish Virgins—they will
be wise.
I, YAHUVEH, say, “People you are missing the point!”
Do you want to know what sets you apart from being YAHUSHUA’S Bride or a Guest?
I tell you now. It is how much you desire it, how much you prove it by Holiness,
love and obedience. How much are you willing to sacrifice to be YAHUSHUA’S
Bride, doing things HIS way and not yours, glorifying HIM in all you do?
The Bride knows she is to keep MY Holy Days. The Bride knows she cannot
compromise what she knows to be true. She is bold in speaking forth the Truth.
That is what sets her apart.
Communion is also a reminder of the Marriage Covenant with YAHUSHUA. YAHUSHUA’S
Bride uses OUR HOLY SACRED NAMES of YAHUVEH & YAHUSHUA. It matters not the
spelling for I know your hearts and they are not ashamed.
How much do you desire to be YAHUSHUA’S Bride? How much passion do you have for
YAHUSHUA? How do you prove that I, YAHUVEH & YAHUSHUA, are first in your love
and your life and in everything you do? That is what sets you apart as
YAHUSHUA’S Bride, for I tell you this Secret: the passion and the depth of your
love for YAHUSHUA is evidence for all to see. This is the mark of YAHUSHUA’S
Bride. They feel they cannot do enough for ME.
Now you know the Secrets. You see MY darlings. This is nothing you can hide. For
I know who truly, truly desires to pay the price to be YAHUSHUA’S Bride. For I
will call no one YAHUSHUA’S Bride if they do not have this desire. Each day
YAHUSHUA’S Bride prays, “Make me more Holy unto YOU.” YAHUSHUA’S Bride is humble
and Holy before ME.
I, YAHUVEH, say, “People you are missing the point!”
Remain loyal to ME now. Do not just be hearers of MY WORD but be doers of the
HOLY WORD (Jms 1:22). Be Holy as I AM Holy for although you are in this world,
you are not to behave like this world. Let not the preachers of lawlessness lead
MY sheep and lambs astray, for all must “work out their own salvation with fear
and trembling” (Phil 2:12). For “faith without works is dead” (Jms 2:20).
MY SON YAHUSHUA has done HIS part at Calvary. Now I, YAHUVEH, say unto you, “Do
your part”: Strive to obey. Do not premeditate sin. Do not make excuses for sin.
Do not receive the words of the preachers who preach lawlessness.
For I, YAHUVEH, say unto you: Why do you call MY SON, YAHUSHUA, LORD and not
obey HIM? (Lk 6:46).
I, YAHUVEH, say, if you do not repent for the ways you disobey “Depart from ME,
ye worker of iniquity,” (Mt 7:23; Lk 13:27) [you will hear] on Judgment Day for
I will not stand for you mocking YAHUSHUA’S HOLY BLOOD. You who call yourselves
“preachers,” who make excuses for MY people to sin, REPENT today for leading MY
sheep and MY lambs astray or the FIRE OF MY CONSUMING BREATH like chaff in A
MIGHTY WIND will blow you away.
I, YAHUVEH, say if you don’t like these Words that have been spoken through MY
Ringmaiden Elisabeth [Elisheva], then you shall reap the consequences. For I
refuse to debate.
There is but ONE JUDGE. There is but ONE JURY.
If you don’t like this Prophetic Message, don’t take it to Elisabeth [Elisheva],
but take it to I, YAHUVEH. She is just MY Anointed Messenger.
End of Prophecy
So it has been spoken, so it has been written August 2, 2005 4:00 a.m. through
this Ringmaiden of YAHUVEH & YAHUSHUA for THEIR Praise, Honor & Glory.
I remain a humble handmaiden,
Apostle Elisabeth Elijah
(Elisheva Eliyahu)
Spoken under the Anointing of the RUACH HA KODESH
Through Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu on August 2, 2005 at 4:00 a.m.
