Secrets and Revelations from YAH
These are the Words of YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and the RUACH ha
KODESH. These Words are what they have said regarding new revelations and secrets which are revealed in the prophecies
March 14, 1997
MY Dearest Children, you are like a hidden treasure, you are like a hidden quiver of arrows, when they only see a bow.
I will use you to speak mightily and you shall do what your sister is doing, warning of the coming judgment.
You also are a watchman on the tower. Watch for the signs in the sky as Elijah [in Hebrew, Eliyahu] did, for you shall be warned and then pass that warning unto others.
MY Word within you burns as a blazing sword. The two edged blade will cut deep. There is much fire shut up in your bones, and you don’t know what to do with it.
Though death surrounds them and you tell them, it will not harm those who are MINE.
You will and are being used mightily to the ones you have already touched. Do not despise small beginnings for even a mighty oak tree started from a tiny seed. You are like a mighty oak tree of righteousness, MY righteousness.
You are not puffed up with pride, nor will I allow it, for I would knock you off your pedestal if you even try.
You have stayed humble before ME, and I love you so very much,
for I see you studying in the late hours, I feel your loneliness and wondering where you belong.
You are MY hidden treasure, MY hidden weapon and I will begin using you mightily in these end times, and do not be deceived they are the end times. But not the end for MY Children, for them it is a wondrous new beginning.
A homecoming is going to take place and look at
all MY Children
gathered around the banquet table. Yes, MY Sons and Daughters, you will be
gathered around that banquet table sooner than you know or think. First
start gathering in the harvest, for it is so great and the laborers are so few.
I am telling you now YAHUSHUA is coming for HIS Bride, and
those who are not expecting HIM will be left BEHIND.
Those that are not living like he is returning any day will be left BEHIND.
Go about MY business and do the work I have called you to do. Matter it not whether they believe,
leave that between them and ME.
As in the days of Noah they didn’t believe.
As in the days of Lot they didn’t believe but be not deceived the voice in these prophecies speak
to MY Children and I will not let them be deceived, unless they choose to be.
November 15, 1998
Beware, for now
I tell you a secret through MY Handmaiden,
I am coming to
elope with MY Bride in the midnight hours when those not watching for ME least
expect ME! I shall come and prove I am not a wife beater! I love MY Bride and
long for Her to be dressed in Her Immortal body, pure and spotless, dressed in
radiant white!
For those not watching for ME and believing, you must suffer the Tribulation, I
shall come upon you as a thief in the night! Unexpected but I will not come for
you for you were not waiting! You will have to watch MY Bride get her reward of
Immortal Glorified body! Behold MY rewards are with ME!
You who love ME and refuse to believe (in) this, your Glorified Body will have
to wait, and
you will have to suffer the Tribulation for your mouth speaks what
you believe.
Those expecting their GROOM shall be caught away with ME above all the horror
that is to come to this earth!
For those of you who read this and do not believe this, take a lesson from the
earth for
even the earth trembles and quakes as I your YAHUSHUA MESSIAH
approaches earth once again! I am coming to elope with MY Bride! How many of you
will be ready?
Again I say, “
The Door to the Ark and Book of the Gentiles is closing Quickly!”
I am the Ark Door! Come into MY loving arms! For those who do not know ME, I am
waiting for you, are you waiting for ME?
Look up, your redemption draweth nigh
for those watching and waiting for YAHSHUA MESSIAH! Warn others and keep your
robe spotless and white, washed in MY shed Blood at Calvary! I yearn to be with
MY Bride the way she yearns to be with ME! As you see all these things to come
pass, know that I am on MY way!
January 4, 1999
I, YAHUSHUA, am returning on a Sabbath, you know not which one. Come forth MY
Women Apostles and Prophets! Arise NOW! No longer let anyone tell you I have not
called you to be Prophets and Apostles, Teachers, Evangelists or Pastors!
Will you be ready? YAHUSHUA IS COMING BACK ON A SABBATH! Tell all who will hear,
expect them all not to believe. This is not your problem, but their problem. You
are but to obey.
Together, those that I put together with you will be as a jigsaw puzzle and no
other pieces will match perfectly. Keep your eyes open for others. I am bringing
a troop of Prophets, Apostles, Evangelists, Teachers and Pastors and yet they
will work as one unit. Never thinking more of themselves than what they are.
Knowing standing together they will accomplish doing what I ordained to be done.
A great harvest of souls will be reached and this will be one of the greatest
soul bringing ministries to walk the face of this earth. For I the Father
YAHUVEH, MY Son YAHUSHUA and MY RUACH ha KODESH’s Glory! Many would not have
been saved if I had not raised up this ministry.
I know what I put in each laborer to join with her. I know what she is made of
and her weakness. Where she is weak, others I have made strong. Where the others
to join are weak, she has been made strong, as a metal that is tempered with
fire so have I done with all those that are to join with you. You need not fear
who will be joining you, for I tell you it is not your choice but MINE!
Any Judas’ seeking to join this ministry will have the same fate as Judas! I
will not allow anyone to destroy what I myself have built and will continue to
build. This ministry shall embrace the world. When I chose the partners to join
with MY daughter, I chose very carefully and I tested throughly. I Love you so
much. I trust you so much. I know you will not harm MY servant but instead will
protect her and she will not harm you but protect you. All those that join are
very special as a chain made of solid gold.
Remember as in the times of past many were killed for not observing MY Sabbath.
The time is coming when you will see great tragedies and they shall occur on the
Sabbath. People will shake their heads and wonder why? You shall know the reason
why. I have just now told you.
Great tragedies shall take place on MY Sabbath as a sign this is a law that has
not changed. You will know when you hear them. I change not for any man nor
woman, time or season, I am the same God yesterday, today and forever. MY
Commandments are written in stone by the finger of I the Great God “I AM” and I
apologize not to anyone.
January 25, 1999
The weapons of your warfare are not carnal but are mighty in pulling down
satan’s strongholds.
A laptop computer will be one of those weapons used
to expose the enemy, used to warn of the enemy, used to stop the enemy from
destroying MY People for lack of knowledge. Tell MY People to invest in
this tool of today for when they are to flee they cannot travel with large
I created the computer for this time and this purpose. This is the
knowledge that increases running to and fro. This is how you are able to be in
one place and yet in another place speaking to MY People all over the world. Do
not think for a moment that this weapon is not powerful.
Satan seeks to
control the internet, to silence MY People. But he cannot do anything I do not
Your time is short but
I will connect you with those that have computer
knowledge. A network of MY People shall be a loud voice in this end
time. MY computer geniuses have been hidden for such a time as this.
Those with the wisdom of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA have been hidden for such a time
as this. They work in the world to learn the ways of the heathen, to be able to
be used against the heathen and their ways at the appropriate time. I
have MY People in all areas no matter where you have feared, from the police, to
the military, to the IRS, to the government, to the grocers, to the internet
providers, look for MY People. You will find them. Now is the time they will
arise and shine. Like the sun they will shine forth.
Think not the heathen have more wisdom.
My geniuses have been kept
hidden until a set time. MY geniuses have the wisdom of I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA
and can learn anything quickly, even though they never thought of learning this
before. Communication will be a valuable tool in these end times.
I am a God that cannot be surprised no matter what the enemy
thinks. I have a plan and MY plan for you is for good not for your evil.
November 2, 2001
When the enemy comes in like a flood, I will raise up a standard against him.
You are one of MY anointed hidden ones. Now is the time to arise and come forth
to aid your brothers and sisters in YAHUSHUA. I have given you lands,
properties, ships, islands, houses and finances. I have secret millionaires;
yes, even multi-millionaires and
you have not been much use to MY Kingdom for
you have stayed in the world’s eyes and yet tried to walk MY fine line.
You have
loved and served ME in secret, for you said to yourself, “What can I do for the
Kingdom of YAHUVEH? How can I promote the Gospel of YAHUSHUA?”
So you stay quiet
and hidden, yet pray for someone else to do what you feel you cannot do.
it will be too late to help MY Apostles and Prophets. Do you not yet understand
the price even the one I am speaking through must pay, the attacks that must be
fended off, not only in the physical realm, but the spiritual realm?
Are you
helping or are you being a hindrance?
I, YAHUVEH, am pouring many gifts into you.
MY hidden ones have much Godly
wisdom. Not only in this world but also in the RUACH ha KODESH spiritual realm
have I blessed you.
You have worked alongside the world and yet you stayed
hidden. Many of you are geniuses. I have hidden you as doctors, lawyers,
teachers, philanthropists, bankers, inventors, investors, artists, computer
intellects, electricians, in the police force, all form of governments,
senators, congressmen, statesmen, sales, owner of stores, franchises, real
estate, captains, owners of ships, restaurants, all modes of transportation,
actors, movie industries, singers, investors, brokers, writers, chefs,
designers, contractors,
there is no career that I don’t have MY beloved children
hidden in. These are MY disciples who follow MY Son YAHUSHUA, and desire to obey
YAHUVEH’s laws and
these hidden ones are spread all over the world. The standard
they use to measure man’s laws is this: Does it line up with the Scriptures?
This is the standard they measure everything by; if it is truth the Torah and
the Scriptures will confirm it.
I, YAHUVEH, have hidden you for such a time as this. Pray how to use your
talents, gifts, wisdom, homes, real estate, finances, and spiritual gifts. All
wisdom that does not go against MY Scriptures you are to use to help and barter
with, at a time when there will be no other way to buy or sell or help others.
Your wisdom, revelations, healing knowledge, and the education given to you will
benefit others for such a time, and you will know when to use it, and where to
help, and who to help.
MY Apostles and Prophets need you to hide them for such a
time as this, from the evil ones that seek their destruction, so no one can say
they weren’t warned before judgment falls.
I, YAHUVEH, always send the prophets and apostles to speak, not only to repent,
but also to forewarn of the dangers to come and how to escape the enemy’s
MY hidden ones are to be bold when you share your hidden knowledge and
revelations, that I, YAHUVEH, am giving you daily. I caution you, rely not on
your own strength, but rely on YAHUSHUA’s strength, for it is sufficient enough
for you no matter what you face. Is anything too hard for YAHUVEH to conquer?
You face what you perceive as insurmountable walls that you can’t climb nor go
around. With MY RUACH ha KODESH anointing, you will not fail. I, YAHUVEH, am
breaking down the walls that keep you in bondage in the prisons where you have
been set apart from others.
I, YAHUVEH, am now joining you with others, for these also will be MY hidden
ones that I have hidden under the shelter of MY wings. Wait until you see the
miracles that I, YAHUVEH, will do. You will see, it will be your finest hours as
once again you see YAHUVEH deliver those that others seek to destroy, all
because of MY Name.
I, YAHUVEH, have chosen this prophet to call forth the
Clarion Call of the 144.000. Learn the Song of Moses. In it is the victory in
the Name of YAHUVEH! MY new mandate to this apostle daughter of MINE is: now is
the time for you to seek YAHUVEH’s face and YAHUVEH’s will and YAHUVEH’s
marching orders. Walk when YAHUVEH says walk, run when YAHUVEH says run, speak
when YAHUVEH says speak and do nothing when you are told to just stand and wait.
No matter how small of a decision, learn to pray for ME to reveal MY will, not
your will.
I, YAHUVEH, am anointing MY chosen ones in a greater way than I have ever done
before. Study and show thyself approved, so that no one can misguide you with
the Scriptures.
I, YAHUVEH, am assembling MY troops on the wall to defeat satan,
and the demons that surround you.
The weapons you have are not carnal, but
spiritual. No weapon can match the unusual anointings that I have imparted in
each of you, though you know it not. In MY timing you shall see the standard
that I, YAHUVEH, will raise up against those that seek to harm the Christians
and the Jews. All Israelites who call upon the Name of YAHUVEH, those who do not
fear to use the Sacred Names, they realize that they have been deceived, and
thereby taught wrong. There is anointing, saving, delivering, and healing power,
in the Names of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA.
