1) What will keep you from being worthy
1.1) Not living like everyday YAHUSHUA was returning
1.2) Church of pretenders
1.3) Rebellion
1.4) Cursing
1.5) Smoking
1.6) Drinking
1.7) Porn
1.8) Unequally yoked
2) Glorfied bodies
3) False rapture
4) You will know the time
5) Real rapture
6) Bride 7
7) Bride 14
8) Marriage supper
9) Guests
10) Two Witnesses
11) Descriptions of the bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH
12) What we must do to be found worthy of being the bride
12.1) Holiness
12.2) Flesh crucified
12.3) Pass on these prophecies
12.4) Help This prophet
12.5) Live every day like YAHUSHUA is on the way
12.6) Sabbath
12.7) Communion
12.8) Jewish holidays
12.9) Commands from YAHUSHUA to HIS bride
12.10) Encouragement for the bride
12.11) Watch what happens to your enemies