This is from Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH said to put this up on all Prophecies from
now on: I warned you a long time ago Elisabeth (Elisheva) not to name this
Ministry after a man or a woman even before there was a Ministry. I put it in
your spirit for none of this has been done by your hand, none of this has come
forth from your mouth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It
is from the Mouth of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH that has given birth. It is from the
Mouth of the RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH that has given birth. If it had only
been by your hand it would have failed long ago. It is by the SHKHINYAH GLORY’S
Wind that blows across this earth, the Holy Wind of Revival, it is not by your
breath or it would have failed. (Isaiah 42:8)
In July 2010 YAHUVEH GOD also said to add the following from 2nd Chronicles
before every Prophecy:
2 Chronicles 36:16, “But they mocked the Messengers of GOD, despised HIS Words,
and scoffed at HIS Prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against HIS
people, till there was no remedy.”
* * * * * * *
Sh’ma Yisrael Duet:6:4
“Hear oh Israel, the Lord is our Elohim YAHUVEH, the Lord is One, Blessed is HIS
glorious Kingdom forever and ever.
* * * * * * *
Prophecy BEGINS
Hear oh Beloved Israel, Jerusalem and the rest of the World. Can’t you hear your
Creator weep and travail at how far you have gone astray from MY Holiness? You
cannot say you do not know right from wrong for oh Israel and Jerusalem did I
not write MY Torah on your hearts and did I not command you to teach the Torah
laws to your children? Are you not the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? Did you
not learn anything from your King David and from Joshua? So what is your excuse?
What defense do you have to allow the abominations such as the homosexual
propaganda directed at your youth to pervert them? Why do you welcome what I
call an abomination and a mockery of marriage? Do you claim ignorance to MY
Tanakh? Do you not understand how you bring shame to all that is Holy for
allowing this perversion to enter into what was once called the Holy City?
For those of you in Israel and Jerusalem who do weep and mourn for the evil
brought to Israel and you did your best to protest, know that I will reward you
in the measure you protest against the homosexual spirit and the evil spirit of
Molech called abortion. Why oh Israel, do your own female soldiers murder the
innocent babies while in their womb instead of remaining chaste? Do you not
understand I will not bless you until you obey and repent and turn from your
wicked ways and be Holy unto I, YAHUVEH?
Oh Israel and Jerusalem, where is the fear, obedience, reverence and Holy awe
your forefathers Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, David and Joshua had?
Need I go on? Oh men of Israel, why do you think your military strength make you
men of valor? Do you not understand it is your righteousness through MY SON
YAHUSHUA that will cause ME to fight your battles and you will win?
Oh Women of Israel and Jerusalem, where are the Holy vessels who fear I,
YAHUVEH, more than you fear what men say? Where are the women of Israel with the
Holiness and obedience and faith like unto a Sarah, Deborah, Ruth, Esther or
Miryam? Why are the Delilah’s and spirit of Jezebel allowed to defile what is
meant to be Holy? Do you not know that one of MY Two Witnesses will have a
spirit like unto Deborah who was Judge of all of Israel.
How can you dare ask ME to bless Israel and Jerusalem until you stand for
Holiness? Can you not see I am fair in all ways; I am almighty in love and in
war. I bless those that obey I, YAHUVEH, and I curse those that disobey. Can you
not see it is written in your own Torah and Tanakh there is sacred anointing
power in MY Name which is YAHUVEH? Does not MY Word say in Psalm 91 “I will set
him on high because he has known MY Name?” Why do you not study for yourself and
count how many times I have pronounced blessings on those who know and use MY
SACRED HEBREW Name? Why have you allowed the Rabbi’s to steal this blessing from
you? This is not always the way it was. What loving Father hides his name from
his child?
MY Name is YAHUVEH and it matters not to ME how you spell it or pronounce it as
long as you acknowledge MY Name has YAH in it and so does MY SON the only
MESSIAH his Name is YAHUSHUA it matters not how you spell it as long as you keep
MY Name YAH in it. Our Name is not merely a title like HaShem or Lord, or
Adonai. MY Name is above all names and it is YAHUVEH. Take back what the Rabbi’s
have stolen from you. You take MY Name in vain when you spell it G-D or
abbreviate it with YHVH or YHWH for how is that pronounced? You have a name,
what makes you think I your Creator do not have a name? When you pray call ME by
MY Name, YAHUVEH. Those with spiritual ears to hear will listen all others will
remain deaf.