December 19, 2002
Do you not yet see the Book of Daniel is being decoded before your eyes? What
was once a mystery and closed to you is now opened, if you will but seek ME for
wisdom and now new revelations are coming forth from MY anointed ones such as
the vessel I am prophesying forth from. Listen and join together and warn
together for you need one another in a new way in the coming year of 2003. This
is why I have given this dream to MY handmaiden to warn you to start assembling
The enemies do not attack alone, a wolf travels in packs and so must YAHUVEH’s
Sheep and Lambs. Christians, you must stop shunning the Jews, Holy Days, Feasts
and what you call the Old Testament.
I am both the Old and New Book, stop trying
to divide what never was meant to be divided, for a house divided cannot stand.
Christians, reach out to the Jewish people and embrace Israel in love for they
are blinded now for a season, but Israel shall be saved as MY Son YAHUSHUA opens
the eyes of the blind in Israel once again. I, YAHUVEH, decree the blind eyes
and deaf ears in Israel shall once again behold MY Son YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.
Read and show thyself approved, all those that are recognizing the words of your
Heavenly Father YAHUVEH, study the below words in the Torah I have instructed MY
Daughter to put you in remembrance of.
January 1, 2003
Oh but you see oh enemies of MINE.
Beware the changing of MY Guards.
I am putting those with a greater anointing. Those that are humble before MY
They are MY secret hidden ones; they know how to behold MY Words
and MY face. They stand in the gap, they cry out in YAHUSHUA’s Name. To
the enemies of MINE around this world, beware MY changing of MY Guards. For they
have only become more Holy.
They have only become more determined and
bold. They will preach Holiness and they will rebuke this world. So
beware MY changing of MY Guards who are dressed in MY full armor (Ephesians 6:11-14)
who do not come to you in their name but come in the Name of YAHUVEH and
YAHUSHUA. Who do not carry weapons of warfare that are carnal, but MY changing
of MY Guards have the spiritual weapons that are yet untold.
They have the arsenal of all of Heaven and all they have to do is call out to ME
in YAHUSHUA’s Name. They are going to put your changing of the guards to shame.
So mock ME if you dare.
As you evil ones change your guards, for beware
I tell you MY enemies, I also have changed MY Guards. They are who you least
expect, the lowliest of the man and woman and even Children. I speak
forth to them not only through prophecies that come to pass but in dreams and
visions. These gifts are only going to grow stronger as I change MY guards who I
promote I also dispose.
Watch out Churches who have been warned the Changing of the guards have come and
they sit in your very pews and they confront the unholiness in you, the
disobedience in you. I am the same YAHUVEH and I change not, not for anyone. MY
Words do not return unto ME void, not for anyone.
November 1, 2003
I, YAHUVEH, who created your souls knew who would follow, love, obey and to ME be loyal. (Jer 1:4-5) I, YAHUVEH, knew who would follow in rebellion and covet MY authority and dominion. (John 17:12)
As satan fought to be god before the foundation of the world, (Isa 14:12-15) he has
convinced his seed now that they are the manifested sons of God, equal to YAHUSHUA in all ways.
All of the souls who betrayed I, YAHUVEH, in the battle before the foundation of the earth, have and will betray I, YAHUVEH, again. This is how I, YAHUVEH, predestined and foreknew whose names would be found or not found in the Lambs Book of Life (Rev.17:8). When the 3 books are opened where will your name be found? Will it be in the book of redemption, the book of the blotted out, (Ex 32:32-33) (Rev. 3:5) or the book of the damned?
Now you can understand MY Holy Scripture that says ‘You all work out your own salvation with fear and trembling’ (Phil. 2:12)
You who gather together to view an old sick man full of demons and he is under MY wrath for he steals MY glory and encourages the people to worship him,
bow down to him, kiss his hand, a hand made of mere dust and bow down to mere idols.
Millions listen and strive to obey one who calls himself a pope. You who call yourselves Catholics I command you now, flee the churches of Babylon.
Satan sows his own seed of rebellion and disobedience into the goats defying all that is Holy, defying all that is truth, twisting MY Holy Scriptures to conform to man’s twisted perversions, rebutting, rejecting and rewriting MY Torah and commands.
Satan’s seed is doing the same sins that were in the beginning even before the foundation of the earth when your souls were formed in Heaven.
Reincarnation is a lie of the father of all lies.
You do not die and keep coming back to earth in other lives until you are fit for Heaven. As the Holy Scriptures say ‘man is appointed once to die and than the judgment. (Heb 9:27) Every soul already made that choice before the foundation of the earth was formed. Whether your allegiance was to I, YAHUVEH, or to satan the father of all lies.
The first lie satan told was that satan would become like I, YAHUVEH, and have MY authority. 1/3 of all the angels believed this lie along with multitudes of souls who chose sides.
For in every soul I have given them the gift of free-will. (Rev. 12:4-9)
The souls that were loyal to I, YAHUVEH, before the foundation of the earth as well as the souls that betrayed I, YAHUVEH, I send to the earth through the seed of Adam and Eve. Satan was also cast down.
Satan again sought to turn MY creations against ME, both man and beast. Again MY Children disobeyed and rebelled against their loving Father.
Satan’s motivation was to provoke I, YAHUVEH, to such a rage I would destroy what I, YAHUVEH, and MY Son YAHUSHUA so lovingly created, but instead, after the fall of Adam and Eve MY own beloved Son YAHUSHUA offered himself as a redeemer, to be born as a human created only by I, YAHUVEH supernaturally.
YAHUSHUA became like a Second Adam with flesh and blood, but as Adam brought sin into the world, MY HOLY BLOOD IN YAHUSHUA washed the sins away and the desire to sin away from all who accepted MY Gift I, YAHUVEH, gave at Calvary. Only the souls before the foundation of the earth, who were loyal to I, YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA then, will accept, love, obey, fight un-holiness and fight satan and all these abominations now.
The souls that were created before the foundation of the earth who followed Lucifer in rebellion against I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA and MY Host of Holy Angels, (Rev.12:9) were given a choice at that time before the foundation of the earth, but when birthed on earth the choice of those souls were already made. The souls that followed Lucifer then have no choice but to follow satan again on earth and reap what satan sowed. This is the judgment of man.
Salvation was already pre-destined. The reprobate shall remain reprobate for eternity. (Jer 6: 27-30) clearly states I, YAHUVEH, call them rejected silver, they are as dross or lead, dead weight. The souls that did not worship and serve I, YAHUVEH, before the foundation of the earth will have no desire to serve I, YAHUVEH, on earth.
Just as the evil pharaoh although given a chance time and again could not repent and turn from evil because I, YAHUVEH, hardened his heart as his soul betrayed ME before the foundation of the earth. (Ex 7:13) Now you can understand why Jacob I loved and Esau I hated (Rom 9:13, Mal.1:3) along with Goliath, Ahab, Jezebel, Judas, Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:1-10) just to give examples of who were birthed for destruction.
The decision they made on earth was already done in heaven when the battle of good vs. evil was first fought.
That decision of every soul that is born on earth is birthed in every baby born on earth.
ot one soul that was created from the foundation of the earth whose names are already recorded in Heaven will be lost just as YAHUSHUA stated in the Holy Scriptures. Anyone who does not acknowledge YAHUSHUA as God/MESSIAH the only begotten Son of YAHUVEH the Father God Creator of all, made that decision before the foundation of the earth and
their mind and hearts cannot be changed.
Everyone reading this now hear this, I, YAHUVEH, command you to share this with all the people you know, to reassure them, not one person whose name is written in the Lambs Book of Life will worship the beast or accept the Mark of the Beast! (Rev 13:15-17) Not one person will I, YAHUVEH, lose to satan and his kingdom. Not any who were loyal to I, YAHUVEH, and MY Son YAHUSHUA in that great battle before the foundation of the earth will go to hell or the Lake of Fire.
Beloved Ones, this world is not your home.
You are just travelers passing through. Your mansions, treasures, and rewards await you in Heaven. Store up not, earthly treasures that you cannot take with you, but store them in Heaven, let your storehouses be full in Heaven.
September 12, 2004
Just as Elijah of Old was protected from Jezebel and Ahab, so shall
you also be, so shall all the Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH be protected.
Now is the time for the Shield Maidens to come forth and cover you in their
prayers, love and support, for they also will be attacked at the same time as
they step out in faith and contact you. I give them now the mandate: Those who
recognize that they are the Bride of YAHUSHUA come forth and gather together
with this Ringmaiden I am releasing this word from. Shield her with your
intercessory prayers, encouraging words, and support and come together so she
can encourage and nurture and support you also against the attacks of the enemy
of your mind, body, spirit and soul.
Here is a secret: Just as I have a
Bride, so too does satan and when the Holy Golden Eagles gather, so too shall
the vultures gather.
I,YAHUSHUA, am the Good Shepherd and MY Bride will not go to any other Master.
As it is written, I tell MY secrets to the Prophets and so I share secrets now
with MY beloved Bride and the Honored Guests that will be invited to the
Marriage Supper of the Lamb. And only those who will attend, their names are
found in the Lamb’s Book of Life, inscribed before the foundation of this world.
Study and show thyself approved as you meditate on why Enoch, Elijah, Elisha are
of great importance. I,YAHUSHUA, teach you now this is relevant to the Bride of
YAHUSHUA. I am speaking forth this revelation.
Behold it is a new thing.
Book of Enoch was not included with the Books which are in the Bible and yet I
give you this mandate to find this book and study it and allow YAHUVEH to teach
you truths seldom taught, for there are books that should have been included in
the Holy Bible and were purposely left out because they would be too
confrontational. Not all called the missing books of the Bible, but some. You
must use discernment which books are of the Holy Spirit and Truth and which is
Ask yourself, why would the Creator put in 66 books in the Bible, for
this is not a holy number. Six is the number of man, 666 is the number
associated with the antichrist.
I speak this to those who have Spiritual ears to hear and listen, all others
will remain deaf and mock what they do not understand. Verily I say unto you, I
give you strong spiritual meat to eat. It is not meant for the Spiritually Weak!
Elijah of Old was but a shadow of the catching away of the Bride of YAHUSHUA ha
MASHIACH. Elijah of Old knew what mission he needed to finish and knew he would
not die at that time. Elijah of Old knew what day, hour and minute YAHUVEH would
send the Chariot of Fire to catch him away to Heaven. And Elijah of Old knew in
advance who would be honored to behold this with their own eyes and the man’s
name was Elisha.
Elijah of Old was taken to Heaven by Heavenly transportation
and so shall also the Bride of YAHUSHUA be caught away when I,YAHUSHUA,
personally come for you MY beloved Bride.(2 Kings 2:1-14)
Verily I say unto her and you with spiritual ears to hear and listen.
YAHUSHUA call her MY Elijah of New [in Hebrew, Eliyahu] and reveal these secret
revelations given to her straight from Heaven to be a blessing unto her as well
as the true Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Just as Elijah of Old knew when to
expect YAHUVEH’s horse drawn Chariot of Fire to catch him away to Heaven and he
knew the exact time and day and was prepared and warned Elisha in advance to
watch him.
Elijah of Old is the shadow of what will happen with the Bride, so
why would I do any less for the Bride of YAHUSHUA?
I will first send Archangel Michael to come and clear the path for the Angel
Gabriel to come to tell her. I have told her to wait for the birth of the
announcement of the date YAHUSHUA will come for HIS Bride, then one of her
mandates will be as MY Ringmaiden to ring this news around the world to all the
Elite called the Beloved Bride of YAHUSHUA. Beloved ask yourself this question,
and again read Matthew 25:6-7 and hear it now with Holy ears for it says,
at Midnight a cry was heard, see the Bridegroom is coming, go out to meet him.
Then all the maidens raised up to trim their lamps.” Verily I say unto you,
someone was chosen to be that messenger to ring forth that cry that the entire
Bride of YAHUSHUA will hear. And I have chosen this Ringmaiden to have this
What YAHUVEH did for MY Mother, Miryam (Mary) when I,YAHUSHUA, came to earth, I
will do for MY Bride and send Angels to Elisabeth [Elisheva] to proclaim the
Bridegroom doth come. Make yourself ready and wait for ME on this date, for I
come to elope with MY Bride. Again, I say unto you,
Elijah of Old was a shadow
of MY Bride being caught away, and MY Bride will be endued with a new outpouring
of an anointing while on this earth as a standard against the evil that will
come against you like none other given before. All of MY Bride will know this
message is true, for some have known this would happen and have been waiting for
this announcement to come to the 4 corners of the earth where I have hid MY
This date will be spoken in secret and only to MY true Bride will she speak this
to. You will never see this posted anywhere unless it is done without MY
permission, and woe be unto the Judas who would do such a thing, trying to
endanger MY Bride. You who would attempt to do this will suffer the same fate as Judas.
