1) Man’s ways will fall
2) Governments
2.1) Evil laws
2.2) Wasted/Misused tax money
2.3) School systems
2.4) General plans etc
3) Worldly medicine
4) Cloning
5) America (Wrath about to be poured on America)
6) If YAH says get out of America… LEAVE!!
7) America’s government
8) Humble yourself America
9) America’s sins
10) Still don’t go to war with America
11) America (911)
12) Israel
12.2) YAH grieves for your land
12.3) Lies of man (so called rabbi’s)
12.4) YAH still loves you
12.5) Stop giving land away
12.6) Don’t go to war with her
12.7) Be a blessing to her
12.8) Beware of enemies
12.9) Sins
12.10) Israel’s punishment
12.11) Zionist
13) Europe's sins
14) Canada (Don’t follow America)
15) Music and Hollywood
16) Vaccinations