Oh Israel, why do you not obey the laws laid down for you at Mount Sinai. Did I
not set you apart for MY glory? Did I not lovingly protect you from the plagues
and curses that came upon your enemies? Did I not safely get you across the Red
Sea by parting it and drowning your enemies the Egyptians? Do you even bother to
count how many miracles I have done for your sake? Oh Israel and Jerusalem, do
you think I like beating you to get your attention. There is none like your
nation on the face of this earth. I have blessed you so much, but how have you
blessed and obeyed your Creator? Return to ME oh Israel so I can again bless you
abundantly. I cannot bless anyone that is in rebellion. Choose you this day
which Elohim you will serve!
Oh Israel, how MY heart is grieved I am YAHUVEH, I am the Elohim of Israel
although you have been as a defiant rebellious wife. You do opposite of what I
have commanded your ancestors Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David and Joshua who
put MY will first to obey the commandments given to Moses on Mt. Sinai. Your
King David had victory in battles, so did Joshua for they knew it was not by
their might, not by the number and strength of their warriors or weapons. The
victory came because they put I, YAHUVEH’s Will first. They came to ME with
repented hearts, fasting, anointed prayers, worship and praise. They knew the
enemies were delivered into MY hands. They knew they were used to fight in the
battles but it was I, YAHUVEH, that won the wars for MY Praise, Honor and Glory
Oh Israel, you have every right to defend yourself but to your shame, you no
longer rely on MY arms of war. You will be surrounded on all sides because you
rely on a Judas called America for your Arms. You must understand I am YAHUVEH
and I will not be mocked even by Israel. Yes, I made a covenant with Abraham to
protect and bless Israel but first you must be a blessing to ME. You must do
your part and obey ME before you can walk in MY blessings of Deut. 28.
I, YAHUVEH, bless those who are a blessing unto I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA. I
cannot bless the rebellious. I must chastise those that I love or I cannot say
that I love you. I grieve for what I must do for only a remnant of Israel shall
be saved. Oh Israel, you punish your enemies far more than I intended, for you
forget that Abraham is before MY face reminding ME your enemies are also the
seed of Abraham through Ishmael. You deny MY SON YAHUSHUA’s Holy Saving Blood
that drenches Jerusalem’s soil, as they do.
Even thousands of years later one drop of YAHUSHUA’s Saving Blood covers the
world, yet you refuse to accept the gift I gave as your Blood Sacrifice, greater
than any animal blood sacrifice. I not only allowed MY beloved SON YAHUSHUA to
be crucified for the sins of this world and die and be buried in a tomb. I rose
YAHUSHUA from the dead as a sign to Israel, not only is there life after death
but I, YAHUVEH, chose Jerusalem for YAHUSHUA to die and be buried on your soil
and rise again. Oh Jerusalem, the time is at hand when the world shall say, “You
shall surely die and never rise again” but when Israel REPENTS and obeys, I
shall raise Israel up once again.
Hear oh Israel, Jerusalem and the rest of the World. I, YAHUVEH, did this for
more than one reason. YAHUSHUA symbolizes your miracle birth as a nation as
YAHUSHUA is set apart for MY glory. Israel you also are meant to be set apart to
bring I, YAHUVEH, Glory especially in these end times. I poured Living Water
through your wailing wall symbolized by YAHUSHUA’s tears when HE was in the
Garden of Gethsemane. HE wept for Jerusalem and Israel as I, YAHUVEH, now do.
Hear oh Israel, I am preparing MY Two Witnesses that now live on this earth and
who will soon be caught up to Heaven and return again endowed with new anointing
Powers from Heaven and a Glorified Body, no longer subject to the bondages of a
physical body. MY Two Witnesses will come to you again with signs, wonders and
miracles proclaiming I, YAHUVEH’s Name and Glory and the Name of the only Prince
of Peace who is the only MESSIAH, YAHUSHUA MY SON. MY Two Witnesses will again
come to rebuke you oh Israel and warn you to repent.
Hear oh Israel and Jerusalem, because you refused YAHUSHUA’s Blood at Calvary to
wash your sins away, you shall have blood clear up to the horse’s bridles and it
will flow through your land. (Rev:14:20)
Hear oh Israel and Jerusalem, Jacob wrestled with I, YAHUVEH, and because of
this he was crippled and walked with a limp (Gen 32:24-26). You have been
wrestling with ME oh Israel and you shall be crippled, never knowing true peace
Then you shall be blessed in ways exceedingly and abundantly more than you dare
dream or ask for.