The Bride of YAHUSHUA will be the first fruits redeemed from this earth before
the great day of YAHUVEH’s wrath called the Great Tribulation. You who are the
Bride of YAHUSHUA are eternally faithful and true to your MESSIAH and Groom.
the Bride of YAHUSHUA will also have the gift to translate anywhere in the world
and will have no need of earthly transportation. Need I remind you of how some
of MY disciples of old did not have a glorified body and yet they could do the
same? (Acts 8:27-40)
The Bride of YAHUSHUA can have different appearances as
I,YAHUSHUA, did after MY resurrection. MY own Apostles did not recognize their
Verily I say unto you, just as Elisha bore witness with his own eyes and saw
Elijah of Old taken up in the horse drawn chariot of fire, because Elisha
refused to forsake him and was at his side when he was caught away, he received
a double portion of anointing as Elijah of Old had prophesied.
Here is a
mystery: Have you wondered why Elisha was separated and not taken by the Chariot
of Fire with Elijah of old? (2 Kings 2:11). It is because Elisha was a shadow of
the 12 Tribes of Israel in Revelation 7 and Elijah is a shadow of MY Bride in
Revelation 14. So too will the sealed 144.000 from the 12 tribes of Israel be
protected and sealed on this earth as it is written in Revelation 7 by an Angel
from Heaven.
Weapons of man shall not harm them nor shall the plagues come near
them, for they are not appointed to YAHUVEH’s wrath. They will remain under
YAHUSHUA’s Grace, the bloodline that YAHUSHUA drew at Calvary and satan can’t
cross that bloodline. These 144.000 will behold the Bride’s mantle as the
anointing falls upon them in a way they had not known before.
Verily I say unto you that Enoch was a Shadow of the Bride of YAHUSHUA. For
Enoch was translated to Heaven, for he had this testimony.
He did not die but
was translated to Heaven, for he was found pleasing unto YAHUVEH. So also will
you the Bride of YAHUSHUA be translated, for you will also have this testimony
that you please YAHUVEH the Father of all Creation as well as I,YAHUSHUA, HIS
Son, because you obeyed and keep yourself Holy without spot or wrinkle.
MY Bride, you are scattered all over the world right now.
MY Bride, you consist
of the first fruits as mentioned in Revelation 14. You are the best fruit I will
redeem from the earth before the Great Tribulation. MY Bride, you only boast in
who you serve and you remain humble,
never fully understanding why I,YAHUSHUA,
would choose you, but feel honored you have been chosen and yet do not take it
for granted and still pray you’re counted worthy to be called MY Bride. MY Bride
understands the importance of observing the Holy Days her Jewish Messiah Groom
kept. MY Bride, you have laid everything down on the altar of sacrifice and hold
nothing back and will follow your MESSIAH and obey all I say. Your cry on your
lips is Holy.
I share another secret with the Bride of YAHUSHUA. MY Ringmaiden Elisabeth [Elisheva]
already wears a spiritual wedding ring. She will know who I have given these
rings to. Each of MY Bride will wear a unique wedding ring which is a reflection
of the price they paid to become MY Bride. No two rings will be alike.
Beloved, when the Bride and the Guests all arrive, then shall the Marriage
Supper of the Lamb commence.
I,YAHUSHUA, will not only dance and rejoice with MY
beloved Bride but also with MY beloved Honored Guests. Blessed are all who are
invited to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb as it is written Revelation 19:9.
invitations were sent out to everyone in this world and yet how few know what an
honor it is to be called MY Bride or receive the invitation as an Honored Guest.
Few understand the price I paid to invite you. Some invitations are lost, some
discarded and labeled trash, some invitations are gathering dust, some
invitations are counterfeited and some Guests don’t understand this is an RSVP
invitation only. Only those who respond and accept I,YAHUSHUA, as your MESSIAH
will attend the Marriage Supper of the Lamb and only those whose names are found
written in the Lambs Book of Life before the foundation of this world.
August 2, 2005
If you obey ME, there are Blessings & Victory as stated in
Deuteronomy 28. There are curses to those that disobey.
and study what is written in Exodus 31:12-17. The true Sabbath will be the sign
between, I, YAHUVEH & MY people, and it will be used to identify who
truly worships and who will serve ME in the Great Tribulation.
Will you worship, I, YAHUVEH & YAHUSHUA on the True Shabbat—Friday
Sundown till Saturday Sundown? Or during the Great Tribulation will you
serve and worship the son of satan on Sunday?
If you are not keeping MY Holy Sabbath-Day now, what makes you think you will do
it then, during the Great Tribulation which is only a breath away?
Did I not send MY SON, YAHUSHUA, to be an example unto you?
Do you even know why I set aside a Day of Rest (Gn 2:1-3)?
Do you not
know this Sabbath Day is to be a blessing unto you and not a curse?
MY Fourth Commandment clearly states to keep Holy MY Sabbath Day of
Rest. Does not the Law I wrote with MY Own Fiery Finger on a tablet of
stone (Ex 31:18; Dt 9:10) and gave to Moses on Mt. Sinai say, “Honor MY
Sabbath-Day and keep it Holy” (Ex 20:8-10)?
Again I ask you, since when is MY SON, YAHUSHUA, a day?
Ask yourself,
why would satan change the day of Sabbath to Sunday if it were not going to be
used for his purpose in the Great Tribulation? Do not listen to those
who preach otherwise. Herein lies the victory.
How much do you desire to be YAHUSHUA’S Bride? How much passion do you have for YAHUSHUA? How do you prove that I, YAHUVEH & YAHUSHUA, are first in your love and your life and in everything you do? That is what sets you apart as YAHUSHUA’S Bride,
for I tell you this Secret: the passion and the depth of your love for YAHUSHUA is evidence for all to see. This is the mark of YAHUSHUA’S Bride. They feel they cannot do enough for ME.
January 24, 2006
What child doesn’t know the Father’s Name?
Read your own scriptures. How many times do I tell you to call out in MY Name
and I will deliver you? Ask yourself who is it that would teach us that we are
not worthy to call upon the Name of the Creator?
This has been the devil
doctrine’s lies taught to you by your own Rabbis. Rebuke these lies. I am not
G-D. I am not L-rd. When you have deleted MY Name, you have sinned and taken MY
Name in vain. I am YAHUVEH. However you pronounce it (YAHVEH, YAHWEH),
at least you are acknowledging MY Name. I defy you tell ME where I have told you
in your Holy Scriptures you are not worthy to call upon MY Name? MY Name is not
Ha Shem (the name). MY Name is not merely Adonai (Lord)!
I am YAHUVEH, Creator of all. MY Name is not spelled God. These are
labels and titles given to ME by your Rabbis and translators of the scriptures
who desire to omit MY Name, spelling it YHVH or YHWH. I have given each
person a name. I am YAHUVEH, I have a Name. Prove you love ME and trust ME by
using MY Sacred Name. Did King David not call upon MY Name for deliverance? Do
you not read your own Psalms? What does Psalm 91 promise if you call upon MY
Oh Yisrael, so much as been stolen from you, even as the Holy
Books have been rewritten to exclude MY Name. Take back what has been
stolen, and see when you call upon I, YAHUVEH, in MY SON YAHUSHUA’s Name, will I
not quickly deliver you from your enemies.
As in the time of Moses, I shall bless those that obey and bless me, and
curse those that disobey and curse I, YAHUVEH. This world shall see
when MY wrath is poured out in these end times, that I will hide those who are
hidden in MY SON YAHUSHUA.
All the plagues that were poured out in the
time of Moses shall be poured forth in a greater measure on MY enemies from I,
YAHUVEH’s hands.
There is a mystery golden box called the Ark of the Covenant that holds
mysteries of old in your land, oh Yisrael. The ark no one will touch except
those I have preordained who are truly Holy before I, YAHUVEH. satan wants to
destroy what is in that golden box, for there is anointing power held within the
objects in that golden box. Satan is sending his son the one called the anti-
messiah to seek and destroy the Ark.
Of all the nations of the world I chose you oh Yisrael to hide what has been
protected until it is needed. In all the world I chose you oh Yisrael and
Jerusalem, to bring ME Praise, Honor and Glory.
MASHIACH’s Holy Blood to drip and flow into the ground and over the Mercy Seat
and it is in Yisrael I will give satan his final blow.
This Mystery box holds
the rod that separated the Red Sea among other miracle objects such as the Manna
from Heaven. The Ark of the Covenant is a duplicate of what is in Heaven.
I tell
you this now as a warning as in the times of old, think not that just anyone
will live who touches this mystery box called the Ark of the Covenant, unless
they are preordained to be worthy enough to touch and open it.
Study your Scriptures and see only with much prayer and praise with Holy hands
washed in MY Son YAHUSHUA’s Blood can The Ark of the Covenant be opened and it
will be used once again at a set and appointed time.
And just like in the time
of Moshe, it will be used to deliver YAHUVEH’s people in a way, in a time you
think not that will bring I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA all Praise, Honor, and Glory.
Oh Yisrael, do you not know when the Roman soldiers stripped off YAHUSHUA’s
clothes and divided HIS garments as stated in the Tanakh, “They divided MY
clothes among them and for MY robe they did cast lots.” (John 19:24)
They said therefore among themselves, “Let us not tear the robe but cast lots
for it, to see whose it shall be.”
Oh Yisrael, do you not see just as the Roman
soldiers divided YAHUSHUA’s clothing, so too your land is being divided and Rome
has a hand in it behind the scenes. Just as YAHUSHUA’s robe was gambled for, the
one with the highest bid to divide your land will expose and betray you for all
the world to see.
March 15, 2006
Right now the weapons the Bride of YAHUSHUA has are in the Spiritual realm.
But I tell you this! In the Great Tribulation, just as the King gave the edict,
the command and said, “Take up your arms and defend yourselves!” so too it shall
be again. But not for the Revelation 14 Bride.
That is why I AM
redeeming them from this earth and the Two Witnesses shall be amongst that
number and then they shall return.
Oh, but you precious Bride of Revelation 7, you are already sealed,
beloved ones. No one can harm you. There will be a short time you will take up
arms and defend and help the Guests to fight satan and those with the mark of
satan. And then you shall walk in that glorified body when you hear the Words,
“And the dead in Christ shall rise first.”(1 Thes 4:16). As you learned
[the verse, with] the word “Christ” is the only reason I speak it forth [that
way]. It is the “dead in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH”
which will be the Two
Witnesses and those martyred at that time. These are in the
Second Rapture and along with the Revelation 7 Bride shall also be
taken up before the heathen’s eyes.
These are the Secrets reserved for YAHUSHUA’S Bride.
August 27 – 2007
Here is a Secret I repeat again through Elisabeth [Elisheva]:
Every soul born on this earth was tested in Heaven before they came to this
earth and that is why every soul works out their own salvation “with fear and
trembling” (Phil 2:12). Your soul already knows if you were on lucifer’s side or
YAHUVEH’S side during the Great Betrayal War in Heaven, before the Foundation of
this Earth.
I, YAHUVEH, warn you that satan is evil in all ways, even teaching the people to
pray to goddesses, because he knows the RUACH HA KODESH,
is the only QUEEN OF HEAVEN. Study what the word “SHEKINAH GLORY” means.
“Shekinah” is from the Hebrew word HaSh'khinah meaning “the Presence” defined as the DIVINE PRESENCE and often understood as the MANIFEST GLORY OF YAHUVEH present with humankind. Shkhinah is a feminine Hebrew word. In John 17 we read this about YAHUVEH’S GLORY.
I AM called “WISDOM”;
And in Hebrew, the “RUACH HA KODESH”;
And also called “The HOLY SPIRIT.”
The Secret of MY NAME was sealed in the Book of Daniel.
ABBA YAHUVEH creates; And I, your MOMMA SHKHINYAH GLORY, decorates all creation.