YAHUSHUA opened the eyes of the blind and scales fell from their eyes and they
praised YAHUSHUA for their sight giving Praise and Glory to I, YAHUVEH. You
however oh Israel and Jerusalem, you denied these miracles were from Heaven and
so now you are blind and have scales on your eyes and that is why you will be
deceived by the son of satan who some call the anti-messiah for 3 1/2 years you
will be deceived and believe his false peace.
YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH proved HE is the SON of I, YAHUVEH, as HE did signs wonders
and miracles all over Jerusalem and Israel. Yet you persecuted HIM for this and
called the miracles, works of the devil. In the Great Tribulation satans son
(anti-messiah) will come to you and deceive you with false signs, wonders and
miracles and they shall be powers from satan because you rejected the genuine,
you will be tricked by the counterfeit signs, wonders and miracles. (Rev 13:11)
MY Two Witnesses will minister again as YAHUSHUA did. MY Two Witnesses shadows
will heal, restore and deliver and even the Holy martyred dead shall arise. Food
will be multiplied a thousand fold as the loaves and the fishes were when
YAHUSHUA prayed. What was done once will be done again in Jerusalem and whomever
and wherever MY Two Witnesses are sent and received and believed these miracles
will be done in YAHUSHUA’s Name again. They shall minister as YAHUSHUA did and
call judgment down on the Pharisees. As YAHUSHUA was sacrificed, MY Two
Witnesses shall sacrifice themselves and be killed but 3 1/2 days later will
rise from the dead as a sign that YAHUSHUA LIVES and RULES and REIGNS from
Heaven and HE truly is the SON of I, YAHUVEH. (Rev 11:3-13)
Hear oh Israel, Jerusalem and the rest of the World, as YAHUSHUA was feared by
the heathen, scorned, mocked, hated, persecuted and failed attempts made on HIS
life so too will MY Two Witnesses suffer the same fate. As YAHUSHUA cursed the
unfruitful fig tree and it withered and died for not producing fruit, so too
will MY Two Witnesses curse the unfruitful works and sins of mankind.(Matt
21:18-20) The unfruitful fig tree symbolizing heathen mankind will also wither
and die as Words of Fire will proceed out of MY Two Witnesses mouths. The
enemies hate YAHUSHUA, Holiness and MY Two Witnesses and it will be like in the
times of Elijah of Old (In Hebrew, Eliyahu) and MY enemies will be consumed with
Hear oh Israel, Jerusalem and the rest of the World, as YAHUSHUA met the woman
at the well in Samaria and gave her the Living Water at the well and she
received the truth and went back to her city and shared the good news and shared
the Living Water of truth with others.(John 4) As YAHUSHUA said to the woman at
the well go and drink of this Living Water and you shall never thirst again. MY
SON YAHUSHUA is the Fountain of Life, YAHUSHUA is the Well of Living Water no
one can come to I, YAHUVEH, without drinking from HIS Fountain of Life and
without accepting his Blood Sacrifice at Calvary.
Hear oh Israel, Jerusalem and the rest of the World, I send you the Living Water
again and again through MY anointed vessels yet you have thrown the Living Water
back in their faces. You have persecuted, beaten, exiled, imprisoned and killed
MY Prophets. For this reason I shall send MY Two Witnesses to Jerusalem and they
shall prophesy against the evils you oh Israel have done, are doing and will do.
MY Two Witnesses shall seal the sky and no rain will fall because you refuse and
reject the Living Water from YAHUSHUA. MY Two Witnesses shall loose all the
curses of Deut. 28 on those who disobey and those who deny the deity of MY
Beloved SON YAHUSHUA. MY Wrath shall fall on everyone who curses YAHUSHUA’s
Name. MY undiluted wrath shall consume everyone who carries the mark of the
beast and worships the beast. (Rev 13:16-18)
Hear oh Israel, Jerusalem and the rest of the World, because you refuse to
listen to MY Holy anointed prophets whose only desire is to obey and serve I,
YAHUVEH, I am sending MY Two Witnesses who will have the anointing like unto
Moses and Elijah of Old (In Hebrew, Eliyahu). They will be sent to torment the
one called the anti-messiah who is the son of satan, the false prophet and all
his servants who will carry the mark of the beast, just as Moses was used to
torment the evil Pharaoh, so too I will use MY Two Witnesses.