WE are separate and yet ONE. What part of a boiled egg is the egg? Is it the shell, yolk or white? Is it not all one? Together they are an egg, and all one.
Yet, separate, they are all individual. Can you not yet understand? This is the way it is with ALL THREE OF US called THE HOLY TRINITY.
Where do you think the idea came from that a Holy husband and wife were to be
one? It was first done in Heaven. When you accepted YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH, you
never realized at the same time you were being filled with a HEAVENLY MOTHER’S
The word “comforter”— is what a mother does best.
I tell you this so others will realize they lack nothing in
They have both a HEAVENLY FATHER and a
HEAVENLY MOTHER and WE are SPIRIT (Jn 4:24) as were all
humans before they were born on Earth. As it is
written, remember, “Flesh and blood cannot enter into the
Kingdom of Heaven” (1 Cor 15:50).
I share this Secret from Heaven so that
those who love MY BELOVED SON, YAHUSHUA, and accept HIM as
MESSIAH will not fall for the lies of the man-made religions
and call on YAHUSHUA’S earthly mother, Mary, at the hour of
their death. Instead, call on YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH’S NAME
and repent and ask for Mercy.
There are Three Ruling Thrones. YAHUVEH sits in the middle,
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH sits on the right side of YAHUVEH and
I, your MOMMA SHKHINYAH, sit on the left side.
US rule in Heaven equally and are CO-CREATORS. Yet there is
only one MASHIACH, named YAHUSHUA. Only through YAHUSHUA’S
NAME BLOOD is there salvation for the people on Earth.
I can hear the sigh of relief of those who recognize the Truth and yet also acknowledge you are glad it was given to her to speak forth and not to you. However, now those who are grateful will have a greater desire to be a Helper to this Ministry. For you will realize how much more you are needed in all ways.
By now you should realize this is no ordinary Ministry and no ordinary Prophet.
Does it not say in the Holy Manuscripts, and proven by the Prophets of Old [that] YAHUVEH shares HIS Secrets with the Holy Prophets (Amos 3:7)?
This is a Secret I have now released through her to be a blessing unto those who have desired to know the NAME of the HOLY SPIRIT and have a Greater Intimacy Love with ME.
May 25, 2008
You are being tested. (Exodus 20:20, Zechariah 13:9) There
is not one, not one, not one, not one, not one, not one, not one, of the Bride
of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH that is not being tested right now to see who they obey,
to see who they fear offending. It better be I. It better be I. It better be I,
YAHUVEH. It better be YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH. For did HE not set the example?
That HE refused to disobey YAHUVEH. HE refused to disobey HIS Heavenly FATHER?
The time is so short.
I’ve been weeding them out one by one.
There’s no more free rides. I told you I am on a countdown of MY patience. Why
do you think I keep asking you, ” Are you counting down the Omer?” (Leviticus
If you cannot hear ME now, how will you hear ME then?
This Ministry has the anointing to give the desire to the people whose names are
written in the LAMB’S Book of Life to hear MY voice, to do MY will, for you are
an example unto them.
What will you do …….? I already know.
It would be so easy for ME ………. to do it the easy way for you but how would you
have passed your test? How would you prove obedience? How would you prove who
you love more? So men, I am not going to cancel your tests. That’s what you want
ME to do.
All are tested. Does not MY Word say, “The trials of your
faith are more precious than gold.” (1 Peter 1:7)
November 9, 2008
I speak to MY First Fruits. I speak to those that are the 144.000.
I grade by the percentage, not “if” you obey ME, but how quickly you obey ME. Not “if” you obey ME, but by what attitude you have that you obey ME; how quickly you obey ME and the degree of the performance, how fully you obey ME.
Do you do things in your time? Or do you do things in MY time? When I tell you that you are to do something do you do it with a cheerful heart?
When I tell you to support this Ministry do you just throw them your leftover change like you would tip a waitress or a waiter? Do you make sure that the prophets that minister to you, that feed you are fed and lodged?
I love you so much.
To those who are but in elementary school, your ABBA
YAHUVEH loves you so much! You made the first step! You’ve given your life to
YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH. But you cannot stop in elementary school or you’ll just
be fruit that dies on the vine. You must. You must. You must go on. Do not think
you can stop. Strive.
Strive. Strive to be Holy in all ways for I expect
more in these End Times. By your fruit I know you. By your fruit the other Holy
shall know you. By your fruit, I grade you for the percentage of your fruit, how
much is good and how much is bad.
This is why the Bride of YAHUSHUA MASHIACH is called HIS first fruit,
HIS best. They are battered and beaten and they are bruised from this
world but in HIS eyes, in YAHUSHUA’s eyes, they are the best fruit for they took
that bruising, they took that battering for HIS Name’s sake and they are HIS
best fruit. They are the Bride.
And now I speak to the Bride of Revelation 7. You also are good fruit.
Oh, but your battering and your bruising has not been to the degree of the
Revelation 14 Bride but your fruit is pleasing unto ME. And I can trust
you as I can trust the Bride of Revelation 14 for although you’re not 100%, each
day you strive to be.
There will be those that will hear this Message that will just get into
Heaven on their last breath. They will do all they can do just to keep
the Ten Commandments, to be Holy before ME in that way. On that day they shall
be in Paradise.
But you see there are levels to Heaven and the Bride’s
sole desire is to be able to come right into the Throne Room. These are
the 100 percenters.
I judge you by the percentage of the time you obey ME, again how quickly
you obey ME. Do you give ME your best? Or do you just get by? Oh how
sad when some of you just throw crumbs at ME.
You see I, YAHUVEH, judge
your heart. I not only listen to your mouth, I know whether you
begrudgingly do something for ME or whether you rejoice. Just like I have raised
up those to be helpers to this Ministry, you started out as a friend to this
Ministry. You were praying and you prayed and prayed as a new convert wanting to
please YAHUSHUA more each day and said, “ABBA YAHUVEH, what can I do to help
this Ministry, what can I do to make my life count in this world? Give me a job
ABBA YAHUVEH. Make my life worth living.” So I hand you a job.
Oh how much I grieve for those who say, “Just give me a job to do.
Give me a job to do. What is my job on this earth ABBA YAHUVEH.”
And I
give them their job and they should be honored and they say they’re
honored and they start out with the right attitude and then the testing gets too
hard and their flesh raises up
and they throw the job back in MY face
and they betray this Ministry once again. Do you not know, I judge you for this?
I judge your very heart.
Every time you write that letter of support out, I judge you and the percentage.
When a Word comes forth that offends the flesh, just like this Word is going to
do, I judge your heart. Do you thank ME? Do you thank the Messenger? Do you put
action behind your words?
Do you do anything to help this Ministry? I,
YAHUVEH, judge you, for you see the Holy Scriptures say, you’re held accountable
for what you know. (Are you) afraid of offending your loved ones’
flesh, your neighbor’s flesh, stranger’s flesh more than you are afraid of
offending I, YAHUVEH?
Do you compromise with sin? I grade you MY Children.
And on that day in
Heaven when you stand before MY Throne and the Book of Life is opened, there
shall also be your grade.
So now, I share this secret from Heaven that no one has ever yet
released. So praise ME and ask what your grade is and if I think you
can handle it I will share it with you, but again I do not do this to compare
one with another for if I think you’ll be puffed up in pride for I, YAHUVEH,
know your heart and mind, I’ll not tell you. If I think this will be used to
beat you into the ground by satan and you’re not able to handle it, I’ll not
tell you. But you have nothing to lose, just ask ME.
February 3, 2010
I tell you a secret, in Heaven I have a golden jeweled book that has
been designed just for each of MY Holy Children who rebuke sin and sinners,
who strive to obey, and who rebuke satan in YAHUSHUA’S NAME.
Here is a secret
(To Sheren who says this ministry has many secrets, The Bible says in Amos 3:7
“YAHUVEH shares HIS secrets with the Prophets”.), in your special book there are
names that you have long forgotten as they mocked and persecuted, hated you
without cause, when all you did for them was pray that they would forsake their
I, YAHUVEH, have each tear that you shed in a jeweled vial with a Holy Angel
tending to it (Psalm 56:8). And when you’re persecuted for YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH’S NAME sake, know as the evil try to judge and accuse you, I, YAHUVEH,
have judged some vicious enemies of yours as you prayed, and will continue to
judge them! The Holy who cry out to ME, “Deliver me from the hand of these evil
enemies!” shall be delivered (Jer 15:21)!
I’m telling you this, now that you know, I foretell you of enemies attacking you
in a spiritual war this year 2008 like none other thus far. Do not be concerned.
Through the NAME and the BLOOD of YAHUSHUA you will win! Fasting, also
communion, and the Jericho Marches is a weapon you need for not only yourselves
but for others to have victory.
Communion is a secret weapon. Use it liberally.
Do not stop what you know works.
May 29, 2017
Now I tell you a secret on this Shavu’ot.
Oh Shavu’ot is such a Holy time! And the countdown of the omer—if you’ve not
been doing this—even YAHUSHUA did this. Oh this means harvest time!
There is so much more I want to teach you but it is not yet now. I will speak
forth more Prophecies of this.
Right now I just want you to know how much, how
much, how much WE need your comfort also.
When the names are written in the LAMB’S Book of Life, there is also a Book
of the Damnation and also the Book of the Blotted Out (Rv 20:11-12; also see Ps
69:28 etc).
Revelation 20:11
And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before GOD; and the Books were
opened: and another Book was opened, which is the Book of Life: and the dead
were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to
their works.
But I speak of the Book of Life and when the name is written down and you have
given up and you have turned away —
I’ve already foreknown this as (Romans 8:29, Romans 9:22 etc) plainly says—as soon as the name has been written, it is
immediately blotted out as if it was never there and it appears in the Book of
the Damnation.
These are secrets I tell you this day that are even greater than the prayers I
had said before, that I had told you to pray.
Pray that your name never be found
in the Book of the Blotted Out for it is better to be already put in the Book of
the Damnation. For that is the only reward you will receive—on this
earth, is to live your life, living for the devil, doing it
your way in a short number of years and—then comes hell and
the lake of fire.
Now OUR Book—the Book you call the Bible—but it is truly called the Holy Scriptures for it is not just one book. There are other books like the book of Enoch. They call them the “Lost Books of the Bible” but they are not all lost. They can be found if you will but look.
I want to teach you. I want to teach you that you must have a testimony as unto Enoch (Heb 11:5-6). For he did not see death but he walked with ME. And he was MY friend and he did not see death. Instead he was raptured to Heaven (Gn 5:23-24).
He walked with ME. The angels, as Enoch was upon their backs, carried him to Heaven—where he even [had] seen where [some of] the fallen angels are [bound], just so I could warn you now (). There is a Heaven and there is a hell and there is a place where the fallen angels are.
Now I speak to those who are saved, sanctified and filled with the HOLY SPIRIT,
the SWEET RUACH HA KODESH. I speak to those who do their very best not to offend
ME. These are the ones I want to speak to.
WE need your comfort. Do you know
that the HOLY TRINITY needs your comfort?
I speak to the Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones and Elect. You come to US and you need
comforting and WE are there! You come to us with your prayers and WE are there.
You ask of ME and you receive, for WE are there.
But do you not understand? We weep. I, YAHUVEH weep. YAHUSHUA weeps. IMMAYAH
weeps. WE weep! We laugh with you! We want to laugh with you! We want to play
with you. You are children! What father does not want to play with his child?
What father does not want his child to ask him questions? What good father? What
Holy father?
I do not speak of anyone now other than those who truly belong to YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH. The others will not even understand. And for those who do not
understand, this Word is not even for you so just don’t even listen. Don’t
bother to complain. Don’t bother to call her a false prophet for I have plainly
warned, ‘Touch not MINE Anointed and neither do MY Prophets any harm’ (Ps
105:15; 1 Ch 16:22).
I want a relationship with MY beloved ones. I do not only want you to fear
ME—but fear is the beginning of Wisdom (see Proverbs 9:10; Ps 111:10)—I want you to
obey ME.
Now I tell you another secret that I told Elisheva long ago. Every day she
awoke—and remember this Ministry has been online for over 22 years but she
started long before that—to ask ME,
“What is it YOU want me to know today?”
And I gave her these instructions I now pass on to you, if you so choose to do.
There will be a blessing in it and again I do not speak to the heathen, I speak
to those who truly know ME and know MY SON and know WHO the HOLY SPIRIT is. For
the others, you will not understand.
You take that Bible, one with a soft binder that can open up, and you pray over
that Bible. You pray protection. You rebuke satan and you make sure no sin is
within, that you have asked forgiveness of any sin. And you do this after
communion. These are new instructions I give on Shavuot in 2017. For I love to
teach you new, even though for Elisheva it is old.
And you say, “ABBA YAHUVEH I come to YOU with praise, and love and thanksgiving.
Thank YOU for YOUR SON YAHUSHUA to be my LORD, GOD & SAVIOUR. For thus saith
the Word, ‘Submit yourself to the LORD YAHUSHUA and resist the devil and he must
flee!’ (see James 4:7). So therefore I quote this Scripture to thee. For YOUR Word
cannot return unto YOU void (Is 55:11). And I ask of YOU, use this Word now.
Speak to me. Open this Bible as I right now plead the Blood of YAHUSHUA over
You can even anoint it, the cover, and ask ME,
HOLY SPIRIT, RUACH HA KODESH, IMMAYAH, where do YOU want me to read today? What
do YOU want to speak to me today?” and watch as you hold it in your hand closed,
see if I will not open it.
See if I will not have the Sweet Hands of the RUACH HA KODESH open it. It must
have a soft binder. But look and see how it will just open ever so slowly and a
Word will be seen by your eyes and where your eye hits, is what I want you to
Perhaps it will be the same entire chapter. Perhaps it will only be a sentence.
Perhaps you just seek one word. I want to speak to you. I want you to read MY
I want you to see it’s alive. I want it to be heard!
“What is it ABBA YAH YOU have to say to me today? In the NAME OF YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH, I pray.”
Look upon this and I have told them this secret: When Moshe (Moses) went to the
top of Mount Sinai for the 10 Commandments, the 10 Laws that I, YAHUVEH, wrote
with MY fiery finger and I meditated with him as I taught him so much. I
listened to him speak and I listened to his questions and they were many. And he
spoke to ME and he asked ME questions, they were many.
Oh but the children of Israel that I had brought forth out of the slavery of
Egypt, they could not wait for him to return. And they asked Aaron, “Where is
he? He’s not coming back, so we’re going to go make our own gods.”
And they took
the gold and the silver, and they took the jewels and the gems, and they made a
golden calf to worship it and they fell before it. And they worshipped something
they could see and all kinds of debauchery was done from homosexuality to
fornication, to all the sins I need not name to where when Moses came down this
is what he saw (see Ex 32:1-4).
And there is another
secret that I will not reveal now that Elisheva and Ezra and “YAHUSHUA’S demon
stompers” know, there is one thing more that must happen. And I speak not of the
things of this world. I speak of a Heavenly Revelation, a gift I’ve given to
Ezra and Elisheva, but they still are Revelation 14—to the others I say: If you
cannot do it now when it is free, how will you do it in the Great Tribulation?
How will you accept ME in the Great Tribulation, MY SON YAHUSHUA in the Great
Tribulation when you are told, “All religions are to be one”?—when it’s already
been—a President has already signed it into executive order that which I did not
want done. For all religions and those who serve other gods, do not serve I
I tell you a secret.
When YAHUSHUA comes in all of HIS GLORY—and I speak not of the First Coming, I
speak not of when it’s the time of the catching up, [rapture]—I speak of when
all the world is going to know, [when] reprobates have cried out. They will cry
to the very mountains to fall on them and hide them from HE—I YAHUVEH—WHO SITS
ON THE THRONE and from the Wrath of the LAMB WHO is YAHUSHUA (Rv 6:16)!
You see, only one time was YAHUSHUA crucified! Only one time did HE say, “FATHER
forgive them” (Lk 23:34) for they know it not. Only one time—unless you
repent—will HE ask for your forgiveness.
Oh but when YAHUSHUA comes and all will see — I tell you this secret — there’s going
to be a symphony. There’s going to be the most beautiful music that all the
world will hear.
This is what MY Heavenly ones, you Holy ones who listen now, washed in the SHED
BLOOD OF YAHUSHUA, who pray in the NAME OF YAHUSHUA, who live for the NAME OF
YAHUSHUA, who have laid your own lives down and said, “Live YOUR life through
me—not my desires be done but YOUR desires be done, not my words be spoken but
YOUR Words be spoken.”
There shall be a symphony and it shall be what all the creation waits for. For
they groan and they wail now and you know it not (Ro 8: 19-23)—as extinction,
extinction comes of that which used to be on this earth and is no more but will
be once again.
And the creation will—and the manifestations, it shall be there: the
manifestations of the sons of YAH and that includes the daughters. They shall
help bring all this about. F
or they cry out and they say—all of creation cries
out and they wait and they say (Ro 8:19-23)—and I speak again of the creatures
of this earth. They wait and they wait and they wait. And it’s just as the rest
of the Bride wait for the manifestations of the sons of YAH and they wait and I
tell you this,
you are going to hear this symphony, that’s going to be every
creation that’s going to sing to ME.
But I tell you this. Listen to ME now.
Can you picture the lion roaring? Can you picture the tiger? Can you picture not
only the birds singing but can you picture the frogs croaking? Can you picture
the cricket singing? Do you know every animal once had a voice?
All the voices
of the animals and all the voices of the crickets that were—all the voices—of
even, even the bumble bee, they shall sing a song to ME just as in the Garden of
Eden before it fell.
I tell you this.
Adam was able—as he named them, he spoke to each one of them
and they spoke back. And the voices shall return once again. Doesn’t that excite
you oh beloved ones? Don’t you want to hear this?
Don’t you want to know more
secrets? Then just obey ME for these are just little secrets I give unto you.
I could not just put everything in one book. There are so many books and these
Prophecies and these Revelations that you are hearing now—just think of it, just
think of it MY children—you cannot even begin to comprehend what I have waiting
for you, for all of you who have suffered and [are] persecuted because MY SON
Oh MY little ones, oh MY little ones, oh MY little ones! How much I love you!
Not only MY Bride, but you who will be called the Guests at the Wedding Supper
of the LAMB! Do you now know how much I love you?
Do you not understand? I want
you, to hold you. I want you to sit on MY lap. Oh MY darling ones, hear ME.
Hear ME today. Oh, hear ME today.
WE need you to comfort US. WE need you to sing to US. WE need you to treasure
and love US. Not only ask of US, ask of US prayers needed, but ask of US, “What
do you want for me today to do for YOU? How can I be pleasing to YOU?”
Do you know how much that would bless US? Do you have any idea how that would
bless US?
Do you know why I created you? Do you know it was for fellowship?
Do you
understand I put a bunch of mud together? I took a rib out of a man and I formed
it into a woman. You wonder, “How did the hair get there anyway?”—this is Elisheva, you laugh and you say. And then you turn to Ezra and you say, “Well
Honey I guess it’s just the same way you got your hair,”
May 30, 2017
You see in these end times the devil is going to try to counterfeit
any way he can. For the evil ones have their own “queen of heaven” but
I tell you there is but ONE and SHE is your HEAVENLY MOTHER. This is why I
reveal these secrets to you now so others will understand.
This is why I
add even now, 89 and 90, more revelations about WHO the RUACH HA KODESH is.
For those who will receive HER, the SWEET HOLY SPIRIT as a MOTHER, this
will be a blessing.
I share secrets especially with those I call MY best friends; you and
Elisheva, know things that come straight from Heaven.
And everyone who belongs to YAHUSHUA, follows YAHUSHUA, who has the HOLY SPIRIT
within, your IMMAYAH, has their own lullaby. This is what I want to share with
you so you can encourage others.
This is how much your MOTHER loves you.
This is how much your HEAVENLY FATHER loves you. Does not an earthly mother
share lullabies, sing lullabies? A loving mother! Then why do you think your
HEAVENLY MOTHER would not have a lullaby for you?
April 4, 2019
With One Foot, MY SON YAHUSHUA lined them all up in a row—and lucifer
was at the front—and with one foot (like it was a soccer ball or you can call it
kickball, football, whatever you want to name it), it took one kick—and that’s
why MY SON YAHUSHUA describes the falling of lucifer to the earth (Lk
10:18) [because HE literally kicked them out].
And the war that was started in Heaven will be finished here on earth as
YAHUSHUA comes back to finish it forever.
And I want to cry out to Israel and I want to tell them,
you should not be proud
of that Third Temple being ready to be built. You should not be proud of all
the—everything that’s gonna be put inside of it. You should be listening to the
words that’s being spoken right now.
And you, who know in secret,
that the anti-mashiach will be sitting inside that
temple—and wearing that crown and sitting on that throne (And all the gold
that’s being poured into it! And how the poor are going without food and without
lodging because of it!)—but you know the truth yet you fear offending your
Oh Israel come out of the spirit of narcissism. Without the BLOOD OF YAHUSHUA
there is no forgiveness of this sin. And I speak to the men and I speak to the
women who have the spirit of narcissism.
You have your idols right there oh Israel. It’s no different to the time you had
the golden calf. For [as a narcissist], you have made yourself a god, a god to
be worshipped like that golden calf.
For you allow every sin that I have commanded to be forbidden—and I’M not
talking about the food that goes in your mouth—that defiles you;
I’M talking
about what comes out of your mouth that has defiled you.
The worst defilement that anyone can imagine is very soon to take place. If you
don’t accept YAHUSHUA as MASHIACH now,
you will bow and you will kneel and you
will take the Mark of the Beast. And there is no forgiveness for this. You will
go to hell and I YAHUVEH will say, “Depart from me you worker of iniquity I
never knew you!”
Read the Book of Wisdom for yourself and get to know WHO the RUACH HA KODESH is.
You will be very surprised of WHO the HOLY SPIRIT truly is.
And read the book
that took 7 years of nothing but study and that is “Secrets of the RUACH HA
And there is a new addition coming. But it all depends on one man’s decision:
How much he wants his testimony in it. Ezra, how much [do] you want your
testimony in the new book?
I’m speaking to the spirit of the men, I’m speaking to the spirit of the women
who will receive this Prophecy and know it is of ME.
And for those of you who do not believe and do not understand—then it’s either
one of two things: You are either reprobate, you’ve been blotted out; or it’s
not time yet for you to understand, but you will understand in the Great
Tribulation and you will remember this Prophecy.
For already I’ve cracked open just a very glimmer of the sealed prophecy of
Prophecy 78 that has been sealed since—has been sealed for years. For it’s such
a fearful, fearful, fearful Prophecy. I would not allow Elisheva to speak it or
even remember it as it was given back to back to back to back.
April 4, 2019
You think you have so much time. You have been lied to.
You think you know the timing, even in the Bible—you who time the
Scriptures and say, “This can’t happen until that can happen, and so we have oh
maybe 10 years left” and others will say, “Oh you have a hundred years,
no you have twenty years, no you have twenty-five years” and the endless numbers
go on. [ Holy tongues… ]
But I tell you this,
AM I not the YAH WHO holds the time in MY Hands?
For ME there is no time! Time is irrelevant! I AM OUTSIDE OF TIME!
I can make so many things happen that you think will be in so many years.
I can either speed up time as I’ve showed you or I can slow it down.
And I proved this in the Bible, and proved it in other Holy Scriptures.
Do you really think when I, YAHUSHUA threw those men out of the money changers
temple (Mt 21:12), when it was supposed to be MY FATHER’S House of Prayer,
do you really think I just threw them lightly to the ground?
Do you forget that I AM both FLESH OF A MAN but I AM GOD OF THE SPIRIT?
You cannot even conceive how far they were flown in the air; they flew in the
air, as with one Hand I threw them out of there! You cannot even conceive what
the hand feels like that is hit with MY whip from Heaven!
share OUR GLORY with no man and no woman.
[ Holy tongues… ] What part of that is there to be ashamed of? It took all THREE
of US [ Holy tongues… ] so what shame is it to be called a co-leader? [ Holy
tongues… ]
For the servant is NOT greater than the master and WE ARE THE
MASTERS! WE are the MASTER GARDENERS! WE are the ONES WHO pull the weeds out.