As Moses pronounced curses and judgments on the Egyptians proving I, YAHUVEH’s
power, so too it shall be again, just as Moses parted the Red Sea so the
Israelites could pass over escaping their enemies, so too it shall be again.
Only a faithful remnant shall be saved in Israel and only because they returned
back to Holiness keeping the first laws I, YAHUVEH, wrote engraved with MY own
finger of authority and that they accept and worship MY SON YAHUSHUA as their
MESSIAH and repent of their sins.
I only will protect those who bless the Name of YAHUSHUA. He was born on this
earth from a Hebrew virgin woman without the seed of a man. Proving YAHUSHUA is
I, YAHUVEH’s, only Begotten SON who was sent to earth with MY Words and
authority. YAHUSHUA is the Living Torah and you denied HIM oh Israel, Jerusalem
and the majority of the world, when you deny HIM you deny I, YAHUVEH. I sent
YAHUSHUA first to the Jews and then to the Gentiles to demonstrate MY Authority
and Glory.
I will send forth MY Two Witnesses one male and one female to demonstrate I,
YAHUVEH’s authority and to call down I, YAHUVEH’s judgments and curses and to
speak forth anointed words and show the Power in the Holy Sacred Names of I,
YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA. Truly listen and hear oh Israel and Jerusalem, I will not
bless Israel until you bless the NameS of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and until you
bless the Holy Ones who come and minister in our NameS.
Hear oh Israel, Jerusalem and people of this earth, there is but one way back to
Heaven and it is through the Holy Sacrifice given for this planet earth which
covers the sins of the people and it is through the Name and Blood of YAHUSHUA.
You must accept HIM as I, YAHUVEH’s only Begotten SON and your sins will be
forgiven and washed away through the only saving Blood of YAHUSHUA but then you
must repent and turn away from your sins and obey. (John 14:6)
Hear oh Israel, this is the message that MY Two Witnesses will speak forth. Any
enemies of YAHUSHUA is an enemy of I, YAHUVEH, and if they do not repent there
is no forgiveness for this sin. Hell will be their next home.
Hear oh Israel, Jerusalem and the rest of the World, there is no royal blood on
this earth except through the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Only those
whose names are already written in the Lambs Book of Life (Rev 17:8) before the
foundation of this earth can claim the royal bloodline through the royal blood
MASHIACH, KING of the Jews! All others who call themselves of a royal earthly
bloodline are imposters and there is nothing royal in them. Only MY People
grafted in through the bloodline of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH are Royal in MY eyes.
Only YAHUSHUA’s Bride will be coroneted in Heaven.
MY Two Witnesses are part of YAHUSHUA’s First Fruit Bride of Rev. 14. The body
they will receive will be a Glorified Body. Just as YAHUSHUA walked invisible
through a crowd when the enemy sought to kill HIM so too shall MY Two Witnesses
do the same. (Luke 4:28-30)
Hear oh Israel, Jerusalem and rest of the World, just as satan could not keep
YAHUSHUA dead and on the 3rd day YAHUSHUA rose again, so too no matter what
satan, the false prophet and satan’s son the anti-messiah do, they cannot stop
the resurrection of MY Two Witnesses rising from the dead 3 1/2 days after their
death. Satan cannot stop people from all over the world seeing and hearing about
this and surrendering their lives and souls and accepting YAHUSHUA as the only
Hear oh Israel, Jerusalem and the rest of the World, just as YAHUSHUA ascended
to Heaven in front of witnesses so too shall MY Two Witnesses ascend to Heaven
before witnesses of this world. On your airwaves worldwide, this shall be seen.
As it is written and the dead in (Christ) YAHUSHUA MESSIAH rise first, this has
been a secret and released through this prophet already. MY Two Witnesses along
with MY other Holy children who are martyred at the same time, these will be the
dead that rise first demonstrating the anointed power that raised YAHUSHUA by MY
hand. I, YAHUVEH, shall do it again for the world to see.