WE are the ONES WHO separate the chaff from the wheat! WE are
the ONES WHO burn the weeds with the eternal fire and it is OUR temper that
keeps hell kindled and it has gotten to such a degree of heat that you can’t
even conceive [ Holy tongues… ]
Stop testing ME! Stop seeing how far you can push ME before you fall into hell!
Or [else] you’re in the Book of the Blotted Out that was already blotted
out before the foundation of the world. If you’re already blotted out,
there’s not anything you can do about it!
Just like if you’re in the Book of the Saved,
MY LAMB’S Book, the LAMB’S
Book of Life, I cannot miss one of you! I will come and get
you, whether it be enraptured in MY Arms [ Holy tongues…] or whether it be you
take your last breath of this earth and you open your eyes in Heaven.
I cannot miss one of MY little sheep and MY lambs. And no one will take
the mark of the beast unless their name is not written in the LAMB’S Book of
Life. [ Holy tongues… ]
Now she’s out there saving others from being a blood sacrifice, warning about
pedophilia, warning and warning about “pedovores,” yes cannibalism. I even
I warned, even when I first told you in a Prophecy [79] about the
I said who [in the Sunday churches] would be the flesh. It would be the
martyrs for I, YAHUSHUA. And I said what would be in the communion cup and it
would be the blood of the martyrs.
And now, what is different?
What I’ve prophesied has already come to
pass! Oh, but oh they do it in a black mass, the satanists and the
highest illuminatis, the masons.
Oh MY little children, MY little children, how they are sacrificed! And she
comes to you with tears, with tears begging and pleading, “Help me! Help me!
Pray for the little children.” You have your secrets, don’t you, with the
masons. [ Holy tongues…]
Oh, Israel you have your ties to the masons so high up there. Where do
you think the god of moloch came from? The blood sacrifice?
Where do you think it all started with the children? Their blood being drained
and drunk? [ Holy tongues… ] Where do you think the eating of the flesh of the
children burned alive came from? [ Holy tongues… ]
And I know that the witchcraft has taken it and counterfeited
There is not anything on the face of this earth that satan won’t try to
counterfeit! I’ll give you an example. Fire can be used, but fire can
be used for good, to keep you warm. Fire can be used to be able to cook your
food, but fire can be used to also kill, destroy, and burn down a house.
Don’t you see?
Everything can be used—that I have ever created—it can be used
for good or it can be used for evil. [ Holy tongues… ]
And when the book comes out, there must be a new testimony there that is going
to be a repentance, to teach them how to repent, and what the person had to get
delivered of because how,
oh how, will Israel learn if I do not give an example?
How will they learn that they need deliverance from the most evil spirits that I
have already named that I absolutely abhor. I, YAHUVEH, I, YAHUSHUA, I, IMMAYAH,
WE abhor! WE hate!
These are the evil spirits that satan uses to destroy, to destroy—he comes to
steal, kill and destroy, but he will not destroy this Ministry—he will not
destroy the mandate that I have put on both your lives—he will not destroy it,
but that doesn’t mean you won’t suffer for it.
And when Moshe of Old took the tablets of stone—that was not made out of
ordinary stone, but the most precious of gems, that’s what it was made out
of—and smashed it to the ground, that was sin in MY Eyes (and the Fiery Finger
of ABBA YAH did not inscribe it again, but it was Moshe of Old that had to do
that), but he repented.
He was a man that could repent and he knew how to repent and cry out to ME for
forgiveness, I, YAHUVEH. And I forgave him, but I couldn’t forgive him when he
struck that rock—[though] I did forgive him as far as the spiritual realm went,
but in the physical realm he still had to die and could not cross over into the
promised land while he was alive.
For you see, I’M the ONE WHO determines the strikes I will give you. I’M the ONE
WHO determines whether or not you just need a soft gentle voice of rebuke or
whether you need a spanking or whether you need a thrashing.
And a thrashing is what was done with the whip that took bits of MY Flesh off,
but the hand of satan used it and used a man to tear bits of MY Flesh off and
disfigure ME to where I was barely recognized as human—and he entered in a man
to be able to do it, but I don’t thrash like that and I don’t spank like that.
I spank you out of love. I chastise out of love. If I don’t chastise you, then I
don’t love you (Heb 12:6). Isn’t it better that I just be angry for little
awhile? And then I will take you in MY Arms and I will cover you with kisses
after you ask forgiveness and after you give a full repentance and a confession.
April 4, 2019
And the Asian branch of the Ministry is the first to hear a small
teaching of who the Elder Bride is. For you have not yet heard this.
The Two Witnesses are the first fruits of the first fruit and I YAHUSHUA
AM the FIRST FRUIT. They will go up with their glorified bodies. They will stand
before an Elder Bride wedding ceremony and the bride veil will be lifted.
And as a bride’s veil is lifted, so again the veil shall be lifted off
this earth, and you shall all clearly see who the antichrist is—and at
the same time, I YAHUVEH will once again remarry Israel.
For the Elder Bride, who are the Two Witnesses, shall return back to
earth with unlimited powers. I have already given her Prophecies and
you have already read them and she has went out there and testified of what she
has heard.
The Two Witnesses are one woman and one man joined together as a husband
and a wife and they shall come forth from Heaven with a new mind given by, I,
YAHUVEH—and even the very stomping of their feet, shall bring earthquakes all
over the world. [ Holy Tongues… ]
Why do you think the Bible does not mention, when it speaks of the Two
Witnesses, whether it be a female or a male?
Because I purposely left
this secret for Elisheva to reveal during these end times.
I used Deborah, I used Esther. Mighty women of YAH! I used Sarah—and when you
get in the older books, you will see I used Judith. Did I not use Ruth?
This is YAHUSHUA’S mother in the world’s eyes, biological mother that gave birth
to HIM, Mary, and also in Hebrew called Miriam.
But I taught you a secret through this handmaiden—no one on the
earth was teaching—
it is IMMAYAH the SWEET RUACH HA KODESH that placed
YAHUSHUA in Mary/Mariam’s womb, so Mariam could remain a virgin.
I will give you new revelations, but never read the Prophecies just one time.
For there are layers of truth in each Prophecy. It is like an onion.
And lean not unto your own understanding, but in all thy ways
acknowledge ME—and I YAHUSHUA & I YAHUVEH & I IMMAYAH—shall direct thy path.
20 April 2020
You want to know why [there’s]
this plague that walks in darkness
that's unseen—CREATED AT A LAB! Oh, they can deny it all they want but
I have seen and I know what's in store for this world when that vaccine comes.
Oh, but MY children, MY darling, MY darling,
MY darling beloved ones who
truly worship YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH in spirit and in truth, you'll not take that
vaccine. Your mind will not be controlled—by no satellite.
Do you see what is going on in this world right now?
Do you realize that even the plague of locusts has come? Is
anyone even listening to what's happening in Africa, in Nairobi? Do you realize
that eggs were laid so worse locusts will come?
Do you understand the GMO mosquitoes will do more than just bite you?
Do you understand that's the inventions that come from hell?—from satan's own
mouth—he speaks secrets to the fallen ones: those who call themselves the elite
of this world and I'll not mention their names; those who are the billionaires
of this world and I'll not mention their names.
[ Laughs ] They think they are a god. They think that they rule this earth.
They laugh at the world now, as what was put in so many movies [happens]
and people watched them—and programmed their mind—with the news stations, who
are nothing more than puppets, and those who refuse to speak the words
are killed.
They unexpectedly died or they were just fired, or they became too sick to speak
anymore, or their mind was under the control of something far, far worse than
any MK Ultra program. Do you look at the news stations and you see it on your
TVs, on your monitors, on your phones?
You don't even realize how many are robots and how many are clones. You
do not even understand the billions of fallen angels that can take the image of
a human. When it said one third (Rv 12:3), you cannot even conceive the amount
of the billions of fallen angels that want to destroy every bit of humanity—on
this earth—that was created in MY Image, in the CREATORS' Image, in the RUACH HA
O Israel, I long for you to return. I long for you. I married you and I divorced
you, but I told you I'M not giving up.
There's a remnant. There's a
bride in Israel. There is a bride in Egypt.
I have said there's a bride hidden in Gaza. There's a bride hidden in Iran.
There is only a remnant. There's only a remnant of the Bride of YAHUSHUA HA
Blood shall flow all over Israel!
They think, "Because we can take seawater and turn it into natural [fresh]water,
we won't go thirsty. The Book of Revelation cannot come true."
I have a surprise for you! The blood shall be in the water! O Israel, there will
be no more mercy on you when this begins—until you shout out, 'Blessed is he who
cometh in the name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, our LORD!' (Ps 118:26; Mt 23:39),
WOE! Woe, woe, woe... I weep for you.
WHOSE Tears do you think was shed out of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH'S Eyes in the Garden of Gethsemane? For it was I YAHUVEH—it was the RUACH HA KODESH'S Tears—as well as YAHUSHUA.
The Tears of BLOOD flowed. I showed Elisheva Eliyahu the open vision: how YAHUSHUA came off the Throne and even in Heaven before HE came to earth, HE wept Tears of BLOOD for this world.
I gave you a free choice. Everyone, who is human, had a free choice. Would they
serve ME? Would they worship ME?
It all started from Heaven and
you made your choice there as a soul when hasatan [the accuser] rose up and
said, "I will proclaim myself to now be CREATOR. All worship songs will be sung
to me. All worship will be given to me."
And I gave all of you souls on earth a choice: Who will you follow? What war
will you stand on?
Just as surely as it was symbolized with Moses that
those that be on the side of the YAHUVEH that he served, 'You go on this side,'
and those who want to be in rebellion like Korah, 'Go on the other side' (see Num 16:21).
That's what I did in Heaven. Everything that's being reenacted now, I'M
giving you a choice yet again: Whose side are you on?
You made your own decision in Heaven before you were born on this earth—
like I told Jeremiah, "I knew before you were formed in your mother's womb"
(Jer 1:5), so too I say to everyone who hears this message.
I knew you before you were formed in your mother's womb. I knew what side you
would take when you were born into this earth of iniquity. I knew
whether you would accept MY SON YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH—and before the foundation
of this earth was even created, there was a LAMB'S Book of Life where names are
written down.
That is why Scripture says all of you work out your own salvation with fear and
trembling (Phil 2:12).
Every day you wake up, what choice have you made? Did you decide to purposely
live in sin and become an abomination unto ME? And take MY Scriptures and throw
them back in MY Face? Or did you decide to play the game of a hypocrite, a
pharisee, "Do what I say but don't do as I do" (see Mt 23:2-15)? Or did you
decide, "There is no GOD to answer to. There is no Heaven. There is no hell. So
I can sin all I want."
When the anti-mashiach comes—he is going to come and he is going to say,
"There's no such thing as sin. Do whatever you want that makes you happy—even if
it's murdering your family.”
And I told you to watch the movies (they're already telling you in
advance to program your mind, so you will not be surprised when you see these
things come upon you, and the way you felt when you watched the movie, the
terror you felt when you watched those movies, yes even of a virus that takes
over the world—think how you felt back then and the zombie movies and the zombie
games, think how you feel when you play those games and watch those
movies—that's the way you're going to react at that time), but those
who have taken the prophecies seriously, that I gave to Elisheva Eliyahu, they
are going to know what to do.
I AM going to tell you something: When the worst vaccine of all comes
and a satellite beam tracks anything wireless on the head, the people will no
longer be in control of their own thoughts, of their own actions. And along with
that shall be that which will cause people to die and to arise again and they
will be called what you call 'zombies.'
I warned you when Solomon was brought a child and the two mothers argued who did
that child belong to (1 Kings 3:16-28)—because 'they' were going to eat him that
night (comp 2 Kings 6:29; see Dt 12:31; 1 Kings 11:5-10).
I repeated the same thing in the Book of Revelation (Rev 6:5-11; Rev 9:21; Rev 17:6; Rev 18:8;
comp Lev 26:26, 29-30; Dt 28:53-57).
Mothers shall eat their own children (Dt 12:30-31; 28:53; Lev
What do you think it means when the mothers now, the so-called
celebrities, now fry up their placenta? And they brag about how “it's so
nutritious,” and “that was what supplied the food to the child.”
And they eat it, and now even doctors will offer it to the mother, "Do you want
your placenta so you can take it home to eat? Would you like it in a capsule
You cannibals. I speak to the cannibals of this world. You know who you are. You
know what you've done to the children.
You know, you vampires. You're no longer movies, are you? You put it in
the movies first to prepare the people and they think it’s just a movie. And now
when you prove it’s even a reality of all of 'hellywood'—and I said hell!
Hollywood you are doomed! Actors, you, and actresses, you are doomed! So
few of you will exist anymore! You are made straight from hell! You
sold your souls for contracts for the fame and the fortune so your names would
be known—hell wrote it down. They're expecting you.
You're going to go hide in your lavish underground bunkers, LIKE BILL
GATES HAS! Oh! I have news for YOU Mr. Gates and all you BILLIONAIRES
with him, who had ANYTHING to do with what is coming—and you think you're going
to depopulate earth so you don't have to look at another human that was made in
the CREATORS' Image?
I've warned you. I warned you about the airwaves in Prophecies past.
warned you about the air you breathe. I warned you about the food you ate. I
warned you about the water you drank. I warned you even about the clothing you
wear. I warned you about the vaccinations that would come. I WARNED YOU
through the Prophecies!
I warned you: The children would be owned by the states. The parent's
rights would be taken. I warned you and told you get your kids out of
the dens of the anti-christ, the public schools! I've allowed them all to be
shut down but while they're being shut down, evil is going on behind the scenes!
And so, I say unto those who I will speak in a parable to, and that is this.
Those who have anything to do with the 5G, you just know this: For every
tower that you put up, the word will get out. For you know that I know it's more
than just a "faster Internet" (people cried out, "Our Internet's too slow!"
The devil said, "I have the answer! And I also know how to depopulate at the
same time!"), but you would not listen.
And I have another thing to say to you who think you can just change
your sexes. Though I created you to be a man and gave you all the
sexual equipment to prove it, plus the DNA, the hormones and you women who say,
"I want to be a man," I have a secret for you.
You will appear before the FATHER OF CREATION—in the sex that I decreed
that you were to be from the moment that you were implanted inside as an egg in
that mother's womb. You'll not fool Heaven. So repent while you can.
For you're not fooling Heaven.
You can fool the earth, you can fool yourself, but you're not fooling your
For the ‘Time of Jacob's Sorrows’ has already begun. I sent the locusts as a
sign. You ignored it. The fires in Australia. You ignored it. I sent so
many signs around this world. You choose to ignore it.
You'd rather believe, as what Donald J Trump says, the "fake news." Why? Because
satan is the father of all liars.
You do not even DEFEND the unborn! "Whatever the laws of the land say, if they want to abort a baby in the 9th month, oh so let it be. It's the woman's choice."
WHAT ABOUT THE BABIES?! I will tell you this!
You know the souls that are underneath the altar in Heaven who cry out to ME and say, 'How long, how long O LORD must we wait for YOU to take vengeance' (Rv 6:10), and then I give them a white linen and cloth and I tell them, 'Until the number [peaks], the same number that's [to be] underneath the altar' (v. 11).
who never had a chance at life who like [with] a vacuum cleaner, ripped—and tore
them to shreds—or a saline solution dissolved their flesh, or they were cut out
of the stomach of the mother, or as they came out, a needle was shoved into
their neck and the fluid was withdrawn—
those are the ones who are being
cannibalized and eaten and the blood is drunk.
You want to know who's underneath the altar? It's the altar of the martyrs. It's
in Heaven. And every single day, every single hour I THE FATHER YAHUVEH AM
[hearing] said, "How long, how long, how long before you take vengeance O YAH?”
How long, how long, how long? How long? That's Elisheva Eliyahu's cry [for vengeance]. TO THE BILLIONAIRES RIGHT NOW, who think they rule and reign this earth and paralyze it with fear—the fallen angels in disguise.
December 7 2023
This is a Totalitarian Dictatorship that wants to take and consume America
and it is the Chinese government. But it’s all so much more than that.
It’s the billionaires! The 1% of this earth and even in Georgia they have the
Georgia Guidestone.
Keep standing on Psalm 91 and do not take the vaccinations. For there is death
in that vaccination and there’s fallen angel DNA in that vaccination and there’s
aborted babies’ lungs in that vaccination.
You do not know what these pharmaceutical companies are doing. You do not
understand how what you say that you will take the military and a large portion
of it to go and give this vaccination to the people in America, and I don’t only
speak of America.
This warning is for the world, satan wants to put DNA
in each of you where you no longer can hear from ME, when you pray you no longer
can feel ME. How many have done these tests already and said, “There’s something
wrong. I could hear from GOD before. I could feel HIM when I pray and now I no
longer can feel HIM.”
I AM giving one last chance for America. When you saw the states all
turn red and you thought it was all over and the children of satan weeped and
said, “Oh no he is President of the United States again Donald J. Trump.” Oh but
MY Holy people rejoiced and even those who are the patriots who do not know yet
MY SON YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. They rejoiced and you rejoiced and you shouted and
you Praised ME as I said this red stands for the mercy and the revival that
shall sweep the land of the United States of America again, where morality and
where freedom of speech will no longer be looked down upon.
Then the cheating started. Does not satan come to steal, kill and destroy?!
Do you not understand? They will decide who will live and who will die.
Fight back MY children. Did not YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH say to HIS soldiers as HE
was led away before, “When I AM with you no one dare would harm you. Now I tell
you sell all that you have to buy a sword.” Fight back MY children! When did the
Jews ever just stand there without fighting back and when they are under attack?
And I gave them permission.
Oh, now satan’s children burn and loot and kill! You have billionaires who say
they have more money than I and they laugh in MY face! They think their money
can buy the power over all the people. You see they are not after your money.
They want to control you! This is all satan is about, he wants to prove
that he can control all the people and they will deny the TRUE FATHER IN HEAVEN,
The fallen angels can only go into a reprobate soul. Don’t allow your soul to
become reprobate. Don’t allow your soul to go so cold [that] you no
longer care about a Prophecy or the Bible or the Holy Words I have spoken,
because you are opening yourself up to a fallen angel, a reprobate serpent. Just
as YAHUSHUA had said, when HE was falsely accused and the pharisees mocked HIM
and HE let them know that HE was from above and they are from below and HE
called them “serpents”.
Why do you think HE called them serpents? “And
you are of [your] father, the devil (John 8:44). Why do you think HE would say
such words if HE did not recognise the hybrid fallen angels? Yes, it happened
way back then and now there is more of them than there is you on this earth, you
who are [of] human DNA.
Why do you think I spared Noah and his family?
Out of the whole world I
spared Noah and his family, because he obeyed ME is yes, a one reason, but more
than that, he was all that was left of DNA that was human and I wiped the fallen
angels out. Except, they took another form and went under the ocean and that is
why there is a marine kingdom and I shall destroy that also.
You do not understand, when people speak to you of “heaven” find out
what heaven they speak of. For there is the first Heaven where I AM at, and
YAHUSHUA and the RUACH HA KODESH is at. But there is a second heaven where satan
dwells and he comes and he goes to this earth and he claims the kingdoms of this
earth as his.
MY desire is to give America one more chance when President Donald J.
Trump is in that White House and he lifts the name of JESUS CHRIST before the
whole world once again. Do you not know that all of hell shuddered and shook and
temporarily knocked satan right off his throne?! For he had done what no leader
had ever done on the face of this earth. He admitted that I AM the BOSS!
He carries his Bible. You do not know, for he will not even show his own wife
the tears that are upon his pillow when he cries out, “Have mercy, help me. Lead
me and guide me and show me what to do.” And how do you think he feels when he
sees those that he trusted betray him? Those he expected to defend him, betray
him. Those he put in the highest office and he believed that they would do the
best job and support him as president, and they betray him!
I tell you, you betrayers! I, EL SHADDAI speak to you and say, as you betrayed
him, there is consequences. There is consequences of a Judas for you.
There is a huge Heavenly war right now going on and never believe there is a
hundred years left! Kat Kerr will pay the consequences for what she has done,
she with her pink hair! Who describes a “chocolate heaven,” HOW DARE YOU INSULT
ME LIKE THIS?! You have seen the second Heaven and you have described it!
They have to mix a little bit of light along with the darkness and the light is
MY true Word and WOE be unto you Kat Kerr! Woe be unto you who say, “there is a
hundred years left and don’t worry about the rapture for all that is needed to
know is you’re going to prosper, businesses shall arise.”
There is going to be an Elder Bride ceremony and only I have
told her what it is going to consist of, but I will not,
I will not
forsake Israel.
They are disobedient, they are rebellious, they are stiff necked, but I
will not forsake them. I will remarry them, but they must be chastised in a way
that they have never been chastised before and only those who will be
spared will be the ones who call out is, “Blessed is HE [who comes] in the name
Whatever you do, do not take this new vaccine. How many of you have seen
the Ebola plague, the swine flu, how many of you have known, even down to the
Spanish flu and yet there was no forced vaccinations. There was no talk of, “you
will not be able to buy or sell unless you get this. You will not be able to
work unless you get this.” I AM telling you again the face masks. I AM not
saying that people there is not sickness in this world, there’s not viruses in
this world, it’s because it’s a fallen world. Sickness and disease came
into it. I warned you before that your food is poisoned, your air is poisoned,
the very clothes you wear has poison in it. I have warned you before to pray
over your food, pray over what you drink, for satan has defiled it. Even that
which you think is organic, think of what’s in that soil and what the radiation
is still going around this world from Fukushima. It’s not stopped.
This has nothing to do with what they want to call Corona. It has nothing to do
with it. It has to do with man’s inhumanity to man.
All about the power,
the 1%, the billionaires, they have the money, they need no more money. They
want control, satan wants control over your mind, your body, your spirit and
your soul.
For the war began in Heaven with lucifer and it ends on earth where he was
kicked out and YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH is the KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS, HE
is LORD GOD ALMIGHTY and I proved it right here on this earth. I will prove it
All of it I condemn and all of you in the occult, all of your rituals
you have done, all the spells, incantations, all the hexes, I speak to kabbalah,
I speak to witchcraft, I speak to voodooism, I speak to satanism, I speak to
every form of the occult in the new world “religion”. MY children, and that goes
for the satellites that you try to track their beams of their head and you pour
your energy weapons down on them to kill them. To harm them, to track them. The
Blood of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH shall protect them!
Oh but everything that you formed against them, every weapon you formed against
them shall return unto your own face!
And when they say you are going to have to be forced to take a vaccination, they
will not tell you it will change your DNA, but I warned you, I told you in
advance do not take anything in the form of a vaccination.
How many times must I repeat the same truth? Over, again and again and again.
Israel does not want to say the Name! The Jews fear the Name! They say they have
“too much reverence for the name of YAH”. They called MY SON “blasphemous” and
they crucified HIM for blasphemy because HE said HE was the SON of YAH, not
“GOD” the word was “YAH”! This is why I forbid this Prophet to teach anything
else and listen to no prophecy unless they say, “in the Name of YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH”. It means “YAH saves!” and you who know Hebrew, teach Hebrew and even
have written the Scriptures in Hebrew, of different versions, yet you still want
to call MY SON, “Y-E-S-H-U-A”!
MY Name is not “Yes ”. MY SON’S Name is “YAHUSHUA,” “YAH saves”.
And I toy with MY enemies, if you wonder why you’re still alive! I toy with you!
I count the number of your breaths, when there will be no more. And I
ABBA YAHUVEH, EL SHADDAI, count the very number of MY enemies! Who are her
enemies! And the enemies of the Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, and all who
worship and serve YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! You (enemies) persecute them now, but I
am the ONE who knows your very last heartbeat!
And all of you who have done this to President Donald J. Trump, all of these
Words apply to you! You shall go up in the Wrath of MY CONSUMING FIRE!
Spontaneous combustion is not a joke! Read what happened with Elijah when he
called the fire on the soldiers who came to arrest him! I already showed you it
is true! And she has the anointing of fire for I speak forth out of her mouth!