As it is written, “They which are alive and remain will be caught up to meet
YAHUSHUA in the air,” these will include the Rev. 7 Bride. The time of
witnessing is 3 1/2 years symbolized by 3 1/2 days and MY Two Witnesses bodies
lay dead although their Spirits will be in Heaven. 3 1/2 days later their
Spirits will be called back into their bodies like YAHUSHUA and rise from the
dead and multitudes shall bow down, repent and worship YAHUSHUA as MY SON and
the true MESSIAH. (Rev 11)
Hear oh Israel, Jerusalem and the rest of the World, as it is written, the one
you call John the Baptist prepared the way for MY SON YAHUSHUA so it shall be
again as MY Elijah of New [in Hebrew, Eliyahu] prepares the way for the return
of YAHUSHUA to rule and reign on earth like HE did in Heaven.
Hear oh Israel, Jerusalem and the rest of the World, MY Two Witnesses not only
come with the anointing and Spirit like unto Moses but also comes with the
anointing and Spirit like unto Elijah [in Hebrew, Eliyahu] . No weapon will stop
them whether it be spiritual, manmade, biological or chemical. Instead, whatever
weapon is used against them that weapon will boomerang back unto the enemies. No
harm shall come to them until the end of 3 1/2 years of witnessing and only when
I allow them to be killed for MY glory to prove I will raise them up again in 3
1/2 days.
Hear oh Israel, Jerusalem and the rest of the World, just like I, YAHUVEH, gave
Elijah of Old [in Hebrew, Eliyahu] the anointing to consume his enemies with
fire so too shall MY Two Witnesses do the same. Just as YAHUSHUA controlled and
had authority over the wind and the waves, so too shall MY Two Witnesses do the
same. I, YAHUVEH, will give MY Two Witnesses the power to translate anywhere in
the world. I, YAHUVEH, will give them the authority to protect MY Holy Sheep and
Lambs, Rev. 7 Bride and to encourage the guests of the Marriage Supper of the
Lamb who are on earth at this time.
Hear oh Israel, Jerusalem and the rest of the World, how you will gnash your
teeth with rage oh enemies who deny YAHUSHUA as the True MESSIAH. Know this, MY
Two Witnesses you will not be able to keep out of your Synagogues, Temples and
Churches just as you could not keep YAHUSHUA out of your Synagogues in times of
old. MY Two Witnesses will appear to the enemies of YAHUSHUA exhibiting I,
YAHUVEH’s fury. MY Two Witnesses will even walk into the anti-messiah’s bedroom,
tormenting him in his own home and the false prophet’s home and he too will not
escape the torment of MY Two Witnesses.
MY Two Witnesses will go wherever and to whomever as often as I send them. No
enemy will be able to keep them out or stop them from tormenting and taunting
the son of satan and the false prophet until 3 1/2 years of witnessing is over.
I will send them right into their bedrooms while they sleep and when they try to
rest and eat. I, YAHUVEH, will persecute the enemies like Moses did and nothing
will stop them, no alarms, no guards and no weapons will prosper against MY Two
Witnesses until 3 1/2 years of witnessing is over and that is when their job is
done. The enemy could not stop YAHUSHUA from ministering and from people
accepting the truths and no one will not be able to stop MY Two Witnesses
Hear oh Israel, Jerusalem and the rest of the World, you could not shut the
mouth of John the Baptizer until I, YAHUVEH, allowed it and only because his job
on earth witnessing was done. Just as you cannot shut the mouth of MY Two
Witnesses who will continue to speak with the anointing like unto John the
Baptist. MY Two Witnesses will Prophesy MY Judgment; call curses down at their
will and speak of what is to come. They will rebuke with messages full of
conviction and repentance and with an anointing even greater than John the
MY SON cannot come as the Prince of Peace to Israel until many atrocities take
place and not until after the counterfeit comes. When you pray for the Prince of
Peace to come to Israel now, you know not the horror that must take place first,
but it shall take place. It has begun to take place. For a train has been
started that will not be stopped.
(Elisabeth (Elisheva) is shown a vision, I see two trains coming and they do not
realize it but they are going to collide for they are on the same track!)
I am chastising Israel because I love Israel but the trains will collide because
both of them are on the wrong track. The Bride of YAHUSHUA is feeling what is
taking place in physical Israel. For the Bride of YAHUSHUA is spiritual Israel.