Woe be unto you! Woe be unto you Tatiana Harvey! It was you who had your house
burned to the ground who thought you, the voodoo queen, were going to kill her.
It is all the desire of MY heart. I want to give America four last years at least. And if I see enough improvement,
I will put another in there who will – if it is not him, it will be another.
I’m not going to say which way it will be. This will upset the enemies far too much.
Guest Prophecies
October 25, 2007 - Released on January 8, 2008
America, you are Babylon. Your nation is no lady at all but
instead a harlot who prostitutes herself.
When your people are taught to
call themselves little gods, you know your land is in trouble. When
your pastors are looked upon as some Greek God, you know your doomed. When your
government is setting you for disaster, you know the end is near. O' Babylon,
you cannot stop I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH from coming back!
Arnold Schwarzenegger, George W. Bush, Al Gore, Hilary Clinton, Bill Clinton,
Pope Benedict XVI, just as you betray ME during the first earth age proves you
have not changed. As Cain was mark for killing Abel, so too have I
already marked. Your all part of that secret society. Your United Nations is all
a conspiracy to bring in the New World Order.
Beware of Magicians David Blaine and Criss Angel, they are deceivers that I
forewarned would come. They work for the antichrist and in the Great
Tribulation, you will see them for who they really are.
They are just a
small example of what you will see during the Great Tribulation. Just
as there were magicians and soothsayers in Daniel’s time so too will it be in
these times.
Do not be surprise when you see a person rise from the dead
before your very eyes. Criss Angel already mocks ME, only satan would
send this chameleon, to walk on water. I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH tell you, Criss
Angel will fall right into the pits of hell like the falling angel he is. David
Blaine has made a pact with the devil. He is filled with legions of demons. Your
eyes are the window to your soul, are they not? Yet David Blaine soul is covered
with blackness. He is no seer in MY eyes for belong to the Son of Ra, his father
Lucifer. I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH tell you, David Blaine is sealed for eternal
Many of the world’s top music artists are an abomination to ME. Their music will
sway you like dazed young fans who are spellbound. They are under occultic
tunes, yet they know it not. Their music has been blessed by satan and witches,
use as pawn to control, hypnotize and mind manipulate the naive.
Parents, I am warning you. This is your child's soul at stake. You
really want to know what’s behind this worldly music? Spirit of murder! Spirit
of whoredom! Spirit of suicide! Spirit of the antichrist! This is just
the start. I tell you, children will be accused of murder and they will be as
young as 8 years old. Think teen pregnancy can’t get any worst? Imagine children
as young as 10 years old getting pregnant. Satan wants your children. Yet they
won’t be his prey if you listen to ME. If your children are precious to you,
they are precious to ME. Warn your child, if they refuse to listen. Pray for
them and dedicate them to I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Do you believe it is
possible? “For where your treasure is, there will be your heart also” (Luke
Woe, to these religious charlatans, O' phony priests. Why do you blindly involve
yourself in illegal rituals? These fake priests splash the blood of bulls,
goats, rams and pigeons on terrify souls who pay large sums of money in exchange
for a few prayers! In doing so, you deluded leaders not only violate MY law on
sacrificial offerings, but you pour contempt on MY sacrifice and blood. What
does the scriptures say about those who trample under foot the blood of MY
eternal covenant? (Heb 10:29) Spiritual swinders! Who are in fact nothing more
than wolves in sheep’s clothing. Little do you know what is in store for you!
Catastrophes are coming to these surrounding cities. Los Angeles, California,
Las Vegas, Nevada, Mexico City, Mexico, San Francisco, California, Toronto,
Canada, New York City, New York.
I will finally send that mighty earthquake that I, YAHUVEH have withheld for so
many years. Los Angeles will be the epicenter as I cut the land like a cookie
cutter. Other states will no longer recognize California as invincible. Las
Vegas, time is ticking. Certainly, you are no better than your close companion.
Sin city, your about to feel the hot breath of ALMIGHTY YAHUVEH upon your desert
Mexico City, the earthquake of years pass that has haunted your land for so long
will be reminisce once again. Your spirit of whoredom I had enough of. Your land
has been entice and seduced by that Babylon whore. Mary has become your Messiah
not I, YAHUSHUA. Your apparitions you see, are demonic manifestations send to
deceive you. Come out of the Roman Catholic Churches, the world’s religious
system. When you put your trust in a ‘mere man’ you curse yourself. But now, I
tell you return to ME, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH the ONE and ONLY MESSIAH that even
MY mother, Mariam (Mary) needed.
New York, O' New York, I will bring MY judgment once again. Your NASDAQ market
will crash. Millions will lose everything in moments. It will be worst
than the 1929 stock market. America will no longer be the financial powerhouse
of the world but those that trust in America will also feel the ill-effects.
There is coming a false revival of morality and religion in America. Religious
and political leaders will call for unity and peace on your land. Just like
September 11, it will all be a front. They will tell you, America will prevail,
yet its nothing but lies. It will not be America that will prevail, but
those that put their trust in YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. A false gospel message will
bring in God and religion which will become popular but MY Name won’t be.
The deception of Christian religion will become so great, it will be
almost impossible to recognize the true teachers and prophets from the
counterfeit. Counterfeit signs and wonders will take place and deceive many
people even the elect if that were possible.
In the near future, a great procession of MY Holy prophets will prophesy in one
accord. Yet, you won’t even know this, but that will the beauty when
you shout in unison. MY WORDS within you will burn so intensely that you will
have no other way than to speak it forth. Don’t worry about what you will say.
Am I, MOMMA RUACH ha KODESH not the spirit of counsel and power?
When a great multitude of you shout! You will be a witness to one another that
will make this world tremble. The people living will know that ALMIGHTY
YAHUVEH has spoken through his Holy Prophets. As we approach MY second coming,
you will speak with such accuracy and precision, everything I put in your mouth
will come to pass so fear not! Some of the words I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH give
you to speak will make your flesh quiver. Yes, it will be so strong that you
will feel reluctant to release it. Yet, it must be done and will be done for
this world is evil in MY sight. What many deem impossible and will never occur,
will happen.
I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH will have MY martyrs. It has already been spoken in
secret to them. I will give thee the desires of thy heart. The beauty of heaven,
the visions I have given you. It is your paradise, no more pain, sorrow, or
weeping, just pure bliss. You are so precious to ME, for you will be MY witness
to the world. I am interceding for your behalf, I give you MY peace, I give you
MY unconditional love, I give you MY courage and I give you MY strength.
Either way, MY precious ones will be coming back home. Those that do these
things will wish they were never born. I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH will personally
take their blood without any regrets.
MY Two Witnesses are already established. To all MY enemies that try to
harm them, I the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob give you this warning: The
sword that you dealt is the sword you will die by. They represent the faithful
and true testimony of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH and the RUACH of ELOHIM (Job 33:4)
MY Two Witnesses will come with the spirit of Moses and Elijah.
Did not Moses challenge Pharaoh time after time before the land was stricken
with various plagues? How about the water turning into blood? Did not Elijah
confront Ahab, Jezebel and the false worship of Baal before causing fire to come
down from heaven and prophesy a drought would occur?
MY Two Witnesses
will do things that this world will called unimaginable. Yet, it will
happen for I am no man that I should lied. With man it is impossible but with
ALMIGHTY YAHUVEH nothing is impossible. Just as the son of perdition is coming
into power so too will MY Two Witnesses be endued with a greater anointing that
mankind will ever know.
The sealing has already taken place for MY 144,000 from the 12 tribes of Israel.
May they believe who they are. The key of David is theirs. They carry a
warrior’s mentality just like I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Prepare yourself
for war like never before.
Israel, you are MY chosen ally, who will
carry out their purpose against Babylon, your arms will be against the
Babylonians. What ancient Israel couldn’t do, you, spiritual Israel will
succeed. Victory is yours. I speak to the grafted in ones in every
tribe as you were grafted in MY son, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Spiritual Israel, you
are all now the seed of Abraham born from above. You are scattered throughout
the world, come from all walks of life, yet you have this testimony that you
please ME. In return, I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH will supernaturally protect you
during the Great Tribulation. You, spiritual Israel, will be protected from that
dragon for 1,260 days. I, ALMIGHTY YAHUVEH will gather MY 144,000 to the
promised land.
Be aware of aliens, for they have been on earth and have made treaties and
agreements with your governments. Millions are in secret underground complexes
and are responsible for child abductions and cattle mutilations. These
alien angels (hybrids) are also hidden in high positions. Yet, I, YAHUVEH have
sent countless of MY ministering spirits throughout the entire earth. Many of
you have entertained angels without even knowing! Many come in the form of good
samaritans. Rest assure, I have MY angels watching over you.
Sunday November 25th 2007
You, America, are like a VIRUS contaminating the ENTIRE world! You,
America were called to be a leader, to be the example to the rest of the world.
The nations of the world were to follow you to the feet of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH,
and to the Kingdom of Heaven which can be entered through the Name and Blood of
MY Only Begotten Son.
But you oh America, worthless, unthankful and evil
leader, lead ALL the nations of the world to the very pits of hell.
There is not one part on the earth that has not been infected by the VIRUS which
YOU ARE AMERICA! Even other planets which I have not given you, you
seek to contaminate with your filth. You have become like the source of SIN, a
dwelling place for demons and all them that do ABOMINATION and INIQUITY in the
sight of I, YAHUVEH and MY SON YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. There is not one nation on
the earth America, whose stench reaches to Heaven as far as your stench does. I,
YAHUVEH and MY SON YAHUSHUA cannot take the stench anymore as you are the number
one source of all things that I, ALMIGHTY GOD despise.
You have become
like the mother of all stenches America, you fill the world with your evil of
all kinds; war and innocent bloodshed, abortion, blood money, greed and
corruption, pride and rebellion, idolatry and strange gods, blasphemy and
mockery, fornication and adultery, pornography and prostitution, homosexuality
and same-sex marriage, gambling and alcohol, drugs and addictions of all kinds,
do I really need to go on?
you are killing with your manmade famines and diseases! Your teeth,
America, are as swords! Your jaw teeth are as knives, to devour the poor from
off the earth, and the needy from among men. Oh how the nations of the earth
HATE you America! But I will repeat it again for you America, for I have said
this before; not only do the Nations of the earth HATE you, I ALMIGHTY GOD HATE
YOU! You chose to throw MY Blood I Shed for you at Calvary back in MY Face! You
say you don’t need YAHUSHUA!
You don’t need GOD to protect you! America, you are professing yourselves to be
wise, but you became fools. You mock ME and MY FATHER in all you do! I,
YAHUVEH say unto you America, I have this against you; the nations of the earth
HATE you WITH a cause! This is the last warning to the ones in America that
claim to be MINE. If I, YAHUVEH have told you one way or another to FLEE! Then
you who are being idolized throughout the world! You won’t shine so
brightly in hell! The counterfeit light you carry will be put OUT in eternity.
Your short-lived fame and fortune which you have sold your soul for to the devil
is coming to AN END! ALMIGHTY GOD "I AM’s" patience has run out with you as you
make money in blaspheming MY NAME and flaunting everything I despise throughout
the world. Little Children all over the world, so vulnerable and PRECIOUS to me,
who imitate you, repeat the filth that proceeds out of your mouth and see the
abominations you fulfil with their little eyes. You contaminate their hearts,
minds and souls for life! I, YAHUSHUA tell you again that it would have been
better for you to drown in the depths of the sea with a millstone hung around
your necks than to offend ONE OF MY LITTLE ONES! You sold your soul to satan and
only for a few of you there is a way back to ME. YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH is the
Only Way, do not come to ME in any other name! But for the majority of you,
this was determined long ago when you betrayed ME!
America, you who come to the nations like a friend but cannot resist to bite the
same nations behind their back when you get the chance. You America are
like an Ugly, Evil Dog! A wounded, ugly, smelly and hated dog that looks up and
sees the Wolf coming! You look up America, and you see the Big Wolf and you are
surprised by the size of the wolf. And instead of being wise and leaving the Big
Wolf alone, you turn around to the wolf and cannot resist biting him in the leg!