Physical Israel you will be blessed with Deut.28 blessings when you return to
Holiness and obey I, YAHUVEH, and the only way this is done is when you accept
YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH and admit HE is your only Blood Sacrifice that was given at
Calvary. The blessings I have reserved is for Spiritual Israel and for all those
who love ME, obey ME and put ME first in their love and in their life, those who
obey MY Torah, those who respect the sacredness of MY Holy Name and those who
This is why you grieve as you see and you feel what is happening in Israel.
Abraham is constantly before MY face and says, “What will you do with the
children of Ishmael, do you not love the seed of my other son? Send your
messenger to my seed and give them a chance to believe.” This is why you weep
for Lebanon for are they not the seed of Abraham? I have spiritual Israel that
sits in Lebanon that have accepted YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH.
I have MY Bride of YAHUSHUA in Lebanon. I have MY Bride in Iraq and Iran. I have
MY Bride in Syria. Remember to pray for the Bride of YAHUSHUA no matter where
she is scattered around this world. I have MY Bride of YAHUSHUA in China, I have
MY Bride of YAHUSHUA in Russia, I have MY Bride of YAHUSHUA in Hong Kong, I have
MY Bride of YAHUSHUA in Australia I have MY Bride in America, Canada, Germany,
France and Europe, I have them scattered all over the world. I have MY Bride of
YAHUSHUA in India, Indonesia, Africa, South America and all over the world.
Just because your countries label another nation their enemy, do not make it
your enemy, for the governments of this world are not of ME. They do not speak
for ME, they do not respect ME and they want no part of ME. Your enemies are who
I decree are your enemies. The seed of satan is your enemy. Who is the seed of
satan it is all those whose names are NOT found in the Lambs Book of Life. They
never were MINE when they were born on this earth.
(Praying aloud in English Holy, Holy, Holy)
Oh Israel, oh Jerusalem, I weep and I wail over you. You have a form of
Godliness but where is the Godliness within? You want the world to have mercy on
you, but where is your mercy oh Israel? You have a right to defend yourself but
you have crossed the line when you pick up the weapons of biological and
chemical warfare. I am nowhere in these battles, you do not call on I, YAHUVEH,
for help, you try to do it by your own hand using the weapons of another land.
When you use biological and chemical warfare you punish your enemies far more
than I have ever allowed. Beware for you shall reap the whirlwind of I,
YAHUVEH’s wrath as what you send comes back in your face. The nations that give
you these weapons shall reap the same fate.
When I send forth MY Two Witnesses, I send them forth to both of Abraham’s seed.
I send them forth not only to the Tribe of Judah but all of the Israelites,
Arabs and Gentile nations shall hear. What they speak in Israel shall be
broadcast on the airwaves and newspapers all over the world. I chose this time
with its technology, for MY words will be heard all over the world for there is
no time such as this.
Satan has used this technology to further his agenda but I am using the
technology to hasten MY agenda. Oh, where are the lamentations? Where is the
weeping and wailing? Why do people just shake their heads and say, “Isn’t that
too bad?” Why isn’t spiritual Israel rising up? Why do they not pray for I have
a remnant seed in Lebanon? What if that was your Babies? What if that was your
wives, your husband’s, your loved ones, your families and your neighbors? What
if that was your homes? Insanity has taken its seat in the Governments.
Oh Israel, oh Jerusalem, your people weep and wail, they run in confusion, I
weep over all. It will only be when I,YAHUSHUA, comes there will be peace
between the Brothers, the peace on Abraham’s seed. Until that time as it has
always been you both will continue to try to wipe each other off the face of the
earth. When the false peace comes the anger and the hatred will still be there.
There is no peace until the PRINCE OF PEACE COMES (Isa 9:6) and it is I,
* * * * * * *
So it is spoken, so it written given to this Child of YAHUSHUA
Apostle Elisabeth Elijah (Elisheva Eliyahu) on 8/27/06
There was a personal crisis that came into my life as the enemy hit my family in
a different way. This was to keep me from releasing this prophecy. This prophecy
came to me in 2 parts but I am not to release 2nd part yet, YAHUVEH says there
is so much spiritual meat here to digest, that is revelations from Heaven. I
have no clue why this word is being released to me, with a job description for
the Two Witnesses.
There is a price to pay for a prophet to receive these kind of revelations from
Heaven, and the spiritual attacks have been intense during this time, but we
have the VICTORY in the name of YAHUSHUA.